#we could write a bible with Kazumaji moments but there's so little for Ichizhao ;;
gazkamurocho · 3 months
Omg the IchiZhao in your style from the last ask!!! Needed that for my soul thank you, I've been thinking about them a lot since I've been playing LAD.
Heehehe thank you so much Soup, I'm happy that you like them! ❤❤ Glad to see we have another Ichizhao shipper emerging among us 👀 Their Drink Links are what got me interested in them~ But there was this part where I was in a boss battle (can't remember which one) where Zhao got KO'd, and then I made Ichiban use his "Hero's Vigor" (it revives a fallen ally). Ichiban goes something like "No! You can't give up, Zhao!", Zhao revives, and then HE LETS OUT THE MOST PURRING AND ADORABLE "Arigatou~❤" I'VE EVER HEARD IN MY LIFE. This may seem really random but it was then and there that my heart have become a Ichizhao shipper jhgdjskfsjk I just love them so much ;;❤❤❤
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