#we haven’t spoken since last semester and I’d been thinking about reaching out soon bc she’s such a good connection to have
officialbabayaga · 7 months
Woke up to an email from my Contracts professor who specializes in IP asking if I’ll be a research assistant for her!!!!!
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mymarrishheart · 7 years
Just some progress you prob dont care about lol but here it goes anyway.
Remember how I said I was crushing on a guy from my running club in a totally platonic best friends kinda way? Yeah? Well, good news. Ram ACTUALLY congratulated me last night. “Good job,” he said as I beat my record to the 3rd power. Seriously. I made it to 3 miles last night, and as he was running, zooming right on by as I was slowly making my way…. He said it, which I think was his way of saying he was proud of me. But idk??? I’m just gonna assume for the sake of this imaginary brotp.
You know what else? Jeb and I are well on our way to bonding, as KC pointed out to me last night. We started out completely ignoring each other… But in the last few weeks he’s said hi to me when I didn’t even realize he knew my name but he did, REQUESTED ME as a friend on fb, and liked 2 of my posts. We don’t talk about the time I had a not-so-platonic dream about him. Just don’t get me started. I can’t wait to be able to call him a best friend. He’s soooo amazing and has the most adorable stories and I’m pretty sure our little brothers are the same age…hmmmm….
Katrina!! The first member of the running club that I’d ever spoken to! Surprisingly I was the one to reach out to her (before I ever joined the runners for practice). So because of that fact, we’ve had a bond since the very beginning. But last night when I beat my record, when I beat my lack of faith in my abilities… that kinda shifted things I think. I saw how much she really cared when she was zooming by me and she called back to me chanting things when I didnt think I could keep running or walking back to the gym just passing along the faith she had in me. And telling me I could do it. Last night I posted a status on fb saying how proud I was to be one of them. This morning? She told me how proud she is of me. She told me to keep coming back to practice. She told me I can do it. She told me she legit teared up at my progress.
Ah, and Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn’s amazing! Part of the reason I set my goal for this semester to reach 3 miles is because I wanted to make Kaitlyn so proud of my accomplishments. She’s always coaching me and cheering me on. No matter how badly I do, she considers it an achievement because I haven’t given up on running yet. This girl has been sooo supportive from day 1. She was more excited about my progress last night than I was lol. But I liked it! Her enthusiasm for me is always so refreshing. Honestly I think I actually just have a girl crush on her. That first day I was actually kinda jealous of her. I mean I still kinda am, but more in the “omg you’re so amazing I totally envy you like save some for the rest of us” way rather than that cliche little “I want what you have I hate you so much” kind like no we do not do that here. Now it’s more just admiration I have for my new friend. I love her so much. She’s just so great
Then there’s also Gage! I mean… on my first day of practice we did garage runs and he stayed behind to run with me. Enough said lol. We’ve pretty much been a package deal ever since I think. He wants to take me home with him as soon as he gets a car of his own hah so like we’re planning a road trip apparently
Welp that’s all the progress I can think of for now. Oh wait, but there’s Laila too. She actually spoke to me last night. She got to practice kinda late and so she ran and caught up to the few of us who were running together and she actually said hi to me like ??? I didn’t think she was talking to me but she was. And then when I stopped running bc I needed a break she stopped too even though she was in front of me and she checked on me even though I clearly had a running buddy by my side. She was so nice omg. We’re now fb friends and are liking each other’s posts back and forth.
Hmmm… yeah I think that’s it now lol
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