#we know its about the lavacast but cellbit doesn't
When Cellbit gets up, he drags himself to the Order. He means to check on Forever, only to find a tear-stained book on an item frame directly infront of the door.
Nervous he collects it, opening it to find an extended passage in Spanish. Thanks to Roier he recognises a few words, enough to send him running for his husband and asking a translation from him.
Translated, the letter reads:
'My son and my husband are gone.
My children have been gone for some days. My husband was asleep in their room when I went to sleep last night. When I woke up this morning I found his hat, and his clothes, and his backpack, but he was gone. I cannot reach him via communicator. He is not in our house.
I have only one lead - the trapdoor to the lower basement is missing, and in it are two new flowers, and a purple box almost full of poppies. I do not have a camera to take you a photography, I am sorry.
I do not know what this means. Philza bought me here to learn what had happened. I hope this means you can learn what happened to him, too.
I am not clever.
I am not strong.
I am not fast.
I am not brave.
I am a stupid, weak, slow coward.
But my husband has been taken.
What I do have is a backpack, a sword, a fishing rod, five hundred slices of avocado toast, and love for my family.
I go south-east. I will die, many, many times. Do not be afraid when you see my death messages - I am already half skeleton. Death cannot keep me. I will just get back up and carry on until my family comes home.
I do not know if this is the right direction - if you find something, my husband trusted you. Roier is my friend, and he trusts you too. So I am trusting you to find him, if I have chosen the wrong direction.
If I never make it back, do not tell him that I loved him - it would be too cruel.
Cellbit knew the gist before it began, he just did not want it to be true.
Two, three days ago he asked for Philza's help, and now the Federation has taken him. Help freely given, but punished none the less.
Cellbit knows it is his fault.
But how does he even begin on making it right?
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