#watchers lore is back whooohoo
robby-bobby-tommy · 2 years
Guys, guys, I just watched Martyn's episode and it was a banger. But the last bit with rhymes really caught me off guard so I want to talk about it.
Firstly I'm glad watchers returned! Their lore is super interesting and I'm looking forward to more of it. But all it is left for me to do now is overanalyze the rhymes they've left.
Secondly I know nothing about the original meaning, it's just mine interpretation. There's a high possibility that awaits you below is just mine undiagnosed apophenia (the tendency to perceive meaningful connections between unrelated things)/j. So buckle up, and enjoy the ride.
"Every grain that passes comes to rest"
Hm, there's nothing special about this line. Implied passage of time mb.
"A pillar built another test"
I'm very dumb so I'm a bit confused about this pillar part. Which pillar are they talking about? My guess is Skynet, but I'm not sure.
The test is probably the test of trust. How much Scott trusted Martyn with his life and vice versa? Will TIES go on each other? Will Bad Boys betray each other? Will Bdubs kill Scar as he promised to Etho? The list goes on and on. The trust was always a big theme in Traffic SMP, but now it's very important. Like the amount of trust you need to have to let your buddy kill you in a survival game is just enormous.
"These fickle unguided hand"
Well.... Yknow..... Hand. Martyn's nickname from wayyy back in the third life, given by the red king Ren diggity dog himself. And, as we all can see Ren isn't in this season (this explains the word "unguided"), but in some clip from Martyn's stream I've seen he wanted to collaborate with Ren. So what if he'll appear as a watcher? Watchers made it clear that they like Ren very much, so why can't he speak through/be a part of watchers? In the Watchers Lore video ( https://youtu.be/UlMVxRNSPhQ ) Martyn said he'd like to link himself to Ren so in every season they'll be together at some point. And the Hand kept his promise cuz him and his king were in the same team in both Last Life and even Double life. Maybe they'll be able to connect through Watchers?
" Forever moulding in the sands "
This is probably represents this survival games in general. This people will always "mould" back in these servers, kill each other, suffer and ect just to please Watchers' desires. They have no choice nor way to escape from this eternal battle.
The sands might represent either the sand in watches or the desert from the third life, who knows.
" The thrill to kill The fleeting gill "
Now this is pretty obvious. It's just a description of the events from episode.
" All washed ashore To settle still"
Now this line probably resembles the end of the hunt for greens and the start of yellow mellow peace.
" A single day and then it's gone "
Now this is a bit confusing. I don't actually know what it means. It may refer to the end of the season, that is the last day. Or maybe something else..
" Doomed to repeat: Our will be done. "
Now this goes back to my take on eternal, inescapable cage of this survival game. They all are doomed to repeat this circle of death, unable to ever stop.
"Our will be done" Is the most interesting Watcher phrase.
Honestly, the phrasing is very important in this poem so maybe I misinterpreted some of it, but it's all I can think of rn.
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