#was going to sub chicken with hares but they also taste like shit appearently !!! what!!!
sanchoyo · 2 years
nano has me googling shit like 'can/do people eat owls' because I had one of the characters eating a dish with chicken but then realized oh, chickens might not be able to do very well in a place where theres so little sunlight, i should sub them out for a nocturnal animal, right, and owls were the first thing that popped in my head as a nocturnal bird. now im prob on a possible poacher list or smth bc that is Very Illegal I Guess (and also bc of their nasty diet they supposedly taste like shit anyway if anyone was wondering...so I am now looking for herbivorous nocturnal birds...maybe we will just sub the chicken for fish....I have been focusing on this for almost an hour instead of writing btw)
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