#wars gonna have a sarah winchester era
somer-writes · 9 months
Heart of Hyrule Modern AU pt 2
Wanted to get down some thoughts on world-building. specifically as it relates to war and reconstruction. this is all subject to change, i just needed to get it laid out somewhere so if something doesnt make sense please let me know!!!
Also CW for wartime, occupations, terrorism
The Borderless War
13 year long civil war
Started as an attempted coup to move from monarchy into military dictatorship
General Rivia of Noble Court planted his men at major forts throughout Hyrule. Once smoke signals were lit, the men mutinied and took control (or attempted to) of military stations and strategic routes.
Rivia was swiftly detained by the Sheikah protecting the royal family. The outposts were more difficult because the sitting king was deemed weak/ineffective. The forces were split 50/50 as was most of the populace
Rivia’s wife Nomi managed to take the royal family as political hostages with a rogue group of Sheikah she promised power
Nobles were rounded up and executed if they refused to kneel as were important figureheads. Entire towns were razed if they refused to swear fealty
As refugees fled to neighboring lands, the defected army hunted them down
During this time Ordon (previously on good terms with Hyrule) was forcibly occupied for their agriculture and isolation
The Zora remained neutral but accepted refugees, the Gorons defended the Eldin province from non official militants (the defected army), and the Rito fled from forest fires up into the mountains
The war ended when Nomi was betrayed by the Sheikah after failing to follow through on her promises
Without her at the helm, the uprising was swiftly squashed (About 4 years after Time is born/left in Kokiri Forest)
The Harkinian royal family takes the throne again (princess Zelda was born while the family was captive and sent as a protected hostage to a sheikah base in the east)
Weapons development
The war served as the turning point in modern magic weaponry.
The warriors family established their company by refitting old weaponry with mana charges which could fire liquidized or crystalline spells even by those not magically inclined
On top of projectile spells, the company produced traditional weapons (swords, spears, etc) that also used charges to apply spells to the weapons
They also produced tactical staves and learned to make the first lab-grown mana crystals (which they still have a patent on)
The weapons advanced much faster than the defenses which had devastating results for casualty numbers
Anti mage armor does come about towards the end of the war but is expensive and heavy
Due to the lawlessness of the war era, monsters swiftly took over the wilds (especially in the south of Hyrule)
As the land was attempted to be resettled, monsters attacked and killed a lot of townships/camps
Monster hunting starts off as a noble trade but swiftly becomes synonymous with extortion and ransoming
Much of the south is left abandoned and with forces and resources already stretched thin, the royal army leaves the area to monsters with devastating results on the towns that survived through the war but were left defenseless
As a way to catalog refugees/orphans, Hylians are made to adopt true surnames over place names
The first wave of standardized official identification is rolled out. ID cards include names, birthdays, province of origin, and whether or not the person is magically inclined
King Harkinan establishes the sages as a unified council in peace attempts
Official seats of the country (castle town, goron city, etc) are fitted with anti mana barriers that require a key item such as a ring to use magic within the barrier limits
Dark magic is declared officially illegal. Light magic requires special licenses.
Post-war Occupation of Ordon
Ordon is denied a representative on the sages’ council leading the relationship to sour more. Hyrule has yet to pull out of the region.
The first Ordon Rebellion occurs resulting in the destruction of the great fort on the north end of Faron bridge. As a result, a second occupation occurs
Ordon is forced to name a capital (Ordon village) and an ambassador. Ordonians are then forced to take Hylian surnames.
A rebellion group forms with Ordon leading to a number of small terror acts and attacks on Hylian grounds. Anti-Ordon sentiments begin to crop up
Hyrule exhausts itself in Ordon and withdraws from the area under an unstable treaty. Ordon is considered Hyrule territory, but is allowed to functionally govern themselves. This makes trade/travel/logistics difficult between Hyrule and Ordon.
The temple of hylia constructed in Ordon Village is abandoned
Anti-ordonian laws (ID cards, permits/paperwork, lack of representation) are passed further dividing the kingdom and province
Character effects
Time is a war refugee who is born during the war and taken to the Kokiri for safety as an infant when his parents were outed as monarch loyalists working with a resistance
Malon’s family stayed in the south through the war and reconstruction. She vividly remembers hiding in the cellar from monsters as a child
Wars’ family owns and operates Warriors’ Weaponry Co. He has mixed feelings on his family’s legacy. He’s fairly inclined to magic and is somewhat skilled with a power spear.
Twilight is a Hylian reconstruction refugee adopted into Ordon. He faces a lot of anti-Ordon sentiment in Hyrule and the opposite in Ordon. His home and family were destroyed by a monster.
Wild was severely injured in a monster attack in the northeast of Hyrule which destroyed his home village.
Legend’s family is noble blooded but went into hiding after the war and gave up their titles.
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