#wait I could also see a gemini moon placement oh damn
ncmcrcy · 1 year
I get strong Sag vibes from Miguel (as a Sag myself) but I could also see Pisces or Cancer. He is a very soft boy.
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itsakpopalypse · 5 years
Ziu/Park Heejun Astrology : How He Loves
“hey, I just saw the post you did for VAV’s ace and i loved it 💕💕 could you do one for Ziu too please? thanks!!!”- @1330503339
A/N hi ! I am so glad you have been enjoying my posts !! I will be happy to and thank you for being patient with me !!
as always 18+below the cut!
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The cutest boy? perhaps.
Okay ! first of all !! 
we have an estimated rising Libra
which means chaarrrrrming
well liked and fun loving, the cardinal of the air signs would draw you in
a little flirty
like a Libra will flirt with a damn broom for hahas
but also are soft inside and a bit restless
may need constant help because like… too many things to do so pls help this bb stay on track
Gemini sun and Libra moon
an airy fun boy!
Gemini’s are quick witted, full of life, but can avoid closer relationships (but his moon is Libra and venus is Cancer so he will actually seek deeper attachment than the typical Gemini sun)
loves affection and attention and loves showering others in it too,
have you seen him he needs to give and receive kisses 24/7 
love him he needs it
in relationships this triple air placement will translate to
before you are dating he is going to FLIRT
but in a cute and fun way
he’s all “oh my god. Have you seen the world’s most beautiful person?” 
you’re like… no who? 
he shows you his phone with the front facing camera on so you are looking at yourself
and you are like 😊😊😊😊😊😊😲😲😲
how cute
and he won’t be shy about physical affection
asks you strange questions while laying with his head on your lap
you’ll fall into this very close flirtationship of affectionate touches but no real words 
it will all feel so natural and part of him will forget he never officially asked you
so you’ll be at a store or something and someone will ask you for your number, and his Cancer venus will sprout horns and immediately get jealous
he’ll be holding your hand anyway so he will point to them and just say 
“She’s taken.” and if you look at him surprised because you have seen him be just as affectionate with anyone else he’ll still insist he is your boyfriend
how dare someone try to snatch you up????
the nerve
anyway he is really sweet after that 
“I am, right? What was that guy thinking??”
he will stare at you and wait for you to agree. 
so you do, cause you like him too
and the biggest smile will be yours
 a happy baby oh my god he will be bouncing with joy for hours
everywhere you go he will have to announce he has arrived as a boyfriend
and if he does it to the members they’re like… you weren’t already dating?
anyway    he has his mercury in Gemini also so his communication is a bit haphazard
all over the place with his thoughts but they are all so interesting to listen to so you are constantly enraptured
great sense of humor
remember I said Cancer venus?
in the actual relationship he will be jealous of your time
if you spend too much with other people he will probably whine about it
but how can you even be mad at him? 
you can’t queue puppy eyes
very faithful
very attatched
like always
both physically and emotionally 
will 10/10 glomp you whenever you are around
what’s that? going to the kitchen?
watching a movie?
low key a little shit
but in a soft way
Mars in Virgo 
thank god , some earth where it matters
this means his motivations are important to him and he is driven to complete whatever goals he has
His north node is also Virgo
so he is unselfish, thoughtful, probably dates float back and forth from spontaneous air sign driven and really well planned romantic shit
i feel like he’d be the boyfriendiest.
you know like just “good morning beautiful” texts and like
when you are sad he showers your entire face in kisses
and then tickles you until you are laughing 
pls he just wants you to smile
the softest
aims to please 
protec him awwwwwww
spicy time 
18+ below
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i know 
on average I pin Cancer venus as dom dom
but I will be honest this boys entire chart is so full of air it’s not realistic for him
I do think the jealous side of Cancer venus stands, but I think it would present itself more as a time consuming and refusal to let others touch you more than him
not that he will be controlling or anything 
he just wants you to spend your time and energy on him
a needy boy
I think he isn’t particularly dom or sub
seems like the type to just be really into really romantic sex
I’m not saying he can’t get freaky 
I’m positive with how eager to please he is that he would try anything you asked once or twice and if you REALLY liked it he would start to be into it too
because it makes you happy and that’s what gets him off, pleasing you 
 how sweet
like if you want him to be rough he can, but I think he would in general revert to really romantic touches that linger on your body
body worship for surrre
he wants you to remember no past lover
he wants your body to react to him only
so he will learn every little thing that makes you tick and he will exploit it 
sorry guess you wanted to breathe or something nope not a chance
he’s going to make your head spin in pleasure and draw every reaction he can from you
probably likes it when he makes you loud enough for others to hear
cause you’re his and he wants everyone to know it
might get a lil kinky if you’re into it 
Libras are so very into beauty and he has enough Libra in his chart in important places so I am thinking 
you guys are kissing and touching 
his hands are spanning your body in all the right places
probably slips one down the front of your pants and cups you while  he leaves open mouthed kisses hot and wet against your neck
and you are throwing your head back in pleasure 
he likes to strip you first and stare, you will see him drink in every curve and thing you think is a flaw 
breathlessly he will let the words fall out of his mouth “you are so beautiful” 
and the awe is palpable
your heart swells with love
he will make you feel like a goddess
he seems like the energetic type probably has hella stamina
so yeah it’s romantic but it is also gonna leave your head spinning
good luck i hope you have some endurance
one round? no. 
he seems like the all day type of lover
some days you won’t leave the bedroom except to grab snacks and water
and he is spending  so much time making you feel loved but also making sure you cum and cum and cum you feel me?
I see him being into dirty talk, but like the kind where it’s 
“do you like that?”
“how do you feel with me inside you ?”
“shit you’re so tight, how am I even supposed to fit?” while he’s fingering you or eating you
speaking of
he seems like an oral KING
he is so eager to make you feel good that I feel like.. 
he probably would spend an hour or more down there
accidentally overstimulating you because “You taste so good.” and “I love watching you fall apart for me.”
aftercare is probably mostly cuddles
maybe cockwarming? like not intentionally, just that after that last round you are both completely drained, and you were on top and he just let you collapse on him 
and you fell asleep like that but he didn’t have the heart to move you 
listen that is hot and soft omg
on the whole he is an exuberant and passionate  lover who wants to make you so happy that you are ruined for all other partners,
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checkyesifulikeme · 5 years
how is it only 9:14 PM i’m sleebies. and i’m drinking soda which i never do but omg each time i pour more into my cup the sound of the carbonation and the tiny popping bubbles is so pleasing 2 my ear......also i’m cold all of the time (espec my feet + hands but mostly FEET) and i’ve been 99.999% sure i’m anemic for the past few years like everyone thinks i am lacking in iron. but the one blood test i took like a yr ago came back normal but i swear to god i have every damn symptom i should probably just like uhm go back to the doctor’s and have more tests done but that scares mi and medical bills scare me and me n my bf still owe hella for the fun lil emergency room field trip we took at 4 AM a couple of months back wheeee ! 
i don’t know what this is supposed to be i’m just tired and waiting for dorian to pick me up when he gets off so i can go have cold feet @ home where it is warmer. i’m really excited to see him too even though we live together hehe this is me like every single day tho because i work from 8:30-5 at the nursery and he works at a busy corporate restaurant late at night and always comes home with at least 30 mins worth of co-worker stories and greasy food that we get high n demolish while watching something mindless and i love it idk. also sidereal astrology has changed the game for me okay.......dorian being a sidereal gemini makes the most sense of anything ever. cancer always made sense to me too bc of other aspects of his personality but in sidereal he’s a cancer venus instead of a leo venus and i.......................it just all makes so much sense i cannot go back to the western tropical zodiac. )--: simpler times. keeping up with transits n everything is just going to be harder now because it’s not the western mainstream astrological Way! but that’s okay. kinda more fun anyways. i told dorian a couple of nights ago that i understand why people are resistant to almost ~allow~ themselves to resonate with the sidereal zodiac or vedic astrology bc we get so attached to our placements i think and ego gets all wrapped up in there along the way. bc a lot of the twitter discourse i read on it contained a looot of people saying “i can relate to ___ placement but i don’t LIKE IT!!!!!!!” like alright my guy but. i don’t think that’s how it works. but yeah what i was saying before is basically i’m almost sad that i can’t UN-KNOW what i learned like. simpler times truly. but no no now i must do everyone’s birth charts 2x over to compare and contrast......there is so much i didn’t know and so much i still don’t oh man. daunting but one of my favorite things.........love 2 learn but also an easily frustrated child of a fire sign. also dorian and i are both aries dominants which explains everything (i’m still an aries sun in sidereal xoxo / he’s an aries moon) we r both baby children who love to learn/do new things and get hot headed too easily and i just love him nobody has ever understood me like him. even when we have trouble understanding one another i still feel more seen than i’ve ever felt in my entire life. i can’t believe it’s almost been a year ! i can’t believe that it’s only been a year !?? life is weird but now i have this cancer tropical gemini sidereal boy from another city who i was casually crushing on over twitter for like a year and decided to thirst follow on insta in hopes of him DMing mi or summmthing............and now we have a pitbull baby together many greyhound trips later. he’s a bad pit who does bad pit things but what more could a girl ask for really
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itsakpopalypse · 5 years
Jang Wooyoung/Ace (VAV)  Astrology Ask: Romantic breakdown
@excindrela requested “Hi Rael! Would you please do astrology for Ace from VAV”
A/n Of course ! I am going to assume you would like it to be the same question as the previous one’s I have done (I hope so cause that’s what I did.)
I am pretty new to the Vamp world so this is based almost ENTIRELY off the chart itself, as I am still learning!
Thank you and I hope you enjoy!!!
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He pretty pretty wow
Okay first of all I’d like to note that his chart is SO Virgo and Capricorn
honestly there is a ton of earth in general and we will tlak about what that means as we go along ,it’s just an interesting fact.
his 3 big signs are 
rising scorpio , virgo sun and virgo moon
now I have had a few Idols I have looked through with this type of placement and it makes sense
Virgos are pretty perfectionist
attention to detail
so yeah
anyway now the romance stuff
Scorpio rising
this is going to sound a bit like a broken record but I will try to make it cute
or at least that is how they like to come off (inside they are emotional beans with many feelings who just want to be loved okay)
might seem a bit quiet, but they generally just don’t speak unless they have something noteworthy to say
if they do though
buckle up it’s going to be so deep 
so when you first meet he is like “Sexy cool tough guy” and you will want to unwrap that 
ask him questions that’s all it really takes. 
They are inquisitive by nature. 
if he likes you though, and it’s pretty new still, he won’t pursue it. 
it’s going to be careful thoughtful steps
that’s amplified since his sun and moon are Virgo and they do not do well with failure 
so he might pick you apart and try to figure you out like a puzzle
will ask a ton of questions that make you ponder if you even know yourself
like why do you need to know about that time that i fell out of a tree when i was 12 dude, we were talking about dinner or smth
Virgos can seem a little harsh so even if he likes you he may end up saying something that is a bit mean?
not intentionally it’s just they are basically all mothers
so it’s “worry worry worry”
and you’ll be like… it’s not gonna rain I don’t need 72 umbrellas and a rain poncho
but that’s how he would show he cared.
probably hella healthy
and organized
likes to look nice and be put together and wants to help you achieve that too
so if he is trying to impress you he may buy you some sensible item or get you food and drink if he thinks you’re neglecting your health
what a sweet man oml
probably an angel in human skin
listen, in moon, Virgo means a more intense version of the same things from the sun, but it also means he is low key  NEEDING AFFECTION
he won’t ask you for it
probably will just try to reinforce the behavior with positive encouragement if you do it
“I love it when you sit in my lap”
“It’s nice when you cuddle with me”
things like that 
but if you fall asleep on him watching a movie he will probably literally implode in an emotional breakdown
what if they are cold
should i ask someone for a blanket
they could get a neck cramp like this oh no
he is  S T R E S S E D inside
Really protective really caring really concerned
someone take the load off this poor dude
mercury in Leo, so his communication is very persuasive
If he likes you 
he is gonna FLIRT HIS ASS OFF
it may be in the very Vigo way,
but listen
compliments that might sound a little backhanded are likely his source 
and if he realized it hurt your feelings he will be very upset and SMOTHER YOU in real ones
is very honest
is fine and he knows it
like will get dressed up and you’ll be like “Wow you look handsome”
and he is like yeah. i know. what a gift I am , to you rn
you’re welcome
Venus in Virgo
I wasn’t kidding about this earthy damn chart
listen Virgos seem cold at first
but they are hugely warm hearted and care more than they wanna admit
their love language is acts of service
his confidence is not what it seems about who he is though
Virgos already are hard on themselves but 
Venus virgo means he is REALLY
going to doubt why you are with him
pls reassure him
he wants to make you floored enough to never leave 
he will try so hard
His mars is Gemini which indicates a preference for physical activity
which makes sense since Virgos need an outlet for all that nervous energy
N node is Sagittarius so he tends to be really adventurous
fun dates 
fun but still traditional
so maybe a picnic or a random beach day
he’ll have it perfectly planned but it’s a surprise for you
will probably not be  the MOST physically affectionate in initiating contact especially not in public
if you initiate it , he will feel like he owns the whole world
but will probably tsundere it
“Oh i see, you just have to hold my hand cause you are scared right?”
“Did you miss me that much? I suppose you can cling to me for comfort if you have to.
Do not believe him you have already melted him inside
18+ the moment you are waiting for we know it we are all sluts down here
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ooof big oof
Alright listen
scorpio rising means KINKY
he wants to try so many things
probably owns a restraint set 
and maybe a plug set don’t at me
he has WAY too much Virgo to sub
maybe just maybe he will try it one time 
and if it’s within parameters he feels okay with he will even be okay with it on occasion
but remember
Virgos are all acts of service and with Sun, Moon, Venus, and Jupiter in Virgo??
I am praying for your pelvis
he has rules
he has no qualms with punishing you for breaking them
probably edges you until you are crying 
he wants to please and he WILL but you are gonna get it on his time not yours
recieving and giving are gonna be ah-mazing and OOF the grunts while he does it
facefucking he's praising you
both ways are gonna make you Only hotter
loves to tell you what to do
likes to see you weak for him 
Wanna make him happy?
on your knees
shit that’s hot
he will eat that shit up
and rewards will be bountiful
and he has it planned
Probably likes to watch you touch yourself
gets off on being fully clothed while you’re a mess
“Take that off too and spread your legs more”
Orgasm denial
“If you cum before I say to, you’re not allowed to cum for a week. 
aftercare is A++
has there ever been anyone better at aftercare than a Virgo?
don’t think so
he had everything laid out so clean up was a snap 
and then rubbed all your sore muscles out with lotion and gentle hands
pulls you close and praises you for being so good
will feed you and give you water and probably has vitamins that are good for recovery
he wants you to be ready for the next few rounds 
A/N  I hope you enjoyed !!
again this is not really based off anything I know about him, but instead his chart itself.
I am working on your next request but today didn’t go as smoothly as I hoped, thank you for being patient!!!
Requests are open and my Ask box is always open for any rando one off questions you may have!
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