#watch the ๐Ÿ–๐Ÿƒ stans find this bc i tagged it.. anon off i think โ™ก
zhuhongs ยท 3 years
Okay not to be tgcf on main again BUT I've rlly been thinking a lot abt he xuan post-canon and like... man. Yea what does he have left to live for? Like they established that He Xuan would never kill himself and he clings onto life so stubbornly bc it was denied from him since his very birth so it's very unlikely hed die but what abt his soul dispersing? Like the grudge is mostly fulfilled so what is tying him to the world still? Likely hes still not fulfilled his anger so theres that but also I think he xuan truly wants to help others.
I think back to the parade for the scholar He Sheng and how the people prayed to him to help them get back at ppl who had wronged them in life and I think He Xuan would be happy with that. Personally, I think a really cool thing that could happen post canon is He Xuan ascending as a ghost bc we know it can happen.
Like could you imagine He Xuan ascending after being a supreme ghost king for like 600 plus years?? That would be amazing. I imagine in his original fate he was probably going to ascend as a civil god or as the wind master since that's what sqx ascended as and their fates were switched. But!! Imagine the irony if he became the next water master. Truthfully I'd love for him to get that and also become a god of vengeance. Like having that be an auxiliary thing. Like how xie lian is a martial god but also the scrap god lmao. Id like to see He Xuan as the next water tyrant but with a completely new meaning. He rules over the seas and will aid u if you pray to him to complete your vengeance. As a lot of gods ascended for one thing but also became associated with another thing (like swd and wealth, and fx and fertility LOL). I think that would be so metal.
Now the question is honestly whether he'd accept it? Part of me thinks he would jump down like Hua Cheng did but part of me thinks he might actually accept it bc that's what was owed to him in the beginning. His original fate was to ascend as a god!! I also think its be very interesting if he ascended after helping sqx in the mortal realm as again, we know that he does keep tabs on her so she doesnt die. Imagine like shes in a perilous situation and he saves her and ascends like that. I think that would be rlly cool and maybe they could reconcile as friends again bc I rlly do think they had a friendship underneath it all. (Pls note I rlly mean friendship, beef///leaf is complicated and as it stands in Canon its deeply unhealthy)
Anyways.... I just think he xuan deserves it and underneath it all he rlly is a good person and was just cornered by extreme circumstances. He rlly is an amazing person who was dealt an absolutely awful hand and I think he deserves to finally live the life he was supposed to
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