#we are now in DLTP territory
purpleandstarlight ยท 10 months
@hateweasel I think I may post a couple a little more quickly bc I have so many and I like sharing this stuff
(On the subject of Preston being hit)
My friend: Hey, better him than my ship at least...
Me: He got hit trying to shield Kris actually, so you should be more grateful
Me: NOO ๐Ÿ’€ Anyways Cielois is reunited finally
My friend: Finally! Now everyone get out of there, before someone actually important dies!! (Sorry, Preston)
Me: Why this costant bullying towards Preston? ๐Ÿ’€
My friend: Poor Preston...its nothing personal, i just have different priorities...
(Also to be fair with my friend...that was like, the first time I ever told her about Preston, since I began the commentary quite late and at that point most of Preston's more centered arcs had gone by..so she didnt know anything about him yet, just that he was one of the 7 and wounded)
-My friend, after i told her about Preston being poisoned by the Black Annis and the fact that he will most likely die much sooner than the others and we talked a bit about his situation: This entire last part of the arc has been SUPER sad tho...
Me:Yeah...at least the Cielois Reunion was wholesome?
My friend: And we also got the KrisDan kiss...And neither Kris nor Dan died, so it's a victory on all fronts!!
Me: I mean the battle is still going on strong ๐Ÿ’€
My friend: ...Guess i spoke too soon then
-There was this entire discussion Metus and Alois were having while fighting and they were snapping at eachother while throwing hands and it left me Flabbergasted because it was the weirdest battle trash talk i ever read in my life. It was all about Alois talking about his relationship and Metus suggesting a restaurant for their anniversary (Wich is also the one at the beginning of Devils like to Prove...wich also left me Flabbergasted but in a much less amused way, seeing the shit Metus pulled later on during their fight at the end of DLTD...)
- I stopped with my thoughts on DLTD and just began with the DLTP ones? I probably didnt have too much to say to her considering it was so much action and stuff...
-Began saying that i would have laughed more about Alois actually going to that restaurant if not that remembering the guy made me uncomfortable because of the shit he did.
-Me: So...while reading DLTD, i asked the author a list of spoiler free memes. One of them was a name [for context, it's Baldassere]ย  and as I began this and heard the name for the first time i was like "Oh he must be a villain that's why he's a meme" but no actually now I met him and it's because he's a fucking idiot
-Mentioned Sister Dorothy to my friend and I was immediately stanning her SO MUCH.
-My friend was asleep when I read like the first 26 chapters or smth of DLTP (it was night) so she caught up with my texts when she woke up. The one i really want to mention first is this scenario she made up when I told her that KrisDan confessed but Kris insisted on Dan breaking up with Anastasia before they got together (She also joked in the past during DLTD that they hadn't been together for a long time or even at all and Dan just didn't get it):
Dan: Ana, i gotta tell you something...
Ana: Shoot, bro.
Dan: We can't be together anymore, because I'm actually gay and like your brother.
Ana: ...bro we haven't been together for MONTHS. I'm about to marry Lawrence, i even sent you an invitation...I also call you bro because I know you're with my brother. Do you mean to tell me you're not actually together yet?!
Dan: ...Ah
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