#was i a pathetic nerd for getting jealous of sebastian
finalboyyy · 1 year
poison in the well
sam (sdv) x yandere!reader
abusive relationship, violence, extreme jealousy, sebastian hate, angst
this is based on my own experience with my dear sammy. after trying to find cute sam art and finding a lot of sam/sebastian everytime he'd go to the saloon on friday id get sad. until i modded him to be a yandere and then everything was fine! so anyway. might add another part to this later.
"You were out late again."
"Ah- Sorry I got caught up talking to Seb, almost beat him tonight!"
"...So you were with him?"
"Yeah? You know I was! We always hang out at the saloon with Abby."
Fingers rap against the handcrafted dining room table. Like tiny drums daring to disturb the still silence of the night. Something not even the usually loud animals would do.
"Are you... angry..?" Sam's voice is tepid, it reminds you of a child scared to be scolded. It's something you love about him, this hopeful innocence as if bad things couldn't really exist in this world.
He spends all night out with that man and expects you not to be a little annoyed? When you get out of the mines at 9 and come home eagerly only to find him gone? After everything you did and you were so eager to see him at home?
"I don't like getting home before you."
"I-I know but it's just one night..?"
You can feel the anger in your chest rising. Sebastian fills your head like a ghost, haunting your thoughts and choking out your words. The image seductively places his hands on Sam's hips, a cigarette lazily held limp between his painted lips. Sam has one awkwardly held between his own as well. Sebastian begins to move the two bodys to the rhythm of a painfully slow song, his mouth moving closer to Sam's, the butts of the cigarettes kissing in a hazy blur of smoke, alcohol, and lust. Sickening. You want to throw up. Your chest hurts.
"Y/N?? Are you ok? You look sick. You should lie down-" As he moves closer to your frozen form the smell of cigarettes fills your nostrils knocking out of your daze.
You look up at him with wide eyes, your pupils so small and dilated you look unhinged. Fear sets into Sam when you grab his arm with too much strength that he knows you could break his arm if you tried. Your head tilts to the side as you look into his emerald eyes.
"Y/N... you're scaring me-"
"Why... Why do you... smell like him...?" Your words are slow, laboured, as if it's taking everything in you to spit them out. You don't want the answer. Everything aches.
"Like who??"
"Sebastian." You spit at him the name tastes like venom in your mouth. He's the poison seeping into your marriage.
"I-I? I had a cigarette with him. I don't see-"
Sam can't finish his sentence before he's violently pinned to the table. Your strength from working tirelessly is no match for his soft skin. He bruises so easily under you, like always.
"I won't let him have you. I won't... He can't..."
"Wh-whoa hold on... H-hey y/n l-lets talk about this! Y-your'e hurting me."
You can't hear him properly, it feels like he's talking through an ocean. All you can think about is the sickening smell of cigarettes, Sebastian, the time Jodi told you that she always expected her son to end up with Sebastian, their closeness, that stupid whore.
Sam continues to whimper and plea on deaf ears as you hold him down. Your mind is racing a mile a minute as you boil with anger at Sebastian and you desperately try to come up with a way to keep Sam safe from him. Everytime your brain attempts a cohesive thought about the current position you're in with your husband more doubt and fear swallows your mind.
"Y/n... please...." Sam's voice is so soft, so gentle. Has he talked to Sebastian with this voice? Is he begging you to let him run back to that horrible man?
"Won't... let you go... Can't." Your breathing is laboured as you lean closer to him. "Even if you hate me. Even if you loathe me. Even if you love him-"
"I don't love him!" It doesn't reach you.
"I won't let you go Sammy. My Sammy. Have to protect you. You have to stay inside." That was the answer wasn't it? Never let Sam leave. You were a genius! You dragged him by his aching wrist over to the basement door. Tomorrow you'd go to Clint's and have some chains made, tonight it was enough to throw him in the basement and lock the door.
That's how Sam's new life began.
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