#we could've let people buy the amulet and just go after them
pocketbullfinch · 4 years
We just killed a pc
Monday means a game with Demofre, tiefling cleric whose party is full of reckless people rushing around and making deals. 
In today’s session we were at an auction, where a pirate crew was about to sell an amulet we’re looking for. One of our party was part of the pirates for not that long time, according to her. Our bard has recently joined us, after the players rogue left. We have a few ways to secure the amulet, siding with some richer parties, stealing the amulet, or buying it before the auction for some coin and a tiefling’s horn (not Demo’s) but she doesn’t want to give them the horn. 
The bard gets an idea to talk for a better deal, and asks what the head of pirates wants. He says he’ll give the amulet if we let him drown one of ours. We talk things through, and me being a cleric with revivify and plenty of diamonds, agree that the death would be cheapest option, and the bard is willing to go with it, as long as we make a written, binding agreement. 
So I write down what i think is a waterproof contract. No magic allowed except for 3 named spells, has to be water, the container and the water have to be verified by our party to be normal, there’s a time limit for the act, and our party has to be there supervising and available, and the whole deal can be postponed if someone doesn’t agree on the setup. The contract needs to be understood and confirmed verbally that the participants will adhere to it, under a zone of truth. 
It’s time, the drowning happens, he walks off, the amulet is tossed to us. The revivify doesn’t take hold. It doesn’t work, because the death was a willing sacrifice. Our bards soul has been taken.
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