#want all the tall boys for my smol bab
is0gild · 4 years
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You know the whole "Opposites Attract" trope? Yeah, that. I'm weak for that. A total slut for opposites attracting. Turns my knees to jelly. It's my crack. Just stick that shite into an IV straight to my veins! And these two? Got opposites coming out the wazoo!
Ice and Fire. Duh.
Introvert and extrovert. Quiet, shy girl with snarky, outgoing guy? Unf, that murders me with feels. To be fair, Elsa is not a TOTAL recluse - she’s a total sweetheart who can still hold a friendly conversation, but she's hardly the life of the party attention whore. No, that'd be THAT guy *points to lovable fire dork*
Light (Princess of Heart just trying to do her best) and Dark (Former-Nobody with a redemption arc). PS, to any Frozen fans who might be confused, “Princess of Heart” and “Nobody” are Kingdom Hearts terms - either see my Axel/Lea Cliff Notes for further deets or consult your nearest, handy-dandy KH glossary of terms.
Highborn Queen and Sly Assassin. Oof, it almost sounds so deliciously forbidden when you put it that way. Me like.
She tends to be Ms Glass-Half-Empty and he tends to be Mr Glass-Half-Full. Put there 2 half glasses together tho and you get a full glass ;D Was that hella cheesy? Yup! Think I care? Nope! Now don’t get me wrong, neither of them 100% own up to those titles - she has MORE than her fair share of bright moments, as he too has his Sad Boi™ moments. Still, they do both have a tendency to lean into those nicknames and boy howdy would it be cute watching him be the one bring a smile to her face when she’s down :3
She smol, he tol. Like, for real... he's one seriously tall boi. No official heights out there as far as I’m aware, but fan calculations put Elsa at 5'4" and Axel/Lea at either 6'4" or 6'7" (from two different sources, two different fans, take your pick). Either way, he's got at least a foot on her and just... oof! I swoon! I know, this is mega superficial, but I really don't care. It's aesthetically pleasing to me. These 2 very beautiful peeps being put together is just in general aesthetically pleasing to me.
Doesn't always work, but when it's done well, it can be so beautiful T_T Just love the idea of two personalities so different but that complement and balance each other out so well and help make up for what the other lacks! Ahhh, opposites attracting... that's how I wanna die *wistful, far-off, starry-eyed look*
ANYWAY! It's not all about the opposites! These two actually have a lot in common too!
They're both royal dumbasses that would (and legit DID) sacrifice themselves for their loved ones without hesitation!
They're both brave! Okay, it takes a bit of time for Elsa to come into her own courage, but by Frozen 2, our ice queen's got it in GODDAMN SPADES YO!
They’re both silly dorks with sassy, playful sides! Fire Boi wears his dorkitude on his sleeve whereas Ice Bab is a lil more shy about showing hers, but trust me, I could write a whole friggin' ESSAY on that side of her just lousy with examples! ...but I'll refrain from doing that here for the sake of not turning this "why I ship it" bit into instead being "an ode to Elsa's silliness" :P
He's an impulsive lil shit! She is too, but her impulsiveness is slightly, mind you SLIGHTLY more tempered. She'd probably do some good in reeling the big doofus in from time to time. That said, he'd still end up probably dragging her off on many adventures that she would only put on a show of mildly resisting.
Leading into my next point: they're both adventurous! C'mon, Elsa has a whole damn song about being drawn to the unknown! While Axel/Lea, well... that boy could change his self-proclaimed middle name "Dark Rescue" to "Dumbass Thrillseeker".
Smarts! They both got 'em! He's more street-smarts whereas she's more book-smarts... so this one is kinda sorta both a same AND an opposite? FANCY!
They'd both be ABSOLUTELY CLUELESS when it came to romantic love and this makes me cackle. SHE has been suppressing her emotions and trying not to have so much as one single solitary FEEL for 13 years. HE has had no heart for 10 years during which time he LITERALLY could not feel emotions. Don't worry, she's no longer suppressing and he's got the ol' ticker back, so they're both doing the whole emotions thing again, but they're both such goddamn NEWBS when it comes to feelings that they probably wouldn't know a romantic inkling if one came up and slapped them in their gorgeous faces! So just picture it: these two idiots falling in love and just being all DAFUQ IS THIS??? I THINK MY HEART ITCHES??? I DON'T UNDERSTAND HALP.
On a final-ish note that is neither really opposites nor similarities, they both canonically exist in the same universe within Kingdom Hearts, so even though they haven't actually met yet, they could still theoretically meet and it'd still be 100% kosher canon! And okay sure, Disney worlds in KH are basically AUs of their movie counterparts so just cuz Elsa exists in Axel/Lea's franchise, doesn't mean Axel/Lea exists in Elsa's franchise. BUT STILL! I just love that there IS a canon universe where they do in fact both exist and could in fact meet and I JUST THINK THAT'S BEAUTIFUL.
That's it. That's all I got for now. I'm sure I'll come up with more and will return to add on to this, but to sum it all up: I just want to smoosh my fire and ice bbies cute widdle faces together :3 My my, how STEAMY that would be (huh? huh? see what I did there? cuz, ya know, she’s ice and he’s… ehhhh, I think you guys get it)
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Baby Boom
@blind-mutant here we go!! For anyone else who reads this, this is uhhh an au??? Based off a fic I wrote for Devin's birthday in which Rhys lives a happy life with Wulf, Sal, Pascal, Lace, Mahogany and Dae! They also have a ton of babies (the carrier for all of these is Mahogany, they're still trying to get Sal to have a baby for them to coddle during all this) and here are some headcanons (tho core details like appearance, names, powers aren't decided since I want it to be a duo thing to share).
Malf (Wulf x Mahogany)
Oldest baby since Wulf is incredibly fertile
Big baby. Mahogany had quite a few worried boys around them when they got close to their due date and Baby themself got Mahogany exhausted.
So for the first few weeks it was the boys mostly taking care of Baby while Mahogany rested.
Spent the past six months being carried by Wulf before the last month was spent with only Dae being allowed to go near because he doesn't smell of much. Mahogany could only stand him and it made Dae cry every time.
Ate a LOT of meat since they were already the size of a one year old despite Mahogany being carrying for six months.
Screamed any time they were left alone and thus someone had to be in the room with them or holding them.
Even without powers,,,,ridiculously strong,,,dragged a chair with Sal still sitting on it and they were only a year and a half.
Angwy lil bab when the twins were born. Father crew had to keep an eye on them because Pascal launched out of bed one morning (throwing Rhys across the bed by accident) and caught Baby dragging the twins out to the woods,,,and then spent another hour holding a wailing Baby over it.
Wild Child. The kid who screams "FA!" and comes running in with a snake they found before announcing that they were bitten excitedly.
Wants stories all the time and everything they get told depends with "That's not what Auntie Edith/Uncle Mordecai says!"
Had very weird body proportions where they're skinny look but has big ass hands and feet,,,,like Michael from tma.
Stomps everywhere.
Ridiculously tall when grown. Gets yelled at by Rhys or Sal and they have to squat to be at eye level.
Kinda neurotic about keeping packs together and self obessed idea of being the next Alpha. Starts a few fights with Mahogany that leaves them both scarred, much to the worry of everyone else.
Rhogal (Rhys x Mahogany/x Pascal?)
Mahogany got pregnant when Wulf Baby was two.
No one knew who's this one was and automatically assumed Rhys because pale and one was blind.
But then Lace openly wondered if they worked like a cat and could have multiple fathers and then doubts settled in.
Did not help that Baby Two would start giggling ominously before something bad happned.
Anyway, easier birth! Less stress and less muching if you don't include Wulf Baby's attempts at getting rid of them.
Smol, got carried around by Rhys a lot and could fit into Wulf's palms which made some knees weak.
Generally didn't seem much trouble at first but then it Began.
Pls Baby One, let go of the spoon, I swear you'll get more meat mush in a second- oh my god where did Baby Two go????
Lots of rushing around looking for Satan before Baby Two would just calmly pad in with a dead dove or napping in Alpha's hair.
Twins need to hold AT LEAST a body part of someone. Sal's hands?? Wulf's hair??? Rhys's feet when asleep??? It'll do. Especially if it makes Papa Rhys scream funny.
Sal shows them the shining twins and still getting punished for it to this day I hear.
Asks a lot of questions that seem emotional and gut punching. Baby One asks Wulf if they're monsters when being tucked into bed, Baby Two cheerfully asks Dae what's gonna happen if he dies at the family breakfast.
Absolutely ride or die and everyone and no one knows if they can change sizes because no one sees them as adults together strangely enough.
Rarely fights but when they do??? Oh its BIG. To the point where Mahogany has to pull a big scary move that makes everyone step back.
One twin is so gross like, Lilo licking Nani level, but no one knows until it's too late.
Scared of fires but urge to arson is terribly strong in these babies.
Wulf Baby hated them and then it got worse because you had two tiny terrors annoying and bullying Wulf Baby lowkey for months.
Lagni (Lace x Mahogany)
Wulf Baby is 4, the twins are 2 and Lace Baby is a wee bab!
Dad Squad is getting to be experienced, knows to set up a den in the bedroom, only Dae and babies can go near them in the last month and Wulf Baby is VERY proud of being able to play at Alpha and look after their carrier.
Lace Baby was....surprisingly normal at first and ok no one expected that but no one was going to argue since they all knew how powerful Lace was when off his meds.
Things were fine! But then a few weeks and,,,,Mahogany was sweating and Sal wouldn't stop bleeding and being sick and Rhys got surrounded by his shadows and isolated. Lace cried later that night.
Still! They got around it and Carter helped out by telling the government that he had a second child and they got some medication for Lace Baby to have in order to calm them down, at least until they could be taught some control.
Quiet but....weirdly attentive?? A month old and yet nodded when asked questions. Prodigy baby, Wulf says proudly.
Likes sitting near their fathers and getting hobbies. Lace was strict in telling Rhys he wasn't allowed to scare people and luckily Lace Baby just picked up music from him.
Likes brawling with Wulf Baby and is seemingly durable so more than once Pascal has yelled because Wulf Baby tossed a giggling Lace Baby across the room with one hand.
Addicted to hanging out with cousin Logan to the point where they have been a bit rude and blown off their own siblings. Got a big fight about it that ended up with Baby One sulking with their head in Rhys's lap and sniffling.
Wants to move out but not in a bad way just....wants to study and learn about what they are, what their PACK is. Begs Uncle Abara to teach them demon stuff.
Accent changes with who they speak to. Has a stutter with Dae before switching to rough Irish when begging to go hunting.
Likes to stray from family but the slightest thing that upsets them?? Comes home sobbing to their parents, half of which only teach their shoulders now.
Cried easily? Medication made them have swings and some time Rhys said something and they cried and he still feels bad about it years later. Wulf is confused because all Rhys said was that they can't take a sword to school.
Likes making charts and playing games that Dae.
Burns themself out a lot and that causes worry for the family when they're eight and suddenly passing out after chasing after Mahogany.
Secretly keeps and cuddles a sweater from one of the parents and sleeps with it. Mortified if anyone found out about their blankie.
Mahl (Sal x Mahogany)
Wulf Baby is 5, the twins are 3 and Lace Baby is 1!
No one actually knew this time Mahogany was pregnant because the bump was so small and they weren't eating as much. Really, Mahogany started craving sweeter stuff and ate sap and honey for 6 months instead of meat.
Therefore, this is the one baby Mahogany finally got to have in the middle of nowhere and came back with late afternoon. Sal passed out immediately.
S m o l. Literally kitten sized. But had a perfect affinity for sound and therefore had the horrifying gift for copying voices. More than once they were woken up to Sal Baby screaming like an adult man and one time they woke up to Pascal's own voice screaming back at him.
Suckles a lot and this was cute until they grew teeth Mahogany has sharp teeth, Sal has blocky teeth. Baby has jagged teeth. Also the only baby who didn't eat meat but rather drank honey for months on end before finally eating meat.
Everyone thought Sal hated them because he never spoke to them until he finally sighed after a crying session and ruffled their hair and called Baby "Snuffle-Truffles". Wulf cried.
Didn't move for ages until Rhys didn't hold them one day after everyone ELSE did and Sal Baby finally got up and passed after him for their daily shadow dad cuddles.
Smol but f a s t. Scaled a wall in less than a minute and the wall was high enough that it takes about three minutes to hurry if you aren't a giant noodle who can litreally climb up.
Baby can touch Dae safely and that's because he woke up scremaing when Baby Sal was found suckling on his fingers and was....perfectly fine. There was a lot of crying.
Wants to Dance(Tm) but,,,,clumsy dancer. Has the legs of a chunky chicken wing to baby deer.
Baby of the family and they know it. Has some health issues later and VERY wild physical changes later on in life.
Mahogany is still bothering Sal about carrying a baby or two because they wanna coddle but haha what are the chances of that happening,,,,,:3 :3 >:3
Lace Baby is the teen that dumps their parents and Sal Baby is the teen that is mortified by the amount of baby pictures.
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