moocha-muses · 1 month
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"There's no hurry. I'll admit it would be quite a profit if my future children had a connection to the whole Lovecraft Family, and now that I've seen him your son is absolutely lovely, but the wedding can wait a year or two."
"How gracious of you."
"It was gracious of me, wasn't it, Warlock? May I call you Lock?"
"No. Do I get a say in any of this?"
"Lock, darling, you never appreciate any of the nice things your father and I try to do for you. I'm sure Fiona won't mind, if that's what worries you."
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moocha-muses · 1 month
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"Has it ever occurred to any of you that I might have someone else I'd like to marry?"
"Do you?"
"Then there's no problem! Really, Lock, I suppose we could wait a few years to see if Vivi hits it off with Friday, instead, but I thought it was rather thoughtful of us to give you an uncontested crack at her."
"Gosh, Dad. I have no idea how you make that sound so romantic."
"You do know, Lock, that our marriage was practically arranged. And look how well it turned out! Besides, it's not as though you've done any better for yourself. It isn't our fault that you have no game."
"I do have game!"
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moocha-muses · 1 month
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"Warlock, this is Vivienne Goldfinch. Vivi, this is our son Warlock."
"It's my pleasure, Warlock. I've heard so much about you."
"Lock, Vivienne is considering joining our coven, and we thought things might wind up very neatly if you simply married her."
" . . . Excuse me?"
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moocha-muses · 1 month
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"Lock, darling, I'm terribly happy to see you in person, but I could have sworn you mentioned plans for a haircut."
"My appointment with the stylist isn't until next week."
"I suppose it's too late to have a go at you with an athame myself."
"Just follow me to the workroom, dearest. Your father and I want to introduce you to someone."
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moocha-muses · 1 month
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"You're oddly good at that."
"Thank you! It's just a party trick, really, but you should see me juggle full champagne flutes."
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moocha-muses · 2 months
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moocha-muses · 1 month
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"I really do have game. I mean. I have . . . a paramour, back at university. Sora. He's an occult researcher and he's very devoted to me."
"You should introduce us, then!"
". . . I should?"
"Well, he sounds adorable. And, for the record, I really do think you're extremely attractive. I don't let unattractive sims lure me into the lavender so easily."
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moocha-muses · 1 month
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"Have a seat, Warlock."
"Delighted, Mother."
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moocha-muses · 1 month
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"Hello, Mother."
"Hello, Warlock."
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moocha-muses · 7 months
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"Ugh, you're dating a mortal? That's so gross, Lock. Food not friends."
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moocha-muses · 2 months
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moocha-muses · 2 months
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"-but I think I'm past my youthful days of collecting lovers life trophies. After all, it's so hard to keep those sweeties from meeting."
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"So, you're thinking about reducing the numbers to - to one?"
"Or at least have them better organized. All my apples in a shared basket, instead of - instead of strewn about the campus with no pattern at all."
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that was a terrible analogy
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moocha-muses · 2 months
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"Yeah, Lock?"
"My bedroom is right there."
"I know, baby. I helped you unpack."
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"Wouldn't you like to join me in it?"
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moocha-muses · 6 months
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"What. What are you doing?"
"Priming you for a seduction. Just in case the coven ever needs to do sex magick."
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"Oh. Uh, carry on, I guess?"
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moocha-muses · 5 months
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moocha-muses · 6 months
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"You weren't too tired out by Zora?"
"Nah, bro. I mean, look at you."
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"If you're only going to look-"
"I didn't say that! Lock, come on."
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