#we are openly anti-Z/tar/a here
toph-bi-fong · 10 months
Why I don’t like nor ship Z/tar/a 🔥🚫💧
From a canon perspective:
I like Katara and Zuko as characters independent from each other. I feel that there is no need for them to be romantically involved.
The show had already given me much incentive as to why I feel for Katara and Aang’s relationship. Them being together in the end after episodes of buildup just makes more sense to me.
I’m not the biggest Maiko shipper, but I still feel Mai is still a better fit for Zuko than Katara. Sure, both of them lost their moms, but both Zuko and Mai grew up in the fire nation within abusive households. I’m sure those two would have a LOT more to relate to than “I lost my mom” But then got her back years later.
I just really can’t see Zuko wanting to be in a relationship with Katara. Like- I know Zuko has no romantic interest in Katara (and vise-versa) and it just feels really OOC for (both of them) to be in relationship with each other. Hell, we even see TWICE that the idea of them being a pairing disgusts them/makes them uncomfortable.
From a fandom perspective:
The ZK fandom’s harassment towards KA shippers for the last two decades. Their intrusive behavior and overall toxicity has killed any incentive for me to be intrigued by the idea of them as a couple. Coming across fanart of the two of them in a romantic setting makes me physically ill.
I’m repulsed by the idea of Katara marrying into the family that was responsible for the genocide of her own.
The way she’s oversexualized in the fandom, be it in her FN garb or her being tied to a tree.
The fandom reducing her to an abused housewife/baby-maker that needs Zuko’s saving.
Zuko being over-glorified as if he still doesn’t have some internalized racism that needs to be addressed. I love him- but he’s still problematic trash.
The fandom’s need to demonize or infantalize Asng- just because Katara was the one she CHOSE to be with.
Really, any other Zuko ship that doesnt involve Katara (or his own goddamn sister, Azula) I can vibe with.
TLDR: The ship makes the characters come off as completely OOC for me and the fandom is obnoxiously toxic. I’m already devoted to Kataang and there are better Zuko ships out there.
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