#we are literally gonna have two chemistry faculty returning next year. and one of them can only teach lab. we will be lucky if we can hire
ultimateumbreon33 · 5 months
every time i have a favorite professor, they leave the next year… even with tenure…
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xofanfics · 7 years
Choices - Part 1
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Genre: angst, fluff
Pairing: Mark x Reader, Johnny x Reader
*REQUESTED* Can you do a scenario where you are Mark’s classmate in college and he likes you, whilst Johnny who happens to be an upperclassman but was your tutor back in high school likes you too? And you are kinda torn between them and don’t know who to choose. You can put her up with anyone toward the end, your wish. I just want romance with both of them being into her and confusion on her part. TIA ❤
You turned to see a familiar face, but you weren't sure where you knew him from. For some reason, you couldn't think. You smiled as you walked toward the booth that he was sitting in.
He said, “Remember me?”
Upon hearing his voice and seeing him close up, you remembered exactly where you knew him from. “Ah, I remember now. Johnny.”
He nodded. “Yep. Your old chemistry tutor.”
You laughed. “You made my life hell.”
He put his hand over his heart as if he'd been shot. “Ouch, Y/N. That hurt.”
“So what are you doing at freshman orientation?” you asked. “Aren't you a junior? Or are you behind a few credits?”
“Very funny…” He nodded. “I’ll have you know that I am a junior and I'm here because I'm volunteering to help out with the ‘Academic Success’ table because I'm a tutor.”
“Aren't you charitable…”
He raised his eyebrow. “Is that sarcasm I hear?”
Your new friend Mark came up behind you. “I got a bunch of brochures.” He held out his handful of papers and brochures to show you.
“Hey, Mark. This is Johnny. I knew him in high school. He tutored me in chemistry.”
Mark smiled and said, “Nice to meet you. I'm Mark.”
You met Mark on orientation morning, when your parents dropped off the rest of your things. He lived on the same floor as you, on the boys’ side of the hallway. You recalled struggling with a box that you convinced your parents you were fine carrying by yourself. You had got it on the elevator just fine but you were concerned about the trek down the hall. When the elevator doors opened, your eyes met with Mark’s. Before you could even ask, he said, “That looks heavy. I could help you carry it if you want...”
Shyly, you said, “That'd be great, actually.”
And he helped you. Your mother was thrilled that you made a friend in the dorms already. She even went as far as suggesting that the two of you get each others’ phone numbers. So Mark took your number and he ended up helping you move the rest of your things into your room. You'd been friends since then and you decided to go to orientation together.
Johnny returned his smile. “Nice to meet you, too, Mark. If you guys need help with anything, let me know. Actually, take my number.” He grabbed a piece of paper from his notepad and ripped a piece off, jotting down his number. You took the piece of paper and stuffed it in your pocket. “Hey, don't lose it now…”
You rolled your eyes. “If I lose it, I can message you on Facebook or something.”
He laughed at that. “You're right. I'll see you later? We should catch up.”
“Sure. I'll message you later on.”
He winked at you before organizing the brochures at his table. As you walked way with your Mark, he looked at you sideways.
“What's that face for?”
Mark just smirked. “He was definitely flirting with you.”
“Johnny is just flirty.”
“Do you guys have a history?”
You shook your head. “I had a crush on him while he was my tutor but I never told him anything. I was a sophomore and he was a senior. I didn't stand a chance.”
“What makes you say that?”
“Well, you can't look that good and be interested in someone as boring as I am.”
“I don't think you're boring…”
At that, you had to chuckle. “You've only known me for a couple hours.”
Mark joined in on your laughter. “Good point.”
“Let's go to the cafeteria. Maybe the food isn't that bad here.”
“I hope not. I'm starving and I don't wanna have to survive off rice and ramen…”
You laughed as you left the campus center and headed toward the cafeteria. By the time you got there, the line was starting to get longer. You had about an hour of free time left before you had to sit through yet another lecture about something or another.
Mark said, “We already have our schedules. I say we eat lunch here then go off campus and see what's around here.”
You nodded. “Yeah, let's do it,” you said as the line started moving. “I'm over this stupid orientation.”
Your first day of classes was okay. You had three of them–college writing, biology, and history. By one, you were finished with classes for the day. You were even lucky enough to have your English class with Mark. And you saw Johnny in the cafeteria when you went to have lunch with Mark and your roommate, Melissa.
So far, Melissa was cool. She stayed on her side of the room and she kept her things fairly clean. You weren't used to having to share a room, so this was weird for you. But she was nice. So far, you were getting along. And you often invited her to the cafeteria with you and Mark. You figured that the two of you might even become friends as the year went by.
You brought Mark over to your dorm room after you ate lunch. Melissa had gone to meet her friends somewhere so it ended up being just the two of you. You sat up on the bed, with Mark sitting at your desk with his laptop.
“I can't believe that guy gave us a writing assignment already,” Mark said, tossing his book onto the desk.
You pulled out the packet you had received earlier, in class. “I know. How does he expect us to read this and not fall asleep?”
Mark sighed. “Do you have any other work to do tonight?”
“I have some reading to do. I'll probably just skim it.”
“Same. I can sleep in a little tomorrow. I don't have class until eleven.”
“Don't even talk about tomorrow. I'm not excited to do the whole introduce-yourselves-to-the-class thing that teachers love so much. I did it three times already.”
Mark chuckled. “I have an idea.”
You opened up your laptop and turned it on. “What's your idea?”
Mark turned in the chair, scraping it on the floor. “How about we take turns reading it out loud and then answer the questions after?”
You nodded. “I'll read the first page. It's only four pages so it shouldn't take too long.”
Mark opened his notebook to a clean page, clicking his pen. “I'll take a few notes.”
You opened up the packet and started reading it aloud. But by the time you got to the bottom of the page, you noticed that Mark had his head on the desk. Your voice, apparently, had been enough to put him to sleep. You just shook your head and kept reading, to yourself this time.
The weekend came more quickly than you expected. Did time always go by this fast in college? In high school, time always seemed to crawl by. As you walked back toward your dorm, you saw Johnny sitting by himself at the fountain. You decided to approach him, as you had nothing else better to do. Mark said that he was hanging out with some boys from your dorm after class, so you couldn't hang out with him.
Johnny smiled as you walked toward him. “Hey Y/N. You done for the day?”
You plopped down in a chair next to him. “Yeah. I just got out of my Japanese class. What about you?”
“I'm done for the day. I just got out of my statistics class. My only class today.”
You rolled your eyes. “Must be nice.”
“Did you eat yet?”
You shook your head. “I was just gonna grab a sandwich and go back to my room…”
“Wanna go to the caf with me?”
Johnny stood up and slung his backpack over his shoulder. You did the same and walked side by side to the cafeteria. He said something about them usually serving wings on Fridays as you headed inside. You swiped your ID cards and snaked through groups of freshmen, sophomores, juniors, seniors, commuter students, and faculty members to find a table.
The table you found was one of the high ones, with chairs that you, quite literally, had to climb onto. Johnny, being the giant that he was, didn't have that problem.
“So you chose a table with chairs I have to jump up on, huh?”
Johnny smirked. “What? It's funny to see you struggle. Especially in chemistry…”
You smacked him on the arm. “Shut. Up.”
He put his bag down onto the chair. “Let's get some food, shall we?”
With another roll of your eyes, you followed him to find the wings that he'd mentioned earlier. Of course, the station with the wings had the longest line. So you waited with your old acquaintance.
“What are you doing tonight?” he asked.
“I don't know,” you said. “I didn't really make any plans or anything like that. Are you doing something tonight?”
“Everyone is going to the club. You're eighteen by now, right?”
You nodded. “Yeah. I turned eighteen in May.”
“Perfect. You should come out to the club. Tell your friends, too.”
“Sounds like fun. I didn't really take you for a guy that parties…”
“I like to have fun, too.” He paused for a moment, moving up in line. “If you want something to drink, I have connections.”
You shifted your weight to the other leg. “I'll think about it, Johnny…”
He smiled and so did you.
You did think about it. And by eight o’clock, you decided you'd go to the party. And Melissa’s friend’s older sister was able to get you some alcohol. But apparently, alcohol included cans of 4lokos, the drinks in a can that everyone seemed to have a horror story associated with. Melissa said that it was the best she could do on such short notice. She said, “Next time, we should at least get some tequila or something better…”
You nodded in agreement. “Definitely.”
You weren't much of a drinker, not like some of these kids were, but you wanted to be tipsy tonight. You never really got the feeling of being drunk before. You'd seen plenty of people slurring and stumbling and doing dumb things that they probably wouldn't do sober, but that person had never been you. Maybe tonight it would. You wanted to be drunk but you just had to make sure that you didn't drink enough to end up with you over a toilet at the end of the night.
The two of you started getting ready, eager to go to your first party at college, even if it was at the club. You had been to a couple house parties in high school, but they weren't anything that memorable. Most of them had taken place in someone's house or backyard while parents were away. Either that or the parents just didn't care enough to to complain about a bunch of teenagers in their home, even if there was alcohol involved.
You weren't much of a drinker, not like some of these kids were, but you wanted to be tipsy tonight. You never really got the feeling of being drunk before. You'd seen plenty of people slurring and stumbling and doing dumb things that they probably wouldn't do sober, but that person had never been you. Maybe tonight it would. You wanted to be drunk but you just had to make sure that you didn't drink enough to end up with you over a toilet at the end of the night.
Your phone vibrated on the desk while Melissa curled your hair. “Ooh,” she sang, “who's Johnny?”
You smiled. “I went to high school with him. He goes here now.”
“Wait, is it that really cute guy you said hi to in the caf the other day? The really tall one?”
You nodded. “Yeah. That's him.”
You opened the message, which read, You coming out tonight?
You replied, Yeah. I'll be there
Great, he wrote. See you soon :)
You smiled. Who would've ever thought that Johnny would invite you to a party? In high school, you would've died if something like this happened. You would've been thrilled at just the thought of spending time with him outside of school. Now, it was actually happening.
You started getting butterflies in your stomach. Maybe something would happen between the two of you. But you had to remember that it was the club. Yes, he invited you but that didn't mean that he was going to be hanging out with you all night. You were sure he had plenty of other friends. There were plenty of other girls that he'd probably be flirting with instead of you. After all, you were a freshman. You had a little experience with guys but you lacked the confidence to talk to them without a little help.
There was a knock on your door as Melissa finished up one of your curls. As she headed toward the door to open it, you said, “It's probably Mark.” When she opened the door, it was Mark. He stood in the hallway, a huge, stupid grin plastered onto his face. He wore a simple button down shirt and jeans, but he managed to look good in it. Mark wasn't the type to go all out just for college night at the club near campus.
You raised your eyebrows. “What's with you?”
Mark giggled, walking into the room, as Melissa returned to finish your hair. He leaned against the wall. “Well, my roommate gave me a shot. He's going out tonight too.”
“You should've brought us a shot, too,” Melissa said with a pout. “All we have are 4lokos…”
“I dunno,” he said, sliding down to the floor to sit. “I only had one shot but I think I might be drunk…”
You laughed. “Have you ever drank before?”
He shook his head, then placed his finger on his chin. “Well, does champagne at my aunt’s New Years Eve party count?”
Melissa said, “Nah. That doesn't count. You have to have hard liquor. What'd your roommate give you?”
“Something that was a hundred proof…Maybe more than that. I dunno.”
Your eyes widened. “Jesus. No wonder you're drunk already. I've had drinks here and there but I've never been drunk.”
He clapped his hands together, like a child. “Yay, we can have our first time being drunk together.”
“Well,” said Melissa, popping open her 4loko, “I guess we have to catch up to Mark.”
You popped open your own, taking a huge gulp. “I guess we do, my friend. Cheers...”
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