#wdym it's not that far from the standards
omarfor-orchestra ยท 2 years
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sarohara ยท 4 years
You both like friends.
Stranger: M
You: Heyo
You: sup
Stranger: Sup
You: what's ur name?
Stranger: Troy u
You: Hey Troy
You: Im Sarah
Stranger: Cool
You: yea
You: wyd now?
Stranger: Nothing u
You: I'm listening to a such amazing song rn and those moments I stop and i use to think " it was worth it to be alive to listen to this incredible masterpiece"...
Stranger: Coool
You: Ooh ahah
You: Im sorry, im a types one
Stranger: How old ru
You: Im 16, wbu?
Stranger: 17
Stranger: I'm guessing ur bored?
You: Yea for sure
You: Everyone's bored on omegle bro
Stranger: Lmao fr
Stranger: U tryna play t or d
You: well, sounds good
Stranger: T or d
You: T
Stranger: Where are u from?
You: Im from Brazil
You: t or d?
Stranger: Cool
Stranger: T
You: Where r u from? ahahahah
Stranger: I'm from the US
Stranger: T or d
You: oh gotcha
You: T
Stranger: Do u have a bf
You: intriguing question ahahha
You: Yea, kinda
Stranger: Wdym kinda?
You: Kinda is kinda
You: T or d?
Stranger: T
You: r u looking for someone over here? that's the worst way to get, trust me ahaha
Stranger: Nah I'm just curious lol
You: Oh okaaay
Stranger: T or d
You: T
Stranger: Explain how u kinda have a bf
Stranger: Bc last time I checked he either is or isnt
You: AHAHAHA well, we don't nothing like certain yet but we have each other u know..so it's someone that i care about and it's reciprocal
Stranger: So ur waiting for him to ask u out or something
You: Hell no ahaha we just can't be together rn for some reasons..
Stranger: Religion or age
You: What
You: No religion...
Stranger: Reasons for not being together
You: Ohhhh
You: Nooo, none of this
Stranger: Then why not just date him?
Stranger: If u think he's really urs just take it
You: Yea, ikr but he moved to another state so we cant compromise u know...
You: I mean, we can't rn
You: It's complicated
Stranger: Oof those types are hard
Stranger: Cuz u never know if he's talking to another girl
You: Nah nah it's just bc there's nothing certain in our lifes so we don't wanna to hurt our feelings..idk
You: want to*
Stranger: Yea so u like him that much
Stranger: Why is he so different from other guys
You: idk he's basically my soulmate aahaha
Stranger: Uh oh
Stranger: Ur building feelings for him
Stranger: And it's only one sided
You: Wdym one sided?
Stranger: How do u know he's feeling the same thing?
You: and im not building, im learning to deal with them
You: Because he told me
Stranger: And he's also 16?
You: Because i also know him. we're like best friends.
You: No he's 17
Stranger: Do u know who u sound like?
You: Pls tell me
Stranger: Like me lol
You: ahhahahaha what
You: How?
Stranger: Just switch the gender
You: Oh damn, really?
You: ahhaha that's sad right
Stranger: Yea
You: Tell me more.
Stranger: I used to love her thought she was my soulmate
Stranger: Then the next thing u know she's with another guy
You: Oh damn, why...?
Stranger: Idk cuz if we lived to far from each other
Stranger: It*
You: Oh gotcha
You: Life sucks right?
Stranger: Lesson is never be in a relationship or like someone more than the other person
You: It's not true
Stranger: Cuz it hurts no like u never felt before when they are gone
You: Oh man, i feel u.
Stranger: Sure
Stranger: How many relationship have you been in
You: Only 2
You: wbu?
Stranger: 7 and I'm done lol
You: Uuuu what
You: Wth ahahhaha
You: How is it possible?
Stranger: It's a same dumbass story
Stranger: I just keep believing it will different
You: Man, I don't fall in love with people that fast.. ahahahhaha
Stranger: Oh it's people I've known for years
Stranger: The least for me is 1 yrs to even talk to her
You: Ooooh
You: Since ur 10 then
You: ahah jk
Stranger: Nah this started when I was 13
You: Oh wow, my first one i was 13 as well
Stranger: First one hurts the most
You: Ummm, i don't think so..i mean, in my case.. but i agree..when u love that person that much
You: I'm friends with my first one until today so
Stranger: U sound like u know what it getting into
You: I would say sometimes
Stranger: Just remember people will accept the love they think they deserve
You: Oh I've watched this movie ahaha
Stranger: Keep ur standards high cuz if a guy doesn't meet it there is always one that will
Stranger: Its lowkey true tho
Stranger: Make him treat u like a princess always
You: Aw, that was like cute...
You: And ur right.
Stranger: But on ur side never take home for granted
Stranger: Him*
You: Never. neither him or anyone else.
Stranger: That's good
Stranger: The guy must be lucky to have u
You: Oh, U should tell him then ahah
You: jk jk
Stranger: It's not everyday u meet someone nice and knows a value of a real woman
You: Oh, i really appreciate that
You: Ur really nice as well
You: I hope u know that :)
Stranger: Someday I wish I met someone like u
Stranger: There gotta be more than of u out of 7 billion
You: Aw, u'll find someone even better than me, trust me.
Stranger: Haha sounds like heaven
You: Oh ahahaha im feeling so flattered rn
Stranger: But keep working o urself too
Stranger: On*
You: Yea, always
Stranger: Bc u are flattering lol
You: ahahahah
Stranger: So ur really not from Brazil or are u?
You: Actually i am. ahahha
You: Im 100% brazilian ahah
Stranger: Oh wow does Brazilians have Instagram
You: Ahahahhaha brazilians usually have instagram, yea
Stranger: Cool so what's urs
You: ahahah nice way to ask hug
You: huh*
You: @sarahcvlm
You: what's urs?
Stranger: I'll hit u up and you'll see who I am
Stranger: Nice meeting u tho
You: ahahahahahaha funny
Stranger: Keep working hard and always keep ur head up no matter what
Stranger: ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ’ฏ
You: hey, just asking.. r u leaving?
Stranger: Oh I was about to
You: just hold up
Stranger: For what?
You: imma follow u
You: what's urs?
Stranger: I actually dont have insta yet due to strict parents
Stranger: But I find u if ur relationship dont work out
You: Oh that's so sad :(
You: Oh ahahahahah
You: Okay, i guess
Stranger: Were young
Stranger: U believe in stars?
You: Yea
You: why?
Stranger: Then if we look at the same star we will meet each other in real life
You: Oh my god, made my day.
Stranger: Or make a wish whenever u see a falling star lol
Stranger: Nice meeting u Sarah
You: Nice meeting u as well, ur such a good person. take care :)
Stranger: And my real name is Tyrone dont tell anyone
Stranger: It's a secret...
You: AHAHAH i wont, don't worry lol
Stranger has disconnected.
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