#watch me go ham dissecting these mfs
wackulart · 10 months
A ramble about why I adore Blackhat's intro
btw do take this lightly because im in no way like professionally educated in how an episode should be or character exploration, this is just all my opinion [also forgive me for how messy it is]
Blackhat's intro is just my absolute favourite. Speaking on the first episode and not the short pilots that aired before.
so even with the initial dream sequence flug has, it has him show up immediately a large shadowy figure and the sky goes red around him. It's a show of power immediately but in the dream sequence, he praises flug and then flug's alarm wakes him up, interrupting the dream. So it's almost like a preview or a peek at what he might be like.
Then we meet the real Blackhat.
just to take a step back real quick, we see flug going through the routine, gathering the others to prepare for their day. then a camera points to him and suddenly his bones are breaking, he's being folded into a ball until he disappears by some unknown force. he's placed a few feet in front of Blackhat's desk and immediately forced into a bowing position. The shadow of his silhouette looms over and his theme song ques.
I just ADORE the immediate show of power he has. With the song change and the immediate surrounding area just shades of red and he's facing away, showing such a nonchalant demeanour.
He's not show boating or flaunting because he doesn't have to.
He's powerful, he's dangerous and breaking flug's bones just to get him into the office shows that he also has little care even for those who work so closely to him.
He's horrifying and it's only thirteen seconds, he hasn't even said a word.
then when he does his voice moves from double layered to a single tone, his skin moves inside out while his shadow speaks and its all while simply staring blankly.
its showing off a handful of his abilities and its only a fraction of what he's capable of I just think it's such an amazing way to show of a powerful character when first meeting them, you immediately understand that he is in charge and it's for a reason that's shown clearly
i could go on about why i adore the first episode in its entirety, but i figure i'd keep it shorter by just talking about Black Hat's intro
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