#wanna be a small tiny friend sitting in a tummy 🥺
starsurface · 7 months
hi.. did tumblr eat my request for general caregiver fujin headcanons? i could have sworn i requested that unless i'm just crazy?
Awh I've had that happen to me too!! Sometimes request don't fully send? Like, you need to get that small Tumblr notification that states that it was sent? It happens very rarely though, don't worry :]
Luckily you resent another request!! :D
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Fujin Hcs
☁️ Such a good CG!!! <3
☁️ Really good with a lot of ages!!
☁️ Doesn't specialize with any age, but is incredibly good with clingy regressors
☁️ Adores cuddling and spending time with you, your his most important thing right now
☁️ Well, your his most important thing period, but when your small your his main priority
☁️ Has pushed some of his God responsibilities off just for you <3
☁️ Raiden lectured him later for it though >:(
☁️ Speaking about Raiden, Fujin would highly encourage little playdates between you two!!
☁️ Fujins really strong, and he really likes carrying you
☁️ So this works incredibly well if you regress smaller
☁️ Mortals very much amuse him very much
☁️ Which means you amuse him so, so much
☁️ Learnt that younger mortals need a nap and encourages you to take one, especially if you regress tiny
☁️ He'll dress you in soft jammies, brush your hair, you'll have a whole routine
☁️ He’ll also cuddle you!!! Loves to cuddle during naptime (even if he doesn't sleep)
☁️ Won't force you to take a nap if you don't wanna though
☁️ If your scared of naps (such as monsters under the bed or such) he'll cuddle you extra tight and get you a dream catcher
☁️ He'll also get magic Monster Go Away Spray!!! (a trick he learnt from a parent app, actually)
☁️ Thinks it's really funny when you get a burst of energy, and then crash asleep
☁️ Is very patient when you have tantrums or hissy fits
☁️ He'll let you scream and cry, especially if it's over big negative feelings, but stays by incredibly close so you don't hit or throw anything
☁️ If you do he'll gently grab your wrists or quickly catch whatever you throw
☁️ He'll scold you later for it, probably when your big again and can have a better conversation
☁️ But right now, he wants to make sure your okay
☁️ He'll gently rock you and say that everything's okay
☁️ Doesn't really do punishments, but will scold you if your being naughty on purpose
☁️ Believes outside time is very important!!!
☁️ Whether that's going outside and playing with his kite, or sitting on the grass with some toys and a blanket
☁️ Will encourage you to pull pranks on the Monks and his friends (and take any backlash so you don't get in trouble)
☁️ He'll make you ‘fly’ in the air with his powers (making a burst of wind beneath you)
☁️ Safely though!!! He'd never do it if you didn't want to either
☁️ Will sit you on a blanket and then put you in the air (like a magic carpet ride fr Aladdin!!)
☁️ If your a bigger kid, you'll still get treated like a toddler >:(
☁️ But don't worry!! Just tell him and he'll treat you more your age (or try, it's a process)
☁️ Thinks pet regressors are really cute and funny and will watch you roll along the ground
☁️ Gives the best head scratchies and tummy rubs!!!
☁️ If you're ever sick while your tiny, it takes everything out of him not to pick you up and hold you closely :(
☁️ It's just, your all tucked in bed looking like ‘🥺’ but he knows that if he holds you, he'll get sick too :(
☁️ Tries to get you yummy medicine, and will make you some nice warm milk
☁️ Very good with if you use diapers and will buy you ones with cute designs!!
☁️ His hair is very long and he'll let you brush it, and will redirect you if you pull on ks hair
☁️ Will brush your hair any time of the day, absolutely loves brushing and styling it!!
☁️ Favorite CG nicknames are Dada, Fuu Fuu, and Cloudy
☁️ Favorite little nicknames to call you are Sweetie, Sweetheart, Little One, Baby, Lovely, Bumble Bee
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
They're not the best, but I can always do more!! :D
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tinytinybumblebee · 2 years
Looooove middle!Lucius. He’s definitely one of those bigger kids/younger teens that thinks they’re an adult. He’ll sit at the table and gossip with Stede when he’s over, giving opinions and still being sassy/bratty in an almost endearing way. He’s still small enough that he doesn’t realise he hasn’t been invited over to hang out and have tea with Stede and is, in fact, being taken care of because Pete is away overnight and Fang had plans so couldn’t take him. He goes through the entire stay thinking Stede is just being a good friend when he runs him a bath and tells him to relax, then suggests he go upstairs and lay down in the guest room because they got new sheets and he needs to try them. Doesn’t even realise he’s falling for tricks when he cuddles up with Ed to watch a movie “so Stede can get some work done” totally not so he can rest because he’s tired and getting cranky.
A a a a yesss🥺💕💕💕💕 middle Lucius is liiife😭💖
He's a little adult, thinking he's doing everything the adults are doing! Pete probably even secret code it as "just a hang out time with Stede and Ed, Stede invited Lucius personally"- which, Lucius is tiny enough where he takes that as the full truth xD
Lucius loves that he gets to sit at the table with Stede and gossip, now, of course the gossip is about how "last time Jim was over they ate an apple, core and all, which, is terrifying because if you eat apple seeds, you'll grow an apple tree in your tummy,obviously!" And childlike talks of that nature (which, Stede does pretend it's very grow up talks because he sees how happy it has the writer ♡)
Pete is a pretty lenient carer with his kiddo but, one thing ruled in stone is that kiddo Lucius' bedtime is at 9pm (sleep is important annnd Lucius gets cranky once the sunsets xD)
As much as Stede is a great carer, he can be a bit soft around the edges when it comes to putting his foot down with rules (especially with middles/teen regressors because his babytalk doesn't quite work xD)
That's where Ed steps in. This man is amazing at getting kiddos to think it was their idea to get their teeth brushed and go to bed- he starts with patting the cushion beside him, asking Lucius is he'd like to watch something while Stede "finishes up some work".
Lucius raises his brow when a slightly kid-ish film is on tv.
"Ah, Izzy must've been the last one on the account. Eh, might as well see what that bugger was watching, yeah?"
Which, does get Lucius interested, because, if Ed's going to watch it, it must be good enough. Soon enough he's all curled up under Ed's arm, dozing in and out while the film plays.
Ed fast forwards the film before lightly tapping Lucius awake.
"Man, I get why you fell asleep, don't know what Izzy saw in this film. Anyways, might as well get ready to hit the hay, since you're our guest, you wanna get ready first?"
Lucius is sleepy and just nods as Ed helps him up, handing Lucius his backpack so the kiddo can get dressed in is jammies and crawl into the guest room's bed♡ (which, has a nightlight that Stede says is "just a thing he thought fit the vibes of the room")
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shysnackforyou · 2 years
This wasn't exactly what I was expecting when you said you wanted to hold me.
Maybe this was your plan from the start or maybe you were just overcome by those pesky constant urges to gulp down any tiny you see, to feel their wiggling weight being dragged down your esophagus before falling into your belly, to feel them moving, living, and in some cases panicking while they're hidden from the rest of the world. Your secret pleasure, a tiny living body rattling around inside you, only hinted at by the occasional bulge in your happy noisy stomach.
Well I guess it doesn't really matter your intentions, I'm inside you now. I couldn't really do much to stop it. Not that I mind all that much, it's pretty comfy in here and I kinda like being this close to you, just would have been nice to be asked.
Mm I'm kinda tired from the whole unexpected swallowing, and being in your stomach, getting gently squeezed and massaged, held next to your heartbeat and gentle breathing... I think I'll take a nap, wake me up if you want to let me out.
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