#we all can see why rodimus is very jealous of him abd intimidated by him
transingthoseformers · 7 months
Oh dear thought for RodiClash. Rodimus is close to Optimus's age. What if he's older than Thunderclash by a good bit? Thunders hasn't been braging at Rodimus he's just trying to impress him. Swerve hosted Anime night for the movies. A tipsy Thunderclash passes Rodimus on his way back to his berth and accidentally blurts out "sempai please notice me." Has a tipsy breakdown during Roddy's double take. Thunderclash is asking Rodimus how to impress him. Cause he keeps trying and failing. It's what he's wanting to do for along time.
Rodimus is looking at him so strangely after that. He was not expecting his catty "Why would you want to impress me?" To be met with an ernest "Cause you're so pretty, and smart and I want to have your babies."
Anime Night
You know what that's interesting that Thunderclash decided to get drunk during anime night. Because I'm trying to imagine Clashy as a weeb and that's kind of hilarious. Aww, yes, he's having a Big Confession Moment.
ohh thunders
Rodimus is befuddled, like??? The Perfect Autobot ™️, wanting to impress him?
sdfg and yes he does, Thunderclash thinks you're so pretty roddie and you two's paintjobs match in such interesting ways.
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