#was it starvation? the threat or death? no water? no clothes or necessities?
moonssugar · 2 years
thinking about moonhaven (amc) again suddenly. i think the premise of IO is inherently selfish. because ultimately its a corporate project that wants to sell humanity a life saving solution after a experiment using human subjects (mooners) proves successful but the problems IO is supposed to fix (like regenerating/creating entire ecosystems and making water drinkable) were caused by corporate greed anyways. in the first ep earth is a wasteland, people are desperate, there’s no clean water and less food and that desperation created terrorist groups, one that attacked indira’s school and the other tomm is running for his own benefit. people have to wear oxygen masks because the air is unsafe to breathe. ICON owns IO, created it, controls it, but instead of letting her loose immediately and i don’t know growing people some vegetables and digging wells they’re scared someone will take (monetary and government) advantage of it and they make everyone wait until IO is fine tuned enough to make decisions for them. not realizing the fact that IO being ‘kidnapped’ or hacked or something as a possibility still exists because of their inaction and will to immediately start changing things. corporate greed expects other people to act as selfishly as they do and withholds for a price or an ultimatum especially when things go south the what they guard is necessary for life. this is how we got mfs ‘investing’ in fresh water reservoirs. fix the problem (scarcity, insecurity) you can fix everything else (fighting over resources, desperation, preventable death) but ICON has to make a buck, so theyre not gonna do that just yet. or in a way they can control entire populations with. or at all. bitch just regrow the amazon and plant some food already
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theinvulnerabletide · 6 years
Space Things: moon, Betelgeuse, Centaurus, sombrero galaxy, wormhole for Whisper; Neptune, aldebaran, delphinus, bode’s galaxy, comet for Oriana; Jupiter, deneb, Phoenix, andromeda, black hole for Maggie; mercury, Canopus, Orion, cigar galaxy, nebula for Lyra; earth, Sirius, Libra, cartwheel galaxy, supernova for Thirteen; mercury, alphard, Cygnus, Milky Way, meteor for Celandine; Uranus, Vega, hydra, sunflower galaxy, pulsar for Az’ar; Pluto, Rigel, Cassiopeia, black eye galaxy, comet for Kori
H’okay this is going under the cut because it is almost 2000 words and got very, very long. I apologize if you are on mobile. 
For Whisper: my terrible disaster tiefling sea sorceress:
Moon: What are you currently studying/hope to study?
Whisper is currently studying like…one and a half things in her free time. Which is taking forever because she’snot exactly a bookish person. She is currently learning Primordial (and is onlyabout 130 days from fluency!) and is muddling her way through spellcomposition.
Betelgeuse: What’s something you can never forget about?
Oh man. There’s a lot of things thatweigh on Whisper’s mind, but her obligations might be the heaviest, especiallywhen her loyalties start to conflict.
Centaurus: Favorite holiday?
Fisher’s Respite. Back home it was likea full-on Irish wake (after a very long church ceremony, which Whisper foundfascinating) and Whisper was even allowed to party with the adults for a littlewhile after she was old enough. Some of her favorite memories are from herfamily’s celebrations.
Her second favorite is probably TheGreat Hunt because of all the food. Though meeting a certain Wizard might havesoured that some.
Sombrero Galaxy: Do you have a crush right now?
Define “crush.” Because Whisper wouldcrush you for insinuating anything. In her own words, she likes most of theparty well enough, finds them all pretty attractive and would probably sleepwith them if she knew they weren’t going to be weird about it.
That’s what she tells herself, and Ithink she’s probably even convinced herself of it. But there’s definitely areason she’s only slept with an old friend and a professional since the partyjoined up. *waggles eyebrows*
Wormhole: What’s something you wish would happen, but knowwon’t?
Whisper has been waiting for a veryspecific thing to happen almost her entire life, and she’s half given up hopeof it ever occurring, so… being told she can come back home.
For Oriana, my aasimar paladin of Wahreight, and the Lady of Ambrose Grove;
Neptune: When’s your birthday?
Oriana doesn’t know her actualbirthday, but she chose day 197 (16 Alma'artius) as the day to celebrate on.
Aldebaran: What’s something you care desperately about?
Doing her job the best of herability. The weird thing about Oriana is that she definitely believes in hercalling, in protecting and serving and making the world a better place. Shedesperately wants to protect the people she cares about and those who can’thelp themselves.
Delphinus: Favorite study?
I won’t say that Oriana hatesstudying, because she was methodical about it growing up and placed pretty highin all of her classes because of it, but she’s not a cleric, so she’s not inthe whole research division. More retrieval and dissemination.
That said, she really is enjoying theent philosophy books that Shade gifted her with, and I’m sure she’ll pick up afew more in the same vein once she’s finished with them.
Bode’s Galaxy: Have you ever had a secret admirer?
Not that she knows of. Though theremight have been someone who came up with her through paladin training and justnever came forward?
Comet: What’s your big dream?
Her dream used to be to make headlibrarian and perhaps get a small temple of her own to administer, but now it’sjust making the town of Ambrose Grove flourish again. She just wants to bringpeace and prosperity to the people she’s been made the guardian of.
For Maggie, my brand-newhuman warlock~
Jupiter: Do you have any siblings?
Yep! Maggie has a younger brother namedJack, who is training to be a wizard.
Deneb: Have you ever been out of your home country?
I don’t think Maggie has even been outof her province. She’s been out of Estwald a few times, to go into the forestto meet her patron, or out to smaller villages to help out with supernaturalthreats, but that’s probably as far from home as she has ever been.
Phoenix: Favorite thing to wear?
Maggie has a thick dark woolen long coatthat she wears in leiu of armor, a blue scarf she usually pairs with it. Theclothes underneath change, but her boots probably never do.
Andromeda: Do you consider yourself social?
Maggie’s entire world basically comesdown to work and her family, out of necessity. Letting people get too closecould expose her and give the Church exactly what they need to see her hung.She’d rather not have that happen.
Black Hole: What’s the last thing you want to see?
The last thing she would ever want tosee is her faerie godmother again. But the last thing she wants to see, like before she dies? Hm. I don’t know. Maybe a sunsetover the ocean; she’s never been to the ocean, but she hears its beautiful.
For Lyra, myhalf-elven rogue/pirate captain of the Star Song.
Mercury: What’s your full name?
Lyra Cooper is her whole name. Her mother never gave her a middle one. 
Canopus: Have you ever broken a bone?
Lyra has broken more than a few bones.Some of them from jumping off of buildings and not being able to stop herselffrom hitting the ground, some of them deliberately done by the head of the thieves’guilds she’s been in to teach her a lesson. She had an arm and her nose brokenby Blackthorne himself.
Once she jumped off the bird’s nestand tried to swing down via a rope, but she missed the rope and hit the deckwrong and broke her ankle.
Orion: Favorite month?
Hm. It would probably be Mirius. Lyraalways did love the spring.
Cigar Galaxy: How’s your flirting skills?
Pretty good, all told, when she turnson the charm. She has been taught how to engage and flirt and be all kinds ofcharming. But she never flirts if it’s not for a specific purpose.
Nebula: If you could undo one thing in your life, what wouldit be?
Her mother’s death. If only hermother had survived, well. Who knows where she’d be now? Definitely not thecaptain of a skyship, but all those intervening years of pain and near-starvationand killing and hurting people for a living would also not have happened, andshe wants that almost as much as she wants to see her mother one last time.
For Thirteen, myfish-out-of-water Tabaxi rogue/monk.
Earth: Where’s your home?
Thirteen hails from a jungle islandoff the main continent of the world we were on. Faraway or something like that?Idk I can’t remember what it’s called and I am Too Lazy to get up and find thecampaign map.
But she grew up in a hidden Tabaxisociety and has since been exiled.
Sirius: Have you ever failed a class?
Hell no she hasn’t. She was in thetop percentile of all her classes because she is that damn good.
Libra: Favorite color?
Cartwheel Galaxy: When was your first kiss?
Tabaxi don’t kiss like humans orother humanoids do. I don’t think their mouths are made for it. They do touchnoses though, and I think that would have been at about 16, with some male inher class who she just managed to beat.
Supernova: What’s one thing you want to do before you die?
Find the asshole who killed hermentor and rip his guts open.
Celandine, my preciousgnome wizard prodigy
Mercury: What’s your full name?
Celandine Salvia Darkhollow.
Alphard: Have you ever lost a friend?
Yes, I think she has. Aside from hersister, Greldamine, she had one good friend until she was about 6 years old,Emelina, who lived next door. Celandine doesn’t quite remember if she died orjust moved away, only that when they started 2nd grade, Emelina wasn’tthere.
Cygnus: Favourite weather?
Thunderstorms, definitely. Rain helpsher focus and the lightning provides power for all sorts of experiments.
Milky Way: Who’s your oldest friend?  
I think she would count Greldaminehas her oldest friend, since Greldamine has been there since before she wasborn.  
Meteor: What’s something you wish you could tell, but can’t?
The thing is, Celandine doesn’t havemuch of a filter on her, and she doesn’t know when shutting up is the bestoption, so most of the things she wants to say get said.
Maybe she wishes she could talk toher parents more frankly about what being a teenager is like, but she knows shewould get grounded and her tools taken away if they learned 1/8th ofthe shenanigans her and her friends have gotten up to this first year of highschool.
For Az’ar: the Shadar’kaiLore Wizard
Uranus: What’s your hobby?
Az’ar doesn’t really have anyhobbies. She has one goal and basically everything she does furthers it in someway or another.
Vega: What’s something you’ve done that you wish you hadn’t?
I think the only thing she regrets atall is having to kill so many Shadar’kai on the way out of the Shadowfell. But theywere in her way, and since they were offering her violence, she had to returnit. I bet she regrets not stealing away while most of the tribe were asleep,though, or hiding her attempt to leave better.
Hydra: Favorite sound?
The not-quite silence of an emptylibrary.
Sunflower Galaxy: Would you date/make friends with someoneout of pity?
Oh, hell no she would not. I thinkthe furthest she’d go out of pity is to kill them.
Pulsar: What do you hope to do in the next 10 years?
1.) Determine a non-lich,non-necromatic way to remain alive forever.2.) Become the most powerful mage in all the realms.3.) Find the gods wherever they hide and kill them for good.
Kori: Oh heythat’s me!
Pluto: What time is it right now where you are?
5:56pm, CDT
Rigel: Have you ever gone on a rollercoaster?
I have. And I do enjoy them a lot,though it’s been a while for me. I think the last time was when my family wentup to the Wisconsin Dells and we spent the day at Mount Olympus? Good day.
Cassiopeia: Favorite book?
Oh, gosh. This is such a hardquestion because not only does it change all the time, but I have like 60 ofthem at once.
I’m going to go with the His DarkMaterials series for my favorite books of all time (followed very closely bythe Abhorsen Series by Garth Nix), and my current favorite book is Space Operaby Cathrynne M. Valente, and my favorite short story collection is theConservation of Shadows by Yoon Ha Lee.
Black Eye Galaxy: Do you believe in love at first sight?
Love? No. Weird visceral attraction?Yes. I have had some very intense first eye contact before. And even that muchsounds super weird so I’m going to stop there.
Comet: What’s your big dream?
Oh, man. A partner or two, a house orapartment that’s big enough for everyone, maybe with a yard with just enoughroom for a garden in the back, and a room I can use for a library/office. Abook series that’s actually making money that is still in print, even if I haveto work a job or two on the side of writing. We’re living comfortably andpaying our bills on time and I get to see my friends pretty often, and there’sd&d on the weekends and maybe I get invited to stream stuff occasionally.
That’s really it. Quiet mornings, a cat or two, lotsof reading.
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