#warven aeducan
ninapedia · 2 years
Codex entry: Grey Whiskey/Ritewine/Conscription Ale
Fun writing / OC exorcise - making a Conscription Ale name/profile for all my canon wardens.
Vintage: Warden Viera. Sweet Dreams. | Surana
The thick build up of honey at the bottom of the bottle ensures whatever goes in is tasting of it. Don’t know why it smells vaguely of lavender though.
Vintage: Warden Ny’ari. Mythal’s Mercy. | Mahariel
More of a remedy than a spirit. Tasting largely of mint and elfroot - which is obvious by the plants stuffed within the bottle.
Vintage: Warden Nadia. Feels like falling. | Brosca
If you’re able to taste the notes of cinnamon before passing out you have a stronger constitution than most.
Vintage: Warden Varryn. Still better than what Ohgren’s drinking. | Aeducan
Whoever this Oghren is should be arrested if this is better than they were drinking. It’s brown.
Vintage: Warden Cyril. Drink when desperate. | Tabris
It’s not a title, it’s a warning. The first sip is the worst, after that your taste buds are all seared off anyways.
Vintage: Warden Odile. Swan noir. | Adras
It was probably wine at some point. It’s so red it’s black. And somehow smoother than a rose’s petals.
Vintage: Warden Nika. Furnace fuel. | Kader
Somehow so clear the bottle looks empty. Not much of a fragrance yet singes the inside of your nose anyways.
Vintage: Warden Pierrot. Curtain call. | Caron
How this wine still sparkles is a mystery for the ages. A pleasant pink colour and an al together not unpleasant bitter sweet taste.
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