#we don't need a live season for them to have a slightly more relaxed shooting schedule
seawitchkaraoke · 4 months
"they should do D20 live again, the spread out filming schedule will make them less stressed" yeah? You think doing it live and then going home for a week and reading online all the things ppl think you're doing wrong with your character and the story wouldn't cause any stress? Okay then.
Like imagine if the finale had been live. Half the fans would pat themselves on the back that "they" convinced the ih to resurrect the ratgrinders and the other half would be mad at them for "caving" to audience pressure. And others would still be mad just like they are now that they didn't bring Kipperlily back too. No. Let's not do a live season actually.
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kyoongboxi · 3 years
Delight —
[Baekhyun AU]
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— Summertime with Baekhyun —
Summary; You were going to a waterpark to spend your summer with your highschool friends but who would have thought it would be your first meeting after a long time with your all-time highschool crush, Baekhyun.
Pairing; Baekhyun x Reader
Genre; fluff, cute, romance.
You've already passed almost three years of college. You feel like you've been through everything started from missing the class especially the one which started in the morning, missing assignments, lack of sleep, skipping the class because of certain things, and others. You also rarely going out in season break because you feel like you didn't really need that. And now summer break is here again.
You were planning to go back to your parents house and spending time probably at the beach just like every summer with your little sister. But the last few days, your high school chat group is always ringing non-stop. Actually you don't care at all but your name keeps being mentioned in the group chat. It said you have to come because everyone misses you. You frowned as you scroll up the group chat and it turned out they're planning to go into a reunion in a local waterpark.
You were about to type something but your phone screen suddenly changed. Showing your high school's bestfriend name on it. Kayla. She was begging you to come because she also hasn't seen you in a long time. At first you were firm in your choice that you wouldn't come but Kayla who kept on sulking managed to melt your heart. You agreed.
And now here you are. Dressing in a simple black swimsuit, watching Kayla and your other friends splashing water into each other. You bend your knees a little so the water reached below your chest. There was a few people including your bestfriend below the big bucket waiting for it to be filled with water and creating a big splash of water when it spilled. Kayla noticed you were watching and she's gesturing you to come.
A laugh escaped your lips as you keep shaking your head telling that you didn't want to come. You don't really like playing in the waterpark because you almost seeing death when you were playing on a waterslide with your friends in high school. You disobeyed the playing procedure. At that time you were sitting on the front, followed by three of your friends in the back. The height of the swimming pool was more than 1,6 meters. You thought it wasn't a problem at all because you can swim. But then you were drowned for about three minutes because your friends keep pushing you down accidentally.
You pushed away your thoughts as the bucket spilled causing a big splash of water and people screaming happily. A smile automatically drew against your lips as you saw Kayla laughing with her friends. Not long after, she was approaching you and splashing you with water.
"Let's go to the waterslide. Wanna come? C'mon bestie just this time?" Kayla asked you suddenly. She knows everything about what happened to you back then so there was a little hesitation slipped between her tone.
"I don't—"
"Aaahh.. Please? You're gonna be fine. I promise. Yeah?" Then she did that again. Showing her puppy eyes and grasping your hands with her.
You rolled your eyes at her before getting up from the water and agreeing. Kayla jumped and pulled you into a tight hug. You both were giggling until your friends approaching you and heading into the waterslide together. There was around nine people including you who wants to play the waterslide.
You climb the stairs carefully with your heart starting to race inside your chest. It was your first time trying this again since that accident. Kayla noticed your stiff movement and she throws her arm around your shoulder and telling you you're going to be just fine.
"Loosen up a bit.. You're fine. Okay? All your friends in here we wouldn't let you drown" Hearing the last sentence, your hands automatically flew to her chest. Hitting her lightly caused your friend to laugh.
After a few minute climbing up the stairs, you and your friends finally reached the top. You peeking out how far the waterslide is and it was kinda long. Maybe it took around one minute or more for reaching the ground. You shivered but your thoughts being pushed away when four of your friends already sliding down through it using the yellow swimming tire made for four people.
You immediately glancing around because now only five people are left and four of them including Kayla was getting ready to start their adventure. Your friends only brought a two swimming tire and basically it only fits for eight people.
"Gu—guys.." You called out and four of them glancing against your direction.
"The tire was made for four people and— we were five. I— I don't want go alone.. I'll just going down using the stairs—"
"Right— I'm sorry I didn't realize that. That's fine I'll come down using the stairs with you—" Kayla spoke and getting up from the tire, walking towards where you stand at the corner but you stopped her by saying its fine.
"No no.. Kayla you can join them. Its fine actually— I'm having a doubt for sliding this down" You gestured. "I'm going to use the stairs. Its fine— guys" You let out an awkward laugh and Kayla sent you an apologetic look meanwhile the other three was calling her to come with them.
"Its fine, Kay. Just wait for me" You spoke softly.
"Okay then—" She nodded and turned her back to you. "I'll wait on the pool. Join us asap, yeah?" Kayla turned her head around once again and you nodded.
They disappeared against the waterslide tunnel not long after and you could hear their muffled laughter echoing through it. You sighed and wraps your arms around your torso. You shouldn't have agreeing to come because now you feel bad for ruining your friends summer time.
You turned around walking towards the stairs. You keep your head down and you saw a man feet walking in the same direction. Without thinking twice you move aside, letting him to walk first but a familiar voice calling your name caused you to looked up.
You feel like someone is pulling you harshly into the same hole that leading into your past when your eyes met those warm yet captivating brown eyes you wished you will never see again. Baekhyun, Byun Baekhyun. Your biggest crush ever when you were in the high school.
He was there. Looking at you with one arm holding the yellow swimming tire behind his back. The last time you saw him on his Instastory, his hair was white. But now he dyed his hair into a darker color. Slightly wet and half parted. It was like he's been running his fingers through his hair because it was a little bit messy. And you noticed that he was wearing a black shirt that clutching into his skin perfectly paired with red shorts. All wet.
Oh you just want to disappear and curse at Kayla for not telling you he was also coming. You feel shy under his gaze because you noticed he was looking at your exposed skin before going back into your eyes. You hugged your exposed torso a little bit tighter and shoot him a smile. A forced one because it was too obvious and Baekhyun noticed your awkwardness.
"I thought you went down already with Kayla and the others?" Baekhyun finally spoke. "I just talked to someone a few minutes ago and I told Lucas to going first with the others. Did he join you?" And now you realized you missed him that much. Even his voice sounds like a great lullaby when it reached your ears.
You could only nodded because you feel like your tongue are tied and its very hard to speak. Your heart keep thumping loudly meanwhile your brain keep telling you to leave him. Right now.
"Ah I see.. And— what happened to you why didn't you joining?"
And you finally open your mouth. "They only brought two tire— only fits for four people— all of us were nine so I didn't get the space" You answered with a soft laugh.
"And now you wanna go down using the stairs?" He asked again as he put the yellow tire on the slide.
You nodded.
Baekhyun glanced at you. A smile drew against his lips showing his teeth and those cute cheeks. "Wanna slide together?" He offered.
Your eyes widened immediately as you heard those words rolling out his tongue. Slide together? Hell nah. "But— you only brought the tire designed for one people—"
He chuckled. "Not a big problem. You can sit on my lap" He answered easily. "C'mon"
You close your eyes for a sec and trying to control your breathing because God this man is crazy and your heart is also beating crazily. "I'm sorry Baekhyun, but I got a trauma—"
"I know, I know. I would never forget that" He shook his head and threw his gaze into another direction before coming back to you. "I'll hold you tight. You're gonna be fine. C'mon" He then offered his hand to you.
Both your heart and mind is racing. You really didn't know what to do and what to choose. "C'mon.. You should live a little we both still young. I know you since long ago. You trusted me, right?"
Did you trust him? "Is that okay with you if I sit on your— la— lap?"
"More than okay. Let's go"
Baekhyun climbed against the tire. Trying to find the right position with his legs spread open. Once he was done, he gestured for you to sit on top of him. To sit on his lap.
You walked up slowly towards him with a shaky legs and you just hope he didn't noticed. Take a deep breath, you crouched down to sit against his lap carefully. You could feel the wet material of his shorts rubbing against your inner thighs as you sit down. His right arm immediately snakes around your naked torso and you shivered because his skin feels cold against your warm one meanwhile his other hand clutching into the side of the tire for safety. Your both hands also joining him clutching the side of it.
"Ready?" He spoke softly against your ear. His breath caressed your skin.
You nodded softly before you closed your eyes. You don't want to see everything. You were scared of being drowned. "Relax.." Baekhyun tightened his grip around your body. "We'll go in one.. Two.."
With that, you could feel the tire sliding down in a fast motion. Moving deeper inside the tunnel of the waterslide. You could hear the man behind you screaming and laughing happily when you wouldn't dare to open your eyes. It took around one minute or more for reaching the pool and the next thing you realized was your body being slammed hard into the water as your breath hitched in your throat. A lot of water filling up your nose and you panicked. But you were pulled to the surface just in time as a pair of arms wrapped around your body.
You couldn't help but clutching into his arms as you coughed. Your breathing was fast and you probably looks like a dying fish in the hand of the fisherman. "Easy— easy... Let it out" You heard Baekhyun talk as he patted your back soothingly.
A minute passed and you were greeted by his warm gaze. You could tell he was worried about you from the way he looks at you in your eyes. "Are you okay?"
You nodded and let out a laugh as you throw your arms around his neck. Pulling him into your embrace. "I'm alright. I'm— I'm so sorry Baekhyun"
He gladly returned your embrace and running his fingers against your tangled locks. "That's fine. You're okay. We both fine. You trusted me, didn't you?"
You nodded and close your eyes again. You could feel Baekhyun chuckled because your chest was pressed against him. "Let's go for another ride then?" He asked you.
And not far from where you were at, stood Kayla smiling and winked against the man. Baekhyun nodded and raised his thumb towards her. Mission success.
Hello! I'm back again hehe thankyou so much for your feedback on my first entry! I love you ❤❤ more are definitely coming please wait for me ehehe ‘ㅅ’!
And oh I can't replying to comments I'm kinda new on this app could someone please tell me how to? Thankyou 😂😭😭
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mldrgrl · 7 years
Do you take prompts? I have this idea rattling around in my brain and you are one of my favorite fanfic writers so here goes. Its a season 8 finale AU where Mulder and Scully raise William. William is going to his senior prom and Scully teaches him how to dance. Mulder watches from a distance, they don't know he's watching them, and then after a while Mulder comes over to "cut in".
Yes, I do take prompts.  My vision went a little differently from yours, but I hope it’s still what you want!  I set it in my Little Will universe because it could slide in there pretty easily after They Grow Up So Fast.  (And, in all honestly, will probably make more sense if you read that first)
Title: How’s About a DanceAuthor: mldrgrlRating: PGSummary: see above :D
One of the most exasperating ways that Will was like his mother, Mulder decided, was his habit of not saying anything when there was a lot to say.  Like Scully, he had this habit of evading topics and trying to make his poor father guess at what he was thinking.  But, after eleven years of being the kid’s father, and almost twenty at being Scully’s partner, he’d finally picked up a few tricks.
Number one, neither of them could stand being ignored.  When they said “I’m fine,” needling or arguing about it got him nowhere.  Shrugging his shoulders and feigning disinterest could open the floodgates.
Number two, do not ask direct questions.  Don’t ever ask what’s wrong, don’t ever ask for more information.  Wait for them to start, pepper the conversation with things like “oh?” or “yeah?”  Simple, one-word responses kept things going.
Number three, and this one was tricky, do not offer advice without being asked.  Nothing could shut down a conversation faster than a well-meaning “maybe you should…”
And so, Mulder was pretty well-prepared when Will came poking around in his office, pretending to quietly browse the books on the shelves while casting less-than-furtive glances in his dad’s direction.  Mulder continued working on his article and ignored his son.  He wasn’t really ignoring him though.  In fact, he’d typed the same sentence more than once because he couldn’t really focus knowing something was wrong and not knowing what it was.
“Whatcha workin’ on?” Will asked.
“New article on the myths of the Salem witch trials,” Mulder answered.
“Cool.”  Will nodded and ran his index finger along the side edge of Mulder’s desk.  “Can we go to Salem one day?”
“Cool.  Oh hey, I got a 95 on my vocab test.”
“What’d you miss?”
“Utmost versus upmost.”
“Thought you knew that one.”
“I did, until both sentences made total sense.
“You can’t ace ‘em all, pal.”
Will sighed.  “Ruined my streak though, which really pi…ticks me off.”
“Yeah, I hear ya.”
Will turned and ran his finger the opposite way along Mulder’s desk.  Missing a question or two on a test always annoyed Will, but Mulder knew that wasn’t the problem.  He typed some more and then studied his scribblings on one of his notepads.  
“So, um,” Will said.  “Sixth grade is kinda different.”
“Yeah, you know, the different classes and stuff.  All the different teachers.”
“Sure.”  Mulder nodded, glanced at Will, and then flipped the page over on his notepad.  Now, they were getting somewhere.  Something to do with school, maybe a teacher, maybe a bully, but definitely school.
“And they do stuff, you know, like dances and stuff.”
Aha!  “Yeah, I remember those.”
“Do you?”
Mulder looked at Will over the top of his glasses.  “I’m not that old, son.”
“I mean, I didn’t know you had dances in school.  You never said.”
“Guess I didn’t think about it.”
“Oh.”  Will chewed on his bottom lip for a moment, the same way his mother did when she was trying to formulate a thought.
Mulder itched to ask him to elaborate.  He missed the days when he could pull the boy onto his lap and tickle the trouble away.  Growing up was a bittersweet thing.  As much as he loved seeing his son mature, he also missed the silly, cuddly little toddler he once was.  And the days where the most complicated problem to solve was a broken crayon.
The conversation stalled, so Mulder took a chance.  “When is it?” he asked.
“When is what?”
“The dance.”
“Oh.  Um, next Friday.”
��Well, if you need me to sign a permission slip to attend, I’ll sign it.  As long as your homework’s done.”
“Da-ad.”  Will rolled his eyes a little.
“I always do my homework.”
“I know you do.”
There was a lull in the conversation again, but Mulder felt more confident there was more to come and he wouldn’t have to prompt Will any further.  Sure enough, the silence that followed was short-lived.
“I’m gonna ask Lexi to go with me,” Will blurted out, his voice a little higher than normal.  
All things considered, Mulder’s first thought was that he deserved an award for keeping the expression on his face so neutral.  He was both laughing and crying inside, but he couldn’t let it show.  He bobbed his head a little awkwardly for a few moments and had to clear his throat before his voice would work.
“That’s great, buddy.”
“I mean, you know…”  Will dropped his eyes and scratched at the corner of Mulder’s desk.  “Some of the guys think it’s kind of lame.”
Cody Prescott, probably, Mulder thought.  With his fucking bowtie.  “Well, what do you think?” he asked.
Will chewed his lip again and Scully’s look of distress came over his face.  “It’s just that, I don’t know how to dance, you know?  I don’t want to look stupid and I don’t want Lexi to think I’m lame.”
“Maybe I shouldn’t go.”
“Come on, come with me.”  
Mulder pulled his glasses off, threw his notepad down on his desk and stood.  He put his hand on Will’s shoulder and steered him out the door towards the living room.  When he’d gone into his office that morning, Scully had been engrossed with something on her tablet as she lounged on the couch.  She was still there, still engrossed, but she looked up when Mulder and Will shuffled in.
“We need you,” Mulder said, holding his hand out to his wife and beckoning her up from the couch.
“I told you,” she said, batting his hand away.  “You’re on your own for lunch, I’ll broil the salmon for dinner.”
“It’s not about lunch.”
“Is this a trick?”  She shot a skeptical eyebrow up and looked from Mulder to Will.
Mulder grabbed her hand and gave it a tug.  “Get over here, Scully.”
Scully let Mulder pull her to her feet.  He locked their fingers together and held her hand up high by her shoulder before he set his other hand on her hip and walked her backwards, away from the couch.
“First lesson, Will,” Mulder said.  “Never look at your feet.  You look at your feet, it’s over.”
“What are we doing?” Scully asked.
“The boy wonder over there is in need of some dance lessons.”
“Why is he in need of dance lessons?”
“He has a dance to go to.”
“A dance?”  Scully tried to break free from Mulder, but he squeezed her hand and pulled her closer, shaking his head a little.
“Watch and learn, junior.”
Mulder swayed Scully slowly.  She was distracted, trying to look past him at Will, but he would purposefully shift and block her view.  Finally, he took his hand off her hip and brushed a curled finger under her chin to get her attention.
“Don’t look at your feet,” Mulder reiterated.  “Keep your eyes on your partner.  It’ll help you not to get tripped up and the view is much nicer.”
Scully rolled her eyes, but fortunately her back was to Will.  Mulder winked at him and danced them back away from the couch, then forward again.
“Your job is to lead and trust her to follow,” Mulder said, dancing them closer to Will.
Will had his bottom lip caught between his teeth, the tip of his tongue poking out of the corner of his mouth in concentration as he watched his father’s feet.  His arm was slightly up, wrist tipped back and fingers spread and curved like he was holding an invisible hand.  He shuffled back and forth with small steps next to the couch, moving without going anywhere.  Mulder let go of Scully’s hip and turned her away from him.  When his arm cleared her head and she was facing Will, he released her hand and stepped away.
“Your turn, buddy,” Mulder said.
“What?” Will asked, blinking up at Mulder.
“Can’t learn without trying.  Dance with your mom.”
“Da-ad.”  Will’s cheeks darkened with embarrassment.
“Hey,” Scully said, putting her hand up for Will to take.  “I happen to be an excellent partner.”
“She is,” Mulder agreed.  “The best of the best.  How can you dance with Lexi if you can’t even dance with mom?”
“Lexi!”  Scully smiled broadly as Will ducked his head.  “Did you ask Lexi to the dance?”
“Yeah,” Will mumbled.  “You don’t have to make a big deal about it.”
“No one’s making a big deal about anything,” Mulder said, shaking his head at Scully in warning.  He took Will’s hand and put it on Scully’s hip and brought Scully’s hand to Will’s shoulder.  The boy was still slightly smaller than Scully by about two inches, but he had Mulder’s lankiness which implied he was going to shoot up soon.
“Now what?”  Will’s arms were stiff and straight.  He was standing too far from Scully, but he looked wary of moving closer.
“Relax,” Mulder said, shaking Will’s arms from behind him to loosen him up.  When that didn’t work, he tickled his sides, which caused him to break apart and laugh.  He drew his arms into his sides to protect himself from the assault and Mulder hugged him from behind for a brief moment and patted his arms.
Scully cleared her throat, arms still in a dance frame.  “I believe I’m owed a dance here.”
Will put his hand back on Scully’s hip and laced his fingers with hers.  He was much more relaxed the second time around and not so stiff.
“Do I have to get all close and stuff?” Will asked.
“No,” Mulder said.  “You can dance closer when you’re…taller.”
Scully chuckled.  
“Do I step forward or backward?” Will asked.
“Try forward to start with,” Mulder answered.  “Remember, look at your partner, not at your feet.  Lead with your eyes.  Be confident.”
Will hesitantly moved his feet, second-guessing every step he took.  Scully tried to follow his lead, but it didn’t work so well when he didn’t know where he was going.  They stepped on each other’s feet several times and Will kept apologizing, his cheeks growing pinker by the second.  
“I suck at this,” Will declared.
“It’s your first dance,” Mulder said.  “Don’t be so hard on yourself.”
“You’re doing great,” Scully added, laughing when Will tripped into her before she even finished the compliment.
Will laughed along with Scully, giving up on letting his stumbles bother him.  They more they both laughed, the less he messed up.  He finally grinned when a full minute passed without him stepping on one of Scully’s feet.
“I think I can do it!” Will cried.
Mulder tapped on his son’s shoulder.  “May I cut in?” he asked.
“That means you want to dance with mom too, right?”
“Sure does.”
Wil stopped, but his brows came together as he let Scully’s hand go.  “If some guy asks if he can cut in and you don’t want him to, what do you say?”
“Depends on how good your aim is,” Mulder answered.
“Mulder!” Scully scolded, smacking him on the arm as he wrapped them around her waist.  She turned to Will even as she swayed in Mulder’s arms.  “The best thing to do would be to ask your partner if she minds.  Leave it up to her.”
“What if she says okay?”
“Cut back in on the next one,” Mulder said.  “Pray that the other guy has two left feet.”
“I’m gonna go practice.”  Will put his arms up and danced his way out of the room.
“Lexi?” Scully asked when Will was out of earshot.  “He asked her?  She said yes?”
“Seems so.”
“Something wrong?”
“Well, you know, I don’t want it to ruin their friendship.”
Mulder groaned.  “Where have I heard that argument before?”
“It’s important to think about.”
“It’s a school dance.  Besides, you know, Mulder men like the slow burn.  We only make moves every seven years.”
Scully tipped her head back and her brows lifted.  “Are you insinuating that you made the first move?”
“You were just picking up on all the signals I was sending.”
“How are you feeling?”
Scully moved a hand down to her abdomen and splayed her fingers over the small bump low on her belly that had only recently begun to show.  “Not as queasy as I was this morning.  The crackers helped.”
“Mm.”  Mulder put his hand over Scully’s and leaned down to rest his forehead against hers.
“I think we should tell Will after the next appointment.”
“That’s the ultrasound?”
“Don’t wait until this one’s ready for his or her first school dance to do this again, okay?”
“What do you mean?”
“It’s been awhile since we’ve done this.”
Mulder curled his fingers through Scully’s and brought her hand up to kiss the underside of her wrist.  She laid her head against his chest and closed her eyes as they continued to dance.
The End
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