#we interupt chichi hours but tien loving hours tien shinhan i love you deserve so much better 😭😭😭😭
tenshindon Β· 3 years
I'm rereading dragonball cause this story mixes me up sometimes and god. Tien and Shen really do act like they're the hottest shit in their literal first appearance. And the fact that they did after they heard rumors of the kame students doing well last tournament is just so dramatic. How is tien not more popular his arc is probably the finest example of redemption and learning individuality in this series.
tien during the 22nd is literally my favorite ESPECIALLY in the anime like he’s such an asshole And For What it’s a fucking tournament you big-tittied fuck get help
but no you’re right it’s a real shame that tien isn’t praised more like??? his redemption arc is phenomenal like there’s a clear start and end to it- he’s shown consequences for his actions and he does his best to atone and apologize for them. you even see that the lessons he’s learned as a martial artist- that martial arts is about growing as a person and is not just a tool meant for violence or being better than someone- persists even throughout Z as he strives to be better than goku not to Be Better Than Goku but just to improve himself as a person: goku just happens to be a forever-moving finish line and inspiration. tien’s story really is wonderful and as much as i joke and poke fun at the guy he really is just one of my favorite characters not only for the little things about him but just for his backstory and growth
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