waterlinehq · 5 years
TASK 001 — a playlist
our first task is very straightforward and simple to do. i always love learning people’s taste in music because i feel like it says a lot about someone — do they only listen to one genre? on artist? only bands? is their music taste eclectic and varied? well, i’m very curious to learn these things about everyone’s muses, so i ask that you make a playlist of a minimum of 10 songs to be posted on your blogs. your playlist can consist of general songs your muse enjoys or a specific playlist they’ve created — it’s up to you!
as far as format goes, you’ve got a few options. here are a few templates if you prefer to make an edit: x, x, x, ( you can make your own if you’d like ) or you could easily just make a small list in a text post if you’d rather. if you do choose to just make a list, please include links to a youtube video so everyone can enjoy. (:
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waterlinehq · 5 years
hey, honeys! aubs again stepping in to let everyone know that--although there’s no rush--people can begin posting starters and interacting in character with one another at their leisure! in the meantime, make sure you’re following the tags: waterline.activity, waterline.follow, waterline.admin, waterline.intro, waterline.start, waterline.hh, waterline.edit, waterline.event, & waterline.task! feel free to keep plotting with everyone and mulling over intros as well, though--and i’ll join everyone in a hot second. 
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