#way too much lore clogging up my brain spores
doublestandardlove · 5 months
okay so my headcanon is that girl jeri is the only one who can understand the lumber axe due to the witchwood honoring her motherhood
so i don't want to give away too much, but this is really a point of contention for boy jerry, who's trying to pretend like everything is normal. girl jeri is just not used to her new life and grieving her old self
i like to think they argue a few months into the opening of abstinence camp and they're different from who they used to be before spending years in the witchwood
so here's a "bit" of the dialogue (sorry i'm excited)
"They were teasing him, he wasn't unprovoked." "Those kids were being dirty in the woods, Boy Jerry. Doesn't that go against everything we've taught him?"
"Yes, but-"
"But of course, you want Lil' Jerrie to go away." "Admit it. You can't understand what he says, yet you're so quick to accuse him."
"That is not-" Jerry takes a breath, lowering his tone. "Can we not argue like this right in front of him?"
"Fine." "Lil' Jerrie, wash off that axe, please."
"No, give it here." He gently pries the weapon from his son's hands. "He shouldn't have to do that."
Jeri's tone is mocking as she hisses,"Don't you want him to cleanse his sin?" "Lil' Jerrie, take the axe."
"Son, please." Lil' Jerrie reluctantly shuffles out of the cabin. "What is going on with you?"
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"When you're not miserable in your cabin all day, you're picking fights with me." "We have to at least try to be a united front for Lil' Jerrie and the campers."
"Oh, like you're "trying" so hard with our son?" "It's desperate how you keep "trying" to understand him." "It's pathetic, and he hates your guts."
"He didn't say that.""That's cruel. He's not like that."
"How would you know?" "You're trying so hard to run camp and spend time with Lil' Jerrie, it's like you don't give a single shit about me."
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