#we aren't personally mexican but thats really cool!!!!!
1d1195 ยท 6 months
I tend to keep a lot of my "vulnerable" feelings a bit bottled up lol BUT I am working on that lol I of course appreciate you sooo much! Even before I claimed the ๐Ÿ’œemoji, I HEAVILY related to your MC's like there were so many similarities in their personality and struggles that for a second got a little TOO REAL lol And to know you put alot of yourself into your stories and characters it felt nice to know that I wasn't alone in feeling like that. Sometimes it feels like something is so wrong with me when it gets tough so knowing that my feelings aren't so strange made/makes me feel alright :) idk if any of that made sense lol
omg don't even get me started when parents trauma dump ๐Ÿ˜ญ idk if i mentioned this before or not but Im first gen Mexican American so literally Mexican parents/elders will literally tell you the most TRAUMATZING stories/experiences then go to say shit like "it's okay, thank god we are better now๐Ÿ˜" LIKE HELLO!? WE NEED TO UNPACK THAT?!
I often think if I would be "happier" if I had just chosen a semester school bc I despise this horrid system lol But youre so kind, you have no idea๐Ÿ˜ญ
OMG YOU THINK I HAVE A SOCIAL LIFE??? thats crazy bc I feel like mine isn't too crazy or fun lol I have a small core group of friends but the majority of them aren't in school and the friends I do have in college i feel like I rarely seem them due to all of us being so busy lol But ngl i do love going to the free events there like concerts and drag shows WHICH ARE MY FAVE!!! but even then hanging out can sometimes be a little draining for me but once again Im trying to work on that lol.
But bestie you graduated early?! That's really cool! And that is such a big accomplishment! And I can't blame you for wanting your Friends moment like who wouldn't want that?! I wanted a cute little college romance but instead Im over hear falling for my professor lol OH i forgot to mention I have a cute TA in one of my psyc classes so Im saying sorry in advance for how annoying I will be about him ๐Ÿ˜”
AH you know I love you Sam! You seriously are someone I look forward to chatting with!-๐Ÿ’œ
I totally get the bottling your feelings up. I think Tulips is most like that. She has some issues (she, being me). I'm glad feeling relatable was a comfort for you. I know it's a comfort for me and I think one of the NICEST things about writing on here is that there are actually many people share the same feelings as me (us). Way more than I thought. It's kind of isolating day-to-day so it's nice to know it doesn't have to be.
HEY RANDOM!!! do you know your Myer's Brigg Personality? I am a HUGE personality test taker. Those buzzfeed ones that were like "What toaster are you?" literally obsessed. or the soldier, poet, king test? Any of them! I love them. It might be a little confirmation bias-y in my own personality but I don't care; I love them. HAHAHAHHAHA I did one for a job years ago I would have to dig it out to remember what the actual test was but i think it was like your big 5 qualities in the work place. Anyway, it made me think of more ways we could be similar (I'm an INFJ - (T) but if I use my teacher persona I can be convinced to be an ENFJ --but I'm a major introvert at heart obvi)
My mom and I are very similar. My bf has some pretty convincing theories about how my mom used to be like my sister and then turned into me when she had kids because she had to be responsible. So her trauma dumping often includes a lot of regrets and worries. You've mentioned your Mexican-American heritage before and I've seen a lot in the media (I know it's not exactly the same and probs also childish of me to rely on Disney for media but Encanto and Coco I feel like were semi-good examples--please don't think the worst of me if you disagree) Encanto especially--Grandma has some things to talk through. That's a lot to unload on you (or anyone!). Again, nice to know it's relatable even if it's sad sometimes. At least I'm not alone! ๐Ÿ’•
UGH I can't wait to write TA Harry ๐Ÿ˜ You could NEVER be annoying. I want the play-by-play PLEASE it will be the best inspo and I need to live vicariously!!! I've never been to a drag show but definitely on the list of things I'd like to attend! I fall into the latter part of your sentence there. I refrain from doing a lot of things because I'm already so busy on a regular day I don't want to do anything that will require energy when I don't need to use it HAHAHAHA
You're so sweet, thank you. At the time graduating early felt like a really big deal. Now I feel like it doesn't mean much. I guess it saved me some money right? There isn't much I won't do for a coupon ๐Ÿ˜‚
Love you! Hope your week is being good to you!
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butchdykekondraki ยท 2 years
I KNOWWW also it was REALLY overwhelming because us as the big kids from high school got all the primary secondary and first year students to play gmaes and there were SO many modules
there was yoyo, spinning top, one of those fuckers where its a stick and a ball and you have to get the ball on it, none of my buds were in that module
then there was also lottery (thats my module babyyyyy my throat hurts SO MUCH)
rounds (mostly childrens song games, el patio de mi casa, la casa de doรฑa blanca, la vivora de la mar, songs are nice, two of my classmates got here)
Jump rope and ellastic (another two of my classmates here, the one that overheard the gossip is here)
Bebeleche (one more of my classmates here)
Put the tail on the donkey and blind chicken (none)
and finally, matatena, pirinola, chinese sticks, and marbles (last one of my classmates here)
It was really fun though! I'm in shooting guard though so my feet really hurt after the honours to the flag
btw tomorrow is Mexican Independence day so its why we did all this- i hope you dont mind im just going off in your inbox ^^'
ALL OF THOSE SOUND LIKE SO MUCH FUN WHAT. also no worries!!! happy early mexican indepence day mate!!! :D
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