#walkley editors lab
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(Hackathon winners from the Digital Storytelling Team - Ben Spraggon, Simon Elvery and Colin Gourlay - Photo: Kate Golden, Walkley Foundation)
News Digital’s Ben Spraggon, Simon Elvery and Colin Gourlay took out first prize at the Walkley Editors Lab hackathon with a prototype encryption tool called Initiate, which makes it easy for the public to send secure news tips to journalists. They beat teams from News Corp, Fairfax, The Conversation, SBS, AAP and more to win both the People’s Choice Award and first place from a panel of judges from The New York Times, Google Creative Lab, the Online News Association, the Global Editors Network and the Walkley Foundation. They’re now heading to Vienna in June to compete in the International Editors Lab final, dubbed “the World Cup of newsroom innovation”. Here, they explain their award winning innovation and what happens next.
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(Colin, Simon and Ben hard at work at the hackathon - Photo: Riley Wilson, Walkley Foundation)
First up, can you explain what the Walkleys Editors Lab is? 
Simon Elvery: The Editors Lab is an event run by the Global Editors Network (GEN) and (in Australia) the Walkley Foundation aimed at encouraging technical innovation in newsrooms. It's what's often called a 'hackathon'. There are Editors Lab events happening throughout the year in cities all around the world. 
And for the uninitiated, what actually happens at a hackathon? 
Simon Elvery: A hackathon is a short event where small teams of people compete to create a fast solution to a problem of their choice, usually based around a theme. The Editors Lab hackathon is focused on getting journalists, designers and developers working together to implement prototype solutions to real problems in media. 
Ben Spraggon: A hackathon is an opportunity to get together with like minded people to quickly innovate solutions to specific problems- a kind of “brainstorming” with user experience design and code. Often the results of a hackathon are the seeds of a solution worth developing into a fully-fledged product. 
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(Talking about innovation at the Editors Lab hackathon - Photo: Riley Wilson, Walkley Foundation)
Tell us about Initiate, the tool you prototyped. What is it? 
Simon Elvery: Initiate is our solution for bringing down the barriers to entry for people who want to communicate securely with journalists without significantly compromising safety. 
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Where did the idea for Initiate come from? 
Simon Elvery: As with most good hackathon ideas, it came from our own desire to have such a thing. We were 'scratching our own itch'. Our team at the ABC had been talking about how to leak to journalists for a long time and were frustrated at the lack of options for soliciting sensitive input from the audience in a way which is completely private. 
What problem is it trying to solve? 
Simon Elvery: The primary problem is how to make it plausible for a non-technical audience member to use encrypted communication with a journalist. Secondary to this we wanted to educate the audience as much as possible about the risks associated with leaking sensitive information - just because the content of a communication is private, the fact you've had that communication may not be. 
Colin Gourlay: There are so many ways an attempt to leak information to a journalist can fail at the very beginning. We want to make that very first step safe and secure, allowing both parties to foster a meaningful relationship. 
Why does that matter? 
Simon Elvery: The engagement of journalists with their audience could always do with improvement. If we can make sure it's as easy as it possibly can be for someone to contact a journalist securely, it makes it more likely we can bring important stories to the public. 
Ben Spraggon: Anything that helps lower the barrier for a member of the public to help uncover an important story is worth pursuing, especially if complexity or fear are what’s stopping that story from being told. On top of this, educating the public and other journalists about the risks involved is a worthy goal in itself. 
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(The team presenting their prototype - Photo: Riley Wilson, Walkley Foundation)
How did you approach the process of creating a prototype for a tool like this in just two days? 
Simon Elvery: The first part is all about idea validation. We came into the morning of the first day with a few possible ideas, but none that had really stuck. After an initial discussion we settled on this as our preferred option and set about validating that it was actually possible both technically, and to have something approaching a working prototype in the time frame. We'd validated that by just after lunch on the first day so spent the remainder of the time madly implementing. 
With most hackathons (this one included) there's also an element of pitching at the end of the event. So some portion of the second day was dedicated to polishing a pitch presentation. 
Colin Gourlay: We were quite lucky to be able to produce a proof of concept in the first day (not all hackathon teams are as fortunate), which let us use the better part of the second day to refine the experience and make it as simple to use as we could within the time constraints. 
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(Simon Elvery and Ben Spraggon working under time pressure to produce their prototype - Photo: Riley Wilson, Walkley Foundation)
What were some of the other tools that news organisations created? 
Simon Elvery: Among the highlights were several novel methods for the audience to provide feedback to journalists and leave comments, deeply immersive storytelling techniques, and making tools for the newsroom to organise around the audience easier. For a full list visit the GEN website. 
Colin Gourlay: Because of the limited time we had, most of the teams tried to leverage existing platforms to avoid re-inventing the wheel. While we built upon some cryptographic technology provided by Keybase, it was great to see a variety of avenues explored by the other teams, including Google Street View, Slack and Facebook Messenger. 
Why do you think Initiate won the day? 
Simon Elvery: It's hard to say, there were a lot of strong contenders. One thing I think which stood us apart was our interpretation of the theme 'audience engagement'. Many teams took the route of trying to create experiences for the audience which are highly engaging (a perfectly valid choice), whereas we chose to interpret it as finding a way to directly interact with the audience. 
Two other things which I think contributed to the judges positivity toward our effort was that we had a functionally complete, minimum viable product which was reasonably polished, and that we made the whole thing open source. 
So, the prize is a trip to Vienna. What will you be doing there? 
Simon Elvery: Another hackathon! The idea of the GEN Editors Lab events is that they happen all around the world and the winners from each individual event go to Vienna to compete in a 'final' or sorts. 
Colin Gourlay: The Editors Lab, for me, is a great excuse to meet and socialise with all of the people in Australia who do what we do. We’re a relatively small community of journalists, designers and developers, and I’ve returned from the event full of energy to innovate further and produce compelling stories for our audience. To be able to now go to Vienna and meet and be inspired by people like us from all over the world; I don’t have words for how excited that makes me. 
And what happens to Initiate now? 
Simon Elvery: Now we're trying to find a way to bring it from being a functional prototype to something ready for production use at the ABC (and possibly elsewhere). Stay tuned.
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