#watch me make the same parallel tomorrow 🤣
emmadarci · 2 years
Killing Eve ― 4x02 (Review)
4x03 is almost here (tomorrow) so I think it’s perfect time to write this and refresh our memory a bit, so shall we?
Eve keeping tabs on Helene
I was impatiently waiting to see Eve in that particular disguise, but it’s a shame it only lasted for a minute or so. Knowing how often characters change their outfits on this show (mainly Villanelle) it’s so easy to just look through a certain outfit that had barely any screen time. In this case, I LOVED Eve’s wig and her overall disguise, it feels like she’s finally using all of Villanelle’s tricks for her own benefit and we love to see it 🙌
“Does it hurt?”; “Only if you let it” ― okay, that’s deep. I love the fact that later on Eve will be the one to say it to Helene in a way to show her that she was there at the time, but we’ll come back to it!
So Helene is in London and just casually spends time with her daughter and I’m assuming a babysitter in an open like that? While she’s trying to recruit new assassin’s to get to the twelve..? In some way that does not sit right with me? Like, would Helene really be that reckless to show off her daughter around London like that? That’s just putting one of your biggest vulnerabilities on display for everyone to see, so I’m hoping there’s more to it than that.
That black dress was quite a fashion statement and I was sure they would only reveal it in the final couple of episodes but starting off with it the second episode?? They better have more outfits like these for Eve this season since she deserves it and at this point it’s just boring to have her wear normal clothes as she always has. (Where is Villanelle, her fashion sense and her money when you need her?)
♪ Stop what you’re doing before it’s too late ♪ ― yup, at this point I’m convinced this is Eve’s theme song this season and I absolutely love it for her. However it keeps playing whenever she’s trying to get to the twelve which is a major red flag... then again, she can’t hear what we can.
“I guess I’ve never known anyone in my life who really challenges me. Maybe you’ll be different” ― proceeds to make out with the chick moments later. I see what you are, Helene 😏 (love that for her)
Seeing Eve getting so into this whole thing and eavesdropping to the extent that she forgets what’s her actual mission is, is so hilarious. I mean, same Eve, we all love some tea. However, seeing her just hanging back and listening in is one thing, but her literally passing Helene and that chick mid-making out is another 🥵️ (Laura does know how to start the episode right)
The way Eve slipped the tracker in Helene’s bag... a direct parallel to Villanelle slipping the lipstick back in 2x03. I think it’s important to remember that Eve wasn’t aware of what happened in that moment, yet she managed to pull this trick off as if she actually watched Villanelle do it before... interesting.
Also the shots in that scene? Chef’s kiss 🤌
The Bus Quiz
The way they added so much foreshadowing aspects in that quiz, making the entire fandom lose themselves in the religious lore lmao. 
Not the Vicar mentioning murder by the use of tent peg 😭 yes, ouch indeed, Phil 🤡
The way Villanelle quoted Luke chapter 15 in a way of apologizing to May was such an adorable touch 😭 not that it fixes or makes the situation any better since she did almost kill May, but at least she feels regret and wants to be better. Also, like did she memorize the entire bible by heart that she literally has a bunch of quotes ready to use in any situation? At first I was going to mention it would be cute to have her cite the bible to Eve, but she tried her own way of praying to her the last episode and well... that didn’t end well lmao.
The fact that Phil named the tents this time so Barbara wouldn’t get lost is peak comedy 🤣 no, but seriously... did she try to get into his tent before or something? Oh, you naughty, naughty Barbara...
Is it just me or Villanelle’s tent is bigger than everyone else’s...?
Your Spiritual Guru
We all do have conversations with ourselves, mostly inner ones, in our head while we overthink, Villanelle does it by actually creating Jesus... who looks exactly like her, in Drag to lead her to salvation. There’s nothing abnormal here 🤡
On a more serious note, now that I’m rewatching it after listening to Jodie’s interview about Jesus!Villanelle so many insights are popping up... when you think about it, Jesus!Villanelle is the perfect form of Jesus Villanelle would imagine. Jodie mentioned that the way Jesus!Villanelle image was created included Villanelle’s sense in fashion, her sexuality and gender fluidity...which leads me to few posts that I recently saw saying that Villanelle is confirmed nonbinary lesbian. Just to be clear here, nothing is directly or openly confirmed here, but if you see it, then it’s for you. For the longest of time I couldn’t fully figure out why I related to Villanelle so much, for her gender expression, sexuality, just the way she existed... and now thinking about her as a nonbinary person...it does make sense. And I feel it quite deeply, since I’m also leading towards identifying as nonbinary. So for those of you who will argue and say that’s only gender expression with Villanelle and the fact that she wears both masculine and feminine outfits, no, it’s not only that, it’s the way she carries herself. It didn’t occur to me until now although the signs were there, but now I’m definitely more aware of that possibility!
Now, this vision of Jesus can be pretty triggering and even offensive to some religious people, but it’s Killing Eve, so when was anything in some way normal or acceptable? lol
So fascinating that this Jesus!Villanelle vision was supposed to represent everything good and have pure intentions towards Villanelle and her transformation... but since it’s a creation of Villanelle herself, that’s probably doomed to fail lol. Silly me actually thought this Jesus!Villanelle was going to help her, but apparently all it wanted was to show Villanelle’s true nature, to which we will come  back to in a moment.
Now, Villanelle must be aware that to “fix” things with Vicar, she needs to get on May’s good side again, or so Jesus!Villanelle tells her so... so does it in a way represent her subconscious? So many questions 🤔
Casual stick pocking May’s tent
Oh poor baby is trying her best to “explain” May what a big step she has overcome by not killing her. Those of us who have been following Villanelle for seasons now, know that its a huge step, but it certainly doesn’t make it okay. 
“You know when one person thinks you’re evil, everyone else starts to think it. And after a while you start to believe it yourself” ― that’s some deep unresolved trauma right here. Ever since childhood she has been treated poorly, didn’t receive enough love or attention, was made to feel like crap... only to be dumped into a damn orphanage and then years later being rejected by your own mother who tells you, you’re a monster... yeah maybe if they believed that Villanelle was good she wouldn’t believe it herself since so many people previously made her feel like she was evil... kept telling her so many times to the point where she ended up lashing out on them... which does make sense. So I’ll repeat myself from last year Do not reject Oksana if you want to stay alive. Plain and simple.
Eve stalking Villanelle on the internet
Oookay Eve, we get it. You’re way too deep in it. You can tell whoever you want that you are “done” with Villanelle and don’t want to see her ever again, but once you’re all alone that’s what you’re doing 😏
I’m so glad they included this moment because Eve really does seem very cold towards Villanelle without good of a reason so seeing her still check up on Villanelle, even if she’s doing so by stalking her, is a very good sign that she’s still so invested (Kudos to you, Laura!)
Let’s be real here, Villanelle wanted Eve to see those pictures, she made sure as many of them as possible would be uploaded somewhere so Eve could see them... it’s all for show and that’s why Eve let’s out that sigh in the end... like she knows it’s BS, but she can’t help herself not to check up on her 🥺️
Eve & Yusuf
Yeah, I was probably going to be very annoyed seeing them together again, but this time Eve reminded this ass of some serious boundaries, like no staying over, no presents, no nothing. This way we all know that it’s nothing serious or romantic. 
The way Eve ripped those Paris tickets so quick even before she knew the actual reason behind their trip there 😭 she literally doesn’t want to do anything with him and I couldn’t love her more
So Helene lives in Paris... what a shocker 🙄
“Or I could just knock on the front door” ― oh, just you wait lol.
That fish tank is getting a suspiciously big amount of screen time...did Eve remember what happened with her and Villanelle there? And then she was like ‘oh lemme just feed the fish so it doesn’t look suss’ I see you Eve.
Letting Go
One honest conversation and now May is suddenly eager to not only forgive Nelle, but also save her? Gurl, you’re in deep
“There’s only one way to uncoil it” ― pls, I literally thought she was going to make out with her or something.. (don’t lie, you thought about it too!)
Villanelle’s reaction to May’s screams is peak comedy lmao (throws me back to 3x04 when Bertha tried real hard to scare the hiccups away) I mean how did no one hear her screaming like that and come and check if she was okay?? She literally sounded like she was being buchered lol
“You did it. She’s totally into you again” ― as if she ever stopped lmao. But really, that’s not what Villanelle wanted...but someone was dooped to fall in love with her.. it’s only natural lol
“You want to spin with me?”; “Are you kidding? Of course I do” ― look, this is one of my fav scenes this episode... the soundtrack they chose for this scene when they were spinning and screaming and just letting go.. it felt very cathartic and Villanelle did look somewhat relieved once on the ground (you should do it more often, gurl)
Eve & Martin
It feels like Eve is still pretty much running on default here by trying to “be careful” and do the right thing by coming to ask Martin for the “second opinion” and as soon as Martin says against it, she brushes it off just like she did back in 2x07; which reminds me Martin did warn Carolyn about Eve’s state and Carolyn ended up ignoring Martin’s recommendations too lol. Bottom line? No one really listens to Martin these days (hopefully Villanelle will in the next episode)
“Well maybe I’m more of a “them” these days than I am a “you”“ ― yup, yup, yup, Eve just straight up confirmed here that she is one of the dangerous ones. And by acting all tough and shit allows her to risk her life just because Martin said there might be, keyword ― might, a chance it will work, so she’d rather take that than try a different approach. Oh, just another reckless decision. It’s Eve guys, she’ll be fine. (or will she...?)
“How’s Villanelle?” ― not Martin asking about her girlfriend 😭 I bet he thinks that’s who Eve is dealing with...maybe? Interesting that he’s asking her that. 
Eve mocking Villanelle being a christian one minute only to sincerely ask Martin the next if that’s possible... oh god, is she starting to believe it? Well guess those pictures got her really thinking huh? Villanelle can make it very believable when she wants to, but it never worked on Eve before so the fact that she’s questioning it... yeah Villanelle must really believe that she can change.
“I think reinvention is a form of avoidance” ― well that can be easily applied to both, Villanelle and Eve. For Villanelle, it’s avoiding her true nature, which doesn’t mean she is a cold blooded killer, while Eve struggles to accept her feelings towards Villanelle. 
Carolyn & Vlad
“If I were in your position I’d be hooking my nipples up to electrodes”; “I’d forgotten what an awful flirt you are” ― can’t believe I completely missed this exchange during my first watch 😭
The way Vlad made Carolyn push three of her ex-coworkers (I’m assuming?) under the bus yet again only to get on Vlad’s good side. Oh, the things we do when get desperate.
Spilling Vicar’s sinful secrets
“It’s not fair for you to have to keep all his secrets. Jesus would want you to be honest.” ― oh, cause Villanelle would for sure know that 😂 what a polite subtle way into gaslighting May to spill all her daddy’s secrets
Villanelle’s face once the truth was revealed about the Vicar also being a murderer... (indirectly, but still). That’s when she knew they were the same and he wasn’t a saint either.
“Please, you can’t tell anyone”; “Of course not.” ― welp, here comes the disaster we all were expecting 🤡
Warm hangout around the fire (ft. disaster)
*pouts* “Am I Hitler?”  ― oh please, you didn’t 😭 the fact that it was Phil who named her Hitler...you’re in for a big big backlash now, dude
What a brilliant writing choice to choose the name “Mary” for both, May’s mother and to convince everyone it’s bible-themed. 
“Did I-.. did I say bible-themed? I meant Phil-themed”  ― ohhh that lil shit’s so enjoying this lol! Also, it actually sounds more like filth-themed than Phil-themed and I still can’t unhear it anymore 🤣🤣🤣
That shot when both Phil and Villanelle are having a face-off is genius... you can see the fire burning basically in their faces, the tension build up with the score... gosh, that whole scene was a masterpiece! 
Also, seeing Villanelle losing her patience the longer Phil tries to guess who she wrote and not once mentioning his dead wife... yeah, he has to be avoiding the topic and thinking about her because he feels guilty about it and well.. Villanelle did what she does best... make a show out of it.
The way Villanelle probably thought she was revealing this nasty truth of a sin, when in reality some of these people already knew what happened with Mary and the car crash... plus sharing such sensitive information about someone is never the right thing to do so... that’s where she gets it wrong again.
Jesus!Villanelle lecture time
“I can’t be mad at you” ― well, duh, when was Villanelle angry with herself? Anyone? At least I don’t remember
“You know, if you hadn’t called him out, I would’ve had to”  ― interesting since Jesus!Villanelle is the worst part of Villanelle in disguise telling that she’ll have to do it for her? I think Villanelle did channel her worst side during that scene.
“We can’t have murderers as Vicars”; “You can’t?”; “I didn’t mean you. You’re fine!” ― oh this shit is seriously sending me now 🤣
Facing the music
“What’s the matter? Did someone get murdered?” ― classic Villanelle, cracking the worst types of jokes in the moment and that’s why we all love her 😂
“I knew you was bad inside. I saw it from the beginning” ― oh and here comes the miss “i knew it”, only because Villanelle was suspiciously good doesn’t mean she is the devil... for religious people they are super quick to judge others, despite accepting Phil’s car accident. Like May said... a bunch of hypocrites 🙄
This scene right from the start reminded me of that AA meeting back from 2x06 when the group didn’t buy any of Billie’s BS and her story since she wasn’t being truthful at the time. Guess they were able to pick it up as well? Then again, the fact that she shared such information about Phil doesn’t make her an evil person. 
“Nobody cares what you think, Barbara”  ― this right here was such a mood™, literally a meme material lol (people are already using it as a meme)
“Whatever he did, it’s in the past. It’s the man he is today we care about.”  ― again, what a fucking hypocrite, Barbara... she needs to go ASAP, like I’m upset she didn’t end up being the third victim that night. 
“What about the woman I am now?” ― THANK YOU, Villanelle. So that would mean, none of them should care or judge what Villanelle did in the past too, no? Meaning, they shouldn’t judge her for being a killer, since she wasn’t at that time? But of course blame her for calling him out lol.
“You said they’d love me”  ― oh honey... you’re in the wrong crowd.
Welcome Home
There is nothing better and cozier than a safe house. Not this time, though.
Carolyn finding the carcass of a rat sends me. What a way to indirectly call her out. Yet again. 
“A rat for a rat” ― and she says it with a knowing chuckle. Well at least there is some kind of respect there.
The Calm Before (the dinner)
Zooms into the unfinished steak, only to pick up on Eve’s worried expression. What was it you said about the steak before coming here, Eve? She’s clearly nervous and there is one hell of a reason for that. However, that does not apply when you’re not following a professional psychiatrist’s recommendations.
“You’re not going to die. We are not even going to go near her.” ― well that’s what you think, lol.
The way Eve stole the knife in case she needs to protect herself, because apparently it helped that one time with Villanelle (because she was super into her and Eve actually managed to drop Villanelle’s guard down) and it doesn’t mean it will work the same way with Helene... but at least she’s trying?
“But this way you will die before you even get close” ― I would listen to him, Eve. He does sound like he knows what he’s saying. But what does she end up doing? Exactly the opposite lol
The Good Old Tit for Tat (as Carolyn would put it)
“Dont try and outsmart me. You haven’t got the neurons” ― Carolyn pls 😭 also does she really think she’s the smartest of them all? More like the shadiest of them all lol
So apparently one of the three people she had pushed under the bus just died (she “hangedherself”) so does that mean she was a part of the twelve? Or did Vlad get rid of her? Or possibly both? Is he working for the twelve? Anyone could be at this point.
I don’t think I’ve seen Carolyn that scared and unsettled before... she must think that whoever killed that woman, might be coming after her next? Or is it really the guilt kicking in? (a bunch of people had died before and she didn’t even bat an eye... so I’m going to say she’s seriously fearing for her life here)
The Dangerous Date with French MILF™
The way two professionals had previously warned her not to choose the direct approach when it comes to Helene and Eve still went to knock on her door... well, fuck it. If we’re going down, might just go all in.
Oh god... now that Eve mentioned about cooking the dinner it hit me.. Helene was looking for someone who could “challenge” her while she was making out with that chick... I have a feeling it’s Eve who she’s looking for. Bingo!!
The fact that Eve clearly doesn’t like Shepherd’s pie and yet is about to prepare it is just so... she just can’t get Villanelle out of her mind. It’s true what they said.. no matter what they are doing, even if they are apart... everything they do is in someway connected to one another. Villaneve is truly endgame.
“I’ve never understood women who can’t insert their own fingers inside themselves” ― *Eve immediately cuts herself* THE TIIIMING! I’M SCREAMING!!!!
Not Helene sucking Eve’s injured finger... I did not expect such mad chemistry between these two...I can barely believe they added a scene like that 🥵️
“I also want to cut the head off the monster” ― wait, hold up... why would she want that if she’s a part of the twelve?? What she’s trying to play here? Or maybe she wants to level up? Become the ‘next’ head of the monster? Based on previous season and her introduction she seemed as someone pretty high up to be controlling handlers like Dasha... and now she’s looking for rookies to torture people close to the twelve? Pretty suss to me.
“Oh. So this is what you’re into”; “Does it hurt?”; “Only if I let it” ― when I say this was the sexiest scene in this episode...Eve’s poker face was pretty damn good and I bet that’s what Helene is looking for... a delicious challenge that Eve’s providing... again the chemistry pls... this indeed is a special treat, thank you very much.
“Who’s at the top?”; “I’ll tell you after dessert” ― bitch, what is this, fanfic?? I’LL TAKE IT! (i can totally see this scene out of context meaning something completely different... oh does it give me ideas...)
Not the daughter interrupting such a juicy moment 🙄 they are including the kid quite often in these scenes... makes me think something will happen to her really soon...
Sandra Oh speaking french...pls they are FEEDING us this episode 🥵️
Eve stroking the girl’s hair while telling her the story and keeping eye contact with Helene... yeah that’s one hell of a threat she’s making here lol. I’m actually surprised Helene is allowing Eve so close to her daughter... as if she knows way more about her to feel so “comfortable” with her around her kid
The camera focusing on Eve on her way out of Helene’s home... brilliant directing
“I think she’s the devil”
So what exactly happened here? Did May tell her father that Villanelle tried to drown her? Or was it the fact that she called him out in front of everyone that changed her mind so suddenly? If that’s the case... yeah, May needs to b e gone and does Phil... Villanelle did do them a favor
We all knew this wasn’t going to last, similar to Villanelle’s wedding back in S3, which was never mentioned again lol
The way they shot the whole killing even outside of the tent to leave out all the gory details, but at the same time providing more than enough of information about how it was executed... did I already mention that I love quality television?
Villanelle grabbing Jesus!Villanelle the same way Tatiana grabbed her back in 3x05.. and seeing her realize that and let her go... damn.
“I thought I could do it.”; “Oh baby. You didn’t stand a chance” ― but she can. She doesn’t have to kill, she does have a reason for it though, she doesn’t do it just out of spite...so why does she act as if she can’t help it all out of sudden? In this case it was her dealing with rejection yet again.. and she deals with it by lashing out, being violent, we’ve seen it before. 
She does actually make out with herself... I...look, OF COURSE she does, she loves herself too much not to...completely in character and I love the fact that they made it so insane...
The whole crucifying Jesus!Villanelle and “finish the jooob” was genius, if Jodie doesn’t win at least one award for this performance.... istg 🤬
The way I see it is that she didn’t let the worst part of her win, she didn’t finish the job, which proves that she can control it, she doesn’t have to kill. She’s still in control. She always has been. So I see this as a huge victory for her.
Now, do I still want to see more of Jesus!Villanelle? Yes, yes, YES! I’d love to see more of her, but I’m afraid Villanelle put an end to that vision once she left her in the tent and that way closed that chapter. But who knows... can she simply decide not to have visions anymore? I don’t think so... and as bad as it is for our baby... I hope to see that drag Jesus again since they were the best duo so far this season 🙌
So much for this episode! If you managed to reach the end, kudos to you, love 💝
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lovecolibri · 2 years
SaL anon here bestie and YES!!!! My faith is somewhat restored that they will pull off a satisfying bt breakup tomorrow, so get that champagne ready!!! I'm feeling really good about what's coming tomorrow, Buckley siblings reunited, the breakup we're gonna celebrate like New Year's Eve, and Eddie's breakdown with Buck in the room (also the quick tone reversal on L is also making me smile). The next day is going to be soooo long after seeing that clip, and if they give us anything tomorrow TBC
that even hints at what triggers Eddie's meltdown I'm going to need smelling salts. Between all this and the fact that, as I understand LS is supposed to be emotionally heavy too, I'll be picking up confetti and Kleenex on the way home. Oh, and glad you mentioned our 1 year anniversary is soon, either on the 25th, the first song we did (Anger), or the 30th, when I got an official title! Either way, maybe we should take advantage of the 29th, when the new Atlas 3 song comes out!
Bestie and I back to vibrating with excitement!! I have SOOOO missed the Buck and Maddie dynamic! And Buck admitting that he knows why he's been holding on to this relationship that's making him miserable?! (I mean, now there was definitely no need for L, and the tone reversal is cracking me up too!!) We been knew, but now he's admitting it?! Out loud?! Not hiding his true feelings from others?! A few people have mentioned that the eddieana breakup was pushed back to the end of 5x03 when they split 5x02 into two episodes so it was likely written by the 5x02 writers, one of which I *believe* wrote 5x13? So potentially the same writers for the breakups?! I am dyyyyyying for it to be messy. And the potential parallel of Eddie's kitchen being a mess and Buck's typically sterile apartment being cluttered full of boxes?! And if Buck stands up for himself and they have an argument and he leaves because Eddie calls?! Or he goes to see Eddie after?! *incoherent screaming* IDK how I'm supposed to get any work done tomorrow OR Tuesday at least and that's just with 911! I haven't been keeping up on the speculation for LS because I'm happy just watching that show unfold however it does, but I know it's going to be a big one too!
As far as songs go, it's too bad Fear is instrumental song because it would be the perfect one to talk about after this episode, but you always manage to come up with the perfect one anyways! And I knew our anniversary was coming up! I think the 29th and a new Atlas song is a great way to celebrate, plus it will give us a few days to recover from whatever the episode throws at us on the 25th 🤣
Let's get that champagne on ice my friend! BT bones is coming and watching Buck be lifeless with her, and then doing everything for Eddie and being exactly what Eddie needs is going to heal something in all of us!
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