meggannn · 9 months
Do you happen to know any other games like transistor or Hades? sorry if it's so random but I got into them thru seeing them on your blog and have been looking for something along similar gameplay
if you haven't already, check out the rest of the Supergiant catalogue? they're also isometric action games, and although I haven't played them myself I hear good things:
Bastion—truthfully I tried this one and just couldn't get into it but it does look pretty and has good voice acting like all SG games
Pyre—honestly I've been meaning to play this for a while but I just haven't gotten around to it. it has middle child syndrome in that it gets looked over for its move hyped siblings but everything I've heard about it has been positive
I don't know if I can recommend anything with similar gameplay to Hades and Transistor, because I don't play a lot of roguelites and Transistor was so unique I'm struggling to think of a comparison. Supergiant has been really singular for me in combining storytelling with gameplay, the marriage of the two in Hades in particular I think was a masterclass akin to Portal (which I'd also recommend if you haven't played it). so a lot of these recommendations are just going to address parts of what I liked about Hades and Transistor, but not the whole package, really.
story-heavy RPG-light games with beautiful graphics with no combat:
Oxenfree—supernatural/coming-of-age story about a group of kids trapped on an island when a portal opens to another world
Night in the Woods—the story of Mae, a college dropout struggling with mental health, who moves back home to deal with friend and family problems... and something else that's in the woods
Afterparty—two friends die and get sent to hell. they hear the only way to escape is to challenge the devil to a drinking contest, so they travel the afterlife to do just that
Signs of the Sojourner—this is an interesting one where you travel to acquire goods to sell at your shop, but negotiating is difficult, and the cards in your deck will help you succeed in forging bonds in conversations. the more diverse cards you have, the more people you can interact with successfully, but you also risk losing the cards you started with, which will make your conversations back home difficult when you return to stock up.
action-heavy indie games, usually made me go "just one more map":
Apotheon—story set in a 2D Greek mythology world about a man challenged to take down the pantheon one god at a time
Into the Breach—the only other roguelite I've played, it's a turn-based strategy where you fight aliens on a grid system with robots, very Pacific Rim-esque
Cult of the Lamb—a roguelite about running your own cult full of animals. apparently it's big on the horror elements without being off-putting or too gory due to the cute graphics. I haven't played this but other people have recommended it!
Jade Order—a very short puzzle game with a neat map design
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blueiight · 8 months
your onions on LDPDL?
Holy shit , where do i even start..
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blueiight · 9 months
who is that in ur pfp? I feel like I've seen the manga but I can't for the life of me remember. is it from the one where a girl gets isekaied
ya it is specifically hes the ml of kanata kara / from far away his name is izark<3
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