#waveyer.... i guess
chompzcat · 1 year
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yeah. okay
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pineappleliar · 1 year
I want to make an alignment chart but for games and their timeline continuity. The post-3 Persona games are Lawful Good, as every event is given a very specific date and timeframe in which it takes place, so nothing is breaking. A level of granularity that is a luxury in most stories.
Neutral Good is hard to choose, so I guess I’ll just pick Majora’s Mask. Nice and simple: you have 3 days, everyone’s on a schedule, repeat until you stop the world from ending. Nice and simple.
Chaotic Good is Virtue’s Last Reward, where there are multiple timelines with contradictory events, but by the end the sum total of the plot and weird time stuff ends up making sense. It gets wild when plot points require quantum superposition to make sense, but I appreciate the swings it takes.
Lawful Neutral is Pathologic. You experience every moment but a bit of hand-waveyness comes into play when you or the other protagonists fuck up. Also time period is just ‘shrugs’. Still, you experience every moment of the 12 day game time, so points there.
True Neutral is… hm. Most games that don’t really care to implement compelling time progression, I suppose. For some reason I keep thinking Undertale, and I don’t know why.
Chaotic Neutral is Disco Elysium. On the surface it seems very straightforward, and in-game it is very clear when and where things happen. The Pale and the world’s lore put it here. These fuckers don’t have numerical *centuries*, you can hear words from the future in the past, and then unmake the future where they were said. You can live the life of someone from centuries past by driving deep into the wild Pale yonder. Boiadeiro style, baby.
Lawful Evil is Bioshock Infinite. Sure, they explain why the timeline is like that; still full of holes. Seems to have a fundamental misunderstanding about the word ‘Infinite’. Also you present the idea of infinite universes, and you decide to use it in gameplay as a cover generator. Boo.
Neutral Evil is Life is Strange. Admittedly I’m not as familiar with this one as the others, but the ending decision at the very least puts it here. Just a long question of ‘but why though??’ And aggressively winking about the butterfly effect.
Chaotic Evil is Psychonauts to me specifically. The devil is in the worldbuilding. It is the 60s and the 80s and the 00s all at the same time. Uncle Bob has no memories of any siblings, but presumably Truman has a dad? The asylum has been closed for 50 years but residents are still there and not supremely elderly. Just how many issues of True Psychic Tales are being released if they are in the 400s at least and the Psychonauts only started as-is 20 years ago? They taunt me with this every day.
These are just for games I’m familiar with, so feel free to sub any with anything else you feel fits.
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