#we also see fig lick smoothie in a dream but that's literally to taste his fear
gynandromorph · 1 month
i have to wonder about the code of conduct for social grooming in nofna society. we've seen animals groom themselves (quintet with paw, fig going ham on her coochie) even though they bathe, so we know that grooming still EXISTS. we also see fusion allegedly groom fission? i believe the only other time we've seen someone grooming someone else was a panel of quintet's mother licking her stillborn litter and that was more trying to make them wake up than grooming them. even for the primates who don't have to lick to groom there seems to be none going on. i need to note that i'm thinking about this because lemurs are so about grooming they all have a toothcomb to groom with so PS would almost certainly try to groom people with her mouth
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