#watched the lightning thief and took a sip of beer every time something happened that didn't happen/happened differently in the books
triptuckers · 2 years
Cabin three - Percy Jackson
Request: nope Pairing: Percy Jackson x Apollo!reader Summary: You're late for archery class, and the entire camp immediately assumes you're missing Warnings: like one swear word Word count: 1k A/N: yes I know Jason, Frank, and Hazel are at camp Jupiter but I wanted to include them so I did <3
Leo hadn't seen the camp in such a state since the last time a group of campers came back from a quest. Normally, it's not this chaotic. But today people are running around, exchanging nervous glances.
His fellow campers were just as anxious as Leo was. You'd think things like this happened often in a camp that was almost always being threatened in some sort of way.
But despite how small this may seem, it surely felt bigger than that.
A demigod was missing.
There wasn't even some pissed off god threatening the camp. Or an army marching toward New York. No other campers were on a quest.
In fact, the summer had been considered a quiet one - as fas as that could go for camp half-blood.
But when you didn't show up to archery class, people started to get worried.
You'd been around longer than most of the campers. Everyone knew there was no way you'd leave without telling anyone. Even if something was wrong, you would tell someone, right?
Leo had noticed you were acting differently since he arrived at camp two weeks ago. Something about your behaviour had changed, though he couldn't place what exactly. Whatever was going on, they needed to find you. Fast.
Being one of the older campers, people tended to trust you. Most of the new campers felt comfortable and safe around you, which led to you giving most of the tours and the younger kids coming to you with their issues if they didn't want to go to their cabin's head counselor or Chiron.
So naturally people started to worry when you didn't show up. Especially since you loved teaching the younger campers archery basics.
Leo is tapping an irregular pattern on his leg as he's walking. It's hard for him to stay still, and it's even harder when he's anxious. Leo makes his way towards the cabins, hoping to find some more people who could help him find you.
Upon arriving at the first cabin, he spots Jason and Frank.
Leo jogs the last bit to catch up.
'Hey, guys, any sign of her yet?' he says.
Jason shakes his head. 'We were just about to see if Percy can help with the search as well.' he says.
'I'll join.' says Leo.
Together they head over to cabin three, and knock on the door.
It takes Percy a while to open the door. When he finally does, it is obvious he just woke up.
He's wearing a pair of sweatpants, an old shirt that exposes part of his stomach, and his hair is a mess. Percy rubs his eyes, leaning against the doorframe.
'Yeah?' he says sleepily.
'Percy, we need your help.' says Leo. 'Y/N is missing and we can't find her anywhere.'
Percy frowns, running a hand through his hair, messing it up even more. 'Y/N is not missing.' he says.
'Yes, she is, I just told you can't find her anywhere.' says Leo.
'No, Leo, she's not missing.' says Percy, stepping aside. 'She's right here.'
Leo, Jason and Frank peer inside, and see you fast asleep, curled up in Percy's bed.
Before any of them can speak up, Percy is walking up to you, lightly nudging your shoulder.
'Y/N/N? Hey, wake up. Y/N?'
You stir softly, still half asleep. You mumble something Percy can't hear well.
'Hey, baby, you're supposed to give archery class, remember?' says Percy softly.
'What time is it?' you say, your face still hidden underneath the covers.
'Almost nine. Class started about an hour ago.' says Percy.
Your eyes fly open. 'Oh, fuck.'
You quickly get up, nearly knocking Percy over in your haste to get ready. You absently wave at the three boys in the doorway as you make your way to the bathroom to get dressed.
A few minutes later, you emerge again, looking around Percy's cabin.
'Percy, have you seen my-'
You cut yourself off when you see Percy smiling down at you, holding your boots in front of you.
'-boots.' you say. 'Thank you.'
You sit don on the edge of the bed to put them on.
'Meet you at lunch?' you say and Percy nods.
You smile at him and kiss his cheek. 'See you later!'
Leo, Jason and Frank all look at you with dumbstruck looks on their faces as you move past them. They seem to be too busy thinking about what they just saw to be able to move.
'Morning boys.' you say. 'I don't suppose any of you thought about bringing my bow and quiver? No? I'll get them. Frank if you want to sit in on this class you gotta hurry.'
You reach the archery fields a couple of minutes later. You apologise to the class, who seemed to have found the bows and quivers by themselves. You had to admit, they weren't doing a bad job. It appears you've taught them well.
Since you arrived late, you let them practise on their own for a while, helping out wherever you can. After they've all gone to their next class, you put the bows away and collect the arrows.
You spend some time shooting a few arrows of your own when you catch movement out of the corner of your eye.
Percy has joined you to watch you shoot. After a few bullseye shots, you teach Percy how to shoot. Or rather, you try to.
It's clear that his skills lie with sword fighting, not a bow.
When it's almost lunchtime, the two of you head over to the dining pavilion. You avoid being bombarded with questions by Leo, Jason, Frank, Annabeth, Hazel and Piper by going straight to your cabin's table.
You'd deal with their questions about you and Percy after you've had something to eat. You're glad you've avoided them, so you can have lunch in peace.
You sit down at the Apollo table, ready to dig in to your lunch.
'So, Y/N.' says Will. 'You and Percy, huh?
A/N: If you want to request something, make sure to read my house rulesHere’s the list of characters I write for. Everything that I have written can be found on my masterlist. Please don’t repost my work, as I spend much time and effort on it!! Thank you for reading! Much love, Max/Marit
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