#warframe theorycrafting
hambor12 · 9 months
Thoery: Cyber-Loid isn't a True Cephalon like Otak (i.e. a physical person, Glassed to become a digital personality) but something different… possibly a true artificial intelligence, a copy derived from a backed up conscious of Meat-Loid while the original still exists (A La SOMA).
Cephalons were so common was because of the Orokins being afraid of rely on genuinely sentient artificial beings (especially after the Sentient Wars), and made sure their digital assistants were always human-derived (mainly those that their society would deem expendable enough to permanently turn into glorified Alexas. Add in how dismissive Meat-Loid is of Cyber-Loid, plus Cyber-Loid being EXTREMELY distraught at the concept of being able to "dream", referring to himself as a Construct and only noting Otak as a cephalon
Cyber-Loid was never human at all, but basically Pinnochio'd his way into his own identity, possibly assisted by having to share a brain case with Otak, a cephalon who was at some point human. Meat-Loid, having been preserved, does not know nor care to acknowledge Cyber-Loid beyond a servant construct, either out of a cultural distrust or simply because he couldn’t fathom the idea of his backup becoming anyone other than himself.
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retphienix · 4 months
Kinda sucks that I feel proud for how I tackled the secret boss, but then browsing warframe areas will inevitably show you toxic pricks telling someone off for how they attempted the boss and then posting their 5 minute speedrun saying "The secret boss is easy you're just bad"
Like come on, man.
It ain't easy. You're using a wealth of information gathered from a dedicated fanbase to conquer its mechanics alongside your stacked armory of meta defining arcanes and weapons.
And That's Fine!
Community driven success is still awesome as fuck success- but then to twist that group accomplishment as solely your own by posting your 15, 10, 5 minute run and saying "All runs should be this long at max, you're just bad" like, you're just stupid my guy.
I'm proud of what you accomplished, putting it all in motion and keeping your cool, but to spit on anyone struggling after the fact has revoked that pride entirely- you're just a shithead.
Anyways, I'm proud that I beat the boss like 90% blind. Going in, being shocked by how it nullified (Pretty sure I knew THAT it nullified, but I recall thinking it was just lasers- not EVERY SPECIAL MOVE lol) and had no revive mechanic, losing my first attempt- then going to my armory excited as hell to theorycraft a build and that build WORKING!
That was so hype and fun!
I beat the boss solo in 40 slow as hell minutes (like 15 of which were eyes because I was getting voca), I used a frame that was actively detrimental to my success (Rev) because I felt comfortable from my first failed run-
(He gives "kind of" a layer of gating, but the nullification just made him a shield gate dead weight since he had no other useful applications in my theoried build)
And I sweat like a stressed dork the whole latter half of the fight since no self revive was looming over my head lol
My run sucked ass!
I am so proud of it! Because it's the first actually hard thing I've ever experienced in warframe- something I tried, lost, and immediately thought "OOOO~ I'm gonna have to THINK about this one!"
No cheese or guides or nothin', I loved that experience- and it feels sullied when I read elite chatter going "Pfft, well I did it in half the time, you suck" like, come on man :( You suck at being a part of the warframe community- pee brain.
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nanashiecks · 2 years
A gamer's recovery from a dilemma (pt.3)
(Wow, my last entry was almost two years ago.)
I mentioned in the first part of this "thread" about the "golden age of the PlayStation" Then, I mentioned in the 2nd part about my dilemma of having multiple games available and on-hand, and not finding the adequate time allocation to play them. So, an update on my games: I've let go of Alchemist Code and Marvel Strike Force (long gone the nostalgic itch to play Marvel Avengers Alliance), but I've returned to play Last Day on Earth for their 5th anniversary event. I've got some Steam games on standby in my library, and reinstalled Grim Dawn due to a recurring itch for ARPG. I'm still playing Warframe, but mostly during weekends.
However, that's not the prime reason why I'm making this post here. As of this writing, I'm anxiously waiting for my Dad to return from his meet-up with my sister. You see, I finally got to scratch off one item the "wish list" I wrote in the previous entry.
I bought my sister's PlayStation 4 Pro.
In a few hours, I'll be a proud owner of a PS4.
I've been practicing playing with a third-party DualShock4 controller with Code Vein and Dark Souls. I wasn't a fan of twin-stick controllers back when it was originally released (the vibrations was amusing for a teen gamer). Nowadays, movement and camera controls are a thing now in modern games; it's quite a lot different from camera controls with your mouse. And since Sony tends to bring back old PS titles to be played with their newer consoles, I'm hoping that I'd get a nostalgic kick when I get to play the MegaMan X Legacy Collections (I can finally play X1 to X3).
That's not what the title "recovery from a dilemma" is about, though. Owning a console after decades of PC gaming is nice and all, but that also means another game title to handle (said title is Horizon Zero Dawn, btw). I need to recover from something else: gaming overload. I have three games in my phone, two major titles with my laptop, and now one new game via the PS4. As much as I love gaming, I need to slow down and prevent mental strain due to excessive theorycrafting with my active games. So, I decided to stick on one rule that I should've been following all this time:
No new game purchases (unless it's 80% off on Steam and I can actually run it in my laptop) UNTIL I finish my current games. That means finishing Grim Dawn's storyline. Same rule for the PS4; no new games until I finish Horizon Zero Dawn. As for mobile games, no new games to download FOR NOW.
Welp, it's already past 7pm. Gotta prepare my dinner now. Part 4 would probably entries about my PS4 experience.
<- Intermission ->
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retfarcyroeht · 4 years
Infused Rest & Rage
I think this ability is... getting slept on.
Two playstyles for the price of one.
Starting with an Frenzied Rage; a damage boost that spreads through mobs as you hack your way through them.
Really want to test this out with Grendel's Feast, Wu Kong's Defy and Chroma's Vex Armor.
For Rest, I need to find out if Limbo can pull this off from the rift plane... I really hope so.
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opticor replied to your post “opticor replied to your post: so, chains of harrow...”
heheh thanks ^^ well i do think there are some hints about warframe sentience or... well at least that they're more than empty vessels, at least. but what would that come to? warframe fighting alongside the operator like a specter does? i think this would go even farthef from the ideal "you are the warframe" situation. and speaking of the Stalker, did you notice that there were the same light efects during CoH as when the Stalker spawns? add to that how Rell wasn't in the Dream, and both Stalker's codex and his Acolytes say he didn't sleep/dream like the Tenno did and i'd say that's a lot of interesting coincidences. a rogue warframe is also an interesting theory of course, especially now that he's umbra and with what the scrapped TWW script said...                    
i caught the hints as well, but i don’t really trust DE at this point with going there, i just ride along with whatever they’re pulling out for as long as i can actually play the game as i like it. that operator-only fight was pretty fucking rage-inducing
that stuff is insteresting! sadly, i’m not exactly the best person to go theorycrafting on warframe lore because it’s confusing to me as fuck, hence i just absorb it as it is, and my general desire is more like incoherent “more warframes moving on their own to save operator, please”
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retfarcyroeht · 2 years
Nova go POP! (Warframe)
This is purely theorycrafting until the RNG for Caliban drops start playing nice with me
We're going to be building on Nova's Molecular Prime; which slows mobs, makes them 100% more vulnerable to damage (except to shields) and causes them to explode on death.
We'll be infusing Sentient Wrath, which causes PBAoE damage, applies Lifted status and makes affected targets more vulnerable to damage; stacking with Molecular Prime.
Next, comes the Saxum mod set that also causes lifted enemies to explode on death.
So far, on my Nova, it looks like:
Growing Power, the full Umbral set, Transient Fortitude, Primed Continuity, Rage and Saxum Carapace (I have a gap until I can forma enough points for another mod). This gives me 232-257% power strength.
For my arcanes, it's Arcane Fury and Grace.
Now this is where things diverge a bit...
On my ranged build, I have a Vermisplicer Primary kitgun; which fires an AoE beam. As an option, I can slot in Combustion Beam (which explodes mobs upon death).
I also have the Primary Merciless and Pax Bolt (changing my power strength buff range from 232-287% while discounting my cast cost by 30%) arcanes slotted in my primary.
I do have a Saxum mod in my secondary to boost the explosion from the set bonus.
Last, but not least, a Panzer Vulpaphyla to spread viral status around for added damage vulnerability against health.
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