#we all knew a person like butthead that tried to ruin our lives let's admit it. i know i did!!
spacefunclubs · 2 years
Dudebro fan, a stupid, explaining what Beavis and Butthead is about: Beavis and Butthead is this SUPER AWSUM cartoon that isn't afraid on being politically incorrect and offensive!! Haha they totally OWNED those phony SJW's in the new movie with their white privilege LOLOLOL THEY'RE SO COOL!!!11!!!1!
Me, an intelluctual, explaining what Beavis and Butthead is actually about: Beavis and Butthead follows Beavis, a lonely closeted bisexual teenager with schizophrenia and various other mental illnesses, who's friends with an abusive narcissist, Butthead, and only stays with him because he seeks validation and self worth from him since the rest of the world has outcasted him his whole life, and his time with Butthead destroys his psyche even further, in this essay, I will -
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Wicked Romance
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Chapter 1
Character: Mob!Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: Steve was hoping to meet the right one until he met her. But is he ready to be with her? He thought his life already dark because of his job. He wouldn’t able to find a woman that strong enough to face the hardship to stand beside him. Turn out his life is nothing compared to her. 
Warning: Maybe bad writing? Hehehe forgive me. This is my first time write and posting my own fan fiction on tumblr.
If an outsider sees Steve, he got everything: looks, money, status. But for him, he lacks one thing; the right person to stand beside him.  
But let’s talk about how Steve became the new mob leader.
Steve got raised by his mother Sarah Rogers, it was until he retired from the military he reconnected with his father again. 
He thought his father, Joseph Rogers owns a security firm every time he visits him when he was a kid after his parents divorced. Until he reaches a certain age he realized his father actually is a mob boss. He found his childhood friend Bucky, they went to the army together, also working with his father after he got into an accident that cost his left arm. 
He owes it to his father, but Joseph doesn’t need his son to pay his debt. He only wanted his son to stay with him. Joseph has everything, but he missing two things; his lovely wife and his son. 
Joseph loves Sarah, but he forgot she doesn’t come from a mobster background. When they got married, she was overwhelmed. Looking at her husband coming home with blood on his hands or they need to stay at the safe house when she was 8 months pregnant and when Steve was baby the rival gang tried to hurt her and their son. 
Sarah admitted to Joseph that she couldn’t live like this. In the end, she asks to separated but they never divorced. Joseph never sends the document to the court. 
When Joseph retired, he decided to be honest. He went to chase his wife again. With a lot of effort the couple reunited again.
Their love story was so sweet that could make Steve’s teeth hurt. Joseph appointed Steve as the new leader while he enjoys his second honeymoon with his wife. 
It’s been 5 years since Steve became the new mob boss, now he’s waiting for the one that could help him write a sweet story like his parents. 
Right now around lunchtime at the fancy that owned by Rogers. Steve and others like Bucky and Sam are sitting at the bar. While Pietro is the bartender serving their drinks. 
It's a usual day for them but it's a little bit different with Steve this time.
Steve head not looking at his food because notices someone seating near the window. She wearing a dress, not too sexy but he could see her legs. She is completely different from a woman who dressed less to get his attention. The reason is simple Steve is an attractive man, tall, broad shoulder, the expensive three-piece suit that wraps his muscles. He only sits for 3 minutes, few girls try to seduce him but he politely or in a sarcastic way to shoo them. 
And the girl who he watched for a while won’t budge to turned around. It poked his ego a little bit. He quite used to with the flirt and attention. 
“You still staring at her.”
Bucky’s words made Steve snap up from his trance. 
Steve shook his head, he couldn’t help it because he wants to see the woman face who sitting alone. 
Someone who holds his laughter. Three of them turn their gaze towards the bartender served their drink. 
“Something funny Pietro?” Steve raised his eyebrows. 
“I’m just surprised my boss lose his game before approaching Miss Lilly.”
Steve tilts his head “You knew her name?”
Pietro nodded while whipping the glass with cloth “Yup, the gorgeous lady that always left a big tip.” 
“She has become a regular?” Sam asks surprised. 
“Perhaps, it’s difficult to forget her since the first time she came here.” Pietro is a sucker for a beautiful woman. 
He put the clean glass on the shelf “The day she came here also the first day Peter Peter start his job.”
The alpha male grunted when Parker’s name mentioned. That kid is troublesome. He always late for his job and clumsy, but he’s the best chef assistant according to Wanda who the head chef at the restaurant. 
“So she’s been our customer for 5 months. How come we never notice her?” Sam whispered asking. They always come here every day for lunch and dinner. 
Pietro raised his shoulder “Usually she only stays for 10 minutes after buying one drink. Then she left. This is the first time she asks for a table.” 
After hearing the info from Pietro, Steve looking at her back once again. 
“Steve, if you don’t talk to her I will,” Sam said while moving from his seat. 
Steve stop Sam by grabbing his shoulder “I didn’t say I don’t want to.”
“Go get her punk.” Bucky raised his fist.
Steve nodded, he walks closer towards her table, he doesn’t understand why his heart beating so fast. 
He already in his game, using his usual pick-up line and smile, but before his foot stops at her table, she turns her head towards him. 
It felt like a slow-motion when he saw her looking at him. 
The first moment he looked at her eyes, somehow the time stop and world in only both of them. 
She looks at him with a friendly smile. ‘Her eyes,’ he couldn’t look away. 
“Hi…” He couldn’t believe he almost squeaked his voice. Steve could feel his face turn red like tomatoes. How he wishes, the situation could change.
The loud sound came from the gun sound. The door abruptly opened by a bunch of guys who wear suits, some of them holding guns, and baseball bat, and the one who leads them is Brock Rumlow. 
Steve cursed, because of the annoying newcomer, he already lost the moment with her. But partly he blamed himself, earlier he wished to change the situation. Be careful what you wished for.
It must be his rival gang who crash his business again. This is the third time in one month. Since Brock became the new head after Pierce died. 
“Damn it.” He saw Bucky and Sam already start kicking and punching. 
He turned at her, he looks at her with puppy eyes “Forgive me for today’s distraction. You don’t have to pay. It’s free.”
Before she could reply, one guy holding a baseball bat, and swing at Steve but he able to stop it. 
“Everyone leave this place !!!” He screamed his lungs out to alarm the guest who still shocked. All of them ran to save their lives. 
Steve, Bucky, Sam, and Pietro busy fighting their rival. 
No wonder why he had bad feelings, today seems nothing could go wrong. He knew something bad will happen. Turn out it’s Rumlow. 
“What do you want Rumlow?” Steve hissed at the uninvited guest.
Brock shrugged his shoulder “Oh nothing, I just want to say hi to my rival, since I became the boss now.”
‘Because of that reason?’ Steve inwardly thought. But he knew why Rumlow did this, he want everyone to know his name since he recently got this position. And this bastard choose his place at the wrong time and the wrong place.
Both of them punches at each other and destroyed the furniture.
Brock always sneaky, he prepares a hidden knife under his sleeves aka phantom blade. 
He succeeded stab Steve’s shoulder. 
“Urgh.” But because of his muscles, it didn’t go that deep. 
Brock brings Steve to his shoulder and throws him to the ground. 
Steve landed on the ground while Brock put on a mocking smile looking down at him. 
The seductive voice made both of them turn to see who it was. 
Steve widened his eyes when he saw the girl who took his breath away standing in front of them. 
When she stood, he could see she’s wearing a skirt that has a high cut on her left thigh. Steve and Brock were taken aback because under the fabric there’s a belt dagger. 
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She slightly pouted which made Steve thought for a second she looks adorable. But what the hell is she doing here when he already told everyone to leave this place.
She put her right hand on her left chest “It breaks my heart seeing my favorite restaurant destroyed like this.”
Steve somehow felt happy when he knew she like his work.
She grabs the dagger and throws it to Steve. 
“I’m lending it to you.” She winked at him, and turn around to grab her coat. She headed to the exit door, easily avoided the fight.
“That’s one hot lady right there.” 
“Yeah, she is.”  Steve took the chance to give a butthead towards Brock. He doesn’t want this jerk to look at his ‘future date’. 
Brock screamed while holding his broken nose “That’s was low, I was distracted.”
“Let’s get this over with. I can’t do this all day.” Steve finally let out his rage towards Rumlow. 
Their fight is done with the result Steve side who won. 
“I’ll get you next time,” Brock screamed angrily, his fingers broken by Steve. He got carried by the paramedic. 
Steve wiped his bloody nose with a cloth while Bruce pressing his shoulder “Yeah yeah, just not in this place again.” He answered lazily. 
He sighed because he’s getting tired of Rumlow childish fight. After his wound got treated by Bruce, Steve went back into the restaurant. 
What he saw is a broken window, table, the custom leather chair that imported from Italy also ruined. There will be one person who will be crazy over this, Natasha who also his accountant, and Bucky’s wife. 
His shoes step on the broken glass, his eyes locking to the table where she sat. 
When he arrived he saw the book she read. Steve notice there is a bookmark inside of it. He doesn’t want to touch her touch without permission but he eager wants to see what inside. 
Steve put his hand on his mouth and gasped “Oh f**k!”
“Language you punk!” Bucky and Sam appear from behind. Their face and hands also bruised because of the short fight. 
“What’s wrong?”
They got no answer from Steve. He look like a statue still looking at his hands.
Bucky and Sam glanced at the bookmark on Steve’s hand. Both of them smirked.
’When the restaurant re-open, text me: (646)-xxxxxxxx’
Steve’s mind went back to the first time he saw her face and that beautiful smile, then the way she’s not afraid of the craziness that happens today, and she lent him a dagger so he can win. 
He didn’t think it wasn’t a thing, but it happened to him. 
He fell in love at the first sight. 
“We totally lose him.” Sam waves his hand in front of Steve’s eyes. 
They could see Steve on cloud nine right now. 
“Good for him, maybe he could move on this time,” Bucky murmured. 
Sam pointed one critical point “But first of all, we need to tell your wife about today.” 
Bucky sighed “That’s the difficult part.” 
While his friends busy thinking about how to coaxing Natasha so she won’t stun them with the lecture that could last for the whole day and make their ear hurts, Steve is planning how to renovate the restaurant fast so he could text her.
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