imasorenson · 7 months
what the fablehaven crew is wearing for halloween :
kendra and warren are doing a matching costume : they’re going as barbie and ken, warren is really invested and he keeps saying every lines ken said in the movie, kendra is laughing the whole night and she’s of course slaying the pink
seth convinced bracken to do a matching costume with him, bracken still doesn’t really understand halloween so he accepted : they’re going as lord of the rings characters and seth is very much hyped. seth will be pippin the hobbit and bracken will go as faramir, he actually watched lord of the rings and loved faramir so he’s very much happy with that costume
vanessa is wearing a bella swann costume because her and kendra recently watched the twilight movies and warren tought it was the funniest costume she could wear, she didn’t haven anything else planned so she went with it
stan and ruth are also wearing a matching costume of dumbledore and professor mcgonagall, they’re very proud of their costumes because they actually made everything themselves this year (it looks very cool)
tanu is going as doctor strange since he’s his favorite avenger and he went all in, he has the cape and everything
mara and trask didn’t really want to dress up so they decided to match together, they’re going as lara croft and indiana jones, so they’re literally wearing clothes they would wear on a mission, but turns out their costumes are amazing regardless
dale is literally just going as stan and everyone couldn’t stop laughing when they figured out his costume
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camrynsorenson · 3 years
Kendra: Seth what are you doing?
Seth turns around holding a donut, a tiny Warren eating it.
Seth: "It was Warrens idea."
Kendra: "I can't deal with this today."
*walks away*
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grilledcheeez · 3 years
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daily Fablehaven memes anyone?
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imwarrenburgess · 3 years
Since it’s April 1st, should I prank Vanessa
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imboredsoread · 4 years
Vanessa talking to Warren or someone
"When life shuts a door... Open it again. It's a door stupid, that's how they work."
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book-fueled-panic · 5 years
I really wanna add stuff to the Fablehaven fandom but honestly my ideas dont even measure up to your guy's god tier posts
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Honestly this seems like shipping proof...
Anyone else?
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totimusic · 7 years
Book Problems
1. You just hate it when the series is already pre-existing for a while, but yet still not finished. For example: Fablehaven. The Fablehaven series is “finished,” however Dragonwatch is a definite sequel. The story continues, but won’t until later in 2018.
2. You hate when you’re immersed into your book and read a big portion of it, then realise you are getting closer to finishing the series which depresses you. For example: The Five Kingdoms series. It’s a 5 book series and the 5th is coming out mid-October this year. This gave me time to realize that the series is almost completely over and never to have a sequel again.
That’s all for now, but those are my top two bugging book problems I have. (especially with Brandon Mull’s books!)
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imasorenson · 1 year
Warren : we have a problem.
Dale : let me guess, you caused it?
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imasorenson · 2 years
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stan always have a step ahead, just not this once
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imasorenson · 2 years
my favorite headcanon is that everyone from fablehaven (with bracken, trask and mara) went to a lot of missions and each time trask had to break a fight between bracken and vanessa, or stop warren and seth from doing something stupid
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imasorenson · 2 years
at a knights of the dawn secret meeting
a knight : and that is ?….
warren : oh, it helps me with stress
warren holds a cat in his arms like it’s a baby
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imasorenson · 2 years
dream cast for the tv show, go
this question is absolutely amazing THANK YOU FOR ASKING IT
okay so i tried to find accurate fancasts on how i picture them in my head, but i couldn’t find some for everyone, so here’s the ones im sure of for now (i will do the others later when i find the right people)
Kendra : Dasha Taran
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Warren : Alex Pettyfer
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Bracken : Luke Eisner
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Vanessa : Christian Serratos
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imasorenson · 2 years
What they gifted as a secretsanta (Fablehaven 2021 edition) :
here is my annual secret santa at fablehaven!! 3 years going strong, i hope you’ll like it !!
kendra : she got warren and gave him two tickets to go parachute jumping and a cooking book ( and i quote ) because « eating grilled cheese everyday is not healthy, not even when you had brocolis warren, you’re supposed to be an adult ». she also went over the budget by buying him a first aid kit, cause he’s always doing something stupid.
seth : he got vanessa (again, he gets her every single year it’s like a running gag) and he gave her twilight merchs but it was team jacob, since last year he gave her a mug and a tshirt team edward. ruth got mad at him so he also bought tea and things to make coffee for the actual gift.
warren : he got bracken and he went all in, he bought matching hoodies for him and bracken with bromance written on the back, he made a mug with his own face all over it and he bought matching bffs necklaces because he couldn’t stop laughing at the thought of them wearing the cheap necklaces together (of course bracken started to wear it instantly).
vanessa : she got mara and she was so excited to get her because vanessa thinks mara is a fashion icon, she bought her jackets, pants, hats, everything she thought would fit her aesthetic. literally everyone wishes vanessa picked them because she never follows the budget limit, she loves buying personal gifts way too much. mara was really excited to try everything on.
bracken : he got kendra and he got so stressed about what to buy her, she always makes amazing gifts so he wanted to be up to her expectations. he managed to find a creative way to spend time with her and make her happy. he made a box full of cozy things, like socks, things to make hot chocolate, candy, popcorn, blankets, etc. and he explained her that it was for a movie night that he had plan, they would watch a movie outside with little lights and a projector. kendra’s favorite movie is lord of the rings, so he of course told her they would watch that (the extended edition).
ruth : she got stan, she took the occasion to bought him things he never take the time to buy. he always says he’s fine and he doesn’t need it (which is not true). so ruth bought him new boots, new shirts (without holes in them cause she literally can’t look at the ones he’s wearing anymore cause she gets annoyed), and a new set of kitchen stoves so he can make pancakes in pretty ones.
tanu : he got seth and tanu was actually really happy to get him. he already knew what he wanted to give him and he really hoped seth would like the idea. he made him his own « potion master starter pack » and promised him to teach him the basics of it, seth was so exited that he wanted to start right away.
mara : she got tanu, mara is very thoughtful and she always listen to what people tell her, so she bought gifts tanu talked about in the past (like socks, a water bottle, etc) she even went on a special mission to get him things that he needed for his potions. he was so happy that he almost cried.
stan : he got ruth and stan is surprisingly really good at wrapping gifts, but he’s the worst at finding them. he asked the help of kendra and she told him books her grandmother wanted (she didn’t expect him to buy them all but he did), ruth recieved so many books that she could create a whole new library with them.
dale : he got trask, when they gave each other their gifts it was actually hilarious, everyone was trying to hold back their laughters, because dale and trask barely know each other and they’re both pretty reserved people, and for some reason they gave each other the exact same gifts, which they both loved, they talked about their gifts the whole night and realized they had many things in common. the gifts in question were a whole set of cds by their favorite band and some headphones of really good quality.
trask : he got dale and like i said, they both bounded with their love for music.
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imasorenson · 2 years
someone : what’s your favorite scene in the whole fablehaven / dragonwatch serie ?
*my fav scene being when bracken drags warren out of the forest of temptations by the legs and he tries to punch him, in book 5*
me : well, it’s funny you ask
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imasorenson · 2 years
big franchises the characters from fablehaven are fans of :
kendra : narnia
seth : jurassic park
warren : lord of the rings
bracken : star wars
patton : pirates of the caribbean
vanessa : harry potter
this is based on a scientific research of course
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