#wardrobe assembly service near me
flatpackking · 8 months
Unlocking Convenience: Your Guide to Flat Pack Assembly Near Me
In today's fast-paced world, convenience is key, especially when it comes to furnishing our homes or offices. Flat pack furniture has become increasingly popular for its affordability and style, but assembling it can be a daunting task. That's where nearby flat pack assembly services come into play, and Flat Pack King leads the way.
Understanding the Importance of Nearby Services
When it comes to furniture assembly, having a service provider nearby can make all the difference. It saves time, reduces hassle, and ensures quick assistance whenever needed.
Exploring Flat Pack King's Approach
Flat Pack King understands the importance of being accessible to its customers. With strategically located service centers, they offer unparalleled convenience and reliability.
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With multiple service locations, Flat Pack King ensures that customers have easy access to professional assembly services wherever they are.
Expertise and Professionalism
Flat Pack King's team of skilled technicians ensures that every piece of furniture is assembled with precision and care, guaranteeing customer satisfaction.
Benefits of Choosing Nearby Flat Pack Assembly Services
With nearby flat pack assembly services, customers can enjoy the convenience of getting their furniture assembled without the hassle of long waits or distant service providers.
Choosing a nearby assembly service saves valuable time that would otherwise be spent transporting furniture or waiting for assembly appointments.
Personalized Assistance
Nearby service providers like Flat Pack King offer personalized assistance and quick responses to customer inquiries or concerns, ensuring a smooth assembly process.
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How to Identify Reliable Flat Pack Assembly Services Nearby
Online Reviews and Ratings
Check online reviews and ratings to gauge the reliability and quality of nearby flat pack assembly services.
Recommendations from Friends and Family
Seek recommendations from friends or family members who have used nearby assembly services for their furniture.
Professionalism and Experience
Look for assembly services with a reputation for professionalism, expertise, and experience in handling flat pack furniture.
The Experience of Getting Flat Pack Assembly Near Me
Customers rave about their experience with Flat Pack King's nearby assembly services, praising the convenience and efficiency of the process.
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Tips for Choosing the Best Flat Pack Assembly Service Nearby
Assessing Reputation and Experience
Choose a service provider with a solid reputation and years of experience in the field.
Inquiring About Pricing and Availability
Ask about pricing packages and service availability to ensure they meet your needs and budget.
Checking for Quality Guarantees
Ensure the service provider offers quality guarantees and stands behind their workmanship.
In conclusion, nearby flat pack assembly services offer unmatched convenience and efficiency for furnishing your space. With Flat Pack King, you can enjoy hassle-free assembly and impeccable service, right at your doorstep.
Is Flat Pack King available in my area?
Flat Pack King operates multiple service centers, ensuring coverage in various locations. Check their website or contact customer service for details.
How soon can I schedule a flat pack assembly appointment?
Appointment availability may vary based on location and demand. Contact Flat Pack King for scheduling options.
What types of furniture does Flat Pack King assemble?
Flat Pack King provides assembly services for a wide range of flat pack furniture, including desks, shelves, wardrobes, and more.
Are there any additional charges for nearby assembly services?
Flat Pack King offers transparent pricing with no hidden charges. Contact them for a detailed quote based on your requirements.
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hankwritten · 3 years
And She Dresses Like a Scoundrel
Engineer/Spy, 2k
Part of the DontNeedADiscord Pride Week, Day 4: Fashion
“Thank you, Engineer,” I said gratefully, accepting back the once again functional disguise kit.
“No problem, partner,” he replied, gracious as ever. “Must have been a hard three days without it.”
“Indeed.” I sighed, recalling how many sentries had gotten the better of me with a grimace. “To think, less than a year ago I was relying entirely on my own skills of camouflage to create my disguise. I would even do it for fun! But here I am, ten months working for BLU and I’ve become completely dependent on their technology.” Another sigh, this time more beleaguered. “Truly, I have let myself slip.”
“I wouldn’t go that far, Spy,” he said, consoling.
I raised my hand. “No need to be patronizing, my friend. I know the writing on the wall.” I waved, preparing to exit his workshop. “Thank you again for the repair, Engineer.”
But as I was halfway to the door, Engie blurted, “why don’t you?”
“Come again?” I asked, turning around.
“Why don’t you make your own disguises anymore?” he repeated, seemingly genuinely confused.
“As I said, I haven’t needed to,” I shrugged. “And thus, my skills have lapsed.”
“But if it was for fun, why’d you stop?”
At that I paused. It had been fun, one of my greatest prides was coming up with a new face and a new identity to fit any particular occasion. There was no greater joy than reintroducing yourself to someone under a new guise and seeing them have no idea.
“…I’m not sure,” I said honestly. “Probably because, despite my enjoyment, I associated the activity exclusively with work.”
That satisfied his curiosity, though it did make him rather dour. “Makes sense.” He thought for a moment. “But you could always pick it back up again?”
“I’d be horridly out of practice,” I waved off.
“So? We all gotta start somewhere.”
I tilted my head. “Why does this interest you so?”
He pushed up his goggles, chewing on some thought until it left a peculiar look about his face. “Just seems a shame,” he said eventually, “All that talent going to waste. You seem mighty busy all the time, never see you do anything just because you enjoy it.”
I pressed my lips together. There was a certain truth to that, and I wondered internally if I was being resistant for no reason. “...Hm. I... suppose you are right. Even if I do have access to a near flawless disguise kit, there’s no reason to set it aside entirely.”
“There you go! You sound gung-ho already.”
I didn’t, but he was familiar with my habit of faint praise to cover up genuine enthusiasm. “I appreciate the suggestion,” I told him honestly. “…Maybe when you see me next, you won’t even know it is I.”
Engie grinned, and it was charming how vicious he looked when he was trying to be encouraging. “Looking forward to it.”
Of my old wigs, only the black one with its loose curls had managed to survive its year in storage. Even still, there was frizz on a good portion of it, and after a half hour of teasing I gave up and began tearing apart the rest of my wardrobe for something to lesson its imperfections. What I found was a scarf, red and silken, and decided it would have to do.
A full-length buttoned coat, and pair of striped legs. Yes, these would be serviceable.
But first, makeup . I remembered that much at least, though I failed to recall the first rule of application: always begin with the eyes. The result was that I was left with a perfect pair of heart lips and a disgusting smudge across my sockets, the latter of which I had no interest in starting over on. Instead, I retrieved a pair of sunglasses from my trunk. I deserved to cut a few corners after so long, and anyone who said differently could try their makeup after a year without practice and see if they could do better.
When I was done, a perfectly lovely woman stared back at me. The stare turned into a frown. A perfectly lovely woman a year out of fashion. What was I wearing? Leggings? Good god, those were on the way out last fall.
I began to examine myself in the mirror, cursing myself for ever becoming so woefully outdated. I’d had my finger in the crease of Dapper Cadaver without pause for the past hundred issues, but I hadn’t even bothered to pick up a single magazine on women’s fashion? Disgraceful. Something would have to be done about this.
By the time I made it down to breakfast, someone had already made the first pot of the morning. I filled a mug and sat down.
Medic didn’t so much as blink. He lifted his eyes, greeting, “Guten Morgen, Herr Spy,” and returned to his medical notes. By the spots of blood, they were likely fresh.
Soldier was another story. “By God! You finally did it, Nurse,” he said, gripping the back of Medic’s chair and shaking him slightly. “You turned Spy into a woman!”
“I did not,” Medic said, peeling one of Soldier’s hands off his shoulder. He then considered for a moment, and addressed me, “unless this is your way of making a statement?”
“Non,” I shook my head. “Not entirely, at least. Soldier is right, but this is not permanent: I simply wished to get back into a more…flexible mode of presentation.” I paused for a second. “What did he mean by ‘finally’?”
“Are you implying I have been working secretly in my lab for the past two years on some sort of sex-change ray that would be sure to result in wacky hijinxs should it ever be completed?” Medic sipped his coffee. “Because I’m not and that is ridiculous.”
“…I see.”
If Soldier’s reaction was passionate, Engineer’s was somehow even more so. Before he even fully entered the kitchen, he stopped dead, his eyes locked on me. A few times he tried to speak, failed, and settled for scratching the back of his neck.
“Seems like you took my advice on the whole disguise work,” he said eventually. Now he had trouble looking at me altogether, a deep blush forming along his cheeks.
“I did,” I smirked, amused at his state. “Though unfortunately I’ve found my current wardrobe is not what I’d like it to be. I was hoping to use today’s ceasefire to do some shopping.”
“You want some company?” he asked, then immediately got flustered again. “Just uh…cause I know you don’t like taking your car though all the dust ‘less you absolutely have to, and nearest city with a shopping mall is pretty far…”
“Ah, so you are offering to drive,” I mused. “And here I thought you believed I suddenly needed assistance carrying my bags.”
Medic snorted, though when Engie shot him a glare he showed no indication he’d even been listening.
“…I can give you a lift, sure,” the Engineer affirmed slowly, still frowning offendedly in Medic’s direction.
“That is unacceptable!” Soldier chimed, brining his fist down on the table and making the silverware tinkle. “You two are not yet married! You think you can just go on a trip into town while unchaperoned? It is indecent!”
Engie sputtered, losing the bit of coffee he’d had the misfortune of drinking. “Soldier! What hell are you talking about?” he sputtered. “That ain’t- it’s still just Spy.”
“Exactly,” Soldier agreed. “That is why the two of you cannot be left alone together. Do not worry! I volunteer to accompany you on this shopping trip.”
Medic was laughing, having a much more difficult time hiding it now.
I grinned placidly. “You heard the man, Engineer,” I said. “It would go against decency to be about without a chaperone.”
“Fine,” he said, pulling his helmet further over his eyes. “Guess I’ll make the truck up for three.”
As much as I wanted to see if he would pop like a balloon if any more blood went to his face, I decided he’d had enough for the morning. I kept our conversation within acceptable subjects on the way up, and refrained from commenting on his new collection of odd mannerisms. It was quite adorable actually, especially when Soldier would lean out of the back seat every now and then to remind him ‘no funny business’.
When arriving at the glorious superplex that was the Santa Fe outdoor mall, the first thing on my agenda was a new jacket. The one extracted from the bowels of my old wardrobe was such a drab mauve, and with some help from the assistant at Loveman’s, I was able to find a few acceptable pantsuits. One could only expect “acceptable” when shopping chic in a department store—and a department store in America no less—but hopefully the rivers of fashion had trickled down enough that I wouldn’t embarrass myself too badly. The white plaid one was even quite fetching.
Next were hats.
“Engineer! Spy!” Soldier arrested our attention with. “I have located something I would like to purchase.”
He was wearing a newsboy hat over the top of his helmet.
“You needn’t ask us for permission,” I told him. “You have your own funds.”
He straightened like he honestly hadn’t thought of that. “Okay!” Then he was off again, sorting through the seemingly never-ending headwear.
“Some chaperone,” Engie remarked as he disappeared.
“I’m sure we can be trusted alone for but a few minutes,” I said, turning with a blue cloche hat in place. “What do you think of this one?”
“As pretty as the last. I mean-” He coughed. “Looks just fine.”
I smiled. “Here I thought you’d had enough teasing, but it seems you’re doing all the work for me.”
“Dang it Spy, I just meant-” He rubbed the bridge of his nose. “You know what, let’s just head to the jewelry.”
I shook my head. “Unfortunately jewelry is too much of a hazard. Rings and bracelets make removing gloves difficult, and necklaces are extremely useful for strangling your target from behind.”
“Terrifying that you put it like that, but remember you ain’t doing this for the job,” he prompted. “This is you getting a chance to try something different. D’ya want to wear a necklace?”
As he said it, he moved closer to the jewelry counter. I followed him, peering through the glass at all the trinkets I usually dismissed when assembling a woman’s portfolio. They were lovely…
“Mademoiselle,” I called to the woman behind the counter. “Might I be able to try this on?”
Engie whistled. “Nice choice.”
“I happen to have exquisite taste in jewelry,” I told him, gazing at my reflection in the glass as it wore the blue teardrop pendant I had picked out. “Both when selecting for a lover, or for myself.”
The attendant gave me an odd look, but it was worth it to see Engineer chuckle in a way that no longer uncomfortable.
“I have located another!” Soldier informed us as we took our bag. This time he was wearing a Viking helmet. From where he had obtained it, I had no idea.
“Then finish up paying,” Engie said. “We’re heading out soon.”
“Not so fast, Engineer,” I stopped him as he’d taken a step toward the door. “We still have not gotten anything for you.”
“Me?” he balked, craning his neck around like he was suddenly intimidated by the voluptuous mannequins surrounding us. “I don’t need nothin’…”
“And why not?” I asked. “We have dedicated the whole morning to me, and Soldier is finding ways to entertain himself, why shouldn’t you acquire something nice?”
“Please, my friend,” I said. “My treat.”
“…Alright,” he sighed. “Sorry Sol, looks like-”
Soldier had acquired a bowler hat, which he wore on top of his Viking helm.
“-Well okay then.”
The Engineer provided an interesting challenge. The first thing I noticed was that everything in his size was far too long for him, and it made me question how he’d even found fitting clothes in the first place when everything in the store simply wanted to fall off him in tubes. He explained that he usually had to hem up his pants after buying them. I thought that was adorable, to which he muttered a string of ‘aw shucks’.
In a montage where Engie grew more flustered by the minute, I managed to get him into a delightful pair of corduroy pants with a mustard button down, an orange sweater with matching slacks, and a simple floral print button down that might go under his overalls. However, my absolute favorite was-
“Well now you’re just being rude,” he said, holding up the jacket.
“Howdy partner,” I mimicked. “Why don’t we just give up?”
“I don’t sound like that,” he complained. “And I definitely don’t wear things like this.”
The cowboy leathers were the sort of pink you saw from a mile away, genuine cow hide wasted on the monstrosity in his hands. There were more tassels than a man could ever want, and they went wonderfully with the white chaps and matching white Stetson.
“This is an eyesore,” he said.
“So are your regular clothes,” I reflected. “Please, I only ask that you try them on.”
He grumbled, and stepped into the changing room. That was good. I’d hate to have to bring out the, ‘for me?’.
“It’s certainly…something,” I said six minutes later.
“A trainwreck,” Engie said.
“You’re smiling,” I pointed out.
He grinned a little wider. He turned in a circle, the hundreds of tassels swishing around him, and then for good measure did a little two-step. I couldn’t help but chuckle with a hand over my mouth.
A shopper with a mustache passed by and gave us a strange look, and for some reason I started laughing harder.
“What’s got you so tickled?” Engie inquired.
“Nothing,” I waved off with a smile. “I was just thinking: after the thirty-five times the two of use have appeared in public together, this the first that you’re the queer one.”
He paused for a moment, looking down at himself. “Heh, I guess so.” Then he started to laugh. “…So. You been counting the number of times we’ve gone out together?”
“Is it so odd that I enjoy your company?
“No but…” he studied me for a moment. “Would you like to do this again some time? Assuming we can ditch the chaperone.”
“Mr. Conagher, how scandalous!” I said with mock horror. “I thought you’d never ask.”
He gave me one of those charming smiles again, and my heart fluttered ever so slightly.
Soldier greeted us on the way out, hat boxes stacked so high we couldn’t see his face anymore. “Operation successful! Move out troops!”
“Soldier,” Engie asked as he began securing boxes in the back of his pickup so there wouldn’t be a colossal hat pileup on the highway, “how long until you stop following my ‘n Spy around?”
“I do not know. Spy! How long are you going to be a women?”
I adjusted my new hat in the side mirror. “Until I feel otherwise.”
“Well then there you go!” Soldier declared. “It is perfectly acceptable for two unmarried men to be alone together, so you may resume making moon eyes at each other then.”
That, for once, got us both to flush.
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The Treatment of Captain Syverson-Chapter 16: Sit Rep
Characters: Captain Logan “Sy” Syverson, various other original supporting/secondary characters (This includes Sy’s Army Buddies of varying rank as follows: Kevin Kaufmann, Nate Banning, Chad Randall, Matt Styles, Jake Ryburn, and Travis Hodges. I apologize if I’ve mixed up their names anywhere. I just gave them last names and sometimes rank so they could be called something other than their first names for sake of variety! lol!)
Summary: Sy meets up with his Army buddies and they are eager to help.
Romance and Smut Abound HERE!
Word Count: 4.5k
Warnings: Language, firearms, implication of abuse and violence
Author’s Note: Guys, we are getting closer! Our couple will be back together soon! I can’t wait and I know most of you feel the same! I hope the strike team members aren’t too muddled and confusing. If they are, I’m very open to your feedback and suggestions on how to clarify and improve! Thank you to everyone, long time readers, and new fans picked up along the way! I cherish you all, and would never have gotten this far in the story if it wasn’t for each and every one of you! I hope you enjoy the 16th chapter (18th installment…remember when I thought this would just be a few chapters of fluff with a smutty conclusion? Lol!) of The treatment of Captain Syverson.
Disclaimer: Unfortunately for me, Henry is not mine, le sigh, and all mention of him, his characters, any characters from his films, or his precious doggy, Kal, are strictly for transformative and recreational use. I neither ask for, nor accept payment for the work I post on Tumblr or AO3. Unbeta’d because this is for fun and escapism. This is an original work by me, Hannah. Please reblog if you wish to share. Please do not repost either in whole or part, as the work of anyone but myself. Thanks so much for reading!
@onlyhenrys @cavillryarchive @summersong69 @titty-teetee @bloodyinspiredfuck @agniavateira @oddsnendsfanfics @omgkatinka @thisismysecretthirstblog @speakerforthedead0 @tumblnewby  @suavechops @radkesgirl83 @wheretheriversrunintothesea @heartfelt-pen @auds24  @geekycanuck @lunarstarknight @wilma-g  @coldmuffinbanditshoe @feralrunaway  @sugarpenchant @bichibibi @mzchievous-blog
If you want to be notified when I post a new chapter or work, I’ll be happy to add you to my tag list! Stricken blogs are getting personal messages from me when a new chapter is uploaded because Tumblr’s faulty tagging system will not stand in the way of me delivering what the people want!(?) lol! (Although…their lackadaisical notification system might…sorry for that. I have no control. lol!)
Sy sat in his truck in the parking lot of Cade's. He couldn't help but think about the last time he was here. The altercations with Elliott, both inside the bar and outside, the friendships he'd started to build with the other fellas in Shane's work group, the simple way Shane pulled off the elegance of minimalism with her wardrobe and makeup, the ride home…and the night of lovemaking that followed. He had made a mistake. He shouldn't have agreed to come tonight. He was gonna leave. His right hand reached for the keys in the ignition, a firm grip ready to set the engine roaring again, when he was startled by a rap at his window.
Tap-tappa-tap-tap his friend Kevin had just rhythmically knocked with one knuckle on the window. He was smiling and waving exuberantly, like a puppy whose master had just come home.
Sy's scowl softened into a sheepish grin and he knocked back tap-tap.  
Kevin waited near Sy's front fender while he got out of his truck.
"How ya doin' Kevin?" he greeted his old friend warmly.
"Alright, I s'pose! You?"
"Oh…I'm makin' it, I guess. What are you up to these days? Still workin' at the plant?" Kevin had worked for the 3M factory over in Lebanon, Missouri since his last tour. Sy knew if he just got him talking about his life, Sy wouldn't have to give him details about his own, which he was going to avoid like the plague, if he could tonight.
"Yup, I actually just got a promotion. I'm a line manager now." And Sy could barely congratulate him before he started delving into the details as the two men walked into Cade's.
It was already busy, even for a Friday night. But the rest of the guys had already claimed a table between the dart boards and the pool tables, and were working on a couple of pitchers of beer. The two were welcomed warmly and only slightly teased about walking in together.
With the group finally assembled, they began taking turns giving report on their lives. It began with Kevin, who, having already begun with Sy, continued with a brief recap for the others. Sy exhaled with relief when Matt, who was seated on the other side of Kevin piped up to speak next, having recently proposed to his long time girlfriend. They were going to get to him last, if at all. He listened as well as he could as he battled the troubled thoughts in his head by bombarding them with beer. Unbeknownst to him, his friend Nate, who'd organized the gathering, had been observing his behavior with curiosity, and a measure of concern. He didn't let Jake finish talking about his latest dalliance into what they were all sure was a pyramid scheme disguised as direct sales. Even though Jake insisted it was not.
"Well, I'm curious as to why Sy's been so tight-lipped all evening. What's on your mind, Captain?"
"Nothin' Nate. Just enjoying a few beers with old friends." Sy lied, not convincing anyone at the table, least of all Nate, who had been one of his closest friends while they were stationed together.
"If I wanted to hear bullshit, I'd have let Jake keep talking about the Duraplex scam."
"It's not a scam, guys, it's real supplements for busy people!" Jake defended.
"Can it, Hodges. We aren't buying it, and we aren't signing up to sell it, either." Nate focused again on Sy. "Come on, man. You told me on the phone you had a lot going on. What is it? Female troubles?" He snickered, as did the other guys.
Sy looked into his glass, through the foam and into the honey liquid below it with a rueful grin. "In a sense."
He took a huge drink of the beer, five gulps, nearly emptying it, fortifying himself to speak.
"My girlfriend is missing." Everyone froze in position as they processed this.
Half a dozen questions hit his ears at once. Which he could have handled if he hadn't had almost a full pitcher by himself.
He shut them down, and began to tell them the story of how he met Shane and their sort of whirlwind romance. He paused for a moment to pour himself another beer.
"Never heard you talk about a woman like that, Sy." His friend Chad piped up.
"Never felt this way before, man. She's…she's the one."
"You said she was missing, though?" Nate asked, brow furrowed in concern.
Sy continued, talking about their argument, reconciliation, and then his leaving for training, ending his briefing with the phone call he got from Shane's boss.
"That's fucked up, man." Matt said. "What are you gonna do about it?" His worry seemed genuine, as well, as if he was putting himself in Sy's shoes. Sy assumed because he had been in love with Tonya, his now fiancé since they were in high school, even though she didn't come around on him until he came home on leave one holiday weekend.
"I've already gone to the police with my statement and an idea for a prime suspect."
"You think she was kidnapped?" Brad Randall, who was a Sergeant for the Rolla Police Department, inquired.
"I personally have no doubts that she was kidnapped, and I am a hun'ert percent certain it was her shithead ex."
"And you don't think she's just…ghosted you?" Brad prompted. The thought put a painful tightness in Sy's chest, but it passed quickly. He knew she wouldn't do that. And not just to him.
"No way, man. She left her phone. She didn't tell work. She didn't even tell her parents. Shane takes her phone with her from room to room. She's glued to it. She'd never do that to her coworkers, who are practically family, and she'd certainly tell her parents if she was going to leave town for any amount of time. It's just…not her. I know her."
"And who's this ex? What's his deal? Why is he on the short list of suspects?"
"He IS the list, Brad. He was abusive when they were together. And a cheater. And a liar. And he tried to jump me right outside just a few weeks back. Ask Candace. She was behind the bar when he started getting in Shane's face up there. And I'd bet she saw what happened out in the parking lot, too." He gestured to the sporty blonde bartender with a high ponytail and a Cardinal's jersey when he mentioned her, and then pointed toward the windows looking out onto the dozen or more vehicles parked outside.
"Can we do anything?" Kevin asked, clamping a hand on Sy's shoulder.
"Nothin'. But I appreciate the offer, brother." And he returned the contact with a clap to the other man's shoulder.
Nate and Brad exchanged pointed looks, and Nate countered Sy's rejection.
"I wouldn't say THAT, Sy."
"What do you mean?" Sy looked at Nate as if he was pedaling snake oil…or Jake's supplements.
"I think…that we CAN do something. To help you find Shane."
"We all have military experience, and some of us have connections that could be very useful." Added Brad. "I'm on the Force. I can handle getting intel on the guy."
"I'm in to help with transpo." Matt Styles raised his hand to offer up the vehicles in his transportation service, Rydes with Styles. Sy hated when words were misspelled for the sake of gimmicks…but he had to give Matt credit for that one.
"And Travis and I still work at the base. We can arrange gear." Jake added as Travis nodded.
"And whatever else you need, I'm in too." Kevin concluded.
"No way, guys. You can't stick your necks out for me like that. I won't have it."
"Sy…You know I talked to Lopez after that last mission the two of you were on?" Travis met Sy's eye as he spoke. "He said you had your team carry out Kominski's body. And that you took on most of, and then all of his bodyweight, just so Freeman could cover everyone. Said you were hurt, yourself, but helped him, carried him, to your extraction point. Up several flights of stairs."
Sy had no response other than a blank stare. It seemed to say all it needed to, because Travis continued.
"Lopez is alive and the Kominski girls got to say a proper goodbye to David. Plus, that mission WAS a success because you got the target. I know it's still classified, but…I think we all know the significance of what you did by leading that mission. You didn't leave a man, living or dead, behind."
"And we aren't gonna let your girl get left behind, either. We're gonna take that sonofabitch out. Because what do we do?" Nate declared, ending with the call Sy had always used at the end of his mission briefs.
The whole table, including a reluctant Sy, recited “We embrace the darkness and the suffering.”
“And why do we do it?” Nate continued.
“So that our fellow man is free to live in peace." Sy looked around the table at all of these men he had served with, fought with, watched comrades fall with, and fought against tyranny with. He thought most of them could have come up with their own story about his role in their military time, but the mission Travis was talking about outlined what he figured was the most significant sacrifice he had ever made for a teammate.
"Well…I guess we need to come up with a plan, then." Sy smiled and finished off the beer in his glass before laying it out for the others.
Sy had given them all missions tailored to their own strengths and connections. Brad would gather all the info he could on Elliott. Matt would reserve vehicles. Jake and Travis would procure tactical gear for the team, and Nate…Nate would provide weapons. Pistols and blades. Ammo. Holsters. Even flash grenades and smoke bombs.
Cade's was too public to talk about their plans, so Sy told everyone to rendezvous at his house the very next afternoon. They sat around the patio table on his back deck while they waited for everyone to arrive. Jake was late.
"Well, I guess 'direct sales' waits for no man, and we can't wait for Ryburn anymore. Styles, report?" Sy commenced the meeting.
"I have three Suburbans that are only a couple years old. They're black, discreet, and all glass is tinted within an inch of it's life. Even the license plate covers. I'll make sure they're fueled and ready." Matt stated.
"Aces. Richardson?" Travis spoke up next.
"Yeah, Jake had to go in for a late shift last night after we met, but I talked to him. He's gonna get vests for everyone, eyewear, comms, the whole works. All rated for Black Ops. He told me a bit ago he was following up on a lead and was hoping it would pan out. Said he had a hunch." Travis shrugged, not certain what his friend was up to, but not that concerned.
"Sounds good. Randall?"
"I made up some dossiers for everyone that includes everything I could find on Thomas. He doesn't have a ton of priors. Mostly drunk and disorderly's that were thrown out, because he got the right representation and the wrong judge. He must have someone backing him, because I have no job on file for him. No employer has run a background on him in ten years. Last known address is from six years ago, when he filed a change of address from an apartment in the Cottage Hills complex to…407 Oak Street."
"That's Shane's address." Sy interjected. "He must not have changed it since she kicked him out."
"It seems so. But it's so weird. I don't see any credit cards, online orders, not even a Netflix account on the guy. He's totally fallen off the grid since Shane. I did get into some social media accounts, but he hasn't posted to anything in the last 18 months."
"Yeah, he was posting hot and heavy about this girl, Kara Hutch. 37. Lives over in Waynesville. But his last Facebook status just says, 'What a waste.' and 'feeling betrayed' and that was in February of last year."
"Hmm, do you think--" Sy was interrupted by the unexpectedly loud and abrupt sound of his front door flying open and Aika, with them on the deck, barking like they were about to be murdered. She was ready to kill whatever came through next. The men, all of them battle hardened veterans sporting conceal and carry permits, were out of their seats and in defensive stances in a fraction of a second. Aiming at an unseen enemy. A figure approached in the shadow of Sy's kitchen, arms raised and slowing as it saw several barrels aimed for its head and chest.
"Woah, woah, woah, guys it's me! It's Jake! Stand down!"
"Are you FUCKING INSANE, Corporal!?" Sy asked, reverting to Captain mode. "You just snuck up on and burst in on a group of soldiers. Do you comprehend how close you came to looking more like Swiss Cheese than a man, Ryburn?!" Sy scolded, fire in him rising, but more out of an angry concern for the friend they nearly shot.
"Sorry, sir, err, Sy. I was focused on getting here for my report." Jake said, out of breath.
"Travis already told us about the gear, Ryburn. You didn't need to bust in like that." Nate berated.
"Oh, guys. What I've got is way better than night vision devices. I might have an address for our guy."
"How in seven hells did YOU get an address?" Brad exclaimed, pride wounded as intel was his task.
"I know, dude, that was on you, but…I overheard a conversation when I was doing some work on equipment in the Air Traffic Control tower."
"What could you have possibly overheard in ATC?" Sy was incredulous.
"Do you want me to tell you, or would you like to keep screaming at me?"
Sy called Aika off and let Jake onto the deck, but the German Shepherd was still eyeing the corporal with marked skepticism.
"So I kept hearing this controller talking to the other girl at her station. She kept talking about her boyfriend…whose name was Elliott." Eyebrows went up all around the table. "Yeah, and he fit the description in every way. Physical appearance, textbook narcissism, the works. I went to the personnel office when I got done with the service call and told the attendant that the girl had helped me with my gear and I wanted to send her an email to thank her. She gave me a contact sheet on Sasha King. I looked her up on my lunchbreak, and found some photos of her with a guy I think might be Elliott." Jake showed Sy an image he'd saved to his phone. "Is this him?"
"Yup, that's the guy." Sy's blood was boiling again at the smiles on the couple's faces. He didn't deserve happiness. He didn't deserve a pretty girlfriend. He should die alone, starving for the love he deprived others. "You say you got an address?"
"Yeah, the gal in personnel printed me a full demo sheet. The only thing we don't have is a social." Sy noted the redacted 9-digit code in one corner of the document Jake had handed him. He read out loud. 3502 Highway D. St. Robert, MO.
"You boys feel up to a little recon tonight?" They all nodded, excitedly, patting Jake on the back, and high fiving him in congratulations on the invaluable find. Even Brad commended him on his detective skills and told him he'd have a job on the Force with him if he ever wanted a change. The corporal almost blushed.
The men went back into the house and through the front door to the driveway where they were all parked.
"Jake, you brought all the gear, too?"
"Sure did, Sy. There's vests, belts, NVDs and helmets to mount. There's plenty for everyone." Jake opened the back of his Jeep as if it were a buffet of delicious tactical equipment. Sy found among the gear a large case and opened it out of curiosity. A sound amplifier with headphones. That was going with him, as it appeared there was only one.
"I'll outfit everyone with guns and ammo later. But here are some tac knives, and three of each diversionary devices for each member of the team." Nate passed out packs with the blades, smoke grenades, and flash bombs.
"Okay, rendezvous at Matt's shop at 1800. We'll go over some procedures for the evening and get set up with the rest of our weaponry then. Okay?" General nods of ascent and "mmhmms" in confirmation of the plan came from the men. Sy continued, "Maybe get some rest between now and then. I don't know how long this is going to take."
Sy got to Matt's a little early. 1730. Nate showed up about ten minutes later and pulled in next to Sy, leaving the rear doors accessible to arm the team. The men got out of their vehicles and began double checking Nate's inventory.
"Nervous?" Nate said after exchanging the usual pleasantries.
"I didn't think I was. But just now, I got to thinking about what that…monster is doing to the love of my life. What he's putting her through, if he's even let her live. What are we going to come across when we get to this place?"
"You can't think like that. She's not Schrödinger's cat. You have to be positive here. This mission depends on your strength as a leader. You're gonna do great. And Shane is gonna be fine. We all will. Have a little faith, man." Nate patted Sy on the back in encouragement. Sy appreciated it. But he thought he might have to compartmentalize, instead. Think of this as just another mission. Forget that Shane was involved. Even if it wasn't healthy, it might at least be helpful.
Matt arrived soon after and waved at the two men as he pulled in on the other side of Nate. He got out and greeted his friends, all of them shooting the breeze and enfolding the others into the conversation as they got there. Kevin was the last to arrive, just before 1800, when the briefing commenced.
"So," Sy began, more timidly than was his usual way. "First, guys, I wanna say, I appreciate y'all so much for doing this. For putting in the time and the resources to help me and Shane. I owe y'all more than I can repay, but that doesn't mean I won't try. Within reason." He grinned and his friends chuckled.
"Now, we've got the comms set up. We'll be in each other's ears, so we can report in real time. I've looked up an aerial view of the farm on Google Earth, and there should be good cover for surveillance with the sound equipment and NVDs. I'll take point, Nate, you and Matt are with me. Kevin, you and Brad will flank the property on the left, Travis and Jake are going right. I'm hoping this will just be recon, but if I get wind of something I don't like, I may call for the strike. You guys will report anything you think looks fishy, and I will make that call with the intel I'm given. Now. When and if I make that call, we're gonna aim for disorientation and soft incapacitation. If you don't have to kill, don't. I don't know how much help this bastard has, but I know it would have taken several to take down Shane. It's not that I think any of them deserve to be spared, but…I don't want us to break up any families. We don't need the weight on our already heavy souls." War had changed them all, and Sy didn't want to make any more widows. "We good?"
Nods of approval from the men made Sy think he was looking at a military bobble head collection. He stifled a smile.
"Alright, lets get armed and ready, then Matt can take us to our chariots."
They were all mostly suited up, black or dark colors were the general uniform. They were ready for whatever might happen. As Nate handed out guns and ammo, the men examined their clips, loaded their guns, and put them in their holsters until needed…they hoped they wouldn't be.
When they were all set, they followed Matt to the huge garage he kept his fleet in.
Although, "garage" didn't quite do the building justice. It was actually an airplane hangar that Matt got for a good price when the local airline went under. He'd made a loft in it with a ramp so there was extra room for smaller vehicles like his town cars. The limos, SUVs, and the stretch Hummer were on the lower level. He had a separate space outside for the two party busses and the RV, protected from the elements by large carports.
Matt went to grab keys from the lock box as the men gathered near the Suburbans. Sy was getting angsty. Moment of truth was here.
"Okay," Matt jingled two sets of keys in his hands. "Who's driving?"
Kevin deferred to Brad without contest, but Jake and Travis were bickering over the question between them.
"Grow up or get married already." Sy chided. "Jake, you got the good intel for us yesterday. You drive."
Travis was mildly crestfallen, but Jake was stoked and he caught the keyring Matt tossed him.
"You wanna drive, Captain?" Matt offered Sy the last set of keys.
"No, Matt. You're driving our group. I'll take shotgun though."
And the seven men got into the vehicles as if they were mounting horses, headed into the sunset.
Over the comms on the way, Sy addressed the team. "Okay, there's a large outbuilding near the road, guys. Pull off the driveway and park behind that structure. Hopefully they'll hide the vehicles from the main house. Bravo and Charlie teams, you let Alpha team get in place before you take your positions."
"Roger that, Captain." Kevin said in the headset.
"We copy." Travis answered for himself and Jake.
The first phase of the mission went perfectly. Sy, Nate, and Matt were in position, and Sy had set up the sound amplifier, aiming it at the house, headphones on. When the other teams were in position, Matt reported to Sy, since he was getting feedback using the earpiece and the headphones for the amp at the same time.
"Bravo and Charlie teams are in place, Captain."
"Great. Sit Rep?"
"All's quiet so far. Wait. Headlights coming up the drive." Each team tried to make themselves as small and low as possible so as not to draw attention to their presence. Sy had been getting nothing but crime show drivel from the TV in the house since he got here.
A petite but curvy brunette got out of the white Honda Civic and stomped into the house.
"Hey babe." Elliott's unmistakable voice rang in Sy's ear. And he was filled to bursting with rage all over again.
"What the fuck, Elliott? I've been trying to call you for hours! What the hell have you been doing?"
"Oh, I was charging my phone in the bedroom. What's going on?"
"That Captain Syverson your little pet was banging? I found out today that he's back in town. Has been for a few days."
"Shit. Shit!!! SHIT!!!"
"Yeah, so…if he isn't already, it won't be long before he starts trying to find her."
"But…how could he? Even if he thought it was me, I have no official ties to this place, or even you!"
"You know what I mean."
"Whatever, but I'd get rid of her ASAP. This guy is NOT someone you wanna piss off, Elliott."
"I'll bring the guys in. We'll take care of it. Tonight."
Sy cussed in a loud whisper. He wanted to rip Elliott apart with his bare hands. Nate asked him what was wrong, but Sy held up a hand for him to remain quiet because he heard the scumbag inside on the phone.
"Yeah, it's me. Listen, change of plans, we need to do this tonight. Get everyone out here. Yes, immediately. There's a…potential complication. We need to take care of her before it becomes more. Yeah, she's weak, but I'm still gonna wait until you guys get here. She's still got some fight in her. She about took Jackson's eye out yesterday when he was  down there. He's got some wicked scratches on his face. I think he made her regret it, though." Elliott laughed with evil mirth. Sy was furious. He reckoned God Himself might have a time pulling him off that degenerate before he made him unrecognizable as a human man. Once he started punching him, he might not be able to stop.
When Elliott signed off, Sy pulled the earphones down onto his neck. He looked at Matt and Nate.
"He's planning something with Shane and has called in reinforcements. It sounds like he means to take her somewhere else, and it didn't sound like it was gonna be pretty. I think we need to go in now."
"Shit. Okay." Matt responded. Sy put his earpiece in and called on the rest of the team.
"Bravo and Charlie, do you copy?"
"Bravo copies." Kevin reported back.
"Charlie copies. Go ahead, Alpha." Travis cleared.
"Listen, boys. We need to go in, and we need to make it quick. Here’s the situation. We have one male and one female assailant inside the domicile, and an undetermined number of additional combatants en route to reinforce the enemy's line. We have one target. A female prisoner, presumably in the basement, given verbiage used in the communication I intercepted. Alpha team will make our priority extraction. Bravo, you will subdue the male assailant and then maintain sentry position on the lookout for more unfriendlies. Charlie team, you will clear the second level of the house and subdue the female combatant. She is a soldier, so proceed with extreme caution. Once the area is secure, drivers, go and retrieve the vehicles. We are gonna need to get out of here quick, or else things might go tits up. I'm concerned we'll lose the advantage of numbers if we wait too long. Are we clear?"
"Copy that, Alpha leader."
"Roger. On your count, cap."
Sy took a deep breath. Thought to himself "Shane. I'm on my way, baby!" He saw red, then. And called for the charge, out of the darkness, and into the farmhouse. To an uncertain outcome.
Up Next: Chapter 17-Gait Training
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hishamrich-blog · 5 years
Personalized Printed Calendars Advertise Your Company All Year Round
12 months of Exposure It really is well-known that presenting a promotional calendar on your customers is a good method to maintain brand outside in front of people for a whole year. After all, young people need a calendar. In reality, many people want more than one (one to the kitchen, one for the bedroom, one to the office, etc.). And individuals consult their calendars repeatedly throughout the year. Compare by purchasing the exposure you might get with more typical advertising that is certainly read once after which disposed of! As a designer with focus on calendars, I've helped countless clients produce calendars and seen first hand exactly what a great marketing piece a well-produced, custom calendar might be. I've also seen how it is effective prepare in order to find a printer at the outset of the process. Personalize it for Greater Impact While there are many promotional product companies that will sell you a pre-printed calendar along with your logo over-printed towards the bottom, you should also consider creating your individual completely customized calendar. A custom printed calendar will set you back a little more than its pre-printed cousin, however you will make it appeal a lot more right to your visitors. You can select calendar images that highlight your product or service, your region, or your customers' interests. A calendar that tells a story about your company, that shows off the personality of your respective employees, or that depicts your company's involvement in the community hold far more intrinsic appeal to your customers compared to a generic calendar with pretty pictures. Recently i dealt with an area lending institution in the Pacific Northwest to assist them to produce a customized calendar. They decided that although an individual might appreciate a pre-printed calendar with scenic photos, they might have no special need to remember or consider who gave it for them. Instead the credit union held an image contest among their visitors together with the theme of scenery from the North american. They publicized the competition in the year and generated considerable enthusiasm for that project well before the calendar was printed. They received many entries, so we produced a truly stunning calendar that made both credit union and its customers feel proud. From both a pleasing and a marketing standpoint, the job would be a total win-win. Remember those Dates! The credit union example also highlights another custom calendar printing advantage. Because all facets from the calendar could be customized, these were in a position to include inside calendar dates not simply standard holidays but also every facet of the financing union's along with the local community's schedule. Lending institution holidays and early closings along with local events counseled me marked all through the year. As a result the calendar not merely a nice-looking marketing piece but additionally a tremendously useful tool for that customers, giving them another reason why that will put it on your wall. Three Steps to Successful Calendar Printing Project Though it may be certainly simple to start up a calendar project December 1st and obtain the end product before Christmas, if you do not have twenty pieces of images these sites are ready to attend the printer, you may be going to need additional time . Based on when you need to possess calendars at hand and also on your process for collecting images, you might need to start worrying since February or March.
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Step One: Look for a Calendar Printer Yes, and before you talk to your boss, it's wise to look for a fantastic calendar printer. You might be able to work together with your local print shop about this project, but then you will improve off locating a printer that are experts in high-quality, full-color calendars. Ensure you discover a printer individual preference can contact the phone and in actual fact talk to! Will the printer have the ability to respond to questions and guide you over the project from a to z? If not, then keep looking. A fantastic calendar printer will ensure that you understand all the steps that are mixed up in project to ensure that there aren't any surprises along the way. Make sure you interrogate prospective printers thoroughly. Request prices and turn-around times. What exactly is in the price? Are there any artwork, set-up, or finishing charges that aren't included in the quoted price? Will be the printer expecting finished, print-ready artwork, or do they really handle the design in your case? Do they really customize their calendar designs available for you? If that's the case, perhaps there is a different cost? Most of all, ask to get sample calendars to help you judge by yourself the quality of the printing, the paper stock along with the design. Next step: Assemble your In-House Resources By now, you need to have recommended from the parameters for your project. It is now time to acquire management on board and pre-plan the details. See how many calendars you'll need and begin a budget. The largest real question is what you will really use for artwork? After that function as the theme with the calendar? Must you plan a picture or art contest? (Kids' drawings come up with a popular calendar theme.) Are you using product photos? If that's the case, you might have an interior art department that will help to repurpose existing photos. Maybe you have to work with a photographer (or partner with one out of exchange for promotion inside the calendar)? Make sure you remember another parts of the calendar. Have you been planning to highlight events or dates all year round? Maybe there is a logo and other information printed on the calendar page? Will the calendar include any extra pages (apart from the 12 months) that you need to provide text or images? Front and rear covers? Your printer should already have tell you what exactly is required. Additionally, you will must establish a timeline. When do you want the calendars? How are the calendars being distributed? At the conference or another special event? Or maybe from the mail prior to Christmas? Ensure you know if you want to supply artwork for the printer to acheive your calendars back in its history. Next step: Collect Images and Date Information Hopefully, in the 1st step, your printer filled you in around the file formats and resolutions needed for photos, logos and other information. If not, wardrobe information and be sure that everybody who is providing artwork or other information for your requirements is apparent about what is anticipated. The final thing you would like is to hand everything to the printer just in time to fulfill your deadline then wind up having a delay because half the pictures are too low in resolution. Unless you know how to judge the resolution, speak to your printer. As you become near the point in places you have everything else but you need, you might want to talk to your printer again, simply to be certain that you're not leaving anything out. When you hand everything over to the printer, they will be capable of taking over following that and deliver a great, all-year marketing piece for you. More details about in lich tet browse this net page.
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hurt-care · 6 years
His Lordship’s Gardener - Part 3
This is part 3! If you haven’t read Part 1, you can find it here and you can find Part 2 here
Cowritten with @salamanderskin
And for the rest of the summer, Isaiah stays, careful to avoid the open windows and outdoors when he's able, and when he's not, Elder dotes on the young man, washing his afflicted eyes and showering him with kisses. Carefully avoiding the eyes of the serving staff, they spend nights together, take long baths in Elder's tub, and pass hours in the study reading side by side.
When late September nears and the English countryside begins to cool in anticipation of fall, Elder tells Cartwright that he plans to have a small social gathering at Woodhaven. Several members of his circle have written, saying they'd missed the Lord Elder at other local social events and the annual August lawn party at Lord Ambley's in London.
"It'll be nearly fall by then," Elder says as they lie in bed together in Cartwright's chambers. "Your nose seems to be behaving much more as the nights grow colder. If you would do me the honor, I'd love for you to attend."
He strokes Isaiah's hand affectionately.
"My tailor will be visiting this week to measure me for a new suit and I'd like to buy one for you too, if you'll accept it."
The gardener's eyes travel to the wardrobe, which contains the clothes he has recently had sent over from Tunbridge Wells in light of his stay at Woodhaven being rather longer than he had anticipated. They are certainly getting a little threadbare and are not in the latest fashion.
He gives Elder a mock-serious look from under his lashes. “Of course I shall attend, and I suppose I shall have to accept that offer as well. If you wish to show me off then I don't wish to be an embarrassment to you.”
"I've told you for months that you are no embarrassment," Elder says, poking Cartwright's side in an equally teasing fashion. "You could wear Bishop's serving uniform and I'd still want you there."
The plans for the party set the old manor house abuzz as it was in the days of Elder's marriage, when couples from across the county came to lounge on the lawns and eat extravagant meals. Even as a widower, Elder had hosted large gatherings, including a splendid summer lawn party, but this summer had been much devoted to his new dear friend than social events.
As Elder's tailor finished the measurements for Jacob's new suit and moved on to Cartwright, Bishop the butler pokes his head in to review plans for the seating arrangements. Elder meets him in the study to discuss the details.
"And the Winchesters have rung from Derby to say they'll be making a weekend of it," Bishop says as they sit at the long library table to look at the plans. "They'll be staying with relations in the town though, so the spare rooms are still available."
"I'd rather people not stay," Elder confesses. "We've only four spare suites and Mister Cartwright occupies one already."
"Forgive me, sir," Bishop says. "Is it proper for him to attend? I have not figured where he should sit on the plans. Perhaps next to Miss Parker? She is the eldest daughter of the Parkers and still unmarried. He could be a suitable companion."
"He will sit next to me," Elder replies. "He is my guest, so of course it is proper."
"The Grahams have asked that their daughter Helena sit next to you, sir," Bishop says. "You know she much fancied you at last fall's Autumn Ball. If you sit with two men, people will talk. Your social status, if I may be so bold, has slipped since you stopped attending the local parties."
Elder looks at the dinner table plan and sighs.
"Very well. Seat him with Eleanor Parker and I with Miss Graham."
The evening of the party arrives and as Elder greets guests downstairs, Isaiah waits in his room, gathering the confidence to join the crowd.
Mister Cartwright pauses at the top of the stairs to take a few deep breaths. He can hear the swell of excited chatter rising from below, muffled by the oak panels to a dull hum punctuated by the occasional polite laugh. He had though himself ready to go down, but a sudden fit of nerves keeps his feet anchored just outside the door of his room. He fidgets nervously with the constraining wing-collar which rises from beneath his new jacket. The suit was a generous gift and the flattering cut of it boosts his confidence for all that he finds it confining. The dark colour of it matches his favourite green waistcoat and the show handkerchief which peeks out of his breast pocket. During the summer months he had taken to carrying a useful one in there too, and one more in his inside pocket just in case, but he has foregone them tonight. They would spoil the cut of his suit and he won't need them.
The buzz in the room quiets when he enters. There are a few couples, a few of Elder's older friends and noticeably, a couple of young ladies visibly chaperoned by proud parents. And there is Jacob himself, looking magnificent in his own new suit. Isaiah wishes he could tell him so, to see him blush, but settles for a formal “Good evening, Lord Elder.”
He extends a hand, employing the title he rarely has any use for. Does Elder look nervous at his presence? Bishop certainly does. He is certain that the butler is watching him with distaste, but it's no concern of his. Instead he extends a winning smile to the company in general.
“Please do introduce me to your guests.”
"I'd be most delighted, Mister Cartwright," Elder says, giving Isaiah a firm handshake. His heart flip flops at the sight of the other man. The beautiful forest green of Cartwright's suit brings out the intense flecks of color in the gardener's eyes and highlights the broad expanse of his shoulders in proportion to his waist. He is all angles next to Elder's more slim and straight build.
Straightening his maroon silk ascot, Elder steps back from Isaiah to introduce his guests.
"May I present my dear friend, Mister Isaiah Cartwright," he tells the assembled crowd. "He's a most talented landscape architect and brilliant scholar who I have had the pleasure of hosting here at Woodhaven for some time. I'm most happy to finally introduce him to you all."
There was a soft buzzing of conversation amoung those gathered at this revelation. Though it was not entirely uncommon for the larger houses to have long term guests for the purpose of estate improvements or other business, it was unusual for them to be invited to a social event.
"Mister Cartwright," Jacob continued. "May I introduce Mister and Missus Oliver Graham and their daughter, Helena."
He indicated a couple in their late sixties accompanied by a young woman of twenty-three. They greeted Isaiah politely and Elder moved on to a man he introduced as Lord Inglewood, of Singleby Abbey, a fine house some fifty kilometers from Woodhaven. Then there was Lord and Lady Usher with their son, a young man of seventeen, as well as Lord Archer, Lord and Lady Craven, and Mister and Missus Peregrine.
"We are still expecting Lord and Lady Parker and their daughters Eleanor and Margaret. And Margaret's husband, Lord Harwell," he said to Cartwright. "Mister and Missus Winchester as well. Will you excuse me, Mister Cartwright? I must catch up with Lord Archer. I'm sure Mister and Missus Graham would be delighted to hear of your plans for my gardens for next season. Missus Graham here does adore roses, if I remember correctly."
“Then I am sure we shall get on splendidly.” Isaiah affirms and goes over to acquaint himself. He can be very charming when he wants to be and conversation flows easily enough. He is pleased to find that Missus Graham does indeed have a good, though rather hands-off, knowledge of horticulture. He had worried about interacting with Helena, but to his amusement her eyes are following Elder around the room and barely focusing on himself at all. He catches himself pinching the tip of his nose and quickly folds his hands behind his back to suppress his nervous habit. He owes it to Jacob to project confidence.
As Jacob chats briefly with Lord Archer, Bishop comes in to announce the arrival of both the Parker family and the Winchesters. With his best host smile, Jacob greets them all and encourages them to order a drink from the staff and enjoy the conversation.
Eleanor Parker looks elegant in a pale green gown, her chestnut hair swept up in the latest style and held in place with a jeweled comb in the shape of a fan. She'll be a nice dinner companion for his Isaiah, Elder thinks, until the company is all gone home and he can have the young gardener back to himself.
Elder rings the sash bell on the wall, indicating to the staff that he is ready for his guests to go through to dinner service. Clearing his throat, he calls attention to the room and the party guests go quiet.
"Good evening, everyone. I am most pleased you could join me this evening. Dinner is served if you will all follow me this way to the dining room."
He leads the party down the oak-paneled hall to the dining room where Bishop now stands at attention alongside several other members of the waitstaff. The men take their places at the ladies' chairs, pulling them out and helping the women sit. Elder is privy to a shy smile from Helena Graham as he takes his seat next to her. She is wearing a small nosegay of light pink roses for youth and desire coupled with baby's breath for innocence which she rests in her lap after conspicuously letting him see it.
"It's a pleasure to see you again, Miss Graham," he says to her as he glances along the table to see how Isaiah is faring with Eleanor.
The gardener seems to be doing well enough. Down the table it is possible to see him chatting away to Eleanor, wearing his most charming smile. As befits a man with several sisters, he is actually more at ease among women than he had been upon his first meeting with Elder. A few things, however, indicate his distress. He has his handkerchief out in his lap and is twisting it through his fingers as he talks. It might look like a nervous habit if it wasn't coupled with a wavering, distinctly itchy expression on his face. As Elder watches he rubs his nose once and then again harder.
They are not far enough away that Elder cannot catch their conversation. They are still on the subject of flowers and Eleanor indicates her own nosegay to point out the ostentatious lilies that form the centre of it. Where she got them in this season heaven only knows, and they must have cost a fortune, which somewhat takes the edge of their suggestion of innocence.
The moment that Eleanor raises her small bouquet of flowers revealing the large, offensive lilies, Elder's heart drops in his chest as he observes from the other end of the table, realizing the situation they're now in. It's bad enough that poor Cartwright is directly next to Eleanor and her lily-filled nosegay, but they've just sat down for dinner and it'd be terribly bad form for any of them to get up in the midst of it all, or switch seats.
Isaiah looks up and catches Elder's gaze with eyes that glint very green in the glow of the candles. He gestures the bouquet and gives a anxious little half smile as he mouths, “We might have a problem.”
Returning his attention to Eleanor he responds to her murmured question by shaking his head and leaning back slightly in his chair. “Indeed, I can smell them quite well from here, thank you.”
Undeterred, the hapless Eleanor raises her nosegay to allow him to sniff it. Isaiah can only shrug away from her to sneeze a tight, restrained “-idttsch-uh!”
He is epitome of politeness, cupping his mouth with his handkerchief and turning his head over his shoulder, swallowing the sound. “Excuse me.” He finishes, faintly.
Elder locks eyes with Cartwright as the people nearby bless him after he sneezes.
"I'm sorry," he mouths. "Try to hold it back. We'll eat fast."
He turns his attention back to his starter of soup with leeks, trying very hard not to stare down the table at Isaiah, though his mind will not focus anywhere else. His glass of port is drained in a single, long sip as he looks to Lady Helena for distraction.
It doesn't work. Elder's discussion with Helena is derailed when he realises that the lady is not looking at him at all but somewhere over his shoulder, her face a picture of polite concern.
“Goodness!” she exclaims.
It is easy to see what has attracted her attention- Mister Cartwright has his decorative handkerchief cupped over his face, recovering a fleeting fit of sneezes. After a moment he lowers it in relief, only to snatch it up again for another outburst.
“--idtssh!-ittssh!-idtsshuh! Hih-” A soft, questioning intake of breath, and- ““--idtssh! Hk'idtssh!”
“Please excuse me, Miss Parker,” Isaiah manages, shaking his head slightly to clear it.
Eleanor and her mother have both raised their eyebrows in identical expressions of incredulity, though the daughter's is the more sympathetic of the two. Isaiah is simply desperate to blow his nose but doesn't fancy doing so under the watchful eye of the whole table and settles instead for a sniffle and a shy wipe with his handkerchief. His attempt at politeness kept his sneezes too soft to offer him any real relief. Besides, the offending bouquet still rests between them on the table. Every breath brings it's sweet scent into his nose, settling his nostrils flickering. It takes a concerted effort to return to his food.
Elder crosses his ankles under the table, fidgeting in discomfort. He's torn between sympathy for the man, mortification at the situation they're all in, and that horrible little flame of arousal that always seems to come with poor Cartwright's sneezing. If he'd been seated nearer to the man, he'd've spilled his wine over their laps or some other clever excuse for leaving the dining room. But they are all glued to the table by the rules of propriety and leaving the dining room would be unthinkable, especially if they were to both leave.
"Please excuse my friend," he says to Helena, turning away from Cartwright again. He'll have some apologizing to do later. "He has a sensitive nose. Something must be irritating him. Now, do tell me more about your trip to France. Your mother said you enjoyed the south greatly."
“It was marvelous, the climate is quite something and the cathedrals are divine.” Helena begins, laughing prettily.
Meanwhile the main course is served and things seem to be settling down at Cartwright's end of the table. Isaiah allows himself to relax into Eleanor's company under the watchful eye of her parents, and conversations flows. Eleanor is indeed a lovely young woman though sheltered and girlish in her ways. She gives Isaiah her entire attention as they talk, turning in her chair to face him. To his dismay she even scoops her wretched nosegay into her lap and toys with it as she speaks. Isaiah can easily imagine the disturbed pollen dispersing through the air towards him and sure enough as the evening passes the ticklishness in his nose grows again to distracting levels.
He absolutely must sneeze, he is quite unable to think for fighting it, and as soon as Eleanor turns from him to address her parents he takes his chance. Simply allowing his carefully controlled breath to fan the tickle in his sinuses prompts him to one quick, relieving sneeze stifled to almost nothing.
Typically for him, the one allowance leads to several more and then to a unavoidable fit. He manages to keep them almost silent, clenching his features with only the barest bob of his head toward the back of his wrist, but his affliction does not escape the watchful eye of his companion.
“God bless you, Mister Cartwright!” Eleanor says. “Are you quite alright?”
“Fine, I assure you.” He gives her his most charming smile in an attempt to distract her, but she will not be redirected and leans in to put a gentle hand on his arm. As she does so Isaiah receives a breath of her perfume which does not help matters at all. He barely has time to draw a shuddering, uncertain breath before he is overtaken again, and this time he is completely unable to stifle to sound.
“I merely- I- hh- hhhuh- tdssch! Tdsshuh!-TDSSCHuh!
“I do hope you're not catching a chill. Don't you think he sounds unwell, Mother?”
Missus Parker eyes the hot blush creeping over Isaiah's cheeks with obvious distaste. “He certainly looks a little peaky.” She says cooly. “Perhaps you should not sit so close, dear.”
Chagrinned, Eleanor sits back from him and Isaiah does the same, wiping his nose hard. He eyes are beginning to itch too and it takes all his willpower not to scratch them. He must look a mess, and fears he may get worse before he gets better.
Though Helena's charms are worthy, they aren't distraction enough to keep Elder from glancing Cartwright's way. Even the young lady notices his divided attentions and asks if everything is alright. Elder nods and smiles, feigning interest in their conversation. But soon, he hears a wretched sneeze from down the table and he very nearly loses his grip on his silverware, catching them before they rattle against his china plate.
He clenches his knife and fork until his fingers go red as the sneezing fit continues. From the burning feeling in his cheeks, he's sure his face is the same color. Taking a long, deep breath, he turns back to Helena and his food, knowing he cannot save Cartwright from this minor disaster.
Helena looks down the table and frowns, leaning into Elder as she whispers,
"Your handsome friend doesn't look very well at all."
Jacob is now positive that his face is the same crimson as the young lady's dress.
"He is sensitive, as I stated," he replies as evenly as his voice will allow. "If he's truly unwell, I'm sure he will excuse himself."
"I don't believe I've ever heard anyone sneeze so many times quite so rapidly," Helena says with a tone of genuine surprise.
Elder pops a piece of asparagus in his mouth and swallows hard. He knows that Isaiah will not last much longer alongside Eleanor, especially if they are to have dessert straightaway. Desperate times call for the fabled desperate measures.
"Pardon me," he says to Helena as he leans back and gestures to Bishop to get the butler's attentions.
"We'll move straight through for drinks after dinner," he whispers to the butler. "Tell the kitchen I'm sorry about the dessert preparations. We'll discuss what to do about that later."
Bishop nods and returns to his post at the buffet table alongside the nearly empty platters of food.
He takes another bite of asparagus, almost clearing his plate, and sneaks a glance at Isaiah, dismayed that he can see how red the man's eyes and nose have become even from this great distance.
There is a little murmur of surprise when Elder announces his plans, and Missus Parker exclaims “How Bohemian!” in a whisper quite loud enough to carry through the dining room. The room is filled with the soft rustle of chiffon as the Ladies allow themselves to be escorted through to the parlour. Isaiah stands, extending an arm for Eleanor as he tries to keep his persistent sniffling to a polite minimum.
In the parlour the air is close. Warm firelight plays on the heavy velvet drapes, making rainbows in the dark wood where the furniture has been polished to an impressive sheen. There is a little fuss about where they should be sitting, soon resolved as the guests settle themselves in the same approximate order from Elder's wing chair as they had been from his seat at head of table.
Helena Graham briefly departs Elder's side to join Eleanor and her parents. Apparently the young ladies know each other and there is much giggling and admiring one another's gowns. Isaiah is unnerved to notice their eyes darting in his direction more than once. They seem to be talking about him.
“Mister Cartwright, won't you come to sit with Helena and I?” Eleanor says, turning her doe-like gaze on him.
He tries to smile at her, but his hayfever is acting up again and the corners of his mouth twitch of their own accord as his features waver. Before he can answer her he sneezes a ticklish, throaty “hh'IDdtsh!-IDdtsh-ue!” that is very loud over the polite conversation in the parlour. He spins on his heels to shield his face from the two ladies, presenting them instead with a fine view of his shuddering shoulders.
When he turns back, Misses Graham narrows her eyes at his rudeness and one of the other guests, he doesn't catch who, tuts under their breath. He thinks he can see Lord Elder shifting uncomfortably in his seat, a sight that would please him if it were not for the circumstances. Really, this has gone on for quite long enough. With a decisive sniffle, he knows there is nothing else to be done here.
He addresses the girls loudly enough to include the room at large, with an apologetic glance to Elder in particular.
“As a matter of fact, I'm afraid you were right. I am feeling a little under the weather.”
This is an understatement by now, with his eyes itching madly, and so he doesn't feel as bad he might in telling this half-truth- they don't need to know that he could be fully recovered in a few hours, given some fresh air. His voice has taken on a suitably congested tone.
“Poor Mister Cartwright.” Eleanor says. She speaks with genuine concern and more than a little curiosity.
“Please, Miss Graham, don't -snf- don't let me spoil your evening.”
He is desperate to exit as swiftly as he may, before he can be taken by another fit of sneezing. He does not have long. The allergic tickling is mounting in the back of his nose and throat again and he must fight to keep his smile pleasant as he turns to face Lord Elder.
Isaiah's green eyes meet those of his lover in a meaningful stare which manages to encompass embarrassment, apology, and a certain knowing heat. Poor Jacob must be suffering with this worse than Isaiah himself. The very thought of Lord Elder's arousal is contagious, Isaiah finds himself getting hard in sympathy even as he sniffles miserably, pinching his nostrils against the pollen to buy himself time.
“Your Lordship, I'm afraid I'm... not feeling well.”
The gardener jerks his head very slightly to one side, indicating his desire to leave. He is held by propriety and a sudden fear that if Elder wanted, with his status and role as host the man could very well keep him in the parlour and sneezing uncontrollably all night.
Lord Elder would never dream of keeping Isaiah in such close quarters to the allergens which taunt the poor gardener's nose, though the ideal is certainly alluring. He'd removed them from the dining room in anticipation of these excuses being made, as it was very clear that Mister Cartwright wouldn't make it through dessert without causing a scene. Elder had seen his dear man in enough fits of hay fever to know that the symptoms were unlikely to lessen by simply leaving Eleanor's side. It doesn't stop him from taking a brief moment to imagine them in the parlour alone, however. He blinks and the guests vanish, leaving him with Cartwright in his arms, reclining on the long green sofa...
"I'm sorry to hear that, Mister Cartwright," Lord Elder says, returning to reality. He's careful to keep his voice even despite the rising heat in his cheeks as he locks eyes with his lover. "Please, rest and recover. We'll get on here fine. Do take care."
Cartwright's red-rimmed eyes lower from his gaze as the man gives a nod and a final round of apologies to the gathered crowd as he retreats from the parlour.
"Your poor friend," Eleanor says, wandering over with Helena. "Whatever is the matter with him?"
"I explained to Miss Graham," Elder says through gritted teeth. "He has a sensitive system. He can be taken by illness swiftly. He'll recover, I'm sure of it."
He reaches for his glass of sherry and takes a long sip, trying to quell the nervous, excited tension in his body, but he's been driven to distraction and is unable to return to pay the proper attentions to his guests.
"Will you ladies excuse me for just a few moments? I'm going to pop out and ask our footman to bring some things up to Mister Cartwright's chambers."
Swiftly, he stands and maneuvers to the door, taking the stairs up from the parlour double time until he catches up with Cartwright in the main hall, caught in the midst of a building sneeze.
"Wait," he says, grabbing the gardner by the waist and pulling him in close. "In here."
He pushes the door to the nearby study open.
Isaiah looks up at Elder over his handkerchief, surprise making the urge back off for a moment. “My Lord- ?” He manages. Then all he can do is cup the cloth over his nose as the sneezes he had been holding back in the parlour catch up with him in a rush.
“Idtssh!- IDTSh! hi' TSshhuh!-TSsch!-TSCsch!- ah... Jacob? What are you doing?”
Elder nearly corrects Isaiah at the title of 'My Lord'. In his mind, they're long past the use of titles in private company. But once the sneezing resumes and his Christian name is tagged onto the end of the allergic fit, he's gone weak in the knees again.
"I'm so sorry," he says, brushing a lock of hair tenderly from Isaiah's forehead. "I didn't even think about the nosegays. That's what I get for having visitors so infrequently. I'd forgotten the style whims of the modern woman."
He looks at Cartwright's reddened face intensely, the heat in his own body reaching a peak.
"I'm sorry for something else too," he admits. "You're driven me to distraction and I couldn't bear to sit in there and keep up appearances when all I want is to be with you. I'll stay just a moment before they'll notice my absence."
“You will?”
There is a shyness which sometimes comes upon Isaiah when Elder looks at him with such intensity. Out in the parlour, among the young women, he'd managed confidence at least until his hayfever had gotten the better of him. Here, he is suddenly demure. His gaze hovers somewhere around Lord Elder's collar, taking in the man's darting pulse, then dart up to meet Elder's eyes. Even after all these weeks there is an uncertainty, as though he can't quite believe his luck.
“And what is it you plan to do with me?”
If Cartwright can't believe his luck then Elder is beyond disbelief. It sometimes feels like he's taking advantage of the poor gardener's ailment, but if Isaiah's enthusiasm under the sheets is anything to go on, it seems like he doesn't mind much. And the hay-fever always seems lessened after a bit of lovemaking. And Elder doesn't reserve his affections for only when his dear gardener is red-nosed and sniffly.
Isaiah's teasing words make Elder shiver and he leans in close.
"First...there's this," he says, kissing the man's neck. "What...if...I...told them all....you...were....very....very....ill. And I sent them....all...home."
He kisses up Cartwright's neck and along his jaw with each word. He finishes at the man's lips, wrapping his hands around Cartwright's waist and gripping his bum, pulling their bodies against each other with a comforting pressure.
“Are you mad?” Isaiah is startled by the unexpectedness of the encounter but it doesn't stop him from biting his lip and squirming under Elder's insistent grip. His free hand slides down to grasp Elder's hardening cock through the cloth of his dress trousers and he gives his lover a calculating look. “Seriously, how long do you think we have? Five minutes? Ten minutes? I like a challenge.”
He draws his head away from the kiss to scrub his nose against Jacob's collarbone, murmuring “ah, it itches.”
He is only exaggerating a little, but he loves to make Jacob shiver.
"Christ," Elder groans, hips straining into Cartwright's touch. "Hold on a minute while I lock the door. We have seven minutes, for a good compromise, but more like five if we're to play it safe."
Reluctantly, he pulls away from the other man to secure the study door before returning to Isaiah's hold.
"You've grown a naughty streak, my love," he says as he tilts his head to kiss Isaiah's nose with a light, tender touch. "You weren't so bold those many months ago when you came here."
He turns their bodies, shrugging off his tailcoat and bracing the broader man against the bookcases. He can hear his own pulse hammering in his ears as the adrenaline of the moment courses through him. He imagines his guests in the room just down the hall, oblivious. The thought excites him.
"What will you do with five minutes?" he asks, eyes glinting devilishly.
“For a start, I would let you know about this.” The gardener's hand reaches into his jacket pocket and emerges holding a bundled napkin from the dinner table. It is unfolded to reveal a single lily dropped from Eleanor's nosegay. It is a little crushed from transit, the bud opened just enough to reveal heavy stamens within. “I was thinking to save it for later. It may not have any effect, but who knows?”
He is blushing boyishly, twisting the corner of the napkin in one finger. In one swift movement he kneels before Elder and fumbles with his fly, bringing his mouth to hover there. He looks up at his lordship and then to the lily in his hand.
“It d-does smell good.” He falters. He draws a deep breath of the scent which sets his already swollen nostrils twitching.
With clumsy hands, Jacob pushes his trousers down and fiddles with the button on his shorts. He is practically trembling with arousal and from his lips spills a soft, urgent whine.
"You're too indulgent of me," he growls, tugging his shorts down over his erection. He bristles at even the slightest brush of the fabric there. "Sweet boy."
His fingers run through Isaiah's thick hair and he pulls the man's head close, letting his cock just barely touch the gardner's swollen nose. He bites his own tongue to keep from crying out.
"Please," he begs. He glances down and sees the single lily lying on the carpet in the napkin, so small and delicate. It's a wonder such a simple thing can bring both men into fits of different kinds. He's not looked at a flower the same way since Isaiah came to live at Woodhaven.
The gardener takes Elder in his mouth for one hot, wet moment, and then withdraws, pressing the back of wrist against his nose to sniffle. He turns to blow his nose shyly, and then follows his lordship's gaze down to his stolen prize.
The napkin hovers just beneath his chin as he draws in a deep breath and then another. The petals actually shake in the slight suction, and Isaiah can almost see the motes of pollen being inhaled. At first there is no reaction save that his nostrils continue to flare sporadically. His green eyes flutter closed in concentration as he focuses all his attention on the sensation, then shrugs and brings the so close that pollen dusts the tip of his nose.
“I don't think it's workihnng- !” The last syllable gives him away.
He shakes his head like a horse bothered by flies. One hand is bunching the fabric of his trousers in his fight not to rub the offending tickle away and he squints helplessly towards the light for one tight, ticklish moment before-
“IihPtssh!-idtssh!-ttssh-u! --- huh-!” A shuddering breath. “I'kttsh!-ktdssh! -i'KTSchuh!” Only then does Isaiah allow himself to swipe a wrist across his wet nose, bringing the barest moment of relief as he squints up at Elder again. His hand finds the man's cock, moving in a fast, irresistible rhythm. He no longer has to coax the sneezes out with patient breaths; they tumble over each other as sudden and unstoppable as hiccups, all consonants and repressed force against the back of his throat.
His voice is a breathy, unstable whisper. “Someone might hear us- but I can't -tdssh!- can't st-! Hah'idtssh-Idtssh!”
Elder's head is tipping back in a silent cry and he doesn't care if anyone hears.
"Oh God," he moans as Cartwright's hand stokes him in rhythm with the persistent sneezes that spray from the man's nose. "I'll try to be quiet...oh god..."
His body trembles and goes rigid as he cums, gasping and writhing against the bookshelf. With a pleasured sigh, he relaxes, body humming in the afterglow of orgasm. As his waist, poor Isaiah is still snuffling. He crouches, coming face to face with his love, and kisses the man gently in a momentary break from the sneezing.
"You're a wonder," he says, tucking a stray curl of hair behind Isaiah's ear as he pulls back from the kiss to assess the other man's face. The gardener's eyes are swollen a familiar pink and his nose shines wetly. "Christ...I just want to come upstairs with you. Maybe I can send all the company home."
For all his dealings in 'polite society', he'd always preferred his time at home to duties of socializing. He'd thrown this particular dinner party to get several local acquaintances to stop asking after him. As much as he wished to spend the rest of the evening doting over Isaiah, he knew in his heart he had to see the party through.
Isaiah takes Jacob's hands in his own, bringing them both up to standing. He shakes his head, chiding.
“You've been gone long enough. They'll be suspicious. Just-” Isaiah fastens Elder's fly, runs a hand through his dark curls until they are settled neatly, tugs his cravat straight and finishes with a kiss at the corner of his mouth. “-there.”
His affliction does not come to an end with the cumulation of Elder's pleasure, and he is taken by another fit of sneezes.
“Idtssh-u! Hh'IIssch-u! ITDsh! ...ugh.”
They are taking on a drawn-out, congested quality and prompt a spike of pain through his temples that furrows his brow into a frown. He breathes out tiredly afterwards, giving a thoroughly useless snuffle.
“I won't be able to breathe for a while. I really could use a rest now.... Go on. I'll see myself upstairs.”
Heart melting at Isaiah's futile attempts to breathe through his nose, Jacob embraces the broader man, their faces resting cheek to cheek. He kisses the soft bit of skin at the edge of Cartwright's ear before pulling away.
"I suppose so," he says resignedly, smoothing his tailcoat. "Ring for a footman to draw you a bath if it'll help. If you'd prefer, you can rest in my bed or if you choose your own, I'll stay to my rooms tonight so you can get a proper sleep. Put a cool towel over those poor eyes, won't you?"
He reaches into his jacket pocket to retrieve one of the two linen handkerchiefs he always carries with him now.
"And here," he says, gently putting the cloth to Isaiah's scarlet nose to wipe it briefly before pressing it into the man's hand. "Rest well, love."
With a final kiss to the gardener's brow, he straightens up and shakes out his limbs, returning himself to the right frame of mind with which to perform the social graces required of a dinner party.
"Wish me luck," he says. As he exhales a long breath he goes out the study door and down the hallway back to the parlour where the guests are now gathered with after dinner drinks in hand. Helena and Eleanor are at his side almost instantly, inquiring after dear Mister Cartwright.
"I'm terribly sorry I was gone so long," Elder says, barely containing a blush. "I'm afraid he's taken a bad turn and I've seen to him upstairs. He regrets he couldn't stay longer."
"Oh, I'm sad to hear it," Eleanor says, pouting girlishly. "I do hope he recovers quickly. I hope it isn't catching."
She raises her nosegay to sniff coyly and Elder can clearly see the spot missing the one lily. He nearly chokes on his own drink.
"I'm sure he'll recover," he says after a brief moment of sputtering.
Mister Graham comes to his rescue with conversation and he's able to shake off the two young ladies, distracting himself with the polite conversations of his company late into the evening until the last carriage has pulled away. As he stands on the front lawn of Woodhaven watching the Graham's carriage travel off into the night, he turns to look back up at the windows of the house, noting the lamp in both his and Cartwright's chambers are out. A smile crosses his lips as he thinks of his sweet gardener, now hopefully resting peacefully.
Cheered that the company is gone and all is well, he pops down to the kitchens where the servants nervously greet him (though they aren't unused to this rather eccentric behavior) and fetches a large helping of the dessert that went unserved.
"You may eat the rest, but do set aside the trifle for supper tomorrow. It is Mister Cartwright's favorite and I'll have it sent up with his dinner."
Plate of cake in hand, he goes up to the study and sits in the chair opposite the bookcase and eats with a satisfied grin.
A little while later comes the murmur of bare feet on the thick carpet, as of someone stealthily approaching. Stealth is not enough- he next thing Lord Elder hears is a highly audible gasp, followed by a stifled sneeze.
Elder turns around to see none other than Mister Cartwright silhouetted in the study door, dressed in his striped pyjamas and with one hand pinched sheepishly under his nose. He looks tousled and sleepy.
“I take it the guests got away alright? Now, won't you come to-- hhh-!” He stutters as the two remaining sneezes, never far away, double him damply into his hands- “t- kshtt!-idtssh!”
A pause, recovery. Isaiah approaches Elder's chair and stands behind him, reaching his arms around to embrace the man. His chest is warm against Elder's back.
“Jacob, come to bed?”
The End
For more, check out our follow-up fic, “His Lordship’s Visit”
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jovialyouthmusic · 6 years
Charlotte’s Choice
A Royal Romance AU fanfic
17 The Lord of Misrule Part one
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Who is the Lord of Misrule, and what mischief will he cause?
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16 The Lord of Misrule Part one
‘Your Lord of Misrule for today is Bradley de Montfort, sponsored by House Nevrakis’ announced Constantine. Brad looked genuinely surprised, and Drake slapped him on the back enthusiastically as the crowd applauded. Maxwell followed suit, and Rashad shook his hand, smiling warmly. Neville shook hands but scowled, Milo did so too, face impassive and Tariq bowed stiffly, looking sulky. Anton made a grand effort, shaking his hand graciously but repeating the strategy he had tried when Drake won the horse race, pulling Brad toward him to unbalance him, but Brad placed his hand on his elbow to neutralise the ploy.
‘Bradley, please step forward and select your Bondsman, Cup bearer and Jester’ Constantine announced. Brad smiled, waved and stepped up to the microphone. Behind him in the centre of the dais were two thrones, one each for himself and for Charlotte.
‘My Lords and Ladies, citizens of Cordonia, I thank you for this honour.  I name Sir Drake Walker as my bondsman, and Lord Neville my cup bearer. My jester will be Lord Maxwell Beaumont’ Drake nodded and pressed his lips together approvingly, Neville scowled, and Maxwell gave a whoop and pumped his fist.
Constantine turned to his aide to hand over the ceremonial garb which had been made by local schoolchildren, and motioned Charlotte over. He handed her a bright cape trimmed with a feather boa and smiling warmly she swept it over Brad’s shoulders and fastened the gilt chain around his neck, adjusting it so it laid flat. She leaned forward to speak privately to him
‘Well done Brad, and any differences we have are forgotten – at least for today, and hopefully for longer. I’m happy to be your Queen for the day’
The crown, made from brightly painted papier mache, was handed to Drake and he stood behind Brad to carefully place it on his head. The scowling Neville was handed a sceptre to give to Brad, and the only things left then were the jester’s cap and stick. It was Brad’s task to place it on Maxwell’s head, who immediately started to caper around making the bells jingle. Drake leaned over to Brad, who looked more regal than he should in the garish cloak and crown. He turned to the crowd, Charlotte by his side. She extended her hand – he took it, and together they made a curtsey and bow to the crowd. Brad led Charlotte to the thrones to leave her sitting while he returned to the front of the dais ready to make his speech. Drake stood on one side, Neville on the other. Drake leaned closer.
‘Why didn’t you make Neville the jester, that would have made him really miserable, that’s what I had planned’ he whispered. Brad kept a serene expression as he looked out over the crowd.
‘And that would have made everyone else miserable’ he replied quietly ‘Max was born to be jester’ Drake shrugged in reluctant agreement.
‘Good point’ Drake conceded ‘Make sure you work Neville, and I’ll keep on his case too’
‘What are you two commoners whispering about?’ grumbled Neville. ‘So you made me your cup bearer, big deal. Let’s get this farce over with as quickly as we can.  I can’t see how you could possibly win this, you must have fixed the ballot.  I demand that it be looked into’
‘By the time it’s been examined this will all be over, Neville, and the vote was by sealed ballot. We have twelve whole hours together’ said Drake coolly ‘And remember, you have to carry out your task to Brad’s satisfaction, or it’s the stocks for you’ Neville snarled disgustedly but didn’t repeat his demand.  It was time for Brad to make his speech, so he stepped up to the microphone.
‘Ladies, Gentlemen and ordinary citizens of Cordonia, I’m touched that you would vote me, a stranger to your country to be Lord of Misrule. Your country and mine share this tradition of overturning the establishment, so I feel at home in this beautiful place.’ The crowd cheered, and Brad continued ‘I am honoured to head this celebration and want you to know that the usual conditions will apply. All those of Noble birth will serve the ordinary citizens of Cordonia at the coming feast and all areas of the fair will be open to everyone.’ He paused, looking over the crowd.
‘In addition, I will also overturn generally accepted gender roles. The ladies present will be proposing toasts and asking the men to dance, and I invite everyone to cross dress – women will wear suits and the men will wear dresses.’ There was a ripple of surprise and shock at his words, but he continued ‘The services of the Manor wardrobe mistress will be available for anyone having trouble finding garments, starting from now to accommodate the numbers anticipated, and you will find a number of second hand and exchange clothes amongst the stalls at the Apple Fair along with changing booths’ The marquee was quiet for a while, some faces showing shock, then Olivia started to clap. Slowly people close to her joined in, until the whole room applauded, some laughing and cheering. Constantine looked on serenely, but Drake could see a muscle twitch near to the corner of his eye. Brad made a gesture to quieten down the crowd.
‘This rule is not compulsory, but a prize will be awarded to the best cross dressed couple, generously donated by Lady Olivia. The prize is a week’s stay at Lythikos Lodge to enjoy the skating and skiing facitities, all expenses paid.’ A cheer went up from this implied that the winner would be chosen from outside the Court, who had only just returned from Lythikos.
Brad and the court of Misrule made their way through the crowd. A huge cheer went up as they processed to the staging area where Brad would choose the Apple Queen from assembled schoolchildren. Maxwell capered around making the crowd laugh, jingling the bells on his hat and on the jesters stick that he held. Charlotte was all smiles, her hand on Brad’s arm. Drake walked on Brad’s other side, and Neville walked behind, scowling as he supported the garish cloak to keep it off the ground.
The children, aged between five and seven, were waiting in line and Brad took time to talk to each one of them, kneeling to come to their level and asking them questions, Charlotte following him. The littlest girl was shy and tried to hide behind her teacher’s skirts. Brad held out his hand to her.
‘Hello, what’s your name? Did you help make the crown?’ The little girl nodded, biting her lip. Her teacher leant down to encourage her.
‘It’s all right, you know this man is going to pick the apple queen. Look, Princess Charlotte is with him’ Brad nodded at the shy child.
‘That’s right, Princess Charlotte and I are friends. My name is Brad.’ He took off his crown and looked at it ‘I like this crown, but the Apple Queen’s crown is much nicer. If you tell me your name, I’ll let you wear it’ At last she spoke
‘Me? You’d let me wear it? It’s so pretty’ Brad waved Charlotte over, and she knelt down beside him. The little girl looked more comfortable – she and all the children knew Charlotte, as she regularly visited the school to read Cordonian fairy tales to the children.
‘I think we’ve found our Queen’ he said ‘But she’s too shy to tell me her name’
‘Molly’ said the little girl ‘But I’m too little, nobody will see me wearing the crown’
‘Well Molly, I can let you sit on my shoulders if you like, then everyone will see you.  When you have the crown on, you’ll sit on the throne and be carried around like a real Queen for everyone to see’ At last the little girl broke into a smile.
‘Yes please!’ she cried happily, and true to his word, Brad picked her carefully up and put her on his shoulders, carrying her to the Apple Queen’s chair, set on a litter so that it could be carried by the Lord of Misrule and his ‘court’ at shoulder height. Molly giggled and waved at her friends. He put her down in front of the throne where last year’s queen was waiting to put the crown on her head and put the cloak around her shoulders. Molly smiled and waved as she got onto the throne, and Brad, Drake, Maxwell and Neville carried her around the crowd to loud cheers.
By the time they had been round the whole crowd and deposited Molly at the Marquee where the children were eating and would be playing games after, it was time for the banquet. Before they left, little Molly threw her arms around Brad and hugged him.
‘Thankyou’ she beamed ‘are you going to be King when Princess Charlotte is Queen?’ Brad grinned lopsidedly
‘Perhaps, she will pick the person she likes best’ he explained
‘I hope it’s you Brad – you’re nice’ the little girl said and skipped off to join her friends. Outside, benches had been set out for feasting, and folk sat waiting for the Nobles to come around with trays to distribute the food. There was already a smattering of people who had changed clothes, and much hilarity at some of the men wearing dresses.
‘I think it’s time we changed’ said Brad, and Drake groaned
‘Do we have to?’
‘I’m afraid we should set a good example my friend’ Brad replied, and Drake put his hand over his face, dragging his fingers down over his skin ‘I have just the outfit for you, Walker’ The four men started back toward the Manor, Neville trailing behind sulking. As they approached the changing cubicles in the boutique, he stopped dead.
‘I refuse to wear a – a DRESS’ he announced, ‘It’s not dignified’ Drake turned on him.
‘That’s the whole point of the Lord of Misrule’ he said ‘we step out of our roles, so we earn a little humility. I think it’s a great idea to see the world from a different perspective, even if it takes me out of my comfort zone. I’m willing to give it a try – how about you?’ Neville folded his arms and shook his head.
‘Out of your comfort zone? You’re halfway there, commoner’ he spat, and Drake’s fists clenched, his knuckles white.
‘May I remind you that any infringements of the Misrules will result in a period of time in the stocks, with folk lining up to throw wet sponges at you?’ Brad pointed out, and Drake smirked, enjoying seeing Neville squirm.
‘You said it wasn’t compulsory’ said Neville stubbornly
‘I’m afraid it is for my retinue, it’s all written down – if you ask Bastien he’ll show you’ Brad said evenly. Neville snarled back at him as Drake started to grow angry at his refusal to play along.
‘You can’t make me’ Drake stood in front of Neville and screwed his fists into his jacket lapels, pulling him close so he was in his face and scowling.
‘There’s nothing I’d like better than to see you in the stocks, but as Brad said, we need to set a good example. So help me, I’ll rearrange your face if you don’t change right now’ Neville’s features contorted in fury.
‘You threaten me with violence? I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised for a commoner to lose his temper’ Drake held him tighter, the skin over his knuckles whitening, his lips tight over his teeth.
‘If I’m not wrong, it was you who got angry first over following Brad’s rules.’ He hissed. Brad put his hand on Drake’s soothingly as Maxwell hopped from leg to leg, distressed at the confrontation.
‘Gentlemen let’s not fight please, its very simple. Neville, either you wear the clothes I picked out for you, or you spend an hour in the stocks. At least take a look at them first.’ Drake let go of Neville reluctantly. He had been looking forward to thumping him in the face but realised that was probably not in the spirit of the Lord of Misrule and would probably get him into deep trouble. Brad was a good calming influence, he observed.
‘Very well, I’ll do as you say – but you’ll regret crossing me, commoner.’ Neville spat. He disappeared into the dressing room allocated to him and Drake stood guard outside. Drake heard a scream of rage from inside, and Neville reappeared holding a lacy pink thigh length dress trimmed with feathers.
‘You want me to wear this?’ He sputtered. Maxwell clamped his hand over his mouth but couldn’t stop the laughter bubbling up until he gave up and doubled over with mirth. Drake smirked but didn’t dare laugh in case the outfit Brad had picked for him was worse. Brad was the only one with a straight face. Max cried out suddenly in recognition.
‘Oh – oh! Neville you know that’s one of Ana de Luca’s latest pieces? Nobody’s worn that except the models on the catwalk’
‘If you please Lord Neville’ Brad said evenly. Drake crossed his arms and stood menacingly next to Brad until Neville retreated back into the cubicle. He reappeared in the dress a few moments later and sat outside the cubicle, head in hands. Brad stood over him while Drake vanished into his cubicle. A grunt of approval rang out and Maxwell’s ears perked up.
‘You found something you like, Drake? You must be embracing your inner woman’
‘I’m not entirely sure how to put this on’ came Drake’s answer. ‘I think Brad needs to assist me’ Brad turned to the younger Lord Beaumont.
‘Make sure Neville doesn’t chicken out, Max’ he said ‘This might take some time. Drake and I are going to be wearing similar outfits’ Maxwell looked puzzled
‘I can’t wait to see. I’ll make sure Neville’s still here when you come out – off you go’
From the dressing room came various comments from then on - turn around – and again – now tuck that in – there - and pin that – now pull that up – yes that’s it now – take those off – nope not allowed. Now do me – you tuck it in - ouch - mind the pin - is it straight? How does it look – ready?
At last the two men reappeared, and Maxwell gasped.
‘Oh wow – you look amazing, both of you!’ he exclaimed. The two men were wearing traditional Scottish dress, complete with tartan kilts, sporrans and long socks with a dagger, or ‘dirk’ tucked in to one leg. Neville looked up, his face purple with rage, speechless at the injustice.
‘Wow’ repeated Maxwell ‘I do think it’s kind of cheating though’ Brad grinned.
‘Perks of being Lord of Misrule’ he replied.
‘Oooh I hope you’ve got that for me – tell me you have!’ Maxwell cried, jumping up and down. Brad looked sheepish.
‘Sorry Max, unless you can promise not to do any cartwheels – nothing’s worn under the kilt, you know’ Max’s eyes grew wide
‘Nothing – you mean you’re…’
‘Going commando’ smirked Drake ‘It’s - kind of liberating’
‘You’re deliberately humiliating me’ spluttered Neville, but Brad shrugged.
‘Only if you see it that way. Now Max, go and change’ Max disappeared into his cubicle and let out a loud laugh.
‘Oh my goodness, I don’t believe it’ he chortled. In a trice he reappeared, dressed exactly like Neville, whose eyes bulged with surprise. ‘I LOVE it’ exclaimed Maxwell, turning to look at himself in the mirror.
‘You shouldn’t jump to conclusions, Lord Neville.’ Brad said with a serene expression’ I chose the outfit for Lord Maxwell, and didn’t think you’d mind matching with him, as Drake and I are dressed alike’ By now Neville was in a foul mood and leapt to his feet, storming toward Brad to stand with his face only inches from his. Drake surged forward but Max put a hand on his arm, and he stood back reluctantly, rage boiling just under the surface.
‘You commoners think you can do anything. You don’t have a chance with the Princess, I’m going to enjoy your humiliation when she picks someone of noble birth - it’s only fitting and proper’ Brad didn’t flinch – he was used to dealing with drunks and thugs, and Neville was nowhere near as intimidating as a Scotsman on the rampage after his football team had lost.
‘Actually Neville, I am of noble birth, as my uncle died without an heir to his title in England. I just heard this morning that my application has been approved and I am officially Earl Bradley de Montfort of Rutland’ Brad said coolly. Neville stepped back, spluttering and stammering.
‘I – you – you haven’t heard the last of this. I won’t stand for this humiliation’ Drake stepped forward menacingly, fists clenched by his sides.
‘You can and you will, Lord Neville. Don’t think for a moment that you have a chance with the Princess, but you will behave properly and help the fair run smoothly or look like a fool in everyone’s eyes’ he spat. Neville turned on Drake, real venom in his eyes
‘YOU – you’re the real commoner here, I wouldn’t expect any less of you, you mongrel, you aren’t even pure blood Cordonian, your mother was American. I refuse to take part in this any further. I am going straight to the King to protest the improper…’ Drake lunged toward Neville, fist cocked, but Brad intercepted him, grabbing his arm and twisting it up behind his back.
‘Godammit Brad, what are you doing?’ he raged ‘Let me at that pompous ass’ Brad kept hold of his arm as Neville cowered.
‘Think about it, Drake’ he hissed in his ear ‘What would Charlotte say if she knew you’d punched Neville? He could press charges and you’d be knocked out of the running’ Drake struggled but Brad twisted his arm a little further and he sank to his knees.
‘Gah, Brad!’ he gasped ‘It would be worth it, Charlotte hates his guts. He’s spineless, a worthless sack of shit who doesn’t care about anything but his own damn pride and looks down on anyone who doesn’t have noble blood’
‘I’m sure Charlotte would never utter words like that’ Brad said, teeth clenched ‘and you, my friend, need to calm down before you do something you might regret.’ Drake relaxed, and Brad let up the pressure on his arm.
‘Okay, I’m calm, I won’t hit him’ Drake conceded ‘You can let go now’ Brad did so, and Drake snatched his arm back, rubbing his shoulder and glowering at Neville, but staying out of reach. Maxwell was looking from one to the other, visibly upset.  He didn’t like violence and he was usually able to joke his way out of bad situations, but this had him flummoxed.
‘So what now? Drake asked. Brad shrugged
‘Well if Neville is so hell bent on walking out, he forfeits his right as a suitor and loses the opportunity to win Charlotte’s hand’ Neville looked up sharply
‘Wait, what? asked Maxwell in surprise
‘Read the terms Max, we all signed a contract when we decided to compete for Charlotte’s hand’ replied Brad ‘Don’t you read the things you sign? It states that barring injury, illness or family emergencies, each suitor has to fully participate in every event or forfeit their right to continue’ Drake laughed.
‘Well well, looks like you’re on the back foot now Neville. If you want to carry on, you have to follow Brad’s rules’ he crowed.
‘Hence my stopping you from punching him’ said Brad ‘If you’d been arrested for assault you’d have been eliminated’ Drake paled a little
‘Wow – you really saved my bacon, Brad. Thanks’ he mumbled.
‘So’ said Brad, turning to Neville ‘It’s your choice, Lord Neville. Carry on with the day’s activities or withdraw and forfeit your right to be suitor’
‘Fine. I will stay, but I will be lodging a complaint against you, so called Earl Bradley, and I will personally be waiting for corroboration of your claim to nobility’ snarled Neville.
‘Okay, let’s go’ Brad got up ‘I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m hungry’ The four men strode back out across the lawn toward the marquee.
Charlotte had decided to change her clothes before serving food and was going toward the manor when she noticed the stalls stocking second hand clothes for folk to wear for the Lord of Misrule’s decree. She smiled at some of the items and picked a few things out before returning to the manor. She met Olivia on the way.
‘Hi Olivia, what do you think of Brad’s dress rule? Did he tell you what he was going to do?’ she asked as they walked together.
‘He didn’t give me a clue’ she replied. ‘It’s no big deal for us, but some of the men are throwing hissy fits’ she laughed. ‘Lord Percival has taken to his guest room with a suspected stomach bug, but I think he just can’t bring himself to put on a dress’
‘Do you know what you’re wearing?’ asked Charlotte, and Olivia nodded
‘Oh yes, I’m going for a uniform – I’m going to wear Army camouflage.  I checked with Jasmine, she has just the thing’
‘That’s a great idea Livvy, it will really complement your hair’ she exclaimed. Olivia indicated the package she was carrying
‘Is that your costume? she asked, and Charlotte nodded
‘Yup, I saw something on the way over, I’ve got everything I need here. I’ll come with you and you can be first to see’ The two friends went to the changing rooms where Jasmine, second wardrobe mistress, had Olivia’s clothes ready. She changed and waited for Charlotte to emerge from her cubicle and laughed when she came out.
‘Oh my, Drake will just love that’ she snorted
‘Do you think so? I saw it and thought he’d get the message that I’ve forgiven him for our argument the other day’ she smiled. She wore jeans, a white t shirt and a denim shirt, with the difference that the shirt was oversized and tied in a knot around her waist, accentuating her figure ‘It’s also very practical and comfortable’
‘I think its just adorable’ said Olivia ‘Actually I’m glad to have a quiet moment with you – can we talk?’
‘Of course Livvy, is everything alright? asked the Princess. Olivia nodded and caught her arm, and the two of them left the fitting rooms and went to a nearby drawing room. Olivia shut the door and turned to her friend, taking her arm again and sitting her down.
‘Lottie, you mustn’t tell anyone about this, and I really hope you’re okay with it’ she said in a low tone.
‘Okay with what, Livvy? she asked. Olivia drew a deep breath, patting her friend’s arm
‘I won’t beat around the bush Lottie, Brad was going to tell you but with being the Lord of Misrule he’ll be busy today so it’s better coming from me’ she paused, and Charlotte waited in suspense for her to go on ‘Brad and I – we’re kind of an item. We slept together, and he said he didn’t want to string you along if we’re together.’ she looked pleadingly at her ‘Do you mind Lottie? I didn’t tell him, but this time it’s different. I really like Brad and I – I think I’m falling for him. For starters I stayed with him overnight, and we – well it’s been more than once, not like my usual flings’ She bit her lip and waited for Charlotte’s reaction. After a short while of looking surprised, Charlotte broke into a smile.
‘That’s great Livvy, of course I don’t mind. Brad is great, very likeable despite our falling out, but I can tell you’re really into him, so – yes it’s fine by me’ Olivia gave out a sigh as she had been holding her breath.
‘Oh thankyou Lottie, that means so much to me. You said the other day he was a contender – but you argued with him, and I – are you sure?’ Charlotte patted her hand
‘Like I said, he’s great, but he’s also a foreigner, which wouldn’t be popular with the people.  I think he’ll make a good friend, but I don’t think we were meant to be lovers. I’m happy for you Livvy, I hope it all works out for you’ Olivia wiped a tear from her eye.
‘I’m so glad Lottie, I would hate to fall out with you. He caught my eye the moment I saw him – and I know he impressed you too. I half wanted him for you, and half for me when I invited him over. I thought he’d shake things up a bit – and he has, hasn’t he?’ Charlotte nodded but went on.
‘We’d better keep it quiet Livvy, I’d like him to stay on as a suitor, even if only as a friend.’ Charlotte said ‘Father will be wanting me to drop one or two soon. Neville and Tariq are the ones I really can’t see myself with, and they would both make terrible consorts, and even worse Kings’
‘Sure thing Lottie, I’ll tell him as soon as I can – though you’ll probably get a chance this afternoon.’
‘It will be better coming from you, I’m sure’ Charlotte asserted, and stood to give her friend a hug.
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handymanmcallen · 3 years
Professional Office Furniture Assembly Services in McAllen TX | Handyman McAllen
More information is at: https://handymanmcallen.org/office-furniture-assembly-near-me/
Assembling the office furniture when you move to the new building could be a hard task, particularly if you are having a lot of employees waiting for their desks and chairs. At Handyman McAllen, our objective is to streamline the procedure by providing best office furniture assembly services in McAllen TX which quickly put all together harmonized with all the safety regulations. Our professional office furniture assembly services in McAllen TX can consist of furniture collection as well as delivery from the chosen store. Our experts will happily advise you about how to make a professional office layout. Cost? Free estimates? Call today or schedule online fast!
Over those years, Handyman McAllen have put together a lot of wardrobes, chairs, tables, shelves, drawers – you name it, we have assembled it! We would love to have a chat to you about what you need and how long it will take. We can give you an honest appraisal of how long the project will take and the costs involved. The time it takes to assemble your furniture is a major factor in working out the cost. So the quicker we are the cheaper it is for you. We will always try and work within your budget.
Top Office Furniture Assembly Services in McAllen TX
Handyman McAllen, has been around for many years and our team is comprised of professionals with long experience and expert knowledge in all forms of assembled furniture. We have done every form of project from major office fit outs requiring hundreds of individual assemblies – to a single wardrobe for a home owner.
Over those years we have steadily built up a reputation amongst not only our customers for service, reliability and value but also with the major furniture manufacturers and suppliers in McAllen TX. Many of our customers had actually never heard of us before purchasing their furniture. They were referred to us from the manufacturer or store where they purchased their “ready to assemble” or “flat pack” furniture items. So we are known and trusted by the makers of the furniture we assemble. They know and trust us and this trust is based on extensive feedback from their own customers over many years.
Why Choose Handyman McAllen?
• 24 hour quotes • Competitive rates • Excellent customer service • Extensive years of experience • Qualified and professional team • Superior quality workmanship • Value for money service • Variety of services offered
Flat pack furniture assembly is made easy by Handyman McAllen. Contact us for a professional office furniture assembly service in McAllen TX and we will take the stress out of assembling your furniture leaving you impressed and ready to enjoy your hassle free self-assembly furniture. As an independent flat pack furniture assembly service our technicians have experience in assembling a vast range of furniture from many different manufacturers and retailers.
We can give you all the information over the phone for any flat pack furniture, along with a free estimate.
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CONTACT: Handyman McAllen Best commercial residential handyman maintenance renovation professionals in McAllen, TX CALL (956) 587-3488 HANDYMAN 1 CALL (956) 587-3484 HANDYMAN 2 CALL (956) 587-3486 CLEANING CALL (956) 587-3487 MOVING CALL (956) 587-3003 JUNK REMOVAL Located in McAllen, TX WEBSITE: www.handymanmcallen.org http://www.handymanservicesofmcallen.com/ http://www.rgvhouseholdservices.com/ SERVICE AREA: 33 Cities within 30 miles of McAllen, TX Alamo, TX | Combes, TX | Delmita, TX | Donna, TX | Edcouch, TX | Edinburg, TX | Elsa, TX | Garciasville, TX | Grulla, TX | Hargill, TX | Harlingen, TX | Hidalgo, TX | La Blanca, TX | La Feria, TX | La Joya, TX | La Villa, TX | Lasara, TX | Linn, TX | Los Ebanos, TX | Los Indios, TX | Lyford, TX | Mercedes, TX | Mission, TX | Penitas, TX | Pharr, TX | Progreso, TX | Raymondville, TX | Rio Grande City, TX | San Juan, TX | Santa Maria, TX | Santa Rosa, TX | Sullivan City, TX | Weslaco, TX Starr County | Hidalgo County | Willacy County | Cameron County | 78504 | 78539 | 78540 | 78541 | 78542 | 78501 | 78503| 78505 | 78557 | 88540 |78502 | 78504 | 78539 | 78572\ #handyman #commercialhandyman #residencialhandyman #moving #junk #cleaning #maintenance #renovation #mcAllen #Texas
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wichitahandyman · 3 years
Professional Office Furniture Assembly Services in Wichita KS | Handyman Services Of Wichita
More information is at: https://handymanserviceswichitakansas.com/office-furniture-assembly-near-me/
Assembling the office furniture when you move to the new building could be a hard task, particularly if you are having a lot of employees waiting for their desks and chairs. At Handyman Services Of Wichita, our objective is to streamline the procedure by providing best office furniture assembly services in Wichita KS which quickly put all together harmonized with all the safety regulations. Our professional office furniture assembly services in Wichita KS can consist of furniture collection as well as delivery from the chosen store. Our experts will happily advise you about how to make a professional office layout. Cost? Free estimates? Call today or schedule online fast!
Over those years, Handyman Services Of Wichita have put together a lot of wardrobes, chairs, tables, shelves, drawers – you name it, we have assembled it! We would love to have a chat to you about what you need and how long it will take. We can give you an honest appraisal of how long the project will take and the costs involved. The time it takes to assemble your furniture is a major factor in working out the cost. So the quicker we are the cheaper it is for you. We will always try and work within your budget.
Top Office Furniture Assembly Services in Wichita KS
Handyman Services Of Wichita, has been around for many years and our team is comprised of professionals with long experience and expert knowledge in all forms of assembled furniture. We have done every form of project from major office fit outs requiring hundreds of individual assemblies – to a single wardrobe for a home owner.
Over those years we have steadily built up a reputation amongst not only our customers for service, reliability and value but also with the major furniture manufacturers and suppliers in Wichita KS. Many of our customers had actually never heard of us before purchasing their furniture. They were referred to us from the manufacturer or store where they purchased their “ready to assemble” or “flat pack” furniture items. So we are known and trusted by the makers of the furniture we assemble. They know and trust us and this trust is based on extensive feedback from their own customers over many years.
Why Choose Handyman Services Of Wichita?
• 24 hour quotes • Competitive rates • Excellent customer service • Extensive years of experience • Qualified and professional team • Superior quality workmanship • Value for money service • Variety of services offered
Flat pack furniture assembly is made easy by Handyman Services Of Wichita. Contact us for a professional office furniture assembly service in Wichita KS and we will take the stress out of assembling your furniture leaving you impressed and ready to enjoy your hassle free self-assembly furniture. As an independent flat pack furniture assembly service our technicians have experience in assembling a vast range of furniture from many different manufacturers and retailers.
We can give you all the information over the phone for any flat pack furniture, along with a free estimate.
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CONTACT US: Handyman Services Of Wichita Best commercial residential handyman maintenance professionals in Wichita KS (316) 448-3974 HANDYMAN (316) 500-7551 CLEANING (316) 448-5733 JUNK REMOVAL Location: Wichita KS Timing: 7 AM – 11 PM Websites: handymanserviceswichitakansas.com bestcleaningserviceswichita.com/ junkremovalhaulerwichita.org/ Service area: 55 Cities within 30 miles of Wichita, KS: Andale, KS | Andover, KS | Argonia, KS | Augusta, KS | Belle Plaine, KS | Bentley, KS | Benton, KS | Buhler, KS | Burns, KS | Burrton, KS | Cheney, KS | Clearwater, KS Colwich, KS | Conway Springs, KS | Danville, KS | Derby, KS | Douglass, KS | Elbing, KS | Garden Plain, KS Goddard, KS | Greenwich, KS | Halstead, KS | Harper, KS | Haven, KS | Haysville, KS | Hesston, KS | Hutchinson, KS | Kechi, KS | Maize, KS | Mayfield, KS | Mcconnell AFB, KS | Milan, KS | Milton, KS Mount Hope, KS | Mulvane, KS | Murdock, KS | Newton, KS | North Newton, KS | Norwich, KS | Peck, KS Potwin, KS | Pretty Prairie, KS | Rock, KS | Rose Hill, KS | Sedgwick, KS | South Hutchinson, KS Towanda, KS | Udall, KS | Valley Center, KS | Viola, KS | Walton, KS | Wellington, KS | Whitewater, KS Winfield, KS | Yoder, KS ZIP CODES: 67001 – Andale | 67016 – Bentley | 67017 – Benton | 67020 – Burrton | 67025 – Cheney | 67026 – Clearwater | 67030 – Colwich | 67031 – Conway Springs | 67037 – Derby | 67039 – Douglass | 67050 – Garden Plain | 67052 – Goddard | 67055 – Greenwich | 67060 – Haysville | 67067 – Kechi | 67101 – Maize | 67106 – Milton | 67108 – Mt Hope | 67110 – Mulvane | 67118 – Norwich | 67120 – Peck | 67133 – Rose Hill | 67135 – Sedgwick | 67147 – Valley Center | 67149 – Viola | 672xx – Wichita | 67204 – Park City or Wichita | 67219 – Park City or Wichita | 67220 – Bel Aire or Wichita | 67221 – McConnell AFB | 67226 – Bel Aire or Wichita | 67543 – Haven #Wichita #kanas #handyman #commercialhandyman #residencialhandyman #moving #junkremoval #cleaning
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Best Furniture Assembly Service and Cost in Albuquerque, NM |Best Albuquerque Handyman & Remodeling
More information is at: http://handymanalbuquerque.org/furniture-assembly-service-near-me/
Furniture Assembly Service near Albuquerque, NM: Are you looking for the Best Furniture Assembly Service near Albuquerque, NM ? Best Albuquerque Handyman & Remodeling ,has been connecting people to furniture assembly professionals and other home service providers. We know there’s nothing worse than scheduling an appointment with a furniture assembly service, staying home from work to let them into your home, only for them to not show up. Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Furniture Assembly Service around Albuquerque, NM. We serve Albuquerque, NM and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
Furniture Assembly
Furniture Assembly Service near Albuquerque, NM: Are you looking for the easiest furniture assembly experience? Do you want only the top furniture assembly pro to come to your home to transform that box of loose pieces of wood into your beautiful dresser or bed frame? With Best Albuquerque Handyman & Remodeling, you’ve come to the right place.
● Vetted and background-checked professionals. Learn more ● Friendly 24/7 customer service ● Backed by the Handy Happiness Guarantee. Learn more ● Affordable pricing ● No time windows, book when you want
The Most Reliable Name in Furniture Assembly
Best Albuquerque Handyman & Remodeling has been connecting people to furniture assembly professionals and other home service providers since 2012. In its short history, Best Albuquerque Handyman & Remodeling has helped thousands of customers build furniture in Albuquerque, NM beyond.
We know there’s nothing worse than scheduling an appointment with a furniture assembly service, staying home from work to let them into your home, only for them to not show up. When you book through Best Albuquerque Handyman & Remodeling, there’s no ambiguity. Best Albuquerque Handyman & Remodeling will work to ensure that someone will be at your home at the time you agree upon.
Skilled and Capable
You don’t want just any random person building your furniture. When you book through Best Albuquerque Handyman & Remodeling, we’ll match your job with an experienced furniture assembly pro who will ensure you’re satisfied.
No matter what type of furniture assembly you need help with, Best Albuquerque Handyman & Remodeling has you covered. Whether you’ve just purchased a new desk for your bedroom, a bookshelf for your living room, a sofa or couch, a new kitchen table, chairs, stools, or more, we will connect you with a professional who will be able to handle your job.
How not to make a mistake when assembling furniture?
Furniture Assembly Service near Albuquerque, NM: Many clients don’t consider the assembly of flat pack furniture to be an overly complex task, so after they bought a wardrobe, table for dining room or office shelving, buyers refuse master assemblers, preferring to confide in their own instinct and theoretical understanding of the stages of work and assemble everything themselves.
Indeed, if there are some needed tools, a great desire to save money and a huge amount of free time, a new kitchen unit or furniture will find its rightful place in the interior. Unfortunately, in practice this process is not as elementary as it looks at first glance.
You can face some difficulties when there is a need for trimming and adding some elements. It is also not uncommon when the fittings provided by the factory are either not suitable or their quality is insufficient, and its instructions for installing are written for professionals or it can be absent at all. If you want to know how much furniture assembly costs just give us a call our manager will do everything to let you know the details. Masters of this process are usually not only mentally prepared for unpleasant surprises from manufacturers, but also can take all the required tools for a challenge to eliminate technical deficiencies as quickly as possible.
Why is it better to contact home furniture assembly services?
Many customers refuse such services that are provided by the qualified craftsman, believing that the price of furniture assembly in Albuquerque, NM is too high. So they can decide to do it themselves with the help of friends and family members. But practice shows that it is not uncommon for the miserly to pay twice, and after an unqualified amateur, the owners have to apply to a special company to pay for disassembly of wardrobe, and repeat it so they can get proper installation.
It is possible that the assembly of a chair or table can be done by yourself, but you want to do it with kitchen furniture better contact some experienced handyman, cause in case of unreliable fastening and falling of cabinets your relatives and friends can be suffered.
Looking for an affordable assembler?
It’s better to choose service companies that have existed for more than two or three years. They will offer customers only proven specialists with good experience and high qualifications. Such assemblers have all the needed experience, necessary skills and the best equipment for assembly. You can check the qualifications of the master assembler by asking several simple questions: ● Does he have limitations when working with different types (kitchen, cabinets, tables, soft)? ● Is it necessary for him to get instructions? ● Does he have an experience with the furniture “under the order”, requiring additional milling and fitting? ● Whether the master is responsible for the failure of fittings, elements? ● Does he provide a guarantee on his work? ● Does he use his own professional tools and consumables (dowels, metal corners)? ● And what about the cost of these services?
The price of these services is expected to depend on the type of a specialist, the complexity of installation and the need to fit the parts. Furniture assembly and disassembly may vary in different cities, but often the masters determine the rates based on the hours that they need to complete this task (up to 1 hour or more), as well as the need for an individual approach to the components. The best way to check furniture assembly price lists is to give us a call so we can provide you our quotes.
The Best Albuquerque Handyman & Remodeling customer service cares for the prestige and credibility of the company; therefore, only experienced craftsmen work on the staff, producing furniture of any complexity neatly and quickly. The company provides a written guarantee for all types of installation, and it is possible to order the service by telephone at a convenient time.
Benefits of Best Albuquerque Handyman & Remodeling furniture delivery and assembly service
● Modular furniture assembly is carried out by experts with extensive skills in working with kitchen, cabinet, office, soft furniture; ● We also have office depot furniture assembly service; ● The cost of assembling by Best Albuquerque Handyman & Remodeling is much more profitable and cheaper compared to other firms; ● Masters provide a guarantee for the services; ● This process will not take your personal time; ● Customers are able to contact us by phone and get the answers on all the questions.
Furniture Assembly Service near Albuquerque, NM: So if you are looking for some cheap furniture assembly service in Albuquerque, NM, just give us a call! Masters of service Best Albuquerque Handyman & Remodeling work with furniture of domestic and foreign factories. Our service will allow you to quickly and efficiently assemble and install all the furniture like sofas, beds, etc. Local furniture assembly in Albuquerque, NM is carried out by specialized tools, which guarantees the reliability and stability of the assembled frame for many years.
So what can we do for you?
● IKEA Furniture Assembly Service ● Furniture Delivery in Albuquerque, NM ● Basic Furniture Assembly ● Bed Assembly ● Home Assembly Service ● Wardrobe Assembly Service ● Desk Assembly Service ● Entertainment Center Assembly ● Deck Furniture Assembly ● Office Furniture Assembly ● We are experienced with all major brands including: IKEA, Walmart, Wayfair, Amazon, Target, and more. ● We work throughout the Albuquerque, NM metropolitan area.
Furniture Assembly Tips
Furniture Assembly
Self-assembled furniture has become very popular over the last decade, providing consumers with quality furniture options and big savings on labor costs. However, it also means that buying the furniture is the easy part! Before you get started, follow these rules to ensure a smooth and productive assembly process:
Buy from brands you’ve heard of
IKEA is the biggest name in self-assembled furniture, but there are many others out there. These companies’ products can vary widely in quality, so sticking with names you know is a good idea.
Research how difficult the furniture is to assemble
Self-assembled furniture instructions are not always clear and easy to follow. Save yourself a lot of hassle by looking up online reviews and testimonials about the piece you plan to buy.
Make sure all the pieces are there before you begin
Nothing is more frustrating than getting deep into an assembly project only to find that a piece is missing. Organize and count the pieces before you begin to verify that you have everything you need.
Make sure you have the right tools
Most self-assembly furniture comes with simple tools to complete the project, but often these tools make the job more difficult and physically demanding. A handheld screwdriver with an easy to grasp handle or certain power tools can make the job faster and more enjoyable.
Furniture Assembly Service Costs
Furniture Assembly Service Albuquerque, NM County Costs
Furniture Assembly Service near Albuquerque, NM: Knowing the furniture assembly service Albuquerque, NM costs is recommended before starting a furniture assembly service project. While looking at national averages can give a general idea, such numbers usually do not include factors which may affect the final price, such as local labor hourly rates, material costs and any local permits required for the Albuquerque, NM furniture assembly service project.
As our numbers show the average cost that homeowners paid for handymen in Albuquerque, NM county is between $156.00 and $1,562.00.
This Furniture Assembly Service Albuquerque, NM Quote Includes: ● Average labor costs to hire a handyman in Albuquerque, NM, Albuquerque, NM. ● Average costs for materials and equipment for furniture assembly service in Albuquerque, NM. ● All project costs (surface preparation, components and machinery), and cleanup fees.
This Albuquerque, NM Furniture Assembly Service Estimate Does NOT Include: ● Any permits required for furniture assembly service Albuquerque, NM projects. ● Inspection and/or Albuquerque, NM building fees. ● Materials and supply Albuquerque, NM and Albuquerque, NM sales taxes. ● Materials and supply Albuquerque, NM sales taxes. ● Any general contractor fees, if used for the project. Such fees generally add another $103.08-$128.85 to the total.
Schedule the assembly after the furniture has been delivered to you and not before, since it may be hard to predict the exact time the items will be delivered. Albuquerque, NM furniture assembly service providers will move the furniture without damaging it after assembling.
Albuquerque, NM furniture assembly service providers can assemble flat-pack furniture or ready to buy furniture. Albuquerque, NM furniture assembly service providers can assemble all types of furniture, so give them a call today if you need your furniture assembled.
Why is it necessary that I hire a furniture assembly service in Best Albuquerque Handyman & Remodeling?
There are some furniture that once you have purchased, you will definitely need the help of a professional furniture assembly service in Best Albuquerque Handyman & Remodeling in order to make them useful. As they are, you cannot use them. If you were to assemble them on your own, chances are high that you might not really get the outcome that you desire. Therefore, because of this reason, you should always get help from experts who have been doing this job for a number of years. This will actually make your work easier in the long run.
Is the Best Albuquerque Handyman & Remodeling furniture assembly service expensive?
There is often a misconception among a lot of people that the Best Albuquerque Handyman & Remodeling furniture assembly service is expensive. This is something that you should not pay attention to. As a matter of fact, this is something that you really need to be careful about because you might end up choosing someone to assemble the furniture for you, someone who is not a professional, and you end up with disastrous results. You, therefore, need to exercise caution when you want to get any kind of help with furniture assembly.
How soon can I get the furniture assembly service in Best Albuquerque Handyman & Remodeling?
The experts are often ready to help you as soon as you contact them. In fact, you can actually get in touch with them immediately after you purchase the furniture, and then they will come and assemble the furniture for you at home. It is wise to have the assembly done in the house so that you do not have to worry about moving furniture around and risking some of them to get damaged in the process.
CALL FOR US: ● Furniture Assembly Services Near Albuquerque, NM ● Furniture Assembly Business ● Furniture Assembly Services ● Furniture Assembly Service Cost ● Handy Furniture Assembly Albuquerque, NM ● Furniture Assembly Services ● Wayfair Furniture Assembly ● Furniture Assembly ● Furniture Assembly Cost ● Furniture Assembly Services Albuquerque, NM ● Office Furniture Installation Rates ● Home advisor Furniture Assembly ● Furniture Assembly Jobs ● Assembly Service ● Assembly Cost ● Put Together Furniture Albuquerque, NM
Contact us: Best Albuquerque Handyman & Remodeling Best commercial residential handyman maintenance renovation professionals in Albuquerque, NM CALL (505) 859-3902 HANDYMAN 1 CALL (505) 404-7167 HANDYMAN 2 CALL (505) 225-3810 CLEANING CALL (505) 570-4605 JUNK REMOVAL CALL (505) 850-3570 MOVING Located in Albuquerque, NM WEBSITE: www.handymanalbuquerque.org http://www.handymanservicesofalbuquerque.com/ http://www.serviceabq.com/ SERVICE AREA: 18 Cities within 30 miles of Albuquerque, NM Algodones, NM | Belen, NM | Bernalillo, NM | Bosque Farms, NM | Casa Blanca, NM | Cedar Crest, NM | Corrales, NM | Isleta, NM | Jarales, NM | Kirtland AFB, NM | Los Lunas, NM | Peralta, NM | Placitas, NM | Rio Rancho, NM | Sandia Park, NM | Tijeras, NM | Tome, NM | Torreon, NM | Alameda, NM | Five Points, NM | Los Padillas, NM | Los Ranchos, NM | Los Ranchos De Abq, NM | Los Ranchos De Albuquerque, NM | Los Rnchs Abq, NM | Manzano Base, NM | Metropolitan Detention Ctr, NM | Public Service Co, NM | Sandia Base, NM | Univ Of New Mexico, NM | Univ Of Nm, NM | UNM, NM | Village Of Los Ranchos, NM Albuquerque, NM - Standard ZIP Codes 87101 87102 87104 87105 87106 87107 87108 87109 87110 87111 87112 87113 87114 87115 87116 87120 87121 87122 87123 87124
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More information is at: http://lasvegashandyman.org/window-screen-installation-near-me/
Looking for the best Window Screen Installation Services in Las Vegas? Vegas Handyman Services specializes in Window Screen Installation Services. Call today for a free quote on Window Screen Installation Services. Best handyman carpenter near Las Vegas! Reliable on time and affordable handyman services.
Vegas Handyman Services is proud to service the Edinburg Mission McAllen Metro Area. We are a family operated and local company that specializes in Window Screen Installation Services and everything from window screens to security doors and door repairs. Vegas Handyman Services is part of a closely connected network of screen professionals that seek to provide the highest quality Window Screen Installation Services and products to their customers. Vegas Handyman Services offers a convenient mobile service with factory direct pricing for Window Screen Installation Services.  You Call, We Screen with our Window Screen Installation Services. Thanks for contacting Vegas Handyman Services. For a free estimate or to schedule Window Screen Installation Services please contact us.
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bilalnazar-blog · 5 years
Custom Made Bed Dubai and Abu Dhabi
Custom beds - Sleep with dreams
A bed is an adventure and decides your resting nature, so put aside the effort to lie about several alternatives before concentrating on that last purchase. Lie down for a couple of minutes on each surface, traveling through different positions and finding your regular resting present.
We are all aware today of the importance of a decent night's rest. jacarpentry.ae allows you to decide which type of bed is best for you.
When you buy us a bed, we also offer the benefits of meeting and transferring.
Get a unique style expression in your room with our meeting of Dubai custom beds, Abu Dhabi custom beds and online custom beds, accessible when shopping in our stores.
You can choose a beautiful custom bed in Dubai plans and upholster it from a determination of textures.
Or, on the other hand, make a simple divan something unusual with an upholstered headboard. All structures are accessible in double, extra large and super jumbo.
Valuable things to consider
Whichever type of bed you choose for a custom Dubai bed, here are some useful highlights to keep in mind.
Size: one of the most well known rest depravity problems is not having enough bed space, especially when you share one, so place resources in the largest size your space and spending plan allows, the larger, best.
Cost: a decent bed does not need to cost the earth, however, remember how important a decent night break is for your well-being and prosperity. Choose which highlights are most important to you and remember them when you try the alternatives, to maximize your cash.
Rest components: your bed, sleeping cushion and pads are all work-related to offer help, so evaluate all the components together. Regardless of the type of bed you buy, be sure to try the sleeping cushion equivalent or comparable to the one you will use in the long run.
We sell distinctive types for custom Abu Dhabi beds:
Open spring: it is progressively moderate and perfect for visitors' rooms. These sleeping pads are less expensive, due to the construction, the type of spring and the filling content, and are ideal for incidental use, for example, in a visiting room
Pocket spring: they are more durable and limit the danger of moving towards your sleeping dock. The springs work autonomously to react to individual weight and body shapes, which means they are very resistant
Flexible foam: they are perfect for people who experience the harmful effects of hypersensitivities. Adjustable sleeping foam and foam cushions adapt to the shape of your body and help adjust your spine, while being produced using materials manufactured with microbial hostile properties, ideal for people with hypersensitivity.
Why we?
In your budget: how you will choose the best and what is affordable for you, for that reason we have our personalized online bed made with the range of the budget you have, providing you with an incredible shopping experience.
Home consultant: we provide you with the fabric sample for the Dubai custom bed and the Abu Dhabi custom bed through our home consultant and we help you to suggest the right thing without the obligation to charge because the best option improves beauty and the look of your inner bed.
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zfurnituredc · 5 years
The Best Furniture Assembly Company Serving Virginia , DC & MD
Buy it Now- http://www.zfurniture.com/befuascosevi.html
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We come to your home or office.
Z Furniture 5618 General Washington Dr. Alexandria VA 22312
Monday-Friday 11 am to 8 pm Sunday 12 to 6pm
If you are moving to another house or just bought new furniture from Amazon or anywhere else, it is best to hire our professional furniture assembler. Delegating the task of assembling and disassembling furniture will not only keep you from hours of the struggle of doing the job yourself but will also give you the freedom to focus on other important tasks you need to accomplish. Our highly trained installers are experts with all types of mechanisms used by furniture manufacturers. They will bring you the necessary tools and equipment to complete the assembly of your furniture correctly and quickly so that you can focus more on enjoying your newly-bought furniture.
Why Hire Us?
Professional Assemblers Our team of installers assemble furniture for various leading retailers and extend that service directly to your home or workplace. Moreover, our professional assemblers do their homework by studying the type of your furniture so you don't have to do it on your own. We only hire pros who have a good background and a strong track record of quality service. Whether your furniture is inside or outside your residence or office, you will be expecting a professional and courteous service from our pros. You can be confident that our employees will give you friendly and on-time service. Our assembly service industry leads in customer communication and interaction. Using our state-of-the-art reporting and scheduling systems gives you an accurate, on-time and quality service.
Please call or email us with your inquiry. No job is too small.
Our Office is open daily
Z Furniture 5618 General Washington Dr. Alexandria VA 22312
Monday-Friday 11 am to 8 pm Sunday 12 to 6pm
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Sacred Song (Post 101) 8-12-15
                        Natalie and I have continued our game of YouTube tag throughout the last several weeks.  It passed the time nicely on our Maryland excursion, but we have also found that it is pretty fun to play on short expeditions as well.  The pop music stations that Natalie prefers become drearily repetitious when we don’t break things up, although it is entertaining to listen to her accompany the artist as a background singer.  Sometimes Nicholas sings along to his music as well, but I probably shouldn’t disclose that.  Playing music on YouTube instead means that I can intertwine songs that I like in between the sandwich ends of inevitable Taylor Swift anthems.
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One night last week we carried the game of tune tit-for-tat that we were playing on our phone into the house, across the kitchen and to the breakfast table where my mother was getting ready to serve my father his supper.  Curious and knowing that he likes all things Gaelic, I pulled up a video of a scene from the movie Empire of the Sun in which a young British lad stands at attention and salutes through the barbed wire fence of a Japanese internment camp singing the Welsh lullaby Suo Gan as zeros takeoff into the sun. For me Suo Gan is a particularly haunting song because the melody is the same as the hymn Christ Before Us which I first encountered on my Emmaus weekend nearly two years ago.  Hearing a particular hymn at a peculiarly emotional time can add a spiritual impact to a song for a specific person that it may not have for other people.  Morning Has Broken can similarly bring tears to my eyes, because it was sung at Pam’s funeral service.
As it turned out my father’s love of Gaelic music did not include any special feelings towards the Welsh classic, but we did share some memories about walking into an English church in some town that I could not recall where we arrived just in time for an afternoon rehearsal of the parish boys’ choir.  They were very talented.  The idea of pulling up hymns on YouTube did intrigue my father, surprisingly.  He asked me to play Jesus I Come for him, which, he explained, was the hymn they were playing at the Tremont Baptist Church when he entered there for the first time. My mother had evidently invited him to her church when they were dating.  My father agreed; he would have also probably agreed to try bungee jumping had my mother suggested it and that particular form of stupidity existed anywhere else other than in the Australian outback at the time of their 1960’s courtship. Instead of the Sunday morning’s boredom that my father probably expected, he experienced a powerful intervention by the Holy Spirit into his life through the gateway of a beautiful hymn sung by a talented choir.
So I searched his request, queued up the hymn, hit play and passed him his favorite sacred music on the little midget screen of the IPhone5 that I most often use for scrolling Facebook.  Although the music didn’t sound special to me, it caught my 78 year old father like fly-paper.  He sat transfixed at the breakfast table totally oblivious to me and to the usual bustle of my family interacting about our kitchen at dinner time.  The kids could have been having chicken fights and he would not have noticed.  As far as I could tell, my father was 650 miles and 60 years eastward sitting in a pew in a famous New England church with the girl he loved, encountering awesome beauty of Jesus Christ sung about him by angelic voices.  I wished that he could stay there for longer than the odd five minutes of the hymn.  I envied him. For a time he was through the looking glass or had tumbled through the fur coats of the magic wardrobe that I often hope to find but rarely do.
You would think that it would be easier to have that type of heavenly experience than it usually turns out to be.  I had hoped for a trip back through the years to simpler times on the family excursion we took to a Cleveland Indians game last Friday night.  Nicholas, Natalie, Stephen and I made the trip, but it didn’t turn out quite as I had planned.  First of all I was very tired, having worked some early and long days on Monday through Thursday completing a project that we had begun almost a month before.  Things were also progressing well with our house purchase.  It seemed like a good chance for some family-style rest and relaxation. Also the Tribe was having a dollar hot dog night promotion with a fireworks show as a nightcap.  Our plan seemed all in order.
 Like a good father, I had wielded the proposed trip as a motivating sledgehammer thought the preceding week.  Stephen, for instance, because of his illness, habitually complains about small or imagined injuries like blackouts and falling out of bed on a near continual basis.  The last week he had added mysterious arm stiffness to his list of hypochondriac symptoms.  Whenever I offered to delay our trip until he felt better, his maladies made an immediate improvement.  Stephen is gravitationally attracted towards quality meat products at entirely too reasonable a price-point.  He is not above taste testing gas station sushi so dollar hot dog night is right up his alley.
Natalie was also on her best behavior throughout the week.  She was quite excited on Friday night when I arrived home from the boomerang ride of my Youngstown round trip.  That is when the threads of my carefully woven plan began to unravel. I had arrived home early and, unfortunately, exhausted, hoping to catch a quick cat-nap before H hour. Unbeknownst to me, Nicholas had committed me to driving over to my brother’s house to pick up Abby’s car for which my father was paying to have a stereo installed as a birthday present. I stayed awake for the mini-excursion that set us off our Cleveland bound time schedule by about an hour. We would be significantly late.  Strike one.
Still, we were a happy bunch as we drove towards the RTA Station on Shaker Blvd (RTA is Cleveland’s BART.)  Natalie and I sat together.  Nicholas and Stephen sat separately as Stephen had acquired a case of oppressive halitosis that he attributed to dry mouth from his medication.  Natalie and I talked quietly until our train came to a kerchunking halt at an interchange station for us.  Natalie, Nicholas and I assembled in column formation in the aisle. I looked over to Stephen to see why he was not following.  I could see that he had adopted a posture to arise, but was stuck in place.  He was frozen and I could tell that he was experiencing a focal seizure, the malady that he had been reporting to the disbelieving me for the last several weeks.  I had watched Pam have hundreds of focal and full seizures during the period of time between her two brain surgeries.  Like my dad’s trip back to Boston, I was transported to another place and time as I watched my son struggle to stand, a time that I had hoped never to visit again. Father Groeschel would describe that location as a point on the pathway inclining up a hill called Calvary.
Because he finally stood after a few dozen seconds and showed no ill effects, we decided to proceed to the game despite the scare.  I think I am glad we proceeded; it was an excellent and terrible outing all at once.  We got there late, but the seats were the best that I have ever bought – that’s what happens when Nicholas goes to the box office with my credit card.  Interestingly we discovered that Natalie despises hot dogs, but will eat three in close succession when she is starving and Nicholas is buying American sausages like he is feeding Slimer from the movie Ghost Busters. Stephen had another focal seizure with a similarly quick recovery when one of the Indians unexpectedly knocked a hanging curve into the bleachers to tie the game late.  It was an Indians game, though, so they lost in the ninth inning on a home run to a Twins outfielder that is old enough to have been in high school while I was in college. Happy that Stephen had made it through the game without a more significant medical incident we headed home without waiting for the fireworks.
So it is Tuesday, as I write this.  I am in the ER with Stephen to get his condition checked out.  He seems to be OK, but without a local doctor, the ER seemed the quickest alternative to get blood work, a CAT scan and access to medical specialists without the bureaucracy of referrals.  Frankly, I don’t care to be in another hospital, ever, but I realize that this is a necessary trip.  I would feel better if Father Luke from St John Vianny in Walnut Creek would happen in soon to anoint Stephen and pray with us, but I think we are out of his jurisdiction.  John Muir was tough to revisit for Nicholas’ treatment, anyway, but it was also seemed as comfortable as an old shoe, albeit with the possibility of a chance meeting transporting me back to a good or bad place in another lifetime.  
Today things turned out well with no bad news in either Stephen’s scans or labs.  I drove him home later after discharge thankful that he is relatively healthy.  We stopped on the way back at Arby’s and at one of the parishes that we might eventually choose as our own to visit Jesus in Adoration.  On the road again towards Streetsboro, I reconsidered again why all this inconvenience might have happened knowing that Stephen’s actual health remains largely the same.  Sure it was good to get him checked out, discover a good hospital and get assigned a family doctor for a follow-up visit, but why was I put through this dry run of worry and fear for the umpteenth time.  Was God holding me back a grade for some lesson that I should have learned one, two or three years ago?  
Then I remembered the conversation that I overheard among the doctors at the nursing station from my perch by the door of Stephen’s transient ER suite.  They were preparing to inform a patient and family that multiple unexplained lumps had been discovered throughout the lungs in some other poor patient’s scan. Thoughtfully, I removed the mini rosary that I had received at Emmaus from its place on my dashboard and prayed a Divine Mercy Chaplet for another family that got bad news while Stephen and I received our discharge paperwork.
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handymanmcallen · 3 years
Best Furniture Assembly Service and Cost in McAllen TX |Handyman McAllen
More information is at: http://handymanmcallen.org/furniture-assembly-service-near-me/
Furniture Assembly Service near McAllen TX: Are you looking for the Best Furniture Assembly Service near McAllen TX ? Handyman McAllen ,has been connecting people to furniture assembly professionals and other home service providers. We know there’s nothing worse than scheduling an appointment with a furniture assembly service, staying home from work to let them into your home, only for them to not show up. Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Furniture Assembly Service around McAllen TX. We serve McAllen TX and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
Furniture Assembly
Furniture Assembly Service near McAllen TX: Are you looking for the easiest furniture assembly experience? Do you want only the top furniture assembly pro to come to your home to transform that box of loose pieces of wood into your beautiful dresser or bed frame? With Handyman McAllen, you’ve come to the right place.
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Handyman McAllen has been connecting people to furniture assembly professionals and other home service providers since 2012. In its short history, Handyman McAllen has helped thousands of customers build furniture in McAllen TX beyond.
We know there’s nothing worse than scheduling an appointment with a furniture assembly service, staying home from work to let them into your home, only for them to not show up. When you book through Handyman McAllen, there’s no ambiguity. Handyman McAllen will work to ensure that someone will be at your home at the time you agree upon.
Skilled and Capable
You don’t want just any random person building your furniture. When you book through Handyman McAllen, we’ll match your job with an experienced furniture assembly pro who will ensure you’re satisfied.
No matter what type of furniture assembly you need help with, Handyman McAllen has you covered. Whether you’ve just purchased a new desk for your bedroom, a bookshelf for your living room, a sofa or couch, a new kitchen table, chairs, stools, or more, we will connect you with a professional who will be able to handle your job.
How not to make a mistake when assembling furniture?
Furniture Assembly Service near McAllen TX: Many clients don’t consider the assembly of flat pack furniture to be an overly complex task, so after they bought a wardrobe, table for dining room or office shelving, buyers refuse master assemblers, preferring to confide in their own instinct and theoretical understanding of the stages of work and assemble everything themselves.
Indeed, if there are some needed tools, a great desire to save money and a huge amount of free time, a new kitchen unit or furniture will find its rightful place in the interior. Unfortunately, in practice this process is not as elementary as it looks at first glance.
You can face some difficulties when there is a need for trimming and adding some elements. It is also not uncommon when the fittings provided by the factory are either not suitable or their quality is insufficient, and its instructions for installing are written for professionals or it can be absent at all. If you want to know how much furniture assembly costs just give us a call our manager will do everything to let you know the details. Masters of this process are usually not only mentally prepared for unpleasant surprises from manufacturers, but also can take all the required tools for a challenge to eliminate technical deficiencies as quickly as possible.
Why is it better to contact home furniture assembly services?
Many customers refuse such services that are provided by the qualified craftsman, believing that the price of furniture assembly in McAllen TX is too high. So they can decide to do it themselves with the help of friends and family members. But practice shows that it is not uncommon for the miserly to pay twice, and after an unqualified amateur, the owners have to apply to a special company to pay for disassembly of wardrobe, and repeat it so they can get proper installation.
It is possible that the assembly of a chair or table can be done by yourself, but you want to do it with kitchen furniture better contact some experienced handyman, cause in case of unreliable fastening and falling of cabinets your relatives and friends can be suffered.
Looking for an affordable assembler?
It’s better to choose service companies that have existed for more than two or three years. They will offer customers only proven specialists with good experience and high qualifications. Such assemblers have all the needed experience, necessary skills and the best equipment for assembly. You can check the qualifications of the master assembler by asking several simple questions: ● Does he have limitations when working with different types (kitchen, cabinets, tables, soft)? ● Is it necessary for him to get instructions? ● Does he have an experience with the furniture “under the order”, requiring additional milling and fitting? ● Whether the master is responsible for the failure of fittings, elements? ● Does he provide a guarantee on his work? ● Does he use his own professional tools and consumables (dowels, metal corners)? ● And what about the cost of these services?
The price of these services is expected to depend on the type of a specialist, the complexity of installation and the need to fit the parts. Furniture assembly and disassembly may vary in different cities, but often the masters determine the rates based on the hours that they need to complete this task (up to 1 hour or more), as well as the need for an individual approach to the components. The best way to check furniture assembly price lists is to give us a call so we can provide you our quotes.
The Handyman McAllen customer service cares for the prestige and credibility of the company; therefore, only experienced craftsmen work on the staff, producing furniture of any complexity neatly and quickly. The company provides a written guarantee for all types of installation, and it is possible to order the service by telephone at a convenient time.
Benefits of Handyman McAllen furniture delivery and assembly service
● Modular furniture assembly is carried out by experts with extensive skills in working with kitchen, cabinet, office, soft furniture; ● We also have office depot furniture assembly service; ● The cost of assembling by Handyman McAllen is much more profitable and cheaper compared to other firms; ● Masters provide a guarantee for the services; ● This process will not take your personal time; ● Customers are able to contact us by phone and get the answers on all the questions.
Furniture Assembly Service near McAllen TX: So if you are looking for some cheap furniture assembly service in McAllen TX, just give us a call! Masters of service Handyman McAllen work with furniture of domestic and foreign factories. Our service will allow you to quickly and efficiently assemble and install all the furniture like sofas, beds, etc. Local furniture assembly in McAllen TX is carried out by specialized tools, which guarantees the reliability and stability of the assembled frame for many years.
So what can we do for you?
● IKEA Furniture Assembly Service ● Furniture Delivery in McAllen TX ● Basic Furniture Assembly ● Bed Assembly ● Home Assembly Service ● Wardrobe Assembly Service ● Desk Assembly Service ● Entertainment Center Assembly ● Deck Furniture Assembly ● Office Furniture Assembly ● We are experienced with all major brands including: IKEA, Walmart, Wayfair, Amazon, Target, and more. ● We work throughout the McAllen TX metropolitan area.
Furniture Assembly Tips
Furniture Assembly
Self-assembled furniture has become very popular over the last decade, providing consumers with quality furniture options and big savings on labor costs. However, it also means that buying the furniture is the easy part! Before you get started, follow these rules to ensure a smooth and productive assembly process:
Buy from brands you’ve heard of
IKEA is the biggest name in self-assembled furniture, but there are many others out there. These companies’ products can vary widely in quality, so sticking with names you know is a good idea.
Research how difficult the furniture is to assemble
Self-assembled furniture instructions are not always clear and easy to follow. Save yourself a lot of hassle by looking up online reviews and testimonials about the piece you plan to buy.
Make sure all the pieces are there before you begin
Nothing is more frustrating than getting deep into an assembly project only to find that a piece is missing. Organize and count the pieces before you begin to verify that you have everything you need.
Make sure you have the right tools
Most self-assembly furniture comes with simple tools to complete the project, but often these tools make the job more difficult and physically demanding. A handheld screwdriver with an easy to grasp handle or certain power tools can make the job faster and more enjoyable.
Furniture Assembly Service Costs
Furniture Assembly Service McAllen TX County Costs
Furniture Assembly Service near McAllen TX: Knowing the furniture assembly service McAllen TX costs is recommended before starting a furniture assembly service project. While looking at national averages can give a general idea, such numbers usually do not include factors which may affect the final price, such as local labor hourly rates, material costs and any local permits required for the McAllen TX furniture assembly service project.
As our numbers show the average cost that homeowners paid for handymen in McAllen TX county is between $156.00 and $1,562.00.
This Furniture Assembly Service McAllen TX Quote Includes: ● Average labor costs to hire a handyman in McAllen TX, McAllen TX. ● Average costs for materials and equipment for furniture assembly service in McAllen TX. ● All project costs (surface preparation, components and machinery), and cleanup fees.
This McAllen TX Furniture Assembly Service Estimate Does NOT Include: ● Any permits required for furniture assembly service McAllen TX projects. ● Inspection and/or McAllen TX building fees. ● Materials and supply McAllen TX and McAllen TX sales taxes. ● Materials and supply McAllen TX sales taxes. ● Any general contractor fees, if used for the project. Such fees generally add another $103.08-$128.85 to the total.
Schedule the assembly after the furniture has been delivered to you and not before, since it may be hard to predict the exact time the items will be delivered. McAllen TX furniture assembly service providers will move the furniture without damaging it after assembling.
McAllen TX furniture assembly service providers can assemble flat-pack furniture or ready to buy furniture. McAllen TX furniture assembly service providers can assemble all types of furniture, so give them a call today if you need your furniture assembled.
Why is it necessary that I hire a furniture assembly service in Handyman McAllen?
There are some furniture that once you have purchased, you will definitely need the help of a professional furniture assembly service in Handyman McAllen in order to make them useful. As they are, you cannot use them. If you were to assemble them on your own, chances are high that you might not really get the outcome that you desire. Therefore, because of this reason, you should always get help from experts who have been doing this job for a number of years. This will actually make your work easier in the long run.
Is the Handyman McAllen furniture assembly service expensive?
There is often a misconception among a lot of people that the Handyman McAllen furniture assembly service is expensive. This is something that you should not pay attention to. As a matter of fact, this is something that you really need to be careful about because you might end up choosing someone to assemble the furniture for you, someone who is not a professional, and you end up with disastrous results. You, therefore, need to exercise caution when you want to get any kind of help with furniture assembly.
How soon can I get the furniture assembly service in Handyman McAllen?
The experts are often ready to help you as soon as you contact them. In fact, you can actually get in touch with them immediately after you purchase the furniture, and then they will come and assemble the furniture for you at home. It is wise to have the assembly done in the house so that you do not have to worry about moving furniture around and risking some of them to get damaged in the process.
CALL FOR US: ● Furniture Assembly Services Near McAllen TX ● Furniture Assembly Business ● Furniture Assembly Services ● Furniture Assembly Service Cost ● Handy Furniture Assembly McAllen TX ● Furniture Assembly Services ● Wayfair Furniture Assembly ● Furniture Assembly ● Furniture Assembly Cost ● Furniture Assembly Services McAllen TX ● Office Furniture Installation Rates ● Home advisor Furniture Assembly ● Furniture Assembly Jobs ● Assembly Service ● Assembly Cost ● Put Together Furniture McAllen TX
CONTACT: Handyman McAllen Best commercial residential handyman maintenance renovation professionals in McAllen, TX CALL (956) 587-3488 HANDYMAN 1 CALL (956) 587-3484 HANDYMAN 2 CALL (956) 587-3486 CLEANING CALL (956) 587-3487 MOVING CALL (956) 587-3003 JUNK REMOVAL Located in McAllen, TX WEBSITE: www.handymanmcallen.org http://www.handymanservicesofmcallen.com/ http://www.rgvhouseholdservices.com/ SERVICE AREA: 33 Cities within 30 miles of McAllen, TX Alamo, TX | Combes, TX | Delmita, TX | Donna, TX | Edcouch, TX | Edinburg, TX | Elsa, TX | Garciasville, TX | Grulla, TX | Hargill, TX | Harlingen, TX | Hidalgo, TX | La Blanca, TX | La Feria, TX | La Joya, TX | La Villa, TX | Lasara, TX | Linn, TX | Los Ebanos, TX | Los Indios, TX | Lyford, TX | Mercedes, TX | Mission, TX | Penitas, TX | Pharr, TX | Progreso, TX | Raymondville, TX | Rio Grande City, TX | San Juan, TX | Santa Maria, TX | Santa Rosa, TX | Sullivan City, TX | Weslaco, TX Starr County | Hidalgo County | Willacy County | Cameron County | 78504 | 78539 | 78540 | 78541 | 78542 | 78501 | 78503| 78505 | 78557 | 88540 |78502 | 78504 | 78539 | 78572 Waterproofing Services and Cost in McAllen TX | Handyman McAllenHandyman McAllen Best commercial residential handyman maintenance renovation professionals in McAllen, TX CALL (956) 587-3488 HANDYMAN 1 CALL (956) 587-3484 HANDYMAN 2 CALL (956) 587-3486 CLEANING CALL (956) 587-3487 MOVING CALL (956) 587-3003 JUNK REMOVAL Located in McAllen, TX WEBSITE: www.handymanmcallen.org http://www.handymanservicesofmcallen.com/ http://www.rgvhouseholdservices.com/ SERVICE AREA: 33 Cities within 30 miles of McAllen, TX Alamo, TX | Combes, TX | Delmita, TX | Donna, TX | Edcouch, TX | Edinburg, TX | Elsa, TX | Garciasville, TX | Grulla, TX | Hargill, TX | Harlingen, TX | Hidalgo, TX | La Blanca, TX | La Feria, TX | La Joya, TX | La Villa, TX | Lasara, TX | Linn, TX | Los Ebanos, TX | Los Indios, TX | Lyford, TX | Mercedes, TX | Mission, TX | Penitas, TX | Pharr, TX | Progreso, TX | Raymondville, TX | Rio Grande City, TX | San Juan, TX | Santa Maria, TX | Santa Rosa, TX | Sullivan City, TX | Weslaco, TX Starr County | Hidalgo County | Willacy County | Cameron County | 78504 | 78539 | 78540 | 78541 | 78542 | 78501 | 78503| 78505 | 78557 | 88540 |78502 | 78504 | 78539 | 78572
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wichitahandyman · 3 years
Professional Window Screen Installation Services Wichita KS | Handyman Services Of Wichita
More information is at: https://handymanserviceswichitakansas.com/window-screen-installation-service-near-me/
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Handyman Services Of Wichita is proud to service the Edinburg Mission McAllen Metro Area. We are a family operated and local company that specializes in Window Screen Installation Services and everything from window screens to security doors and door repairs. Handyman Services Of Wichita is part of a closely connected network of screen professionals that seek to provide the highest quality Window Screen Installation Services and products to their customers. Handyman Services Of Wichita offers a convenient mobile service with factory direct pricing for Window Screen Installation Services.  You Call, We Screen with our Window Screen Installation Services. Thanks for contacting Handyman Services Of Wichita. For a free estimate or to schedule Window Screen Installation Services please contact us.
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Professional Window Screen Installation Services Albuquerque NM | Best Albuquerque Handyman & Remodeling
More information is at: http://handymanalbuquerque.org/window-screen-installation-near-me/
Looking for the best Window Screen Installation Services in Albuquerque NM? Best Albuquerque Handyman & Remodeling specializes in Window Screen Installation Services. Call today for a free quote on Window Screen Installation Services. Best handyman carpenter near Albuquerque NM! Reliable on time and affordable handyman services.
Best Albuquerque Handyman & Remodeling is proud to service the Edinburg Mission McAllen Metro Area. We are a family operated and local company that specializes in Window Screen Installation Services and everything from window screens to security doors and door repairs. Best Albuquerque Handyman & Remodeling is part of a closely connected network of screen professionals that seek to provide the highest quality Window Screen Installation Services and products to their customers. Best Albuquerque Handyman & Remodeling offers a convenient mobile service with factory direct pricing for Window Screen Installation Services.  You Call, We Screen with our Window Screen Installation Services. Thanks for contacting Best Albuquerque Handyman & Remodeling. For a free estimate or to schedule Window Screen Installation Services please contact us.
Our Other Carpentry Services from Best Albuquerque Handyman & Remodeling
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CONTACT US: Best Albuquerque Handyman & Remodeling Best commercial residential handyman maintenance renovation professionals in Albuquerque, NM CALL (505) 859-3902 HANDYMAN 1 CALL (505) 404-7167 HANDYMAN 2 CALL (505) 225-3810 CLEANING CALL (505) 570-4605 JUNK REMOVAL CALL (505) 850-3570 MOVING Located in Albuquerque, NM WEBSITE: www.handymanalbuquerque.org   http://www.handymanservicesofalbuquerque.com/ http://www.serviceabq.com/
SERVICE AREA: 18 Cities within 30 miles of Albuquerque, NM Algodones, NM | Belen, NM | Bernalillo, NM | Bosque Farms, NM | Casa Blanca, NM | Cedar Crest, NM | Corrales, NM | Isleta, NM | Jarales, NM | Kirtland AFB, NM | Los Lunas, NM | Peralta, NM | Placitas, NM | Rio Rancho, NM | Sandia Park, NM | Tijeras, NM | Tome, NM | Torreon, NM | Alameda, NM | Five Points, NM | Los Padillas, NM | Los Ranchos, NM | Los Ranchos De Abq, NM | Los Ranchos De Albuquerque, NM | Los Rnchs Abq, NM | Manzano Base, NM | Metropolitan Detention Ctr, NM | Public Service Co, NM | Sandia Base, NM | Univ Of New Mexico, NM | Univ Of Nm, NM | UNM, NM | Village Of Los Ranchos, NM Albuquerque, NM - Standard ZIP Codes 87101 87102 87104 87105 87106 87107 87108 87109 87110 87111 87112 87113 87114 87115 87116 87120 87121 87122 87123 87124
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