#was this supposed to be a mabian fic?
incorrectsibunaquotes · 9 months
(i found this random snippet of a fic i started months ago that i have no memory of and no interest in trying to figure out what it was supposed to be, so feel free to read these few lines)
“I will cause you bodily harm should you take even a single step closer.”
“But, Mara!”
Mara fixed Fabian with an icy glare, just daring him to move, her dark eye-bags prominent. “Don’t you ‘But, Mara!’ me, Fabian!” she snapped, curling one arm protectively around her display. “Go back to counting sunspots far away from my neodymium magnet!”
The annual Year 8 Science Fair was officially underway, and Mara had been working tirelessly to complete her project—“How Much Iron is in YOUR Cereal?”—the whole term. Trial and error, after trial and error, she’d finally been able to extract the metal from the breakfast cereal. This, of course, was no thanks to Fabian.
About two nights ago, Mara had stayed late at school to try puréeing the mixture of Corn Flakes™ and purified water again to get it right. Unbeknownst to her, however, Fabian Rutter was also staying late to get the final few art supplies he needed from Mrs. Burton for his poster.
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