thewickedxrp · 2 years
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             WELCOME BAK HAYUN
                                                         ⁠TO THE PROMISE LAND
age / age they appear: 26  occupation: hapkido instructor group: the yuchae coven
On the surface, Hayun is temperamental and violent, especially on the matt. She hates to lose and will throw tantrums if she believes she was unfairly defeated, whether in magic or a hapkido match. She takes her opponents down without mercy. She is known for being far too blunt, but at least you always know where you stand with her. However, there is much more to her than that. She’s protective to those she cares about, loving to those that matter to her. Hayun is just not good at affection, unless she is close to a person. While this rough exterior causes friction with her coven, they are just glad she is on their side.
Mugunhwa is a better fit for Hayun on the surface,  and she certainly has issues with those on Yuchae who essentially take bribes, but Hayun would never consider subjugating another species. She is loyal to her coven, even if their perspectives don't always perfectly aligned. She cannot be swayed. However, because of her upbringing, she also feels a moral obligation to keep humans safe. After all, they have a lot to offer. They are just surprisingly fragile.
Bak Hayun was born in Pocheon, South Korea, to rice farmers. While her mother had come from an esteemed coven and money, she had given up everything to be with her father. While he was a witch as well, his family line hardly held much respect,  particularly because of their fascination with humans. They never found them to be beneath them and because of this, Hayun learned to respect them as well. She was the oldest of seven siblings, the rest all boys she had to wrangle. All of them had a tendency to roughhouse which made for a chaotic household. Her mother tried to discourage it, but Hayun's pigheadedness made it a lost battle.  
Growing up,  Hayun hardly saw her mother's family. Any time she did, she was met with disdain for not being ladylike or for behaving 'too human'. Yes, her brothers received similar comments about their behavior and lack of refinement, but Hayun received the brunt of their criticism. They could never fathom her as anything more than a disappointment, unworthy of their blood.
With so many family members practicing magic, no one in the Bak household ever bothered searching for a coven. They were satisfied with their rice farm, which always seemed to yield better crops than surrounding fields, even during droughts. Of course, everyone always knew Hayun was meant for more, even if she did not.
In a lot of ways, Hayun was average. Her grades were mediocre, except for sports. She also did fairly well in biology, but that was primarily due to her family's focus on elemental magic and the rice farm. While she was adept at the occasional curse, she preferred to handle arguments with her classmates through her fists. It became a policy for her when she realized she was a dreamwalker.
It wasn't intentional and hardly the kind of magic her family practiced. But, Hayun went home one day, furious at a person bullying one of her brothers. She fell asleep and found herself in someone else's dream. At first she thought it was just her own Dean and had a little fun with her situation. She tormented them with nightmarish images. The next day,  she went to school and found dark circles under the bully's eyes. That was when she understood it was not a dream. Unfortunately,  the damage was done. They never quite stopped flinching when they saw her.
Hayun realized she held a power her family had never tried and could not help her with. Already an outcast as the outspoken, aggressive girl she was, Hayun was treated like a pariah. Sometimes her anger took over in her and she couldn't help her actions. It became evident that for her, dreamwalking was linked to her emotions. Only when she could control them, could she control her power.
In an attempt to learn control, Hayun began to study hapkido. It helped somewhat, but mostly it was a source of happiness for her. After graduating high school, Hayun decided it would be best if she moved to Jeju. It was chaos, but the university had accepted her and despite the tense political climate in the supernatural community, she could find others like here on the island. It was certainly more help than the rice farm.
The next few years were a blur. Hayun met other witches and assorted supernatural creatures. She left school after earning a degree in biology and became a hapkido instructor. Her contradictory nature,  and her family's lengthy magical bloodline, made everyone expect her to join Mugunhwa. Everyone was surprised when she went to Yuchae instead and became a devoted member of the coven. Through them, she has started to grapple for control on her powers and keep balance on Jeju.
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thewickedxrp · 2 years
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                                                         ⁠TO THE PROMISE LAND
age / age they appear: 28  occupation: owner of the magic tome bookstore group: none
Maialen is intelligent and hardworking. It is a combination that either impresses people or makes them resentful. She speaks several languages and can recite far more Shakespeare by heart than is healthy. She is fascinated by horror movies and the macabre.
Maia is a bit jittery, especially for a powerful witch. Between the culture shock of Korea and the plethora of supernatural creatures in Jeju, she is still learning to adjust. However, she is also kind and selfless. Some find it admirable, but other think it makes her seem like a bit of a doormat.
Eugenio Cruz, was an American, born to a Puerto Rican father and a German mother. He was a professor, but also an avid wanderer. While attempting to hike on Hallasan Mountain, he broke his arm. His friend helped him to the nearest hospital. Hana, a Korean woman and native of the town, was one of the nurses there that day. The two hit it off and corresponded even once he left.
The two never had much support with their families, due to one significant reason. Eugenio was very human. Still, that didn’t stop their engagement. Everything imploded when Hana announced her pregnancy and that the child would be raised as a human.
Maia’s parents left Korea in hopes of staying away from more intolerant family members.  However, that was all for naught. Though they never told Maia about their family’s abilities, they couldn’t change fate. Maia’s family died and she was sent to live with her paternal grandparents. Her life was relatively normal. She went to a small university to study literature, but she never fit in with the general population. She rushed to graduate and finished a year early, made easier by her lack of socialization. Then, she obtained a masters in library science. She had just finished her final year when her grandfather died and she went to his funeral.
Her grandfather's death was heartbreaking, especially for Maia. The two has always been close and it was while digging through his belongings that she realized the truth of what she was. He spoke of how his son married a bruja, a witch. He talked about Maia and all the things he hid from her. She was never sure if it was out of shame or to protect the wishes of her dying parents. But, the match was lit. Maia began to practice her craft.
For Maia, being a witch was enough, even if the cost was sometimes higher than expected. She mostly specialized in healing potions. Now that her grandfather was gone, she didn't have much to use it for it. It all seemed relatively benign, mostly a lot of time and effort. She never quite put together that every time she healed someone's aches and pains she woke up a little more uncomfortable. Then, her cousin had a car accident and was paralyzed from the waist down.
The two were like sisters and Maia couldn’t bare to see her suffer. So, Maia began trying to give her cousin back the ability to walk, pouring over her hidden grimoires until she found a potion that could possibly succeed. She first gave her cousin a small dose, placing it her drink to test to see if it would work. The next day, her cousin claimed she was getting a feeling in her legs again. That afternoon, Maia fell in the middle of the street, briefly loosing the feeling in hers.
Maia learned that was the price of her potions. Whatever she used would come back on herself, her selfless magic forced to be truly selfless. If someone ingested one of her potions for protection, she would receive some of their injuries. If she tried to heal them, she would find herself with their same ailment.  The more major the magic, the bigger the consequence. She never gave her cousin the entire potion, fearful it would work and leave her in the same situation. It was selfish of her and unfair. She did spike her with potions to help during physical therapy, aching during the entire experience, but it was better than living with the guilt that she wasn't willing to sacrifice herself for her own family.
After that revelation, Maia finally reached out to her mother’s family in Jeju. Her maternal grandparents   were surprised to learn that their half-blood granddaughter had any magical abilities. They insisted she visit them and, after a tearful goodbye from her paternal grandmother, she did.
Despite the consequences, it became obvious that Maia’s magical abilities surpassed her Korean cousins. They were resentful, as Maia had begun studying as an adult while they had been doing it their whole lives. They took any opportunity to make fun of her “handicap”. However, Maia has never stopped searching for a way to alleviate her symptoms. Her trainings also revealed that using potions on herself made them benign.
Because of her family legacy, her grandparents have been pushing for Maia to join Yuchae. However, she knows her cousins don’t exactly want to welcome her into their ranks. So, she sticks to her bookstore, a witch without a coven.
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thewickedxrp · 2 years
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             WELCOME NOAH SA
                                                         ⁠TO THE PROMISE LAND
age / age they appear: 27  occupation: student / works with family wine business group: yuchae coven
boy who likes biting into salted red fruit. kisses his piano before he plays his worn songs into it. writes in red ink. has a lot of daydreams he ties down to his mouth in these long, moon-bound kites. a good son, a perfect harvestwine fortune heir. he loves to learn, and he's privileged enough to be able to pursue those interests. humble, gaze always sure and gentle wherever it falls. think conversation hearts, and dandelionwine. think about the garden of eden, and then a boy born from a single seed of that forgotten, punctured forbidden fruit. soft meadows. quiet, simple prose. a tone that never needs to raise, and a heart that has had the privilege of never being broken. he likes even numbers. people notice him, but do not usually linger. the kind of boy you meet in a vinyl store, and he's so.. purposeful, delicate with his hands as he thumbs through the volumes. you don't catch his eye, and after a moment it's like he isn't there at all. but you don't feel... alone. you don't feel unsafe. his cherry/strawberry/apple solar system presence simply exists, and that calm, that absence of impression, that safety of gravity; that's noah.
noah 'kirsch' sa was born to a normal family, in the normal little paradise of jeju. he grew up being taught life's loves; art, music, wine-making. bookbinding. sailing. mathematics. philosophy. posture. woodcarving. his mom told him about magic when he was about four years old. she took his cup of cherry pits and peach piths and apple cores and showed him each seeded-ritual. "this will bring life into the world." she told him. and it did. noah grew up with those trees, celebrated his birthdays with them. these friends, these dulcet, petal-soft creatures that birthed themselves from the soil; noah read his favorite book beneath their growing shade, he read his first love letter while biting into their fruit, realized he liked boys while watching the neighbor's son from in between patches of strawberries and pineberries. magic to him had always been life, it had always been human.
he grew up like this. on his family's garden property, learning how to make jams and wines and breed fruit. learning to love the bees that make his beloved yuchaes bloom, and the wasps that feed his figs. when he finished college his family let him travel; so he toured the world, tasted their wines, their chocolate, their fruit. and he came back, with new ideas, and brought a lovely new era to his family's business.
he's currently back in school, learning something or the other; he has a motley of classes he takes in his interests. his parents are still alive and wel and strong, so it will be a while until he takes their place. he's considering working towards being a professor in the meantime, since he has most the credentials!
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thewickedxrp · 2 years
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                                                         ⁠TO THE PROMISE LAND
age / age they appear: 22  occupation: bartender, sells charms and spells on the side group: none
mysterious and vulpine, often leaves others feeling as if he is purposefully omitting information — about himself or others also part of what is being left unsaid. what plays into the allure of it is that he’s naturally very charismatic and affluent, easily getting his way, a sweet-talker, penchant to luck, seemingly as if he was born under a fortunate star. somewhat mischievous, which is further supported by the powers he wields, and from it is born the skill of getting away from penalties. his attunement to the nature leaves him, however, a closer friend to animals than to those of humans and fellow witches; not necessarily seeking out solace and solitude in the slightest, but rather trusting the purity of animals more eagerly than those of a conscious mind. otherwise, approaching most creatures of the supernatural with the same kind of extended neutrality and unbiased opinion. if wronged, extremely spiteful and going as far as to conjure curses and hexes. his true, pure loyalty is hardly given, though when it is — it’s something he would never break. doesn’t believe in true love, believing that no one is capable of giving oneself in that manner.
trigger warning: mention of pet death and dissection in a sentence - none of it is detailed
born and raised in busan, to a simple life, in a fifty-something meters squared two-bedroom apartment on the first floor of a building long overdue for bulldozing. single child to parents too busy trying to keep money flowing, following — or at least believing to have followed — the linear path that would be his future. his life has been everything but ordinary; for as long as he could remember it wasn’t just his thoughts that he heard, not just chatter of a tangible voice, a voice of reason characterizing that of a human’s nature. it manifests when he is six, playing alone in his room, when a squeaky voice calls out his attention. the hamster he’s received as a gift, who’d become his new best friend for the next three years. it starts with the hamster, turns into understanding birds, understanding cats and dogs; the sound of wind singing gentle songs. he receives knowledge of nature, conversing with animals around him on the regular. to his parents, this was nothing but a product of an extensive imagination that a child can carry. he’s carried away into this world of assumed imagination, talking more to animals than children of his age. when he is nine, the hamster he loved dearly dies but junha doesn’t shed a single tear; comforted by agi telling him she’s loved every moment of a life seeming as an eternity to someone of her existence.
when he’s fourteen, the biology teacher has the class dissect fishes. he hates every second of it, a wave of nausea overpowering him. when it becomes his turn, instead of an incision, whence his fingers touch the cold scales of its body, it’s a breath of life that fills its lungs, rather than knowledge overfilling young minds. that, too, becomes excused; an overlook on the teacher’s end, nothing more than a mistake. no other explanation is plausible.
his mind is curious and seeks answers. sleepless nights illuminated by the screen of a computer, of a phone; picking books in libraries that have not known anything but dust for years. online forums, inquiries down into pathways an ordinary person should avoid. a witch with the gift of resurgence, attuned to the nature that surrounds him. surprisingly, he welcomes this knowledge well; the whispers he’d hear, an ever-present company for the past years, only a further confirmation. he leans into it, too, tentatively and with an approach of a scaredy-cat — little spells, he learns, are easy and come easy. little spells that turn into mischievous tricks, carried out with a smile of an angel.
it’s a secret he keeps away from his parents, knowing they wouldn’t understand. it’s a lie he tells them, with a diploma in his hand and a falsified acceptance paper, that he is attending the university on the island. it’s a truth, however, that he finds himself on the island of jeju within months — the sanctuary that has called for him, feeble spell carried by the power of wind; spell that he caught between the fingers of his hands, taking it in with eagerness and an almost greed.
the island forces a fresh breath of air into his lungs, magic flowing through and throughout: flowing between every person that walks by him, interlinking and intertwining, between tresses of thick treetops, following wiggling of lizards amidst short grass. it’s a welcoming that doesn’t need additional explanation.
he remains neutral on the subject of situation he finds on the island, mostly avoidant of the vampires even if someone would call it discriminatory; careful if they — for whichever reason — enter through the gates of the bar he works at. for the past two years he’s spent living on the island, albeit swayed by alluring words of the yuchae and the mugunghwa, junha has remained a lone witch, not belonging to a coven.
however, the wind changes, carrying whispers of animals that see all, telling him of the looming darkness that threatens to enshroud the island. he looks over, not once or twice, but thrice over his shoulder, making sure there is no shadow but his own that follows him.
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