#wdym they wagged their tail thats so cringe../silly
delusional-mishaps · 5 months
day three: sharp
more writing mwahahah :3
"what're you doing?" horror asks. jet hums, glancing up before looking back down at their fingers.
"cuttin' my nails." they answer, followed by a sharp 'snip!' sound.
"why?" he asks. jet shrugs, holding out their left hand to show off their nails.
"look. gettin' sharp. then they get caught on stuff."
horror makes a soft sound of understanding, taking a seat beside jet. he watches them snip off the ends of their claws, head tilting curiously.
"'sides," jet continues after a moment. "now i don't gotta worry about scratchin' you when i grab your cute face."
they look up smugly at horror, earning a soft chuckle. he pats their head, causing their tail to sway.
"it wouldn't hurt," he snorts. "your claws are so small."
"oh yeah?" they taunt, brandishing the not-yet cut claws on the other hand. "wanna test that theory?"
horror chuckles again, grabbing jet's hand in his. he traces one of his phalanxes over the tip of their claw, where it's sharpest. their fingers looks so small compared to his.
"see? too small." he boasts. jet rolls their eyes, taking their hand back to cut those claws.
"psh, whatever. you're just lucky i like you and don't wanna scratch you." they grumble with a smile.
"whatever you say, tiny."
"wha—i'm not tiny!"
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