#wbsmf sims
My fic in Sims 4 ... (part 4)
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(As usual, warning about possible uncanny valley effects!! xD)
I recreated OT5 and several of the locations in WBSMF in Sims ...
Part 4 - Harry and Niall's LA house (from chapter 22):
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In Sims I built it all on one floor. This was also one of my very first builds, and somehow I just couldn't figure out how to make two floors look good ^^; And then I just got used to it like this. :3
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Exterior views (At the time I couldn't figure out how to put an iron gate in front of the front door?? Or I didn't have enough game/content packs or something to get a suitable iron gate.)
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The living room/music room
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Louis playing the piano
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The kitchen - with the mosaic in the floor, too :3
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Patio and pool
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Harry floating like a mermaid in the pool ♥
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In the foyer towards the dining room
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And towards the living room
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Harry's bedroom, walk-in closet and bathroom. All the furnishings in the closet are on the walls, so they disappear in the 'walls down' modes ... ^^;
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Bonus 1: Harry's room in Edinburgh
I built a version of Harry's flat share in Edinburgh, but it didn't come out nice enough - that was another of my early builds.
And I haven't felt like doing it over now that I have more skills and custom content at my disposal - mainly because due to the limitations of the game, it's not possible to furnish Harry's room like it's supposed to be, with the loft bed over the door, so why bother ... :|
(I guess one possible solution would be to make the whole flat over two storeys, so Harry's bed would be on the upper level, and the rest of the room would be open to below. But while the flat does have high ceilings, that would be much too extreme xD)
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Here is one end of his room, but it's looking really bleak and cramped and not cosy like it's supposed to be! There should be more stuff and pictures and fairy lights all over ... :3
Bonus 2: autumn fun
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Louis playing in the leaves while Ziam walk by
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Larry just figured out that they can 'woo-hoo' in the leaves, but then Liam came over and started playing in them ...
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So Larry found some other leaves!
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Afterwards, Louis started playing one of the guitars in his inventory, and Harry went on his phone.
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(To be continued ...)
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My fic in Sims 4 ... (part 1)
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(Sorry in advance about possible uncanny valley effects lol!! And, yeah, I'm so sorry ... in general, for all of this xD)
I recreated OT5 and several of the locations in WBSMF in Sims ...
Part 1 - Harry, Zayn, Liam and Niall's house share in Shepherd's Bush:
Exterior views
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(Only now I realised that a piece of the hedge in the front yard has gone missing lol, so the mailbox is standing weirdly on its own like that)
Next to it on the same lot is some kind of composite building with Louis' Ealing flat, Harry's Edinburgh flat, the first union office in the subterranean level, and Louis' Lewisham flat in one building, so they can visit all of them on the same lot and don't have to travel/load a new location for each of them. And there's a yoga/massage studio on the ground floor, just because ^^
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Downstairs - the house is a very typical Victorian terrace house. Here it stands on its own though ... And there wasn't enough room on the lot to include a proper back garden like they have in the fic. (I suppose I could set it up between the two buildings instead!)
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Zarry meet by the stairs. Living room, 'activity room' (with a yoga mat), and hallway/staircase. This was one of my very first builds in Sims, so it's not terribly pretty and doesn't have a lot of custom content that would make it look more realistic. ^^;
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Zayn and his friends' art all over the walls everywhere ♥ Harry doing yoga in the 'activity room' ...
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Liam comes to hang out by the fireplace. Fans have of course made custom tattoos for all of them to use in Sims ♥
Somehow I've really been struggling with Harry's face, while everyone else came out quite all right on the first try, at least for Sims standards. T^T Probably because Harry's face is so special and unusual and a bit weird, and really beautiful - and a simple game like Sims just cannot contain it ... ♥
In the fic the fireplaces are all defunct, but here in Sims they are working. That makes their house even cosier ... :3
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The gym that Liam and Zayn set up in the cellar. Victorian row houses usually have a narrow coal cellar that could originally be accessed from the street, too.
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Harry's room and the bathroom he shares with Niall. He has a little portrait of Louis on his wall, that Zayn painted ♥
He has a double bed because in Sims two people can't share single beds :(
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Zayn and Liam's room. One of their house mates has left his guitar there.
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Zayn is of course a painter in Sims too! For some reason he's left handed.
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He's painted many portraits of Liam ♥
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One of Liam doing sit-ups
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One of Liam sleeping
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One of Liam in his work clothes (he works as a life guard ♥ because there's no fireman career)
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Another one of Louis!
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Louis has tried painting a bit, too :3
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Harry in Ziam's fancy bathroom, with the yin-yang carpet ^^ By default, sims hang out in their pajamas a lot ... But I guess at least for Harry that's pretty realistic :3
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Of course there's art on the walls in Ziam's bathroom, too ^^
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Niall heading upstairs
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Niall's room.
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Zayn painted that portrait of Niall, too ♥
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Eating popcorn in the kitchen - each with their own little bowl :3
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(To be continued ...)
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Is it a bug, or a feature ...? I edited some Sims women's clothes so men (Harry ♥) can wear them, too, and some of them have an interesting effect
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It's because some clothes contour closely around parts of the body, and these are dipping into a female sim's crotch. But since male sims have a different shape there, it creates a bulge instead xD
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It doesn't happen with all women's clothes, but sometimes it can even get a bit extreme xD
Bonus random screenshots under the cut ^^
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Running to the fairground in Copperdale (Niall was still at work and joined them later)
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Zayn painting Louis' portrait
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Larry pillowfight
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Larry snogging
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Harry gives Louis a massage ♥
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My fic in Sims 4 … (part 5b)
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I recreated OT5 and several of the locations in WBSMF in Sims …
Part 5b - More of that 70s style house where Louis and Harry recorded their collab single (in chapter 26). Split in two parts because I like it so much and I wanted to post more than 30 screencaps.
The most important part of the house, the recording studio!
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The original floorplan had this room described as "studio" (for art maybe), and I made it into a literal recording studio. :3
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With a soundproofed recording booth. Liam is producing right now while the others are playing instruments and singing ^^
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Of course there is a One Direction poster among all the music posters and Rolling Stone covers <3
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Harry and Louis went skinny dipping, and afterwards they hung around in the studio. ^^
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I'm so sorry but I had to blur Harry's face here T^T
This was back when my Harry sim's face looked even worse than in the other screencaps I've shared, and in this light and angle he actually looked a bit like that creep Mari////lyn Mans////on D: (How? Why?)
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Living/kitchen/dining on the entrance level
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Another bedroom on the top floor
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Louis hanging out in the walkway between the two upstairs bedrooms
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(Overview of the top floor)
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Harry and Louis in the living room
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Louis cooking something (!). Harry keeps an eye on him ...
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Liam goes to join the fun in the music room
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Liam impressing Harry with his dance moves <3
(Maybe to be continued? I did build something inspired by Tracey Towers in Zayn's Love Like This MV, so maybe I'll post screencaps of that some time. :)
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My fic in Sims 4 ... (part 5a)
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(Sorry again about possible uncanny valley effects haha!!)
I recreated OT5 and several of the locations in WBSMF in Sims ...
Part 5a - That 70s style house where Louis and Harry recorded their collab single (in chapter 26). Split in two parts because I like it so much and I wanted to post more than 30 screencaps.
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Exterior view. It's not built into a hillside, but I still made the middle level the entrance level (but via stairs).
It was based on this floorplan, with some adjustments. In WBSMF there are more bedrooms, and while I didn't make that many for the Sims version, the game has its own limitations.
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Many choices were made just because I had to substitute with the closest thing I could find (at the time).
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At night
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Living room
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Music room
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Louis serenading Harry <3
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Harry, Louis and Niall jamming
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Louis napping on the orange sofa
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A bedroom where the carport was in the original floorplan. Liam sleeping and Zayn getting in the shower, or just looking at it ...
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Kitchen and dining room. All the sunflowers I could find. And Harry made sandwiches.
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Liam cooking breakfast
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Louis eating his breakfast in the living room, that's open to the indoor garden below.
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Zayn just sitting there ^^;
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Dining/kitchen, living room and a bit of the music room
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Louis in the bar downstairs
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The indoor garden
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Outside I added a pool.
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Zayn sunbathing in the nude while Liam is swimming laps ...
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The bedroom on the same level with the studio
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Ziam staring at each other.
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The master bedroom looks like something out of a David Lynch movie <3
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I adjusted the camera 50.000 times trying to get a shot where you could see Louis sleeping in the mirror behind Harry. This is the best I got. (The views from the house are incredible either way.)
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Zayn is still naked, now in the kitchen ^^
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Louis taking a bath
(More in the next post!)
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My fic in Sims 4 ... (part 3)
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(Sims tend to look a bit uncanny valley - sorry about that ^^)
I recreated OT5 and several of the locations in WBSMF in Sims ...
Part 3 - Louis' flats in Ealing and Lewisham:
Louis' flat in Ealing is in a prefab tower block, but in Sims it's just on the 1st floor, and not the 6th, because there's a 4 floor limit and the game camera goes a bit crazy on the highest floors. (You can go in and edit something to calm it down, but also after I did that it's still a little bit annoying.)
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Exterior view
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Louis' room, Aiden's room with the balcony (I didn't create a sim of Aiden, though), and the kitchen and bathroom.
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Side view. The ceilings are a bit too high, because the rooms had to have the same height as the same level of Zayn, Liam, Harry and Niall's terrace house - sadly you can't build different structures with different room heights on the same lot.
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In the kitchen (Harry in his outside winter clothes)
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There are only single bunk beds/loft beds in Sims, unfortunately, and sims can't 'woo-hoo' in them. :( So Larry use Aiden's bed, instead ^^
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Larry jamming in their jammies in Louis' room ♥
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Louis' flat in Lewisham (from chapter 24), a little bit different here and there from how it's described in the fic, because of the constraints of Sims 4 ...
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Louis is waiting for Harry ♥
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Somehow they develop kind of extreme pecs if they work out too much. Which is great for Harry's hiddies, by all means! .... But for the others, I keep having to go in and edit their bodies back to the proportions I want them to have ^^;
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Awww ♥
(To be continued ...)
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My fic in Sims 4 ... (part 2)
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This is kind of hilarious tbh - they really look like they're at a union assembly xD
(Sorry again about possible uncanny valley effects haha!! And sorry in general lmao)
I recreated OT5 and several of the locations in WBSMF in Sims 4 ...
Part 2 - The subterranean WSU union office:
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Overview - I faked the semi-basement by adding rooms with artificial light outside the windows. :3
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The entrance, with very improvised signs ^^; But there IS a picture of a cat!!!
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The big room with a big movie screen where the projecting surface would be (and Liam still with his umbrella open)
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Larry sitting together :3 In the fic, at Harry's first general assembly, Louis was sitting on one of those benches in the second row, behind some other people, so Harry didn't notice him until he came to introduce himself. :3
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Overview of the big assembly room. There's a donation based 'book store' in that box next to the stairs, with books donated to the union library that the library working group didn't want to keep.
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In the library
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There aren't a lot of political posters available for Sims 4 (though maybe there's custom content that I haven't found yet? ^^), so I had to compensate with music posters, gay posters and art ♥ (for an actually LGBT inclusive union ♥) and all kinds of random posters and art.
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The library also houses the drink fridge, the food fridge, and the coffee maker.
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Harry cleaning the coffee maker. The piggy bank is a donation box for the drinks they 'sell'.
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Louis comes to chat. That scout info board or something is a stand-in for a flip chart ...
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Overview of one end
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The cat calendar ♥
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The other end
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The kitchen nook off the office room
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Louis is surprised that it's so unusually clean!
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The office room with the back door, and the shelves that Larry put up together ♥
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In that little storage nook there should be drink crates, but I haven't found that for Sims, so it's just random boxes here.
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The pizza boxes are a very authentic touch :3
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Some NPCs joined the assembly ... Apparently Zayn is chair ^^
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Louis stealing glances at that fascinating new member ...
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Harry stealing glances at that fascinating guy ^^
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Harry goes to a meeting in the library
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Harry tries to act cool when Louis sits down right next to him ...
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Harry doing important union stuff in the union office
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Louis too!
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Chatting in the back of the office
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(To be continued ...)
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