#was that other anon you too? I got two similuar asks but I don't know if both of them are you or not
dimilethtrash · 2 years
Hi! Thank you for your work! Your blog is stunning! 😍
Can you break down the romance of Felix, sylvain and Dimitri for me?
Any idea how many children they will have and the „happy ever after“ looks like?
Do you think there will be a new game setting with the Three houses?
Thank you!! I'm not as active as I used to be but I do like thinking about them time to time, espacially now brave Byleth is out!
I love Sylvain and I like Felix but I don't ship them with Byleth. If that's what you're looking for me to breakdown, I ship Sylvain with Mercedes and Felix with Ingrid. I could break those down if you'd like!
I have a old twitter thread where I break dimileth down, but I never finished the thread. I don't think I will go back to it, as I lost all the research materials I had for it. I did get up to the point Dimitri and Byleth meet again in timeskip.
I think dimileth would have up to 10 children, I imagion they would have a ridicilous huge family, they love all their children equally I have two diffrent headcanons for to why that varies on what I feel for the moment.
One is that their first 9 children are sons and Dimitri really wants a little princess he could spoil, with the 10th being their daughter.
The second one is that most weren't planned, just happy accidents.
I always had the headcanon that after a few years they make so the church doesn't have as much power, they're not allowed to step in political debates or the power to execute anyone in the name of their religion, ect. After it's in tact, Byleth leaves her role as the archbishop to seteth and later helps Dimitri with fódlan. They still can have heavy debates, seconds after they're out of their work place they're loving spouses.
We did get 3 hopes, which takes in an alternive time line, I still haven't finished the game yet sadly. I'm very slow when it comes to hack and slash games, it take out a lot of energy from me also I always end up grinding a lot and right now I'm grinding supports that's exclusive to AG route.
I don't think we will get another game about Fódlan, mostly because then they have to imply one of the routes as canon, but with the success of 3 Houses I defentily think they're going to make more games in the future where you choose a route!
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