waltrp · 2 years
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bio posting may commence november 1st.
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lockinteague · 2 years
Logan wasn’t exactly a happy camper. He had argued his need to be here tonight but it had been met with a glare and slap in the back of his head so here he was. Halloween had always been the best holiday for him since he did have a sweet tooth but dressing up at this age was not his thing. He dressed himself as a devil because it was the only thing he could some up with. He knew Orion was up to something with Beck and that meant Logan was on lookout duty. 
He was passing out the sweet drinks that were coming from the bar. “Would you like a drink?” He tried for a more pleasant tone than usual. If only because he didn’t want to hear it. 
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alwaysa-winner · 2 years
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     i'm not much of a man by the light of day,
           but by night I'm one hell of a lover!
                 - the rocky horror picture show
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movingcastlcs · 3 years
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Howl Pendragon as the Phantom of the Opera???? 
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tights-orno-deal · 3 years
Dani had taken a Snickers from the gas station, the end result of a half hour of planning and plotting. Howl said she had to break her own curse, and that sounded hard. This felt a lot easier, leaning into this whole invisibility ordeal. She would eat candy, probably gain weight, but be invisible and lie about it. It would be like catfishing but slightly more honest. 
The guilt made the chocolate taste weird though, since the gas station attendant had seemed like a nice guy. It was easier to be okay with things when the person was a dick. She ate every bite, but she didn’t like it. 
Her feet turned towards Fran’s house, hoping they could cheer her up. He was always pretty good at that, a presence in her life that balanced out how serious it could get. She saw him before she got there... he didn’t see her, but she was more used to it... and her eyes bulged. “Really?!” She exclaimed. “You’re finally young enough for us to have a scandalous love affair and you can’t even seem me. Why does God hate me?” @alwaysa-winner​
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fastcrthanfast · 3 years
Monty was well aware that with age came a few issues; such as wrinkles, bad knees and gray hairs but this forgetfulness was beyond the ordinary. He stopped for a minute to think. The kids were at camp, they had to be because he was sure he left the house with them and well they were no longer next to him. The anxiety that came with not knowing where his kids were was enough to make him dial the camp and make sure they were there. Thankfully, they were. Once he hung up the phone he realized, he had no idea where he was going or why. He groaned, “Perfect. Fucking perfect.” 
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honeylemondrop · 3 years
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“Sueño con tantas cosas que quiero que sean realidad Sueño con morir de viejo y no de soledad Sueño con ir a trabajar y mucho más con regresar...“
Haven was having a very difficult day. She never expected to be in a position where she needed to figure out how to completely change her way of thinking. It was like one moment she had absolute control and the next it had all been taken from her hands. She knew that other people were having it more difficult than her so she really didn't want to complain. She figured out a way to finally find a seat on a bench to take a break from the stress that was her mind. She was doing her best to stay calm during  this whole ordeal. But it was getting even more difficult as time went on. She was someone who always had complete and total control of everything she  did. 
She had been the eldest of four siblings which meant that she was the one who was responsible for them for parents worked hard to get them to keep them clothed and fed and a roof over their head. So the least she could do was make sure that her siblings did their homework on time and take care of dinner. Haven was the one who constantly did everything for everybody else, the only thing that she ever did for herself was make sure that she got into college. But even then she made it so that her parents wouldn't have to put a cent towards it. She was smart, she was capable and she could do this just like she had done everything before. The more she thought about it the more she realized she always made the choices that were the easiest in order for her to keep control. 
Chemistry was constant experiments but there was a control factor in them. She knew exactly what was going to happen if she had another one and when she didn't she could control the environment so that you could figure it out if she had enough knowledge she really didn't need to lose control. but she had an attachment to the creatures on this planet who would never allow her any kind of control over people. Haven was a social creature by Nature she loves making new friends and she loves finding ways to connect with people. So she did her best to stay uninvolved in their lives but she was used to it because when she took over she made sure that her friends were fed but they were taking care of themselves. She was the ‘mom friend’ and they didn't seem to mind. But it got draining to be the one that was always there for everyone else and she couldn't ask for help because it felt weak. The current situation might have been easier if she had reached out to her friends so if she had looked for someone else to help her but instead she tried to figure it out herself. 
She watched Beck make his way across the town square like a bat out of hell.  She wanted to reach out to him and she wanted to call out to him but she looked at his face and knew that he was stressed and he was agitated and if she went over to him she would try and fix what his problem was and forget that she had her own. And so she watched him walk into the Pit Stop knowing that his good friend was in there and that he would be fine because he trusted Monty. She was glad that she had made that connection because she wasn't so sure about the one he made with the god of the underworld but again it wasn't her place to stay. 
Beck was another source of frustration for her; but not in a bad way. She was glad she met him and that she had no idea what was driving her to constantly be in his life. Maybe it was because he was broken in more ways than one and she wanted to fix him knowing damn well that there was no fixing unless he wanted it. She'd also begun to feel guilty about their relationship. She could be his friend but she never really had a relationship like the one she had with Beck. She wasn't the most popular girl in school growing up; she was tall and lanky and far too skinny for any of the boys to notice her. But when she got to high school she grew into herself and gained a little more confidence. She attracted attention but she really didn't want to have priorities she had goals to meet she didn't have time for fickle boys and their conditional attention. Sure, she’d had boyfriends just like every other teenage girl but they lasted just as long as any other teenage girls’ did; a week or a month nothing more. She was a little more adventurous in college and she'd had a little bit more luck with serious relationships but there was always the one man who was afraid that she would be better than him. What was it with men and their needs to be on top? For Haven, having control meant taking back her independence but she was starting to realize there was such a thing as too much of it. It’s like trying to be right all the time. Just because one thought they were right and had everything to prove they were right, didn’t make that person right. 
Beckham was good underneath the rough and tough exterior. He was gentle and understanding with her in every aspect. He made her feel beautiful without taking away from her identity. He respected her boundaries but he also dragged her out of her comfort zone. She’d heard the talk, of course, she was just another one of his ‘good times’ but she was also his friend and she meant that. She’d be there for him as long as he let her but he was a good lesson in letting go of the things she couldn’t control. She thought of all the times she’d clung to the things that were so out of reach like Tadashi. His death had broken her in so many ways, she’d lost a friend to something avoidable except it was to him. Tadashi had led with his heart and it had been that virtue that was his undoing. Yet, she was sure if she could ask him, he’d say he didn’t regret it because it had been the right thing to do even if it hadn’t worked. She wondered if there would ever be a time like that for her. When would she make a stand and break through all her morals and convictions in order to take something she wanted? For now, she had to let it go. She had a life to live and clinging to control only made it harder. She heard a crack and turned her head to find it. She looked around and found nothing was broken before realizing she was doing what she wanted to do. She stood up and sighed in relief. Oh, she was glad to have control of the one thing she could with full confidence have; her body.
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bybrightmoon · 4 years
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Designs created by Marinette Dupain-Cheng
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minstage · 7 years
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“So the Prince is too busy to pick up his phone now? Please don’t tell me you’re getting all dolled up for tonight. I’ll be embarrassed if you come by in a fancy suit while I’m standin’ here with a bun and some old jeans. Anyway, I wanted to tell you it is freezin’ out tonight so don’t forget a coat. The temperature’s droppin’ by the second. Be careful walkin’ too, it looks like a night of terror out here! I can't wait til I see you. These streets will look a little more friendly with company.
“...Naveen, thank you for taking me out of that room. This...this is a nice little break. See you soon.”
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trcsureplanets · 3 years
In his life had Jim seen anything like this. He was happy to keep his door shut and his little family inside. He didn’t care what was going on out there. Maybe he should and he would if he didn’t have two very important people to protect. 
“Stay away from the windows, Josh.” The kid was curious but Jim did not want him seeing anything so he picked him up and walked into the kitchen where the windows were too small to see out of. “You want a snack?”
It’s all he knew was to offer food at a time that things were going to shit. “Wally, you want tea or something?” He knew they were a nervous wreck. Rightfully so, but worrying solved nothing.
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( @wallyaxiom​ )
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I don’t hate anybody....how is this going to work out at all?
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waltrp · 2 years
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a small explosion went off in the men’s restroom around 11p.m. witnesses say they saw jasper skellington enter and leave the bathroom moments before it went off. there is currently an on-going investigation. 
feel free to post character’s reactions and such. you can add it into current threads, create a new thread, post text or social media threads, or even do a self para. how does your character think of jasper now? do they believe he did it? 
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lockinteague · 3 years
Logan had teased Mavis about not having a reflection before. He’d wondered what that felt like. Now, he knew and he hated it. Beckham had not reacted well to hearing his voice but not seeing him. So he left the apartment and was now wandering around the town. He’d scared a couple of people for laughs but he was kinda enjoying just taking food or whatever else he wanted without being seen. Though it was a bit upsetting that he couldn’t go to his friends without scaring them. “Well, this could be worse.”
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alwaysa-winner · 7 years
This couldn’t be happening. 
Francesco stood outside the school as the lights of the ambulance lit the dark sky. He had seen the bodies wheeled out. But it couldn’t be him...
“No...you’re alive. That's not you” He muttered to himself as he dialed Lightning number, over and over again.
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movingcastlcs · 3 years
When Howl woke up, he felt strange. When he spoke to Asher, he realized he was cursed. Fantastic. Speaking in rhymes was irritating at best. He noticed the whole town was going through various jinx and curses. If they came to him, he would help them otherwise, he’d stay away. He came home to silence. He couldn’t find Mael and Sophie was very into her stitching. He knew how to break his curse. “Hello, my dear, how lovely it is to find you here. I would be lost without you near. I’m sure there is plenty for me to here but first I must have this curse disappear.” He placed a kiss on her cheek and felt the magic break. This was about acceptance and he accepted that perhaps his luxurious way of living isolated him from everyone especially his Sophie. His best words should be saved for her.
( @sophichatter​ )
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tights-orno-deal · 3 years
It had been a long day. All the things that were supposed to make being invisible cool were a big fat lie. Dani couldn’t enjoy the candy she stole. She only made it as far as the door to the men’s locker room at the gym before realizing that would be icky and predatory and turning around. She was over it, bored and over it, as she meandered slowly back towards campus. 
She heard Binx before she saw him... though the words coming from his lips, she had never heard from him before, at least not in that kind of order. Was he... flirting? She was not fond of how she bristled as she listened in, giving the person the sort of attention that she had never received from him. 
Dani waited until he was alone before she spoke up. “Welp, that was gross.” @blckcatbinx​
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