#waxing poetic about headcanon appearances at 9 in the morning
sleepvines · 2 years
does anyone else look at podcast or book fanart with a spectrum of "does this fit my visual headcanons" to "does it matter?"
there's something so intimate about imagining a character's appearance and carrying it with you across a story, but there's also beauty in seeing other's interpretations, their unique view of all those wonderful moments you love
reaching your hand across the barrier to relieve points you found resonant in a transformative way, to drink again the dialogues, the scenes, the drama vicariously
that's gotta be what this is all about right? sharing, indulging in each other, building something beautiful out of the debris of a completed story?
and yes its satisfying to see similar interpretations, woven from the threads of the grapevine, but there's value in endless difference, new perspectives cascading throughout each member of the audience
every color has its hundreds of hues
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