takenupmycross · 1 year
“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” - Proverbs 4:23
My God.
Here’s a preamble to this “article” which I never thought would be written. I was just having a talk with God and thinking aloud, and this scripture came to mind. Immediately in my humanness I went to research articles on what this scripture meant in order to confirm my thought-process; but I stopped. I paused to ask God, the One who knows all things. In my quest of asking God, I believe He said, “why don’t you write an article?” I preverbally raised my eyebrows. “Me?” “Write an article to answer the question which I was just about to search?” God, if You say so 🤷🏽‍♀️.
So here I am.
Oftentimes in life, the phrase “guarded”, when it comes to your heart, is often given a negative connotation. Commonly, it’s known as when someone is mistrusting which stems from past negative experiences.
I was sent to share a different perspective.
What happens when God guards your heart? The Giver of life? The Alpha and Omega? The One who holds no sin and all knowledge? I believe, on this day, I realised that God has guarded my heart and it’s a beautifully selfless thing. It is a perfect gift given by the perfect One. Not any that I could boast about.
To be guarded by God means to be secured by Him. It means to be established so firmly on the Rock that when the seas of life roll, you remain anchored on the One who is unmovable.
“Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, just to take Him at His word. Just to rest upon His promise, just to know thus saith the Lord. Jesus Jesus, how I trust Him, how I’ve proved Him o’er and o’er. Jesus Jesus, precious Jesus, oh for grace to trust Him more.” - 'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus | Author: Louisa M. R. Stead (1882)
I didn’t just wake up one day, guarded. It was a process of knowing and trusting God. This process started from October 30th 1999, the day I was born, but for the sake of this article we’ll start from 2018.
In 2018, I fell in love for the first time, truly in love. It was all butterflies and roses until that love became my idol, one with power to affect my soul so much that I prayed that we would never be separated. In fact, I even prayed that I would die before this person or we would die at the same time so that I wouldn’t have to live without them.
Ultimately, that did not sit well with God and soon after, I was presented with our first separation. God called me to fast... from him. Then came the second fast. Then came the separation and another separation. From the second fast, I thought I was good and had dethroned this person from God’s rightful place. But God knows the inner-workings of a man’s heart - after all He created it. So of course, He knew there was still some heart surgery left. 
But this experience did more wonders than beyond my wildest imagination. 
God stripped me of everyone that I held so dear to show me that He is the All-and-Ever-Sustaining God. Don’t get me wrong, human community is important and we know that God Himself said, “it is not good for man to be alone.” But in this season of intentional isolation, God has molded and shaped me into His masterpiece, outfitted for the work that He is calling me to.
In my period of isolation, I cried out to God, telling Him that felt so alone. Questioning Him even of that very scripture. “God You said it is “not” good so why am I here?!” That night, He nurtured me so perfectly and today, I see the fruits of His training. 
Two weeks ago my aunt died and God was with me then. He prepared me just a few hours before I received the news. As I mourn with the rest of my family, I do not mourn as those who have no hope. For I know that my aunt’s salvation was secured and I will see her again.
Three months ago I caught covid for the first time while I was in a hotel room, in a foreign country, alone. But God was with me. He stayed with me through every “not-fun” moment and nurtured me back to good health.
God uses all things for good and God’s ways are intentional. Every experience that I have encountered, more specifically over the past 5 years, has enabled me to be a vessel for others. I can now produce fruit in every season because I have tasted the Living Water and seen the power of our Maker.
- Britney
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youngdisciples · 3 years
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The Bible teaches us so many things in such a way that it is so repetitive and it always points out to one main lesson: Jesus Christ is our Savior, only through Him can we be saved and by faith we will become changed people living in fellowship with God. So, with this main theme of the Bible, as Christians, we most of the time gain the pride of, “I already know about this, what’s new?”. Now, why do we have this kind of attitude? Why do we initially act like this? Well, it is because either we have not truly understood what God wants us to do or that we already know and we don’t want to follow it. 
Now, there are many instances that we claim verbally that we are of God and that we are walking with Him but our lifestyle says differently. It is very easy for us to act that we are following God but we are really not. Thus, ‘tis the reason why we hate being reminded repeatedly. So, our verse today is our reminder again that if we claim to have fellowship with Christ but are still walking in darkness, we are lying and we do not live the truth. With this reminder, our main human reaction would be that, “I know right,” in which we claim that we already know about this. 
However, we are looking at it the wrong way. We thought that already knowing what the Bible is telling us and practically dismissing it because we already know and it’s just a repetitive message manifests what we really feel in our hearts. True Christians, and Christians who truly understand that salvation of Christ does not hate corrections, but loves corrections. Thus, if we are reminded that if we claim to be having fellowship with Christ but do not walk in the light then we are lying, then instead of dismissing the idea, our initial reaction as Christians should be to assess ourselves. 
Therefore, as Christians, we always have to remember that we are already saved by grace. Jesus Christ suffered and died for our sake because He loves us and by faith in Him, we are saved and redeemed. Now that we are saved, He has given us a new life and a new beginning. We are no longer slaves of sin and death but we are now victors. As saved people, we have the power to say no to sin and to continue to live in the presence of God. Indeed that we are now put into fellowship with God and we are now imputed with the righteousness of Christ. However, our old self will always try to crawl its way back to us and if we let our old self take over us again, our fellowship with God will be broken.
Thus, this is the reason why the message of the Bible is always repeating to remind us that if we claim to have fellowship with God, then we must also walk in light and obedience. We cannot just claim that we have fellowship with Him but still walk in disobedience. Let us always remember that indeed we are saved by grace through faith and this saving faith will manifest good works. Although we are not saved through our good works, having the saving faith of Christ will drive us to do good and to walk in obedience to Christ. Therefore, we must always put in our minds that we are saved and having this salvation means that we are ought to walk in obedience, in the light of God. Otherwise, we are liars and hypocrites.
For more daily reflection, verse and encouragement, you may follow us. You can also like, follow and visit us on:
Website: https://youngdisciples.org/
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Twitter: @YD153
Instagram: @youngdisciples2020
Pinterest: Young Disciples International
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kbrownfitnow · 3 years
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Good Morning Morning! I’m super excited to announce that our book is available for pre-order starting today! https://linktr.ee/Amrnow4life Link in my bio!!! Short testimony! I’ve been doing a vision board for the last 3 years! I pray and ask God to guide me in his purpose each year and that I be in alignment with His will! Last year (2020) even in the pandemic God blew my mind! This (2021) has been phenomenal so far! One of my goals for the year was to become an author! Need less to say I am an author ✍🏾 halfway into the year! My God is awesome! He has placed me in Devine relationships with amazing people to bring forward everything He promised me! God I praise You🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾. #affirm #manifest #reap #godgrace #walkinginabundance #walkinginobedience #hearinggodsvoice #amr https://www.instagram.com/p/CP0cXFrl4dR/?utm_medium=tumblr
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youngdisciples · 3 years
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The Lord Almighty, He is our Savior and Redeemer!
For more daily reflection, verse and encouragement, you may follow us. You can also like, follow and visit us on:
Website: https://youngdisciples.org/
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/yd153
Twitter: @YD153
Instagram: @youngdisciples2020
Pinterest: Young Disciples International
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youngdisciples · 3 years
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Indeed! Genuine faith and love to God produces good works. Although good works do not save us, truly understanding the salvation of Christ will manifest in our lives through good works.
For more daily reflection, verse and encouragement, you may follow us. You can also like, follow and visit us on:
Website: https://youngdisciples.org/
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/yd153
Twitter: @YD153
Instagram: @youngdisciples2020
Pinterest: Young Disciples International
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kbrownfitnow · 3 years
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Good Morning Morning! I’m super excited to announce that our book is available for pre-order starting today! Short testimony! I’ve been doing a vision board for the last 3 years! I pray and ask God to guide me in his purpose each year and that I be in alignment with His will! Last year (2020) even in the pandemic God blew my mind! This (2021) has been phenomenal so far! One of my goals for the year was to become an author! Need less to say I am an author ✍🏾 halfway into the year! My God is awesome! He has placed me in Devine relationships with amazing people to bring forward everything He promised me! God I praise You🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾. #affirm #manifest #reap #godgrace #walkinginabundance #walkinginobedience #hearinggodsvoice #amr https://www.instagram.com/p/CP0YsIFlh9W/?utm_medium=tumblr
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