#was gonna join the festival tonight except the reason there are hotel rooms open is because the weather is garbage
amakhuakrie · 2 years
Planning a trip to see the stars and possibly an aurora in jasper because you cant see fuck all in edmonton maybe going to take the train
Regardless of the weather and astrological activity i think we'll have a good time because we can look at mooses and caribou/reindeers and goats and shit plus there are hotsprings
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fawninhawkins · 6 years
can you do a blurb of shawn proposing to y/n while both of their families are on vacation together and they all knew except her xx if not its all good!!
ok totally this is cute af
Mexico was an absolute dream so far. Your family and Shawn’s joint-planning it was the best idea, one that Aaliyah would not stop reminding you she came up with.
“Ready to go to dinner beautiful?” Shawn hummed in your ear as he came up behind you, running a giant hand up your arm to your shoulder where he gave it a light squeeze.
“Sure am, handsome.” You spoke over your shoulder, placing a soft kiss on his hand, still resting on you. As you turned to face him his eyes sparkled and his lip twitched like he had something else to say. You cocked your head at him inquisitively but he turned around and began to lead you from the hotel room before you could get into it.
The hotel was impressive, you observed the beautiful intricacies in the architecture and all of the lush amenities. As you appreciated your surroundings, you couldn’t help but let your eyes wander back to the man with his fingers interlaced with yours, Shawn was tanner than usual although a little sunburned if you were being honest. He had a glow about him today that made you want to hold him close, his energy was just so infectious.
“I need to talk to Connor about organizing the jet skis tomorrow, ok?” He warned you that he was ditching you for your older brother. His voice seemed to falter, but only for a moment. His eyes held that same suspicious glint again but you bit your tongue, he was probably just a little overwhelmed from all of the attention from family and fans and all the activities you’d been doing.
“Sure no problem. I wanted to talk to Aaliyah and Jake anyway.” You returned with an eye crinkling grin. Shawn loved that grin, you always made it when talking about your younger siblings and he liked that Aaliyah seemed to count in that category.
You joined the party of nine. Everybody was here, you and Shawn, your mom and dad and your 24 year old and 12 year old brothers, and Manny, Karen, and Aaliyah. There was a chorus of “hi”s and “hey”s as you and Shawn joined them.
“Hey guys, did you have fun at the arcade?” You asked Aaliyah and Jake once you reached them. “Why are you so dressed up?” Aaliyah was dressed in a beautiful satin emerald green cocktail dress that complimented her dark hair and lightly tanned skin well, and Jake was in khakis and a polka dot button up. 
You were glad you were equally well dressed, Shawn told you to dress especially nice tonight. He said it was formal dinner night. You wore a beautiful deep red dress that plunged enough for tasteful cleavage without parents giving a second look and the ends were tapered so you looked like a crimson wave when you walked.
“No reason.” Aaliyah answered swiftly, glancing away from you and towards her mother who shot her a stern look. You looked between the two confused.
“We had a great time at the arcade. Wish you could’ve come, I would’ve beat you so hard at air hockey.” Jake diverted, sticking his tongue out at you and taunting you.
“Would not have!” You fired back, ruffling his gelled hair. It earned you an annoyed look and scoff, but he smiled at you after. Which was… weird. Usually you messing with Jake’s appearance pissed him off for longer but he couldn’t seem to stay angry.
Dinner was delicious but you couldn’t help but feel like you had three heads. Everyone kept looking at you and once in awhile you’d notice smiles creeping over their faces. Your dad winked at you after you caught his eye while Shawn told a story about you freaking out after your seaweed wrap that afternoon, which wasn’t out of the ordinary but he hadn’t winked at you like this since you brought Shawn home.
“Baby, before dessert can we go on a quick walk?” Shawn cleared his voice and it was an octave higher than normal.
“Sure, that sounds nice.” You gave him a reassuring smile, he really must be thrown off from the stress of the festival run and everything else. He shot you a quick smile and then helped you pull out your chair and extended his forearm for you to take. “Thank you.” You gushed, flushing a soft salmon color.
Shawn led you through a small path to a gazebo that was all lit up with string lights, right in front of the sunset blurring in the ocean. “Shawn this is beautiful, did you know this was here?” You asked him excitedly as he helped you up the steps.
“I did it, for you. To-to thank you for all that you always do for me. I thought we could watch the sunset and have some champagne.” He finally admitted, so this was what was throwing him off. He reached down beside one of the pillars and picked up the stemware and bottle, pouring it out and handing one to you.
“This is absolutely incredible.” You mumbled in awe. You gripped the glass and gravitated toward the edge of the gazebo, your hips swaying in small figure eights absentmindedly in content. Shawn slid behind you and leaned against the pillar, he snaked one arm around your waist and pulled you against him.
“Nothing will ever be as incredible as you.” He mused, touching his lips to your hair as you leaned into his chest. The sky was on fire, blood orange mixing with light pinks as they touched down in the reflective dark blue water.
“I don’t think I could be happier than I am right now, I love you Shawn.” You sighed with affection as you felt him move away from you. Turning to see where he went you were met with the best thing you’d ever seen: Shawn on one knee with an open ring box in his hand. Your eyes immediately welled with tears and a strangled sob escaped your mouth.
“You are… everything. You are the most incredible woman I have ever known. You’re my best friend and you give me comfort I’ve never felt before. You inspire me every moment to be a better person to deserve you. People say I’m accomplished and successful, but I don’t think that’s true if I don’t have you by my side. I love you. Will you marry me? Will you do me the honor of being my wife?” Shawn’s voice was more stable and sure than you’d ever heard it, but tears streaked his face.
“Yes, Shawn. Yes.” You cried out as he surged up and gathered you in his arms. He leaned in deeply for a kiss and you were leaned back as far as you could go. It was a blinding kiss, the kind that left you weak in the knees and needing him to support you.
“Here.” He wiped his eyes and slid the ring on your finger. Your voice caught in your throat as you recognized it as your favorite cut.
“Oh it’s beautiful Shawn.” You looked up to him, eyes still pouring and he smiled widely and wiped your tears.
“Don’t cry love. Let’s go tell everyone, they’ve been very excited.” You looked at him confused and then his words took effect. They all knew. That’s why they were being so weird.
He led you once again, this time guiding you with an arm around your waist holding you against him. As the two families came into view you could see everyone’s expectant faces staring at the two of you.
“It’s ok guys, she said yes.” Shawn alerted them to the news and they broke into cheers as you held up your left hand. He planted a loud kiss on your cheek and Aaliyah and Jake ran over to you.
“It was so hard not to tell you, I helped him plan it!” Aaliyah gushed as she pulled you in for a tight hug.
“Ugh I was worried she was gonna blow it, quick thinking with the air hockey thing right?” Jake asked excitedly, proud of himself. You nodded and rang out a laugh.
“Congratulations!” The parents cheered as a waiter brought out a cake that was clearly celebrating the engagement. After the cake was cut, Shawn told the story of how it went down and you sat contently watching him engrossed in his storytelling. 
“So, Y/N. How do you feel?!” Karen asked you excitedly, she could tell you were experiencing a lot of wonderful emotions.
“Surprised and so, so, happy. Though considering how weird all of you were acting I really should’ve been tipped off.” You answered her candidly and earned a chorus of chuckles.
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leelee10898 · 6 years
Back to you
Chapter 4.. part 1
When I was your man
Book: The Royal Romance
Disclaimer: All characters belong to Pixelberry except those created for the story
Summary: Its finally time for the Beaumont bash,will it be smooth sailing or will it go up in flames? A blast from the past has Aria in her feelings, will it spell trouble for her and Liam? (this will be a two parter)
Pairings: Liam&Aria(mc), Leo&Aria(mc)
Rating: Fluff & NSFW content.... WARNING young eyes look away!!
Song inspiration
Tag list: @scarlettedragon @annekebbphotography @bobasheebaby @speedyoperarascalparty @greyeyedsmile14 @hopefulmoonobject
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Aria had spent the past few days cleaning the entire Beaumont estate. To save money he scheduled the staff to report the morning of the event so it was up to them to prepare the estate. Aria welcomed the distraction, for some strange reason she could not stop thinking about Liams brother Leo. She had met him at the Masquerade ball, but she never got to see the face behind the lion mask. It was something about his voice, his touch that felt so familiar. She had also been thinking of her Leo, the one She met in Italy, more then usual. She let herself fall for him knowing she was only going to hurt herself in the long run. She shakes the thought from her head.
 "Well, that is just perfect." Bertrand huffs into the foyer. Maxwell comes running at the sound of anger in his voice. "What's going on Bertrand?" Aria asks placing her cleaning rag back in the bucket. "Well lady Aria, I hope you are a culinary expert because the caterer just backed out!" He rubs his temples. "What!! why?" Maxwell yelled throwing his hands in the air. "Apparently the check bounced." He snapped "The money was in our bank yesterday." throwing himself into a chair near by.
 "Guys, we can handle this. " Aria chimes in "I can cook, Maxwell call your fiends, we need all hands on deck." She says walking towards the kitchen. Bertrand sits in the corner mumbling to himself while Maxwell pulls out his phone.
Aria searched the kitchen to find something she could pair with the chicken pulled from the Fridge. A light tapping comes from the kitchen door. "Hey Hale, Maxwell said you needed my help?" Drake peeks his head in the kitchen. "Yup, put this on." She tosses an apron at him "open those cans and dump them into that bowl." She orders pointing at the counter, not looking up from what She was cooking on the stove. "What's going on here?" Drake questions arching his brow. "Long story short, were almost broke and the caterer backed out." Maxwell sighs filling Drake in on their problem. Drake knew what it was like to have money issues, so he felt compelled to help them out. 
They had just finished preparing the appetizers when Bertrand came barging in. "Stop what you are doing, I have got a new caterer." He yelled motioning them to stop with his hands. Aria felt relief, she had so much to do to get ready for the party. "Thank god." Drake exhales toss his apron on the counter. "I'm gonna head out Hale, see you tomorrow. " he turns and leaves the kitchen. "Thanks Drake." Aria called after him. "Well, If you don't need anymore from me I am going to get some beauty sleep." Aria yawned. She walked up to her room and fell fast asleep.
 The next morning Aria awoke to Bertrand banging on the door.
 Bang bang bang
 "Lady Aria get up, we have much to to do today. "  Bertrand demands from the other side of the door
  "Ugh" Aria groaned pulling the blanket up over her head.
 Bang bang bang
 "Lady Aria I am serious get up now." Bertrand continues to yell. Aria gets up to walk across the room
 Bang bang bang bang
 "Lady Aria may I remind you." Bertrand starts to say "the reputation of the house Beaumont is at stake." Aria mouths in sync with Bertrand.
 "yeah yeah I'm up." She fusses as she opens the door giving Bertrand a pointed stare. Aria had been proper since she came to Cordonia, but mornings her New York attitude would come out. "Good, c.. come down stairs when you're r..ready.” Bertrand stutters. She giggled to herself, recalling the time she over heard Bertrand telling Maxwell he was "terrified of lady Aria in the morning".
 After a day of helping the staff Bertrand ordered her to go make herself presentable for tonight's events. The dinner was formal, so Aria wore a beautiful light blue gown. She was placed at the head table along with Liam, Bertrand,Maxwell and the king and queen. Dinner went smoothly, even Regina complimented on the food.Once desert was finished Bertrand stood tapping his glass. "My dear guest this concludes dinner, please join us in the grand ball room for other festivities." As everyone moved into the ball room aria ran up to her room.
 She chose a second dress to change into for the party, the classic little black dress. Tight at the top and flowed out just under the waist. A perfect mix of fun, flirty, sexy and class to turn a certain head tonight. She paired it with her favorite royal blue heels. She let her hair down and pinned it so the curls would frame the side of her face. She added a little more eyeliner and put A little lip gloss on. she turned to look at herself "This will definitely do" she smiled as she turned side to side in the mirror.
 In the ball room Maxwell had set up an elaborate display of champagne bottles and flutes cascading the grand stair case. "Aria, it's time." Maxwell says running up to her. Bertrand was in the process of giving his opening party toast, Maxwell and Aria head up the stairs to pick their weapons. "With all the house of Beaumont with me I propose a toast!" Bertrand says looking back at Aria and Maxwell giving them an approving nod. Maxwell and Aria in unison slice into the bottles spilling it all over the glasses. "To Cordonia" Bertrand says grabbing a flute and raising it . "to Cordonia!" The crowd cheers back.
 "Let's parrrrtay! Maxwell bellows "pull out the blindfolds, where are my bow and arrow, put an apple on the bust of my great grandfather." He yells in excitement. Loud music blast through the speakers guest cheer as horses and acrobats bust through the doors. Maxwell moon walks onto the dance floor "Aria get out here and join me." He motions to her. "Go ahead Aria." Hana encouraged. Aria smiles and heads out onto the dance floor, laying down some serious moves. "Yeahhh Aria I see I have some competition.. I challenge you to a dance off!" Maxwell gushed . "Oh your on! loser has to streak through the room." Aria states accepting Maxwells challenge.  After several rounds Maxwell admits defeat. "For Coroniaaaaaa." Maxwell yells stripping his clothes and running around completely naked.
 Guest are laughing, dancing and drinking. Everyone is having a good time. "We pulled it off, we really pulled it off. "Aria thought to herself. A voice comes from behind her, placing a hand on her hip "lady Aria may I say you look ravishing tonight. " Liam says sliding up to her handing her another glass of champagne. "you don't look so bad yourself your highness." She says with a playful smile. "I was wondering if you would meet me later tonight?" Liam leans in whispering in her ear. Aria bites her lip and sits her now empty glass down. She gets a little closer walking around him, her hips grazes his body "if his royal highness plays his cards right." She purrs grabbing his glass of champagne and sipping it . She walks away twitching her hips she looks back at him over her shoulder and winks. She turns her head forward, a sly smile painted on her face.
 Aria makes her rounds chatting with Penelope and Kiara. Dancing with Maxwell and Hanna, she is having an amazing time. She spots Liam on the far side of the room chatting with Drake and a someone she didn't recognize. Finally making eye contact He waves her over. 
"Ah lady Aria, come here and meet my brother." Liam says as he taps his brother on the shoulder "Leo I want you to meet lady ..." he starts to say as Leo turns his head finishing his sentence for him.. "Aria." He murmurs smooth like butter, a Devilish smile painted on his face. "Leo!? Aria gasps bringing her hand to her chest. She could not believe what she was seeing. It was Leo, HER Leo! The Leo she spent 4 weeks with one summer long ago. The Leo she fell head over heels for. The Leo she cried herself to sleep over for countless nights. They stared at each other for what seemed like years until Liam cleared his throat.. "you two know each other?" He looked to Leo and then Aria. "We met in Italy many years ago." Leo broke his gaze to answer the question Aria snapping out of her thoughts "yes, we were in the same tour group." She said putting extra emphasis on the word tour giving Leo a pleading look.
 "Tour group brother, you?" Liam chuckled "you were never the tour group kind." He finished clapping Leo on the back. "Yes well I thought it would be a great opportunity to meet women." Leo chuckled as he clasped Liams shoulder back. Aria could feel her face turning red. She grabs 2 glasses of champagne from the waiter walking by and quickly down them both, she was going to need more where that came from if she was going to survive this night. They laughed and joked around as the conversations flowed, Aria started to loosen up a little bit. Liam and Leo telling tales of their adolescent hijinxs. Before Leo brought up a past moment he and Aria shared.. 
"Remember the time in Rome when you convince that bartender you were famous US celebrity? Brit.. Brit something.." Leo looked at Aria chuckling "Britana Fontain." Aria grins  "yes that's it! Leo chirps slapping his leg "He even took a picture of you and had you sign it."  "He gave us free drinks all night." Aria giggled and took another sip of her champagne. Of course she remembered that night. It was the first time she let her walls completely down. She thought back to the night at the hotel, they had been dancing when Leo suggested they take it to the room.
 Once the door closed all bets were off. Leo took Arias face in both hands kissing her deeply and passionately. He walks her back and pushes her up against the wall. Running his hand up her leg he pulls her dress up bunching it at her hip as his fingers make their way in between her legs.
 "Mmm your dripping wet love." He whispers in her ear as he teases her from outside of her underwear. He tugs on the zipper of her dress, letting it pool at her feet stripping her down to her bra and panties. He kisses her neck and shoulder as she removes his shirt and un buttons his pants yanking them off, he stumbles over them a bit and Aria giggles.
 He gazes hungrily into her eyes as he picks her up, she wraps her legs around him as he walks her across the room removing her bra, and laying her down on the bed. He kisses her down her neck, and settling onto her breast. He nibbles and sucks each of her nipples, a soft moan escapes arias lips. His lips trail down her stomach running his hands down her side's. Her skin is on fire from his touch and she can feel the burning growing within her. 
He kisses down to the top of her panties, as he grabs them pulling the last piece of clothing off her body. He smiled at her naked body "damn, you are breath taking" he whispers as he kisses down the hip, to her leg before moving his lips to the inside of her leg spreading them apart.  He was getting closer and closer to her wanting sex. She pants and softly moans as she wiggled around yearning for him to touch her. He spreads her legs farther apart rubbing his fingers up and down her lips before dipping two of them into her wet center. She lets a loud moan.
 "Mmm you’re so wet, I need to taste you." Leo breathed into her thigh "mmm yes, please" Aria moaned. His lips moved farther up her thigh before his tongue parts her lips and goes to work. He flicks her clit with his tongue and sucking lightly with his lips.He thrust his two fingers in and out curving them just  bit to reach the sweet spot. She tangles her fingers in his hair pulling him in closer.  Aria moans louder as he pleasures her to the point she can't take it anymore. "Oh. Oh FUCK, OH LEO" SHE SCREAMS as the pleasure ripples course through her body she gives into an orgasm. Leo drinks her in as He smiles. He lifts himself up, wiping his face then kisses her hard.
 "I'm not done with you yet love," he teases and he grabs her legs with both arms lifting them to his shoulders. He gets on his knees and lifts her ass up. He teases her, rubbing his hard cock on her clit and circling her opening, poking the tip slightly in. "Leo... please ." She Begs "Please what love? Say it ARIA, tell me what you want." He continues rubbing her clit with his finger. "The fire burning within, her eyes fly open, she looks at him passionately "I want you to fuck me, hard and fast, fuck me Leo, fuck me NOW!" She demanded trying to squirm herself onto his cock. Leo didn't wait a second longer, he thrust himself into her hard and fast. Arias moans loud. "Fuck! oh god you feel so good" He grunts and moans fueling her fire even more.
 He lets her legs down and flips her over onto her stomach. Aria gets on her knees, arching her ass in the air. Leo dips his dick into her center, and pulls it out slow before shoving it back in rough. Aria jumps and squirms back onto his cock. "Oh fuck!" She screams.Leo starts pounding her hard. Aria holds on tight to the head board rails bouncing her ass off his hips. 
 His rhythm erratic, their moans mixing. The pleasure pulsing through her body she completely loses control  "Oh fuck, oh my fucking god, oh my fucking god, yes!" Aria screams out. "Say my name baby." Leo demands "cum with me Ari." Hearing him call her Ari sparked something inside her. "Oh fuck, Leo, yes, Leo, Leo, LEOOOO!" Aria screams she gives in to a second blissful orgasm . "Oh fuck." Leo moans as he spills himself inside of her. They collapse on the bed panting hard, sweating. Leo leans over and kisses her softly "that was amazing" He says breathing hard still "Mmhmm." Aria mumbles able to speak as she falls fast asleep.
 "It sounds like you two had quite the adventures." Liam questioned with clenched jaw and fake smile. Snapping aria out of her trip down memory lane . An awkward silence fell over the trio. Aria never thought she would be so happy to see Olivia approaching to break the tension. "Hello everyone, Liam I believe you owe me a drink." She said as she touched Liam’s arm. "Ah I do lady Olivia" Liam excuses himself and walks away. It was just her and Leo.
 "I never in a million years thought i would have run into you again, especially not here." Leo sighed as he leaned up against the wall. "Yeah well, I didn't know you were a prince." She said as she gives him a pointed look. Leo sighs and runs his hands through his hair.”You still are as beautiful as ever.” He expressed “Time has been good to you as well.” Aria acknowledges
 "So you and Liam huh?" he says as he takes a swig of champagne. "What about us?" Aria ask folding her arms. "I don't know that I  like it." He states looking down at the floor.  "You don't have that right Leo, not after so much time has passed" She snaps at Leo "not after..." She dares not finish that thought "I need something harder to deal with this shit." She walks away leaving Leo to brood.
 She approached the bar and sits down next to Drake. She grabs the fresh glass of whiskey that was just placed front of him and gulps it down, making a sour face. "Hey! What the helI, I was gonna drink that." Drake complained, turning to Aria. "What's gotten into you Hale?" Drake asks motioning to the bartender for two more. "One word." Aria says, grabbing the new glass in front of her and taking a sip.... Leo!"
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