#we can coexist and i want to coexist because there's not enough Jo content to go around but if i respect you you gotta respect me. that's
I wanna say, I know sometimes my Chestervelle posts/memes are kinda pointed and bitter (and that is just coming from a place of frustration from being on this site and blogging about them for so long) but my goal with those posts isn't directed at anyone in particular or to hate against other ships involving Dean and Jo. I just want to create content that's validating to other Chestervelle shippers, because even though we keep in our circle and don't start things, sometimes people go out of their way to come into our spaces to belittle and invalidate our ship.
I'm not making memes and posts as a huge middle finger to people who don't ship it. I make memes and posts for other Chestervelle shippers to say that you are valid. You're not wrong and you have just as much right to take up space in this fandom as anyone else.
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multiplefandomfics · 5 years
Grimes sisters chapter 26
And last but not least, the last chapter but don’t worry a second part to Grimes sisters is already in the making. i hope that you enjoyed this so far and keep following our stories :D so thanks for the ride up till now and thanks to my coauthor Lisa who’s come up with the amazing idea to do this. writing really helps me to find myself and i genuinely enjoy it.
Pairings: Daryl x Alex; Negan x Fabienne
Warnings: none
Words: 1200
Alex POV
I was happy that my sister and Negan had found to each other again. She had also managed to get Rick and her boyfriend to talk and they had found a solution to all of this. They were probably never gonna become best friends but they could peacefully coexist.
They had sat down together a few months ago to negotiate some kind of contract. Our communities were obliged through this contract to trade and work together and I think that we had found a good way with all this. The tension was still there, how couldn’t it be? After what Negan had done to us. And Negan really had changed for the sake of my sister and their unborn baby.
Hilltop had also agreed to cooperate with us even though a lot of the inhabitants had been as skeptical as we were.
Eleven months had passed since we had come to an agreement. My sister and I had given birth to our babies only two months prior only 10 days apart. Fabienne had a gorgeous little boy called Dean and Daryl and I had become parents of a beautiful girl name Joanna Beth. I had been very close to Beth during the time we had lived in the prison and had loved her like a little sister so I wanted to give her something back and name my baby after her.
Rick was really happy for us and proud of our little families. Daryl was, against his fears, an amazing dad. Just how I had predicted. He was always talking to her in baby language when he thought no one was looking and he even helped a lot. Changing diapers and giving her the bottle. I was really in awe with the man and more and more in love every day.
I was watching him with our daughter in his arms sitting on the patio. I could watch them for hours on end. I snuck up behind him and gave him a kiss to his head which made him look up and smile at me.
“When’s ya sister gonna be here?” he asked me. “They should be here any minute now.” I answered.
Preparing the rest in the house before they arrived I busied myself. I was excited to see my sister and nephew.
The communities had developed greatly and it filled me with pride and joy. Everything was working out great and no one had started confrontations or war anymore.
Even Rick had finally accepted that Negan was family now.
When there was a knock on the door I opened it in hope of seeing Fabienne but it was Rosita with her baby in her arms. Yes we had experienced a real baby boom in the past months. 6 months ago Maggie had started it with her son Hershel then Fabienne and I had followed and Rosita had come last. Maybe this was the sign for a new better world we had needed.
“Have fun today.” Rosita ripped me out of my thoughts and I nodded toward her friendly.
Just a minute later the gates opened and a car rolled through. Fabienne and Negan stepped out of it and while my sister was walking toward me Negan freed Dean out of the baby safe from the backseat. “Heeey!!” I greeted er. We hadn’t seen each other in a few weeks due to the fact that she was living at sanctuary and fuel was unfortunately getting rarer so we only drove when we urgently needed to.
“How are you?”
“We’re fine what about you and especially my little niece?” she prodded and if on cue Daryl came up behind me with our little angel in his arms.
Fabienne was immediately in her element and took Jo from him while Negan pinned his son into my arms. He was definitely gonna become a handsome fellow someday turning heads left and right I thought.
After we had finally gotten the babies to sleep we sat down and ate. Carl, Rick, Judith and Michonne had joined us. “Oh my goodness this tastes fantastic!” Fabienne gushed over my cooking skills.
“You’re also cooking really good, baby.” Negan remarked smiling and kissing her hand.
Just then I realized that that we hadn’t visited her at the Sanctuary yet. Rick never wanted us to and even prevented us from going. Like I said before Negan and him are probably never going to be best buddies and Rick just accepted him in our home because of Fabienne.
Together we enjoyed our quiet evening without too many disruptions through the children crying. My sister and her family stayed one night and went home the next morning.
Everything is going great for us finally. I am very excited what the future holds for us.
Maggie POV
Glenn and I were sitting outside looking over Hilltop with Hershel in my arms. After my father died of old age half a year ago Glenn wanted to honor him by naming our son after him and how could I have said no to that? Even though I was very sad that my father hadn’t met our son personally I was sure that he was watching us from above being really happy for us.
Beth and I were missing him so much. He had been such a big influence in both our lives but the time was gonna heal every wound. He was always gonna live on in all our hearts and the stories we would tell Hershel junior.
Hilltop was thriving just like the other communities around us. We had build new fields and planted new crops. Everyone had enough food without having to scavenge too much anymore. Together we were gonna have a great life here.
That morning I had received a new letter from Alex. They were all good and the children in Alexandria were growing just like Hershel was. One day you can easily carry them around and the next day they start walking and it seems as if they don’t need you anymore.
The last time I saw Joanna and Dean they had been only a few days old.
“maybe we should visit them soon.” I suggested to Glenn and he nodded in agreement. Later when our kids had grown older they could play together when we visited them.
I had great respect for Rick how he was accepting Negan into his home after what he had done. I was trying really hard to do so as well and it worked to an extend but he was never gonna set foot into Hilltop. Of course I was sad for Fabienne, she was the one suffering from this the most but I needed to take care of my people here at Hilltop.
Only the henchmen of the Sanctuary were allowed in front of the gates to trade our supplies.
Slowly the sun was setting dying the sky pink and purple. I leaned my head against Glenn’s shoulder and closed my eyes. Everything could stay the way it was now. I am very content that we have made it. Nothing can stop us now!
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