#we have an excel spreadsheet of clients we want to fire and Rude To Me is a unquestioned reason for putting someone on that list
fruitgoat · 2 years
I got to (finally) meet my new Almost Boss Thursday. I think we're going to get on really well. I got bonus points all around when I suggested she stop by the office after lunch. My Boss (might have to switch up names; I'll think about it) had to get to an appointment so Quasi Boss drove me the dozen blocks back to the office. (What? It was aggressively warmish.) Here's part of out conversation:
QB: Again, I probably have a lot of bad habits so let me know when I'm getting annoying. It's- I'm ADHD.
Me: *grinning* So am I.
QB: But I'm medicated!
Me: So am I.
QB: *laughing* Oh god, two of us. Poor Boss.
Me: Well, the clincher would be, when were you diagnosed?
QB: When I was 9.
Me: Cheater. I only figured it out a couple of years ago.
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