#waof reread
charmedojamajo Β· 8 months
Chapter 4.
Alright we said the pregnancies start here so let's see if we hold true to that 🀨
Hang on a minute. That scene happened. Doremi and Momoko woke up Onpu and Tooru. Then the next scene starts with the title "Three Weeks Later." So. You're telling me. Doremi and Momoko just missed out on witnessing the conception of ToOn's baby? Wtf was wrong with me????
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There is a LOT more going on in this scene but I'll focus on just this excerpt. You ask the engaged couple when the last time they slept together was???? Insane behaviour. The "weird cravings" in question are pickles. And I'm sure we can agree that nausea doesn't really mean anything by itself.
But on top of that the next lines have Aiko joking to call 911. Girl this is Japan that is NOT their emergency number smh this fic is so unrealistic πŸ˜”
Ok I'll touch on these strange Tooru scenes shortly but I love how we include the last names of the FLATY5 even though they are not brought up in canon once. Last night I was reading the Light Novel chapter with the FLAT4 and there's literally a line where Doremi's like "wait I don't even know if the names they told us are their first names or their surnames. Who knows what their full names are?" But no, in the WAOF universe we have claimed Kounna Tooru.
"Wherever Tooru-kun's gone, that's where Leon-kun's at." Aiko hissed.
Idk why this is making me laugh lmao.
Right, onto the weird Tooru scenes. I was going through my old ffn messages with @pippelulu looking for something else entirely and did spot a few messages where we were like "hey the flat4 should totally realise Onpu's pregnant before anyone else" which is fine if there was like. reasoning behind it? We made Aiko a pixie in the last chapter, let the wizards have the power to read auras or something. But why does EVERYONE know except Onpu? Well actually, that's not true. Why do the Ojamajos, Tooru and Akatsuki know? This is so bizarre lol.
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Why is Aiko shooting lasers out of her eyes now 😭.
I haven't even finished reading this scene of drunk Leon and Aiko and I'm already cringing with embarrassment. Yikes. But this is the time for me to question the story arc of those two in this chapter. Why was Aiko trying to kill Leon earlier and now she's willingly doing shots with him??
I'm not including the excerpt I'm too embarrassed but I fr stole a quote from THE BIG BANG THEORY in this chapter. Why did we write these characters getting drunk in the first place, we had never touched a drop of alcohol in our lives at that point.
My ONE attempt at questioning the continuity of this story was in the author's notes after PippElulu says LeAi are engaged. Bestie those two have barely spoken two nice words to each other.
< ch3 | ch5 >
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charmedojamajo Β· 8 months
Chapter 3.
I love how this chapter starts with @pippelulu and I complaining about how bad we are at writing weddings and musing over when they'll happen in the story. I don't think a single wedding happened over the course of 31 chapters.
This was... probably the most confusing opening scene ever written. And I can't remember which one of us is responsible for it. Why do Aiko and Hadzuki think they're doomed? Why does Onpu say "who would want to do that" after Doremi says she's getting married when 1. Onpu is already engaged and 2. It seems later on in the scene no one even heard Doremi anyway? And again WHY did we have to ruin Momoko for ✨comedy✨.
"bluenette" - yeah that was PippElulu and also very 2000s fanfiction coded.
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Now at this point it's well established that this story could not care less about continuity and plot holes and everything that happened was just for the sake of "random xD" but WHY was this mentioned lmfao. The scene opened with everyone sitting around in the living room before the conga madness. So were they all just chilling watching porn together? Did the TV malfunction at that very moment? Also love the idea of Aiko beating the shit out of a conga line while some corny porn music plays in the background lmao
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Spot the kids who knew nothing about currencies and the cost of jewellery lmao. Also wouldn't that be forbidden magic? Inflation bro...
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lmao sorry bestie but I love how PippElulu called Aiko getting excited over the engagement of one of her best friends being "childish and silly."
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Momoko forgive me... you are so smart and intelligent and wise and not the melon lord. I beg you.
Again with the "random xD" lol why is there a whole scene of the FLATY5 fighting like kids in their own home before Aiko just appears out of nowhere.
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Lmao pippelulu and I were laughing over this the other day. Homie really wrote a whole paragraph of Aiko turning into a pixie and it was just never brought up again. Where is the LORE.
Oh, and Leon transforms too (of course).
Leon took Aiko's chin and leaned in, pressing his lips to hers. They stayed like that for at LEAST 6 seconds.
This sentence reminds me of when my friend and I were flipping through 50 Shades of Grey looking for the worst lines and one was "we stayed like that for minutes. Many minutes."
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I totally stole that first piece of dialogue from a Charmed episode and that's probably why I kept it in.
PippElulu and I would send each other our parts over ffn pms and there is in fact a conversation where we argue over this.
This was posted on PippElulu's account originally so she could have just taken it out instead of adding in her author's note... OR AT THE VERY LEAST CORRECTED MY YOU'RE
"The others are acting hormonal; they're acting like 12 year old boys"
Well, makes sense given it was written by 12 year old girls πŸ˜€πŸ‘
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I don't have anything to say about this scene, I just need to make sure PippElulu reads it.
But the next line has Hadzuki summoning a bubble wand? Literally what were all the random ass abilities we were giving these girls. We fr went "magical girls? oh so any magic will do then, right?"
Momoko I am so sorry...
And Aiko has electrokinesis too????
I genuinely had no idea what "overrated" meant when this was written so I have to laugh every time I use that word to refer to the fic. Like bestie you have no clue what you're yapping about 😭
< ch2 | ch4 >
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charmedojamajo Β· 9 months
Chapter 2.
Goddamn the authors' notes really start with @pippelulu saying to PM her for spoilers (hilarious since this story had zero plan) and I just immediately start shit talking her because I want people to message ME. Let's all acknowledge that I was an insufferable kid.
Why are we insulting Momoko's cooking when her dream was literally to open a café 😭 we completely trashed her character for "comedy."
After Momoko had left the room, Onpu sat back on the bed. She and Tooru had just woken up (NO THERE WAS NO LEMON!)
Any why the fuck not? Isn't Onpu supposed to be getting pregnant within the next few chapters? 🀨
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I have so much to say about this lmfao. Why did we have to make them all eighteen. Why did we write these dumb little author notes when we could just EDIT THE TEXT. And WHAT is Aiko doing there?
The whole scene of Yabu singing This is The Song That Doesn't End... entirely because I discovered that in early 2013. Funniest shit tho because my mum sent me the video being like "remember this? you used to annoy me with it!" but I had no memory of the song at all. She created the most annoying person of all time when all she wanted to do was reminisce.
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Funniest shit ever, no further comment.
[Tooru] entered to find Onpu in long jeans and a bra.
We had a setup where we would write 20 lines each then swap, and PippElulu had written this as her last line and thought she had done the cleverest thing ever leaving me to follow on from a line like that.
You can tell we were kids when we wrote this lmao Onpu and Tooru are engaged and their relationship dynamic is so bizarre. But I mean not much has changed for us in ten years so we'd probably end up writing it the same way today πŸ˜€πŸ‘
Doremi got back up and Akatsuki smiled. "I'm a wizard, I'm not used to this, let's see if I can do this properly."
This is after Akatsuki blurted out "marry me" to Doremi. Love the implication that human men propose on a regular basis. Also completely forgot that we actually wrote this proposal.
PippElulu stating "the pregnancies will roll in at Chapter 4"? So Onpu and Tooru were totally fucking earlier then bestie admit it...
< ch1 | ch3 >
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charmedojamajo Β· 9 months
Chapter 1.
So history lesson: when this was first published, it was on @pippelulu's account. Which means the published date (27/12/13) is actually incorrect! For some reason we then reposted it to my account??? Then we grew enough brain cells to make a joint account and eventually reposted it there. I... don't remember the login details to that account πŸ˜€πŸ‘
Yabu is our beloved son.
And PippElulu adding in-text author's notes in the FIRST scene. Absolutely iconic of her. Also love how this first scene just immediately went to Onpu's engagement without any context of how the FLAT4 are back, where the hell Yabu fits in, and why they are living in a sharehouse.
Ok in FAIRNESS right after it refers to the girls' house as the "manor" which is hilarious because that was entirely because I was also obsessed with Charmed at the time. Like to the point where I would constantly send PippElulu Charmed quotes where I had just replaced the characters with the Ojamajos. And I am not lying in the slightest when I say I always imagined the Ojamajos as living IN the Halliwell Manor from the show whenever we wrote WAOF.
"Don't tell me! Doremi-chan fell in the toilet again?"
Ok I laughed at this.
Oh, God it is so obvious I had started writing this next scene with the FLATY5... why can I vividly remember writing this:
"You + Onpu-chan = something I can't imagine . . . well, if you were married anyway" Fujio said, Leon tried not to laugh.
And I also remember that I have been cringing over this line for years...
lmao our ordering of events makes absolutely no sense. So... Tooru proposes to Onpu, Onpu goes home, calls him, and then asks if he's sure he wants to marry her? Hilarious.
Momo-chan! Don't you dare walk away from me!
I'm not walking! I'm running!
I am like... 95% sure these lines were inspired by a season 8 episode of Charmed... the stolen quotes start early.
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Completely pointless dialogue exposition my beloved.
Why did Tooru choose who Onpu's maid of honour will be???? And why did we make this a whole ass argument between Aiko and Momoko? If anyone would care that much about it, it would obviously be Doremi...
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We thought this was the FUNNIEST shit ever when we wrote it. And on my last Charmed rewatch I realised there was a really similar scene so did I just steal this from there too?πŸ§β€β™€οΈ
The end of chapter notes that there won't be any lemons <3 yeah we were literal children, I hope not.
ch2 >
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charmedojamajo Β· 8 months
Chapter 7.
"She forced me into it." Yabu said with a bored face.
What a great start to the chapter. Dubcon confirmed to actually be noncon ☠️
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@pippelulu once again blessing us with the source of her references.
"Momo-chan's hormones are worse than mine, you're fixing them, buh bye!" [Aiko] slammed the door.
Oh lord, we're at it again with the hormone "fixing."
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Literally WHAT are you talking about Yabu, have you not been paying attention? Momoko's behaviour is totally consistent with her shit show of a character we have created so far.
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WHAT are we yapping on about. I completely forgot this was a whole "story arc" with each couple, if you could even call it that.
"I'm staying the night at Akatsuki-kun's house." [Doremi] said cheerfully and disappeared in a cloud of pink sparkles.
Lmao, more unexplained powers. Less hormones and more of this nonsense please.
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I am going to continue mentioning how we put our heart and soul into the LeAi scenes and just ignored everyone else. This is one of the rare few scenes Hadzuki is even in.
Okay they have "poofed" into Aiko's room, and Onpu is disappearing in "purple sparkles." This is the kind of unexplainable randomness I want to see.
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All of the cringe implied sex scenes should just be replaced with this. This I can laugh at.
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Man we were in such a hurry to get them all knocked up lmao. The story was supposed to start with them all getting married but now we're just speedrunning pregnancies. As I say in the end of chapter author's note: "one more to go."
Pregnancy that is. There's still 20 something chapters.
< ch6 | ch8 >
0 notes
charmedojamajo Β· 8 months
Chapter 5.
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Slay this means we wrote this in the same room!! Can't wait to see exactly how many more pregnancies we get in this chapter.
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🫡🫡AURAS🫡🫡 MOMOKO IS VIEWING AURAS. I SAID THAT IN THE LAST POST. GIVE THAT SHIT TO THE FLAT4 GIVE THEIR RANDOM KNOWLEDGE MORE LORE. Also gotta appreciate @pippelulu actually explaining where her references come from.
Every scene inside the "FLATY5 Household" is just two seconds of insanity with no plot progression I swear.
But with that said... Akatsuki is out here picking his best man as if their wedding would ever actually get written.
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Also why are half these lines written like a clickbait YouTube title.
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"Ai-chan has been acting really weird lately, since you had the privilege to mate with her!" Momoko said.
Odd sentence. No more to add.
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I was about to question why Momoko knew that Leon and Aiko slept together but I guess if she's spotting extra auras??? that she just assumed. Was Leon coming to tell Aiko about it earlier? I am... so confused.
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I'm currently rewatching Ojamajo Doremi and the steak gag is really getting old even though I'm only on Sharp #33, but whatever fucked up nonsensical steak gags we have going on here WORK.
[Doremi] was watching a camera installed on her computer, that went through to Aiko's bedroom, so, TECHNICALLY she isn't really minding her own business.
Are we just gonna... gloss over that?
Wait Leon DIDN'T know Aiko was pregnant? What happened to the wizards knowing before everyone else??? What was the deal with that LeAi scene earlier? Huh?
We put our whole ass into writing romance scenes between Leon and Aiko and just abandoned all the other couples lmao.
No, seriously. The closest we got to "lemons" was with those two fr. "Hormones" my ass.
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Nothing confirms the fact that we just characterised Aiko as later seasons Piper from Charmed than us just giving her Piper's main power lmao. Also Momoko????
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The in-text author's note before this shows I wrote this part. Wtf is this?
This ending scene is just... we have more or less established (or at the very least, implied) that each pairing is in an actual relationship, so why are we pulling the period drama "show the sex scene before the character winds up pregnant so you can clearly see how they got pregnant!" trope??? All I have to say about this YaMo scene is: "I am in need of sexual attention."
Right, onto chapter 6 now.
< ch4 | ch6 >
0 notes
charmedojamajo Β· 9 months
the most blursed ojamajo doremi fic of all time... my proudest creation... the nostalgia... the iconic old fanfic tropes of author's notes in text, authors having dialogue with the characters, and yelling about lemons... truly a piece of historic literature.
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charmedojamajo Β· 9 months
first obligation with this blog: digging up the old lulubrichama account and rereading waof with @pippelulu.... can't tell if i'm excited or scared...
waof reread is IN PROGRESS. I am doing a chapter-by-chapter live reaction!!
Start here! Each post has a link to the preceding and following chapter.
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