#was not expecting to take such a deep dive into the aspec-ness of it all but i like how it turned out
Everything's Upside Down (unless I'm in your arms)
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(T, 13K, Complete)
Shouto was rotated at a 90 degree angle, halfway off the futon, with both of his legs draped over Katsuki’s knees. “What the hell?” Katsuki muttered, as he sat up to shake him awake. Shouto’s eyes snapped open. “Katsuki? What’s wrong?” Katsuki just stared at him and gestured at the way Shouto was sprawled out, with his whole upper body spilling onto the tatami mat. “What the fuck? Do you do this every night?”
Katsuki loses a lot of sleep after he and Shouto start dating, though not for the reasons one might expect.
Featuring: awkward confessions, unexpected feelings, Class A making assumptions, and important realizations about different forms of intimacy.
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