#wait they're NOT brothers they just bro-zoned themselves???
chaos0pikachu · 1 year
god the whiplash of ppl who aren’t watching Midnight Museum or are waiting till the show finishes to binge but are consuming the gifs, text posts and memes outta context has gotta be INSANE b/c last week everyone was pulling out the brothers card, making devil judge jokes and this week everyone is like actually they’re NOT brothers gay people just weren’t invented yet in 1820 is all
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istadris · 1 year
Any Mario bros headcanons (together and individual!) that you’d like to share/info dump about? my hyperfixation is rotting my brain and I need fuel 🥲🥲
Okay to be fair that's more worldbuilding with Bros headcanons thrown in between but here we goooooo!
Mario & Luigi centric :
The Bros are the best friends and brothers anyone can find and it's the most wholesome thing ever...until sports get involved. Peach didn't believe her eyes the first time she watched them play Strikers and Luigi almost bit Mario's hand off after the latter tackled him into the electric wire. Kart, tennis, even golf, the moments the boys are facing each other in a no-stakes competition, the white gloves are OFF
Luigi is ridiculously perceptive and attractive to paranormal and mystic stuff. Ghosts love him (with their love ranging from worship to the desire of shaking him apart like a dog's chew toy), he waltzes into dreams and strange dimensions...Thankfully Mario is there to ground him into reality.
I used to say Mario was a cat person and Luigi a dog person but NO! Both bros are cat persons, Polterpup is just Luigi's exception to his fear of dogs.
It's not that Mario is a bad cook, it's just that he doesn't hate the patience to go through all the steps to cut vegetables, boil the water, heat the oven, etc...and most of his favourite dishes are rather long to prepare. He prefers baking, at least you can snack on the ingredients while cleaning up.
(depends on my mood and the tone of my writing but generally :) Mario can usually talk normally, but he sometimes goes through periods of mutism, Luigi or Peach acting as his spokespersons when it happens.Even Bowser has gotten pretty good at reading his non-verbal communication over the years.
Because the Firebrand and Thunderhand are reliant on the magic of the Bean Bean kingdom, they can't use it as much outside of it, not without hurting themselves...but they absolutely took the risk here and there to mess with the other (Mario warming up random stuff that Luigi would touch on a hot day, Luigi sending a small jolt to tickle Mario).
General lore
In most kingdoms of the magic world, no matter their age or marital status, rulers are Princes or Princesses. They only get granted the title of King or Queen once they produce a heir. Boos are...not exactly an exception. They don't really have Prince(sses) and come into their title of King when they manage to create a sentient copy of themselves that they send into the world. Thus why there are many King Boos.
Bend or Break/Movie verse: Bowser's kingdom and the Mushroom Kingdom have very different views on Power ups : the former considers them shameful cheats to make up for a lack of personal power/magic, while the latter appreciates how they give a chance for anyone to fight against a danger without having to be a real soldier.
Power ups can be found in two manners: 1) naturally in the wild (especially mushroom-based power ups), but they're very difficult to find and in dangerous places. 2) The Question Mark Blocks appear in zones when you have more chances to find a natural power up : they act as a sort of magnet for that power up, and as they're more accessible and visible, they're a safer method to collect them. However, once punched, you need to wait a certain time before the box "recharges", and only if it's put in a zone with a chance of natural power up showing up.
Power ups have secondary effects if you use them for too long, usually affecting body then mind on the long term. Thankfully it's very rare to maintain them for long, since getting hurt or knocked up happens a lot.
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